Ch 456

Tianlu Xuannv is very moving and beautiful, tall and graceful, just like a standing Buddha lotus.

The eyebrows are exquisitely exquisite, and the body is full of divine light, releasing a kind of brilliant and brilliant glow, which makes it hard to ignore its existence.

But on this street, except for Lin Wu, everyone seemed to ignore her.

Around her body, there is a special field, and no one can see her unless it is the person she wants to see.

This is not only a profound expression of Taoism, but also a deduction of quite mysterious magical powers.

The origin of Tianlu City is quite ancient. It is said that it existed before the separation of the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories and the upper realm.

The trace of the Tianlu Xuannv is even more elusive.

In countless epochs, there are very few creatures and cultivators who have seen his true appearance.

"I want to know why you want to help me."

"Now all the forces in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions feel that Luluo has fallen into the hands of the upper realm and is no longer saved."

"No one will choose to help me at this time."

Lin Wu didn't seem to be pretending to see Tianlu Xuannv's attitude, on the contrary, he was very sincere.

He also gradually let go of his mind and gave a wry smile, but he still had some doubts in his mind.

Tianlu Xuannv smiled slightly, "Let's talk as we walk."

"It has always been our responsibility to guard the safety of Tianlu City, and to guard all the creatures in the eight wilderness and ten territories."

"There is no doubt in fact?"

The street is quiet, wide, and foggy, with traces of war.

In some places, there are still some motionless figures that seem to be sitting cross-legged, but there is no vitality on their bodies.

Tianlu City has been standing in heaven and earth for countless years, resisting the invasion of the upper realm.

"I see.

Lin Wu nodded and followed Tianlu Xuannv silently, his heart suddenly a little heavy.

There were not many pedestrians on the road, and many of them were still familiar to Lin Wu.

But now they saw his expression, they were full of sympathy and intolerance.

Zhanxian Calabash was snatched by the upper realm, it can be said that there is a lot of trouble in Tianlu City.

Many people think that Lin Wu's behavior is too selfish. He saved a small number of people, but more people will be sacrificed in the future.

However, some people knew that Lin Wu couldn't help this matter. Even if he didn't hand over Calabash, it would be of no avail.

Because Gu Changge is so strong, many people guess that his strength has surpassed the Supreme Realm.

With such a huge gap, can Lin Wu have more choices?

And in the end even his sweetheart was taken away.

"He is also a poor man. I just don't know what he would choose to do."

Many people sighed as they watched Lin Wu's figure gradually disappear.

But they did not see the Tianlu Xuannv walking in front of Lin Wu.

Soon, Lin Wu and Tianlu Xuannv came to a pavilion, which was a well-known ancient building in Tianlu City.

There are Lingquan's tears beside it, water vapor evaporates, fairy mist xenon chlorine, and Caixia flowing nearby.

A young woman has been waiting here long ago.

She also wore a white dress, with a delicate and flawless face, and she had a temperament similar to that of the Tianlu Xuannv.

Seeing the arrival of Lin Wu and Tianlu Xuannv, she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something.

But Tianlu Xuannv waved her hand with a smile, indicating that she didn't need to say much.

Lin Wu also had some doubts. The young woman in front of him looked about the same age as him.

But before that, he had never seen this face.

He was very witty and didn't ask much.

"sit down.

After Tianlu Xuannv motioned to him to sit down, she walked to the other side.

At the same time, the bare hand was raised, and the faint brilliance of the wine fell, covering the ancient building to prevent the movement of this place from spreading.

Lin Wu looked at the Tianlu Profound Girl in front of her in doubt, wondering what she had planned and needed to be so cautious.

"Tianlu City is actually not safe. There are many eye lines in the upper realm. In fact, someone has already planted in when we didn't know it."

"So it's better to be cautious."

Seeing that he seemed a little puzzled, Tianlu Xuannv couldn't help smiling and explaining.

Lin Wu's heart was shocked. He didn't expect that Tianlu City, which he thought was the safest, actually had the eyes of the upper bound.

Since this sentence was said by Tianlu Xuannv, it cannot be false.

