Ch 449


"Someone is coming from behind?"

At this moment, an old Ji with a faint dark green eyes suddenly turned her head, looked in a certain direction, and shouted in a low voice.

A faint dark green glow rose from her body, as if vitality was circulating.

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback, and then quickly reacted, offering various weapons, standing by, staring at the void behind them.

The old woman's name is Granny Lucui, who is a super master of the green tribe, with the blood of the god of life.

There is a natural feeling for all things in nature.

So in this kind of place, she can even use many plants as eyes, and she can perceive sights that are not perceivable in the rest of the same environment.

Hearing what she said, everyone naturally didn't dare to underestimate them and stared at the rear cautiously.

Brilliant, Divine Armament appeared in the sky one by one, sacrificed by them, showing great power, and can kill it at any time.

Appearing here at this time can only be a cultivator from the upper bound.

"Who, who is hiding his head and showing his face, dare not come out?"

The old man of the Huo Clan was very irritable, with a bright red expression in his eyes, he waved his hand and turned into a sea of ​​fire, and fell towards the void behind him.

"It's so perceptive, I know what I'm waiting for

The next moment, accompanied by a sneer, behind a stone not far away.

A large group of cultivators and creatures appeared, shrouded in splendor, dressed in various clothes, from different forces of the upper realm "Five Four Seven Seven".

The one who spoke was a middle-aged man with a face that didn't look like a human race, with gray horns on his head.

At the same time, he waved his hand forward to kill, offsetting the attack of the old man of the Huo Clan.

"Sure enough, you are from the upper realm. You have come here secretly."

The rest of the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions all stared at the people who suddenly appeared in front of them, with murderous aura and cold faces.

Granny Lu Cui's heart sank, her eyes swept over the cultivator and creatures in front of her.

From the perspective of breath, there are all ethnic groups and all orthodoxy among them.

The few young men and women who walked at the back were obviously much more noble and protected by the strong in front.

Especially one of the beautiful women in a blue dress, with soft hair, a white and flawless face, big and energetic eyes, a graceful figure, and a charming lady.

The other young men looked at her with faint admiration.

"Eight wastes and ten territories, this barren land, will be broken by us sooner or later, so what about here and there?"

The middle-aged man who had just started his hand sneered when he heard the words, and looked around at the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions in front of him, and he looked quite contemptuous.

This is the attitude of the various races on the upper realm towards the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories.

Because whether it is the cultivation environment or the cultivation resources, the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions are far from being compared with the upper realm.

In the eyes of many young sages of the upper realm, the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories are just a remote place that can be breached at any time.

Hearing this, the eyes of the old man of the Huo Clan and Lv Cui's mother-in-law flashed a burst of anger.

The young arrogances behind them were also extremely angry and were so despised by the people of the upper realm.

Young and vigorous, especially when the other party still breaks into their territory so naturally,

On their field, being so arrogant, it really made them angry and hateful.

"Why, did you poke your sore spots?"

The middle-aged man who spoke just now was very contemptuous and said, "Your strong, with Realm, who will be our opponent? Have you forgotten how many people died during the wheel war?"

Hearing this, the people in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories were even more angry, and their faces were green.

This is their scars that are difficult to erase. Now they are mentioned again, how not to be angry.

The older generation can bear it, but the younger generation can't help it.

How to endure being mocked one after another?

"You guys are looking for death!"

Several young men and women shouted angrily and were about to stand up.

But being held by a few elders next to him, don't let them be impulsive.

Although they are crowded and powerful, they are still on the territory of eight wastes and ten territories.

But this group of people from the upper realm are clearly prepared and should not be taken lightly.

"Why? Want to die?"

Seeing this scene, several young men in Upper Realm also stood up and asked lightly.

They have strong energy and blood, and Baohui looms over their bodies, and some people are blinded by black light and can't see their true faces. This is a powerful performance of Cultivation Base.

Since they can come here, it all shows that their Cultivation Base is not simple. In the upper bound, they are also the young supreme of the famous town.


A group of young men and women in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories are all spitting flames and suppressing them.

"Don't be impulsive, after we have figured out their hole cards, we will consider things to do."

"Since it is on our turf, we will definitely not let them show up too much.

An old man's eyes flashed, and he told a few people that he had a plan in his heart.

After all, this piece of emptiness is in the eight wastes and ten realms.

At that time, just in case, they even carried a forbidden device that could seduce a treasure from the outside world.

When the time comes, that treasure will strike a devastating blow, ruining this empty space, and everyone in it will not escape death.

They are not afraid of Death, they just don't know if the people on the upper realm have this courage?

"We are here to find the treasure, not to conflict with them."

"I don't know what Miss Gu planned?"

At this time, on the upper boundary side, a young man shook his head slightly, waved his hand to stop the others, and said so.

He has handsome features, a tall stature, and a faint gleam of stars on his body.

As he spoke, he looked at the woman in the blue dress and smiled slightly, but he looked personable.

The woman in the blue skirt nodded slightly and said, "Then follow Brother Song's words."

The others also nodded when they heard the words, and fell silent, and did not say any more to mock the people on the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories.

