Ch 450

After Lin Wu's figure disappeared at the entrance of Calabash Valley, Luluo Goddess and other young Tianjiao Qi Qi also breathed a sigh of relief.

They turned to stare at the distance with a group of old men, offering various Divine Armaments, feeling uneasy.

The momentum here is really amazing.

They are very worried that Gu Changge will perceive the vision here and rush to this place.

In today's void space, everyone except Gu Changge does not need to be afraid.

But Gu Changge's strength is really terrifying, it is invincible at all.

After witnessing it with my own eyes at that time, it can be said that it left a frightening impression in everyone's mind.

"I have passed the news to my uncle, and when they learn, they will rush to come here."

"At that time, we will be safe as soon as there are more people. There is no need to worry about it anymore."

The red-haired Huo Rong opened his mouth, staring into the distance, as if he was explaining to everyone, and he seemed to be calming himself.

He is also a supreme arrogant arrogant in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, although he is not more dazzling than the goddess Luluo, Lin Wu and others, but he should not be underestimated.

Moreover, the ethnic group behind him is the huge and ancient Huo ethnic group with a long heritage.

He is even the most pure young talent in this generation of Vulcan bloodline, with a strong talent.

When the others heard the words, they felt a little restful in their hearts.

The uncle of Huo Rong is said to be carrying a heavy treasure of the Huo Clan, which can arouse power from outside the territory at critical times.

If he were here too, it would really give a lot of peace of mind.

"The mysterious Calabash of Linghu Venerable, we must get it, it belongs to our side."

"During this war, the treasure on our side is obviously less than that of the other world. If this thing were to be confronted again, our situation would probably be even worse.

The goddess Luluo was also talking.

She has beautiful features, a tall figure, beautiful hair, and her eyes are dark green.

At this moment, it seemed very calm and atmospheric, like a female general about to be invited to the battlefield.

The other young Tianjiao faintly led her when Lin Wu was away.

I have to say that she and Lin Wu are indeed very good friends, but the situation in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions is very bad now, and it is not the time to talk about the love of their children.

Therefore, Lin Wu and Luluo are very restrained.

"I hope Lin Wu can get that thing. Even if we die here, 24 will be worth it."

The elders' eyes were already dead, and their eyes were awe-inspiring.

Even if they were here, they planned to delay the time so that Lin Wu could obtain the treasure.

Everyone nodded heavily when they heard this. Although this was the worst plan, they had to be prepared.

"It turned out to be here."

However, at this moment, a faint fluctuation suddenly came from the void.

Accompanied by a dull young man's voice.

The eyes of the goddess Luluo and others suddenly widened, and their hearts shook.

I saw that the space in front of them was suddenly torn open, and the terrifying chaotic air permeated from it.


Three huge black dragons appeared, carrying a huge pressure, sweeping the sky and the ground, and the six pairs of eyes flashed with cold and bloodthirsty.

On its head stood a young figure, who didn't seem to care about the people in front of him, but looked at the Calabash Valley behind him.

The misty red light soars into the sky, as if there are thousands of murderous auras intertwined there, which can evolve into a variety of peerless Divine Armament.

Vaguely you can even hear the sound of weapons striking, shaking the world, and the whole world trembles.

This is a kind of terrifying power. Although it has not fully awakened yet, it is already shocking enough.

Gu Changge narrowed his eyes, but the expression on his face remained calm.

"you "

And at the moment Gu Changge appeared, Luluo Goddess and the others, their faces changed drastically, and they appeared frightened, almost trembling all over, even their souls seemed to be frozen.

This is a sense of fear beyond their control. I can't help but tremble and cannot be restrained.

They really didn't expect that, they prayed in their hearts not to let Gu Changge find this place.

As a result, he suddenly appeared, tearing through the space, and coming without any fluctuations.

Even the elders at the deepest Cultivation Base gritted their teeth and trembled like chaff.

Let alone a group of young men and women, standing in front of Gu Changge is already the greatest degree they can contend.

Cultivation Base has reached a certain level, even if you don't do anything, just standing there, every inch of skin can collapse and collapse the void, and it is difficult to bear its horrible fluctuations.

Obviously in their eyes, Gu Changge has reached this point.

Every inch of skin is filled with radiance, chaos lingering, and the flesh is incredibly powerful.

"Gu Gu Changge"

At this time, the goddess Luluo endured the fear in her heart and forced herself to calm down and try to speak to Gu Changge.

