Ch 455

"Gu Changge, you actually hide so deeply."

In the dark and deep dungeon, a panic and anger screamed.

Gu Changge closed his eyes slightly, his face was flat, and his palm patted the center of a supreme eyebrow in Foshan.

Streaks of black air permeate down slowly and regularly, like flowers of avenues, taking root and blooming in it.

Soon he penetrated his skin, flesh and blood, lungs, bones, and penetrated into his origin.

A burst of blazing and dazzling divine light burst out, like the last gorgeous firework, and then gradually returned to death.

"This attrition is finally getting better."

Gu Changge opened his eyes slowly, shaking with Magic power.

The corpse that was already dry in front of him exploded and turned into a man's powder with a bang, disappearing in smoke.

He turned his head and looked at Luluo, who was detained on the other side, with a frightened, unbearable face and a pale face, and he made a strange cry.

"So you woke up."

Luluo turned pale and couldn't help trembling. He didn't expect to see such a scene the first time she woke up.

This really frightened her and felt deeply disturbed.

On the day she was detained in the dungeon, she passed out because of exhaustion.

So what happened during this period, she didn't even know.

But just now, a Supreme Realm existed and was killed by Gu Changge in front of her.

The origin of the whole body was swallowed up, turned into a child's powder and disappeared.

This reminded her of an ancient and terrifying rumor.


"I did not see anything.

Her face was pale, her voice trembled, and she did not dare to look directly at Gu Changge's gaze.

Gu Changge smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you see it."

"Count the time, your sweetheart, it's almost time to save you."

Luluo was shocked, and she didn't expect that she had been in a coma for so long.

But will Lin Wu really take great risks and come here to rescue her in Longtan Tiger Cave?

Even if he was willing, the people behind him would not agree.

And how could he take her away from here unless Gu Changge is willing to let her go.

But how could Gu Changge be willing?

Despair appeared in Luluo's eyes.

24 "I heard that in the Tianlu City in the Eight Desolations and Ten Territories, the core of the magic circle of the ancient Tianlu City Lords is sealed, and it is the largest barrier of the Tianlu City enchantment."

"As long as he is willing to open the core of the circle for me, I can let you go or let him go."

"The family behind you can even be brought to the upper realm, becoming a subsidiary force of my longevity Gu family, and being protected by my family."

"Instead of staying in the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories, and sooner or later, the clan will be attacked and destroyed, why not surrender to our clan and enjoy Immortal forever?

Gu Changge walked towards her unhurriedly, with a faint smile on her face, but Luluo's tremor became more serious.

She was pale, fearful in her heart, and buzzing in her head.

She didn't even dare to think about these words.

The core of the magic circle in Tianlu City is the biggest barrier to guard Tianlu City and even the eight wilderness and ten regions behind it.

How can this be turned on?

Such behavior is tantamount to betraying the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, which will cause the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories to fall, be breached by the Upper Realm, and be overwhelmed by the creatures.

As long as she dares to do this, she will definitely become a sinner who cannot be redeemed.

Even if the ethnic group behind them is taken to the upper realm at that time, this matter will become a shame that can't be erased by eternal life.

What's more, in their capacity, it is impossible to reach the core of formation.

"You, kill me

"I will not betray the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, nor will I betray our realm."

Luluo gritted her teeth and forced herself to calm down and would not compromise.

"Think about it carefully. This is the last chance I will give you.

"If you don't tell Lin Wu to die, I advise you to think about it."

Gu Changge is not surprised that she would say so.

He just smiled, then turned and left the dungeon.

With the bang of the door of the mysterious iron prison, the dark and deep, icy and humid place was restored.

Luluo couldn't help shivering, and the words Gu Changge had just said echoed in her mind, and her face was suddenly full of despair.

After leaving the dungeon, Gu Changge went straight to the main hall, intending to discuss the crusade against the eight wastes and ten territories.

He didn't intend to control Luluo with the magic bottle.

Because she is not afraid of life and death, even if she is in control of her life, she will not necessarily follow her instructions.

And Lin Wu's existence can be used as a suitable entry point, allowing Luluo to be controlled by him.

After a while, she will figure out that there is no room for rejection in this matter.

In the main hall, all the high-level members of the Changsheng Gu family who came to Boundary Tablet Sea this time, are in control of the clan, and their own strength cannot be underestimated.

"Changge, you came just right. After the unsuccessful attack some time ago, the army of the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions evacuated violently."

"Nowadays, there are no more creatures in the Eight Desolations and Ten Territories near the Boundary Tablet Sea."

"You said we chose to station here and wait for the army to come, or pursue victory and kill all the way?"