I am afraid that no one in this world knows Tianlu City better than her.

"I see, what do you need me to do?"

Lin Wu said with a solemn face.

"In three days, I will leave Tianlu City with you and go to Boundary Tablet Sea to save your sweetheart."

"Prior to this, don't divulge my traces, and don't mention it to anyone."

"I need you to promise to do this." Tianlu Xuannv said, looking out of the ancient building, it seemed to fall in the direction of the Boundary Monument Sea.

Lin Wu hesitated, then nodded and promised, "I can do this.

"I believe you."

The goddess Tianlu Xuan is very gentle, and continued, "In that case, come to Tianlu City for foreign exchange in three days. During this time, you can go to helpers you think you can trust."

After that, she waved her bare hand again, Mengmeng Qinghui wine fell, but Lin Wu had already disappeared and appeared outside the ancient building.

Such mysterious and unpredictable methods made his heart startled.

The Heavenly Deer Profound Girl just now seemed quite uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, he felt a little more confident in his heart.

"Luluo, wait for me… I'll come to rescue you right away."

Afterwards, Lin Wu strode away, with excitement and ambition in his heart, rushed to the residence of the Lin family, intending to gather manpower.

At the same time, he sent a message to the then-in-law Lu Cui mother-in-law, asking her to go with him to rescue them Miss.

After Lin Wu's figure disappeared, the Tianlu Profound Girl in the ancient building disappeared with a gentle expression, showing some thoughtfulness.

"Master, do you really want to go to Jiebeihai?

The young woman behind her had doubts and worries on her face, very disturbed.

The Tianlu Profound Girl nodded, an inexplicable Taoist rhyme appeared on her face, and then she sighed, "Going this time, life and death are not yet clear, the road ahead is long, if you can't come back as a teacher, in the safety of Houtian Lucheng, give it to you."

"You don't have to avenge me. If even I can't solve this disaster, it's useless for you to avenge me. So stay in the city and practice cultivation.

Her words seemed very calm and seemed to have known all this a long time ago.

Hearing that, the young woman's face was full of reluctance and sorrow, and she trembled, "Master, are you not even sure?"

She knew that with the character of the respected master, she would not easily speak words like a last word.

This can only show that this trip to the Boundary Monument Sea, even she did not have full confidence.

Tianlu Xuannu smiled faintly, still calm and calm, as if she knew what she was facing.

"I have deduced that Gu Changge ten times for the teacher, and in the end nine times backlash, even once I only caught a glimpse of darkness.

"Master, you know he is so strong, why do you want to go?"

The young woman's lips were white and trembling slightly.

Tianlu Xuannv shook her head and said,

"As the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl, this in itself is our destiny, and you don't have to be too sad.

"Actually, a few years ago, as a teacher, I should have given you the identity of Tianlu Profound Girl."

"But you are still young, Cultivation Base is not at home, and it coincides with the invasion of the upper realm. I am really worried about being a teacher.

"But things have reached the point where they are today, and you can't help me anymore.

"You also need to grow up gradually, shoulder great responsibilities, and shoulder the mission that belongs to your own. The city is there, and the city is dead."

"I see, Master.

Hearing these words, the young woman understood that it was difficult to persuade, her eyes were reddish, her voice choked, and she nodded heavily.

Tianlu Xuannv showed a soft meaning and touched her head.

"Don't be so discouraged, what if you can come back as a teacher?"

Having said that, she also had no bottom in her heart. The enlightened person of the Taikoo family of the Upper Realm knocked on the pass and slammed into the gate of Tianlu City.

She is sure to kill him.

But when faced with a current Tianjiao, she felt an unspeakable powerlessness, without the slightest assurance.

Not to mention the shore of the Boundary Tablet Sea, which is now called the Dragon Lake and Tiger Den, where various Taoist forces are stationed, and there are countless strong ones.

Once her traces are exposed, it will inevitably attract everyone's pursuit.

But this is also in her view, the only chance to solve Gu Changge.

Head-to-head combat is definitely not good, so it can only be unexpected.

And soon three days passed, at the gate of Tianlu City.