She intends to procrastinate for time.

On the one hand, waiting for Lin Wu to obtain the mysterious Calabash, on the other hand, waiting for their help.

"Do you know my name?"

When Gu Changge heard this, he withdrew his gaze from the valley.

Falling on Luluo's body, her eyes were calm and deep without waves.

Luluo's complexion turned pale, feeling the other person's eyes calm as an invisible deep sea.

This is not a bird's-eye view, but a pure ignorance and carelessness.

It's like seeing a grain of dust, a stone by your feet, it's just that simple.

The rest of the young Tianjiao didn't have the courage to look at Gu Changge at this moment, feeling that the gaze was more terrifying than any magical power, and it would break their spirits.

Luluo resisted the fear in her heart and kept calm and said, "At that time, I heard that person called your name that way.

Before Chu Hao was killed by Gu Changge, he called out this name.

So she remembered.

After all, she is the leader of the upper realm, so she naturally has to pay attention.

"Oh, are you planning to delay time?"

Gu Changge saw through her plan at a glance, and asked calmly.

Luluo's face was even more pale, and her back was terrified. She couldn't help but take a few steps towards the retreated, feeling a terrifying suffocation over her.

The faces of several old men changed drastically and stood in front of her, trying to resist the terrifying pressure on Gu Changge.

"What is the name of the person entering?"

Gu Changge asked lightly.

Luluo bit her scalp and replied, "His name is Lin Wu."

"Lin Wu…"

Gu Changge nodded, but did not continue to speak.

He also didn't leave for Calabash Valley, but just waited on the spot.

Because it is not necessary.

It seems that this son of luck should have a good chance to help him bring out the treasure.

Seeing this scene, a crowd of cultivators from eight wastes and ten domains couldn't understand Gu Changge's mind. They were also very scared in their hearts and did not dare to say anything.

Only Luluo was shocked, and probably guessed the purpose of Gu Changge.

He was planning to wait for Lin Wu to come out and snatch the treasure directly from Lin Wu.

Her complexion changed slightly, but she felt relieved.

When Ling Gourd Venerable got the mysterious Calabash, it is said that many people tried to snatch it, but they all failed in the end.

Because after the mysterious Calabash recognized the master, it was difficult for the rest of the people to mobilize, even if they got it, there was nothing to do.

As its owner, no matter how far away you are, you can take it back.

Although Gu Changge's strength is terrifying, when the mysterious Calabash is fully recovered, which one is strong and weak is still unknown.

He wanted to snatch it from Lin Wu, I am afraid it is not easy.

"What's your name?"

When Luluo's thoughts passed by, Gu Changge suddenly spoke and looked at her.

Luluo's heart shook again, but she dared not hide it, and replied, "Luluo."


Gu Changge smiled faintly when he heard the words, and then suddenly shot his hand and leaned toward her with a palm. The wind and thunder of the virtual space were intertwined, and the rune flickered, as if it turned into a giant hand, easily covering the sky.

"Lv Luo Goddess"

Seeing this scene, several old men's complexion changed drastically, and they were startled and angry, trying to save Luluo, offering various Magical Items to contend with this palm.


But with the rumbling sound, horrible fluctuations poured from the sky to the earth.

Under this palm, everything is covered, vast and boundless, and everyone's Magical Item collapses and explodes, turning into splendid sky fragments.

They even vomited blood together, and their bodies were torn apart, almost lost because of the aftermath.

Everyone looked terrified and felt the invincible despair.

Luluo's complexion was also pale.

But she knew she couldn't resist, let alone escape, she could only close her eyes in desperation like her fate, and waited for death in place.


But at this moment, the horizon in the distance.

Suddenly there was a roar, and several powerful figures rushed over.

The one who made the sound was an old lady holding a green snake stick, and with a single wave, there was a gorgeous dazzling green glow, which turned into a phantom of an ancient god tree, and slammed to that palm, trying to save Lulu.

It is the people from the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories who have come to assist.

Seeing this, the rest of the strong also shot one after another, playing with all kinds of fascination.

The splendid magical powers are intertwined between heaven and earth, turning into dense chains of rules.

However, before they approached, a black spear suddenly swept across the virtual space.

Accompanied by the surging black light, it was like a wave sweeping the world, making all of them look different and hurriedly countered.


There was an aura suddenly exploded here, as if stars exploded.