Seeing Gu Changge's arrival, several high-level executives' eyes brightened, and they couldn't help asking.

Now Gu Changge's power in the upper realm has reached the point of being equal to many Immortal archbishops.

So they are actually headed by Gu Changge faintly now.

At this time, it is natural to listen to his opinions.

"I think it's better to put it down for the time being about the eight deserts and ten regions. Now that the army has not arrived, the eight deserts and ten regions have retreated to Tianlu City. The boundary of the sky and the nine mountains are difficult to gnaw. Since ancient times, they have been damaged here. There are not a few strong people."

"Killing at this moment is just doing unnecessary casualties."

Gu Changge shook his head slightly and said, planning to let the Gu family stay here first.

Before the Sea of ​​Boundary Tablets completely dried up, it was all in vain to attack and kill.

Apart from other things, in terms of general routines, the first attack is rarely successful.

This retreat from eight deserts and ten territories is not a strategy to lure the enemy deeper.

And compared to the upper realm, the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories are obviously more united, and there is a bonus of Qi luck.

Therefore, he does not intend to let the Gu family be killed now. With this time, it is better to occupy this place, and then slowly to Tuzhi.

"Then follow Changge's words, let the rest of the Taoism test it first."

"Anyway, in a short period of time, it is indeed impossible to break the defense of Tianlu City.

Several senior executives nodded when they heard the words, glanced at each other, and agreed.

"By the way, Changge, what can you do about the enchantment in Tianlu City this time?"

At this time, a senior's eyes flashed and couldn't help asking.

Because I knew that Gu Changge had captured a woman from the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories.

After thinking about it, they finally thought of such a possibility.

"As far as many ethnic groups in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories are concerned, the upper realm is not the best object of attachment. When the time is right, many ethnic groups will inevitably fall here."

"So there is no need to worry about the barrier of Tianlu City. That is not something we need to worry about."

Gu Changge just smiled and didn't explain too much.

"You mean, the ethnic group behind that woman is the key?"

Hearing this, the eyes of several senior executives flashed and their hearts were shaken, and they were a little thoughtful.

Then he admired Gu Changge even more in his heart. In a short period of time, he had thought of it for so long.

The enchantment of Tianlu City has always caused headaches for all Taoist forces.

Judging from the current situation, Gu Changge has already thought of how to break through that barrier.

"With Changge, why don't I worry about Immortal?

They glanced at each other, and such thoughts came to mind in unison.

At the same time, eight deserts and ten territories, in Tianlu City.

This is a magnificent ancient god city, majestic, majestic and vicissitudes of life.

It seems that there are countless stars refined, and there are huge stars floating in the sky, the brilliance is intertwined, the stars are brilliant, and they are extremely dazzling.

In the distance, you can see the vast Chaos Qi surging, transforming into a terrifying array, surrounding the entire Tianlu City.

The Milky Way fell down, filled with misty silver light, and the wine fell everywhere. From a distance, there was a kind of holiness and transcendence.

As the largest barrier on the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories, Tianlu City has stood for countless years and has never collapsed.

Even when the enlightened people from the upper realm came knocking, they burst out with endless divine power and resisted them outside the city.

In the eyes of countless cultivators and creatures in the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories, Tianlu City is the patron saint protecting them.

Of course, the many warriors and creatures guarding Tianlu City were also unbreakable, and they rushed forward one after another.

In addition to Tianlu City, there are two other barriers in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

One is the nine mountains. Legend has it that they were nine fairy mountains that split from a certain place in the oldest period. They are extremely mysterious, and their traces are elusive and hard to find.

The Jiuda Mountain has the supreme status in the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories.

At the same time, it is the most mysterious and unpredictable, and the place where it is located is not static.

Rather, it wanders all over the eight wastes and ten regions. A cultivator once strayed into it, but was given a fairy law to become a generation of peak powerhouses, establish power sects, and spread its branches and leaves.

Over time, the nine great mountains have become a symbol of immortals in the eyes of the cultivators of the eight wilderness and ten domains.

When encountering the invasion of the upper realm, Jiudashan will emerge.

Either send immortal guards, or someone will come out to fight this catastrophe.

In this era, although the Jiuda Mountain has not yet emerged, it is in the eyes of many creatures in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

In the most critical moment, the descendants of Jiudashan will come back to the world.

Except for Tianlu City and Jiuda Mountain, the last barrier is Jiekongyuan.

It was a strange place formed by the turbulent flow of space, collision of rules, and interweaving of avenues between the two places after the separation of the eight wastes and ten territories and the upper realm.

And this strange land is just outside Tianlu City.

