Ch 451

Outside the valley, Luluo and others in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions naturally felt the shocking movement in the Calabash Valley.

The rocks rolled down, the mountains collapsed and turned into a terrifying rift valley.

Judging from the momentum just now, I am afraid that Lin Wu has already obtained the mysterious Calabash of Ling Gourd Venerable.

Otherwise, the meaning of killing and killing that shrouded here will not easily dissipate.

But it is precisely because of this that it makes them look very unnatural and even a little nervous.

After all, Gu Changge didn't kill them, so he thought that he must have kept them for another plan.

I am afraid that he would use this to threaten Lin Wu and surrender the mysterious Calabash.

In addition, they really could not think of any purpose for Gu Changge to leave them behind.

At this moment, not only Luluo thought of this, the others also thought of it, and their complexion was very pale.

Mother-in-law Lu Cui, who waited for the peak powerhouse, also looked solemn and frowned.

They are not Gu Changge's opponents, even if they work together, it will be difficult to escape in the end.

Unless the last and only way is to induce the power of Star from outside the domain to come and destroy this empty space.

At the same time, Gu Changge is buried here.

But from the bottom of my heart, no one wants to die here.

Before the final critical moment, who is willing to sacrifice for no reason?

But will Lin Wu be willing to make people like the mysterious Calabash and cupped hands that I have worked so hard to get?

"You said that the person named Lin Wu, would you like to use that Calabash in exchange for the lives of all of you?"

Gu Changge looked towards the valley that had gradually collapsed, and seemed to ask with some interest.

Everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions was shivering. Judging from these words, Gu Changge had actually admitted his intentions.

They couldn't help but waver in their hearts.

In exchange for their lives for that Calabash, is Lin Wu willing? Is it worth it?

Although Luluo and others knew Lin Wu well and understood his character, they would not ignore their lives or death.

But in this kind of situation where justice is of the essence, it is very likely that Lin Wu cannot be helped.

You know, Calabash is not just something that belongs to Lin Wu and him alone.

It belongs to the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories. If it falls into the hands of Gu Changge, then Lin Wu is a sinner in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories.

And they are the same.

Perhaps in the eyes of many cultivators, their lives are actually not as important as Calabash.

"Zhanxian Calabash is the treasure of my eight wilderness and ten realms, you can't even snatch it.

"Just dream, I'd rather die than surrender."

At this moment, many older generations of strong men reacted to Gu Changge's sinister intentions, and couldn't help screaming, as if he would rather die than surrender.

Gu Changge said this, obviously wanting them to make an internal disturbance, so he started to order.

People's hearts are in chaos first, and they will fight Gu Changge with what they will do when the time comes.

"Oh, is it so?"

"If that's the case, then you go to die."

Gu Changge glanced at them and patted them directly with a palm.

Rune rolled back, and the huge fluctuations swept across, making the faces of the few people who just spoke changed drastically and wanted to contend, but the magical powers that had just been activated collapsed almost instantly.

Afterwards, in regret and despair, they collapsed and exploded one after another.

They didn't expect Gu Changge to shoot so fiercely.

They were just talking about this just now, and they were not very hard-hearted if they wanted to maintain their face in front of everyone.

But Gu Changge didn't even care, and shot them all to death.

Luluo and others turned pale when they saw this scene.

Gu Changge smiled disapprovingly, "Here, do you think you can get out alive?

"Zhanxian Calabash will fall into my hands sooner or later, what is the point of your resistance?"

Hearing this, everyone's complexion was even more pale, and their hearts were terrified, frightened and angry.

The faces of many younger generations are even more desperate.

If they fight with their peers and die on the battlefield, they will have no complaints.

But the gap between them and Gu Changge was too big, and such a humiliating death made them unwilling.

But all of them have overlooked one thing at this time.

In terms of age, they are actually about the same as Gu Changge.


At this moment, above the sky in the distance, there were sudden waves of fluctuations.

It was a rainbow of gods, galloping across the sky and falling towards this place.

Leading them are a few very deep old men from Cultivation Base, surging with energy and blood, more terrifying than young people.

Their faces are very old, with human races and alien races, all of them come from various traditions in the upper realm.