Their attacks were also swept by this black spear, and they all turned into childish fans and exploded.

Everyone backed in amazement, looking at the figure of Ming Tie's battle clothes that suddenly appeared, a little bit horrified.

"I won't kill you now."

"Why do you have to be so scared?"

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, his tone seemed strange.

He grabbed it against Luluo who was standing there waiting to die, and directly sealed the spirit sea, set up Restrictions, and then threw it at his feet.

Luluo fell to the ground, despair still remained on her face, she didn't expect that she was not dead.

But seeing that I was blocked by the Cultivation Base and thrown at Gu Changge's feet, I couldn't help but feel fear.

After all, no matter how calm and calm she is, she is only a woman in her twenties.

What happened today really made her feel terrified, and she really walked before the ghost gate.

It is difficult to really calm down.

"Let go Miss, who are you on earth?"

Seeing this scene, the Lv Cui mother-in-law who killed here was gloomy and gloomy, and the green snake stick was filled with a rich green glow, ready to take action at any time.

Gu Changge's strength is so strong that she can't figure it out.

But it does not mean that she would look at her Miss so humiliated.

The rest of the powerful men who rushed over also looked at Ah Da with fear, feeling that his aura was very terrifying, even the Supreme was not his opponent.

Such a strong person actually got in here, making them very uneasy.

"Mother-in-law, don't care about me, you are not his opponents."

Luluo strongly endured her fear and couldn't help but yelled, worried that Gu Changge would suddenly kill Granny Lu Cui.


Granny Lu Cui's heart was shaken and her eyes widened. Obviously, she didn't expect Lu Cui to say that.

I froze there for a while, and didn't know what happened.

The young man was clearly standing in front of them, but he seemed to be a distant universe from them all, vaguely and vaguely.

"If you don't want all of them to die here, then you can obediently listen to me."

"547 Maybe I will let you go."

Gu Changge didn't care about the people in the Eight Desolates and Ten Territories who came here, and said lightly to Luluo.

In his eyes, in addition to son of luck Lin Wu, and the mysterious Calabash similar to Flying Daggers are more important.

The lives and deaths of the rest of the people do not need to be concerned, which is just a matter of slapped to death.


Fear emerged in Luluo's heart, and she dared not refuse.

"He is the person who manifested the Dharma body in front of the boundary monument sea that day."

"How can it be

At this moment, behind Granny Lu Cui, someone couldn't help but exclaimed, her eyes widened, and she recognized Gu Changge with a shocked expression. He never expected to see Gu Changge here.

Although it was just a law body separated by countless distances, the breath did not change.

"It's him?"

"Why is he here?"

Mother-in-law Lu Cui and the others couldn't help but shake their hearts and set off a storm.

They naturally knew that, and it could be said that the morale blow to the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions was very serious.

Understand that it was done by the leader on the upper side.

But now this person actually appeared in this world, and appeared here?

For a while, they couldn't help but feel fright, and they didn't dare to make another move like just now.

"It looks like this is coming out.

"The speed is quite fast, but it didn't disappoint me."

Gu Changge turned a blind eye to the horrified expressions of the crowd, but stared at Calabash Valley with interest, and then smiled a little.

He felt that the vastness of it was steadily dissipating.

The killing aura that permeated the space before, now it is constantly gathering, as if it could break through the clouds at any time.


The next moment, a burst of killing air came, like a peerless fairy sword out of its sheath, which can cut down countless sun, moon and stars.

The Calabash Valley burst open, soot sooted, and the peaks on both sides collapsed with a rumbling.

Then a yellow Calabash, filled with sunlight and intertwined with chaos, rushed out of it.

Sword Qi swallowed, clanging, terrifying, with a sword body manifesting, circling around Calabash's mouth continuously, entwined with a terrible red glow.

That was the bloody halo caused by too much killing, which had condensed into a red glow.

Soon, the Sword Qi flew back to Calabash, the light converged and became unpretentious.

Finally, he fell from a high altitude and fell into the hands of a young man below.

"Get it!"

Lin Wu got this mysterious Calabash, and his face couldn't help showing a bit of joy and excitement.

Although this process was a bit difficult and almost failed on the way, he finally managed to make it manifest.

"Huangtian pays off, I succeeded.

At this time, Lin Wu didn't know what was happening outside. After receiving this yellow Calabash, he didn't dare to stay, turned into a phantom, and quickly rushed out of the Calabash Valley. .