If you want to pass through this strange land, you will inevitably encounter an attack in Tianlu City at the same time, which is extremely dangerous.

Without a specific route, it is impossible to pass through the boundary space, and you will eventually get lost there.

Even an enlightened person needs to be cautious and dare not get involved easily.

And in Tianlu City, on the street at this moment, a man with a sad expression was walking on a trek.

The city is extremely open, the streets are boundless, and there are even Stars that once fell down, densely covered with traces of swords, guns, swords and halberds.

But now it seems to be very quiet, with little activity.

Because of the war, the city of Tianlu nowadays is full of soldiers.

"The half-month period has come, will that guy embarrass Luluo and kill her?"

"What should I do to rescue Luluo?"

The man walking on the street was exactly Lin Wu who returned to Tianlu City.

But his face is very ugly now, full of sorrow, and he doesn't have the confidence and calmness of the past.

Thinking of Luluo's affairs, he couldn't help clenching his fists, hating his own weakness and weakness.

Not only did she lose Calabash, but it also caused Luluo to be taken away by Gu Changge.

He wanted to rescue Luluo by the sea of ​​Boundary Tablets alone.

But in Jiekongyuan outside Tianlu City, if there is no one to lead the way, he can't walk through it alone.

In addition, even if he could walk to the shore of the Boundary Tablet Sea, he would not have the strength to save Luluo.

Even if he can be saved, can he escape?

This is an unsolvable game.

Even the family behind Luluo gave up Luluo's life and death, and did not want to take care of it.

Lin Wu hated own in his heart, weak and powerless, even his sweetheart could not be saved.

At the same time, I hate Gu Changge's shamelessness and lack of credit.

He said that he would let everyone go, but he turned back and didn't let Luluo go.

"Damn it"

Lin Wu walked along the streets at his destination, but he couldn't think of any way to save Luluo.

It's not that he doesn't want to save, but 550 is really no way.

Even the family behind him is persuading him to give up this idea. Of course, if he insists on going, the family will still send the strong to join him.

After all, Lin Wu is the most outstanding talent of the Lin family.

At this moment, the street suddenly fell silent, and an inexplicable atmosphere enveloped here.

This piece of heaven and earth seemed to be separated suddenly, extremely deep and quiet.

Lin Wu noticed this anomaly and couldn't help frowning, raising his head to look forward.

"You are?

He couldn't help asking aloud, looking at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him with some surprise.

This woman was dressed in white, clear and dusty, standing quietly, with a divine light between her eyebrows and her eyes, as if she did not exist in this world.

"Lin Wu? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The woman in white smiled, giving a gentle and natural feeling.

She is very slender, taller than ordinary women, and extremely beautiful, like a buddha lotus, with a brilliant glow. Walking in this world, she seems to be comprehending the world.

There is a kind of holiness and transcendence that people can't ignore.

"Who are you?"

Although Lin Wu knew that the other party was not malicious, he was still a little wary and continued to ask.

Because he perceives the opponent's Cultivation Base, which is unfathomable, not what he can currently fight against.

"I'm Tianlu Xuannv.

The woman in white smiled, her voice was magnetic and touching.

Her beauty Transcendent is refined, as if not from this world, but from the legendary fairy world.

"Tianlu Profound Girl?"

Lin Wu's heart was shocked, his eyes widened, "Are you the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl in this life?"

He knows that behind Tianlu City, there has always been a Tianlu Profound Girl who is responsible for protecting Tianlu City and maintaining the operation of Tianlu City.

But this Tianlu mysterious girl is very mysterious and no one has seen her trace.

He didn't know who the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl in front of him was, whether it was the former Sky Deer Profound Girl or the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl of this life.

Because it is said that every life will choose a suitable woman to serve as this identity, and it is complicated to protect Tianlu City.

And there was once an era when the army of the upper realm was killed.

A fierce and mighty archaic race, a strong enlightened person knocked the pass, swept invincible, and spleen the world.

However, the Tianlu Profound Girl who was discharged from the customs was beheaded in front of Tianlu City, which caused a sensation at the time, and the rumors have been circulating to this day.

"Which generation of Tianlu Profound Girl I am, does this matter?"

"The important thing is that I can help you rescue your sweetheart."

The woman in white still smiled when she heard the words and did not answer.

Lin Wu's heart shook again, and he even couldn't believe his own ears.

He was a little excited, but he calmed down and said, "Are you really willing to help me rescue Luluo?"

Seeing that Lin Wu didn't yell, but quickly calmed down, this temperament made the white-clothed woman's eyes flashed with appreciation.

"I'm naturally willing to help you." She replied with a smile. .