"That is 々[.."

"Young Master Changge, why is he here?"

The moment this group of people arrived here, they recognized Gu Changge at first sight, and the heads of the elderly were shocked, and they couldn't believe it.

The young men and women behind him were even more surprised.

They did not expect to see Gu Changge himself here, hundreds of millions of miles away.

In the eyes of many younger generations, Gu Changge's existence is almost the same as faith worship.

"I've seen Young Master Changge."

At the moment they didn't care about what happened here, and they all met Gu Changge.

Song Yunfei in the crowd was also extremely shocked.

Regarding Gu Changge, they had only heard of it in the rumors, but had never actually seen it.

He even heard before that Chu Hao, their palace lord, had a feast with Gu Changge and suffered a big loss in his hands.

Later, after returning to Taishang Cave, Palace Lord Chu Hao began to practice Closed Door Training, which made him a breakthrough in the Supreme Realm.

It's just that he can't understand. According to the rumors, Gu Changge didn't disappear without a trace after the battle with the Red Devil.

How could he appear in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, and still in this void of space?


The woman in the blue dress next to him couldn't help blinking her eyes, but her beautiful eyes revealed a thick surprise, she couldn't help but step forward.

Hearing this, Gu Changge turned his head in a little surprise.

He glanced up and down, some impressions.

"Sister Yingshuang.

The woman in the blue skirt is the granddaughter of the three elders of the Changsheng Gu family, speaking of knowing Gu Changge, both are direct disciples of the same family.

Although she is slightly older than Gu Changge.

Gu Yingshuang pursed her mouth, her eyes curled, and asked, "Why are you here?"

When she saw Gu Changge, her pretty face couldn't help but blush.

In my mind, I couldn't help but think of the last time Gu Changge came back from the lower realm and had not yet become the young master.

At that time, he was rebellious, strong and indifferent. One person challenged all the geniuses of the same race, and everyone went together, and the result was not his opponent.

She was still stepped on her face by Gu Changge. He didn't move her foot even though her eyes were dripping with tears.

Gu Changge's indifference and strongness have been deeply rooted in her heart.

She was relatively young at the time and was still aggrieved by this matter, but as she grew older, she gradually began to look away.

Moreover, Gu Changge's strength has grown to the point where they can't see their backs. I am afraid that it will not be long before they will succeed the longevity Gu Family Patriarch.

She didn't care about this kind of petty mess either.

And she guessed that Gu Changge probably didn't remember this kind of thing for a long time.

"I heard that the battle between the Upper Realm and the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions is fierce, so come here to have a look.

Gu Changge smiled casually, but he didn't expect to meet the Gu family disciples here.

Gu Yingshuang walked to him and looked at Luluo and others curiously.

Especially when Lu Luo who was thrown at the feet of Gu Changge, he took a look and said, "Are these all the arrogances of the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions?"

She can feel the strength of these young men and women.

Gu Changge nodded and said, "In terms of strength, it should be considered a arrogant talent."

Song Yunfei and the others were shocked, and they scanned Luluo and others. They hadn't noticed these young talents just now.

And the group of powerful people in the eight wilderness and ten domains that they met before are now appearing here, and they dare not act rashly.

"It seems that it is because of Young Master Changge, they don't dare to move rashly now."

An old man with a skinny and dark body couldn't help but sneered, his eyes swept over Luluo and the others maliciously.

Mother-in-law Lu Cui and others fell silent, and their hearts became heavier.

"I don't know if Young Master Changge has ever seen us who are too Shangdongtian. Before, our palace lord has brought people to this place, to find my great treasure."

"It's just that I haven't seen them yet.

At this moment, Song Yunfei glanced around with some doubts, and couldn't help but ask Gu Changge.

Just now he saw the divine light bursting out here, and thought it was the birth of the most precious treasure from the sky, so he hurriedly rushed over.

It is a pity that Palace Lord Chu Hao and many Elders were not seen here.

This made him wonder.

"Are you a disciple of Taishang Dongtian?"

Gu Changge looked at him and asked nonchalantly.

Song Yunfei didn't dare to look at him, but he nodded, wondering why Gu Changge asked.