In front of a magnificent ancient altar, Lin Wu waited here with many creatures and cultivators.

Every cultivator and creature is shrouded in glory, wearing a battle suit, and a strong breath.

In addition to him, there are also the green people like Granny Lv Cui who escaped together.

However, the strongest Cultivation Base is only in the Supreme Realm, and there are only two.

One is the Lv Cui mother-in-law, and the other is an old monster from the Lin clan, who was sent to protect Lin Wu.

This time the rescue of Luluo was extremely dangerous, and no one wanted to accompany it at first.

Even if the Supreme is going, it can be said that there is no life for ten deaths.

However, considering Lin Wu's identity, the Lin clan sent some people to accompany him.

So at this moment, everyone's faces are silent and tragic, as if the ending has been predicted.

Because according to the agreement, Lin Wu did not mention the existence of Tianlu Xuannv to everyone.

He also knew that the existence of Tianlu Xuannv was like a trump card and could not be easily exposed.

Around the teleportation altar, there are many young creatures and cultivators standing, watching all this with complicated eyes.

Among them is the young Tianjiao who belongs to the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, with extremely powerful talents.

Some people can even compare with Lin Wu, shrouded in divine light, with golden flames beating on their shoulders.

Some of them also wanted to rush to the Sea of ​​Boundary Tablets with Lin Wu.

However, they were all persuaded by the ethnic group behind them, and everyone was silent at the moment, seeing off Lin Wu and others.

At this time, a faint wave of fluctuations in the void came, with divine light permeating, the inexplicable spread of the Tao, and the Tianlu Profound Girl appeared.

But apart from Lin Wu, no one else noticed her.

She is still in a dust-free white robe, ethereal and ethereal, her whole body shining brightly, accompanied by delicate fragrance, just like a fairy body.

Tianlu Xuannv smiled slightly at Lin Wu, she was clearly standing here, but no one could see her.

This method gave Lin Wu a little more grasp in his heart.

"Let's go."

Soon, the brilliance of the teleportation altar lit up, and Lin Wu led everyone into it.

A wave of spatial fluctuations permeated, and then everyone seemed to shuttle between Universe tunnels.

Many stars can be seen floating, the Milky Way rolling, rolling up the sky full of silver light.

Above the sky, a bright divine light could be seen, which seemed to tear the Universe, turned it into a channel, and fell to the direction of the distant Boundary Tablet Sea.

On the shore of the Boundary Tablet Sea, on the towering and ancient warship, the chaotic fog needs to flow, the colorful clouds are lingering, and the palaces and pavilions are standing, as if the gods' treasures have fallen here.

The underwhelming army is stationed here, with blood and blood, killing the air.

The terrible Killing intent, turned into a banner, fluttered between heaven and earth.

This is a terrifying force, and the Killing intent that diffuses out makes many ancient realms tremble.

Even the distance of hundreds of millions of miles made the far-away army of the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories afraid to approach.

Although many orthodox forces chose to station here, waiting for more troops to arrive.

But there are also strong men, leading the iron cavalry to rush away, unscrupulous, like a torrent, sweeping everything along the way, no one can stop.

However, in front of the boundless chaotic world Kongyuan, it stopped.

There, even those who are enlightened have to be cautious and dare not be careless, because there is a risk of getting lost in it.

And there are countless storms, turbulence in the void, and ocean of chaos.

As the largest barrier of the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, the dangers in the Jiekongyuan do not need to be discussed.

It takes a lot of time to crack the correct route.

Over the past countless years, changes have taken place in Jie Kongyuan all the time.

Even the cultivator of the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains needs to pay attention to finding the exact route from time to time.

The mighty army stagnated in front of Jiekongyuan, and peak powerhouse began to make deductions, trying to crack the correct route.

And somewhere in Jie Kongyuan, a faint light flashed by.

Several Daoist shadows appeared on an ancient altar, then broke through the space and disappeared again, without causing any movement.

At the same time, in the dark and damp dungeon.

Luluo turned pale, and she shuddered as she watched Gu Changge who opened the prison door and walked in.

"~I gave you three days, can you think about it?"