The young man who spoke just now obviously has a lot of prestige. His name is Song Yunfei, and he is a young supreme in the sky.

In the upper realm, he was also famous and invincible.

He obviously has a certain sense of admiration for the woman in the blue dress.

This was the opportunity to tell the secrets of Taishangdongtian, and planned to bring people here to find them, in order to make the beautiful lady smile.

Song Yunfei knew that Palace Lord Chu Hao was here with the strong man who was too high in the cave.

So he didn't worry at all, nor was he afraid that after telling the others about it, they would steal the treasure of the heaven.

I just didn't expect to be here and encounter a cultivator from eight wild and ten domains.

After that, the two groups of people separated and did not fight each other. They had their own plans and did not want to fight there.

A group of people in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions rushed to the direction where Lin Wu and the others were. At the same time, they were worried that Song Yunfei and others were doing their work behind them, and they had been watching them vigilantly.

After seeing them heading in the other direction, I felt relieved.

"I feel that these people don't have a plan, they should be busy looking for something, so they deliberately avoided us."

However, Song Yunfei and the others didn't go far, so they stopped on the way.

The woman in the blue dress frowned slightly, as if she was a little suspicious.

Song Yunfei smiled upon hearing the words, "In that case, we might as well chase them and see what they want to do?"

He knew that even if he found the picture above, they would not be able to take it away.

So why don't you look at what the group of people in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions are doing?

When the woman in the blue skirt heard this, she thought about it, and then nodded.

She actually knew that since Song Yun Feiken told her the news of the picture above, she was not afraid that she could take it away.

Therefore, at this time, it is more reliable to find another treasure left here.

"Could it be related to the inheritance of the mysterious strong man who fell here after fighting against the peak powerhouse of Taishang Dongtian?"

The other young supreme, his eyes moved slightly, thinking of something

"Just go and see."

"Could it be possible that they can turn out what other waves to make?"

Song Yunfei waved his hand and seemed quite self-confident.

In front of the beautiful woman, he tried his best to maintain his own image.

You must know that the woman in blue dress in front of you is a direct disciple of the Changsheng Gu family. She is beautiful and has a distinguished status. It is difficult to see her on weekdays.

If he can seize this opportunity and gain his favor and enter the Longevity Gu family, it is the supreme good fortune for him.

What is the identity of Taishang Dongtian disciple?

Nowadays, all the Daoist forces in the upper realm know that the mysterious and powerful of the Changsheng Gu family, with a long history, can be described as unfathomable.

At the same time, not far from here.

The red-colored clouds are shining, intertwined above the sky, like a cloud of blood, with an astonishing meaning of killing.

It is more like an endless golden horse and iron horse, rushing out of it, to evolve between heaven and earth, turning into a vast ancient battlefield.

This is a low valley, and the peaks on both sides are very tall and majestic.

It resembles the ancient mountain of the most ancient sacred mountain, shining brilliantly, all around the fog of various colors.

There is purple glow and golden glow, and the end is mysterious.

If you look at it from a high altitude, this place looks like an inverted Calabash mouth.

There are many Calabash vines hanging on the mountain peaks on both sides, rooting in the gaps and swaying in the wind.

There are a lot of Calabash on it, colorful, palm-sized, and brilliant.

Now this place rushes out of the sky, as if there is something most powerful, reviving here, and wanting to reappear in the world.

This terrifying coercion is as turbulent as a vast sea, rushing like a big wave, with a kind of shocking air.

At this location in Calabash Valley, Lin Wu, Luluo and others were standing here, their expressions very solemn.

Especially the old people looked to the rear with some anxiety, worrying that someone would rush here at this time.

Because of the abnormality here, it is really amazing. It is estimated that it has shaken a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

They also didn't expect that coming here to find the mysterious Calabash that was lost by the Venerable would cause such a big momentum.

"Lin Wu, you go into the valley, we are waiting for you here." 3.7

The goddess Luluo had a solemn expression and said to Lin Wu, knowing that he had caused the vision here.

"Brother Lin Wu, be careful, you are our hope."

The other young men and women were also slightly condensed, although they also longed for things in the valley.

But they also have self-knowledge. Except for Lin Wu, I am afraid that everyone else does not have this qualification and ability.

And what they can do at this time is to procrastinate for him here.

If someone notices the momentum coming for a while, they can block it here and delay time for Lin Wu.

Hearing this, Lin Wu nodded, his face solemnly said, "I know, then you have to be careful."

After that, his figure flashed and rushed directly into the Calabash Valley ahead.

At the same time, the brilliance of yellow-orange-orange appeared in the palm of the hand.

It was a withered and yellowed Calabash leaf, like a yellow jade carved out of it, exuding a misty brilliance, very mysterious.

It was this thing just now, which caused an amazing vision in this place.

This is the Calabash leaf obtained by Lin Wu by chance.

It is said to be the companion leaf of the mysterious Calabash in the hands of Venerable.

Through this piece of Calabash leaf, he can find this position.

Now he is convinced that in the depths of Calabash Valley, he is asleep with the mysterious Calabash that was left here at the time.

Just give him some time, and he can find the mysterious Calabash and take it out of this place. .