"Yes, I wonder if Young Master Changge has seen Palace Master and the others here?" Song Yunfei continued to ask.

"I have seen it." Gu Changge nodded.

A burst of joy appeared on Song Yunfei's face, and he couldn't help asking, "Then Young Master Changge can tell you where they are now.

"They have been killed by me."

Gu Changge said casually, his tone very lightly.


"Young Master Changge, are you kidding me?"

Hearing this, the joy on Song Yunfei's face suddenly froze, a little unbelievable, and he couldn't even believe his own ears.

The palace lord of Taishang Dongtian was killed by Gu Changge?

How is this possible?

Gu Yingshuang and the others also stared in surprise, a little unbelievable.

"~They have been killed by me.

Gu Changge gave Song Yunfei a faint look, and repeated it again, his tone didn't fluctuate much, as if he was talking about a trivial matter that was not related to him.

"Palace Lord Chu Hao of the Supreme Cave has colluded with the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories to plot a wrongdoing and be killed by me.

"Are you dissatisfied?"

"Don't dare.

Song Yunfei's voice trembled, and his body was cold, and he couldn't help but shiver.

I just feel like my head is buzzing and blank.

He couldn't believe it, but he didn't think Gu Changge would lie to him.

In just a long time, the powerhouses including their palace master and several Elders were actually beheaded by Gu Changge here.

If this matter spreads out, I don't know how big a wave will be set off.

Gu Changge said that they colluded with eight wild and ten territories.Who knows whether this charge is true or false?

Why is there no reason to sin?

Luluo and others witnessed Gu Changge's appearance at that time and killed Chu Hao by himself.

When did he collude with the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories?

This remark can be said to be unfounded and unfounded, and it is all about Gu Changge's one-sided words and false accusations.

However, everyone's complexion changed drastically, and there was a moment of silence.

This scene even made them feel chills in their backs, feeling bursts of fear and despair.

How terrible is this to make everyone so afraid?

"What? Clan sister knows this person?"

Gu Changge noticed the slight change in Gu Yingshuang's complexion, and asked casually.

Gu Yingshuang shook her head, pursed her lips, and said, "It's just a toad who wants to climb our Gu family.

Hearing Gu Yingshuang's relentless and frank statement, Song Yunfei's face even paled, with unwillingness and resentment in his eyes.

But he didn't dare to show it, and he was frustrated.

The rest of the young Tianjiao in the upper realm are all separated from him at this moment, very distant.

"you "

At this moment, at Calabash's (Li Li's) Taniguchi, a gray figure suddenly appeared.

It was Lin Wu who went in to fetch the immortal Calabash.

He looked quite embarrassed, and there were still some scars on his body. Obviously, the process was not smooth.

But now he looked at Gu Changge's eyes, full of shock.

Especially when she saw the goddess Luluo who was thrown on the soles of her feet, her face was again with a wave of anger.

New hatred and old hatred, it can be said that instantly emerged in his heart, making his fists clenched.

When he entered Calabash Valley, Gu Changge appeared here and suppressed everyone.

This is the cause and effect that he can see now.

"Lin Wu…"

Luluo, Huo Rong, a group of young Tianjiao from the wild and ten realms, saw Lin Wu come out, their complexion changed slightly, worried that he would be impulsive at this time.

Zhanxian Calabash got it, even if Lin Wu still couldn't fully control his power.

But it is not something that a general cultivator can deal with.

As long as he makes a little use, they are not without a chance to survive.

Lin Wu calmed down quickly and stared at Gu Changge, "You let them go, something is coming to me."

Gu Changge looked at him with interest and said, "You seem to have a deep hatred for me."

"You killed my Big Brother, this hatred is not shared by Tianchao."

As soon as Lin Wu heard about this, his expression became even more icy, hard to hide his hatred, and he was almost authentic.

Gu Changge shook his head and said, "Who is your Big Brother? I never remembered killing such a person. If I accidentally trampled to death, it would be a different matter."

"you "

There was a wave of feeble anger in Lin Wu's heart, but Gu Changge didn't even know who his Big Brother was.

For Gu Changge, this kind of thing is like trampling a small building ant to death. You can't even remember which ant was trampled to death. .