Gu Changge glanced at her casually, guessing in his heart that when Lin Wu arrived, it should be almost the same.

"Don't think about it, I won't betray our world."

Although Luluo's expression was hard to conceal her fright, she was still very hard and did not give in.

"Really? If that's the case, then you plan to watch Lin Wu who came to rescue you and be buried here?"

Gu Changge smiled disapprovingly.

Then outside the dungeon behind him, a tall woman with pale moon white skin walked in. There was a pale golden pattern on the center of her eyebrows, her facial features were good, and she was quite moving.

"You what do you want to do?"

Seeing this scene, Luluo didn't understand Gu Changge's intentions, but anxiety arose in her heart and couldn't help retreating to retreated.

"let's start.

Gu Changge ignored her, but said to the tall woman behind him.

"Yes, Young Master Changge."

The tall woman was very respectful to Gu Changge. Hearing this, she walked up to Luluo, and despite her frightened and uneasy expression, she stretched out her hand and dropped her hand on her forehead.


The next moment, accompanied by bursts of glowing light, seemed to be intertwined.

The tall girl became blurred, bones, flesh and blood, and internal organs seemed to be remodeling.

Her facial features, body shape, and even her breath and temperament are all changing.

This is not a simple method of disguising, but to flesh out all the bones in the body, and then rebuild and reshape it.

Almost in the blink of an eye, she changed into Luluo's appearance.

Except for some differences in dresses and skirts, the other parts look like they were carved out of a mold. They are almost exactly the same. No difference can be found.

Even the frightened and uneasy expressions are vividly imitated.

"You who are you? What do you want to do?"

Luluo looked at the woman who was exactly like her in front of her with a pale face, and she felt more fearful in her heart.

She had faintly guessed Gu Changge's intentions.

"It's not bad, but it's just a fur, I'm afraid it can't hide the universe from the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories.

"But it should be enough to lie to the guy named Lin Wu."

Gu Changge ignored Luluo, but Zai (Li Li's) took a closer look at the woman in front of him, and nodded somewhat satisfied.

The woman in front of me was named Mirage Chun, who was the devil girl of the house demon clan, and he had sent someone to find it these days.

Because the mirage clan is the most adept at disguising, especially the existence of the mirage beads in practice, it can cover their original aura very well, which can be said to be true and false.

But if you want to get into Tianlu City because of this, it's still a bit difficult.

Because the mirror of the universe is suspended in the sky, it can reflect the body of the creatures in the upper realm.

The heaven and earth environment of the two realms are different, and the road rules are different. It is easy to detect the difference.

But if I lied to Lin Wu in a short time, there should be no problem.

"When you said that Lin Wu came to rescue you, would you know that what he saved was actually just a fake?"

Gu Changge glanced at Luluo, with a smile on her face, and said, "But even if he knows, he wouldn't dare to do anything. After all, you are still in my hands."

"You are a demon"

After listening to these words, Luluo finally understood Gu Changge's sinister intentions, her voice trembled, and her heart was full of fear and sorrow.

It turned out that he never planned to let Lin Wu rescue her from beginning to end.

Instead, he intends to use her to constantly persecute Lin Wu to make him work for him.

For her, this can be said to be the torture and suffering that life is better than death.

How could she be indifferent to seeing Lin Wu being used by Gu Changge?

As Gu Changge said before, she actually had no choice, but she hadn't thought of Gu Changge's methods like this before.

Luluo's face paled.

However, Gu Changge had left with Wu Chun beside him, and did not take care of her who collapsed on the ground.

"If Lin Wu dared to show up this time, it means that there is a copycat around him.

"The reliance on son of luck should not be too simple. Lin Wu is not a stupid person, and will not come to rescue this woman before he is sure."

"So it seems that I caught a big fish.

Soon, the space in front of him was torn, and Gu Changge's eyes were a little different, with a mirage, stepped into it, and headed towards the sea of ​​boundary monuments.

He actually wanted to know how many enlightened people still exist in the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories.

After all, the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories are no better than the upper realm, and the enlightened person is almost the peak combat power.

Even if Canxian had it, it hadn't been in the world for countless years. .