Ch 466

There is no need to say more about the appearance of the Heavenly Deer Goddess, she is ethereal and intelligent, and her eyes have a kind of transcendent holiness, giving people a sense of Nine Heavens goddess not stained with dust, beautiful as a dream and illusion.

But at this moment, from her mouth, she said this kind of concubine for others, with a sense of resentment.

This really shook the Three Mountain Lords, and couldn't believe it, so he almost widened his eyes.

But this emotion and expression does not seem to be fake.

How transcendent and noble is Tianlu Profound Girl's identity for the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, how can it be easy to say this?

However, Gu Wudi was a little convinced of this.

Otherwise, how to explain why she, as the goddess of the deer, will accompany Gu Changge, a person of the upper realm.

It can also be seen from this that how terrifying Gu Changge's identity is that makes Tianlu Xuannv willing to say this.

Rao can't help but feel some envy in his heart.

Even as a descendant of the Nine Great Mountains, when facing the Tianlu Profound Girl, you need to be in awe.

"Tianlu Xuannv, you are not kidding?"

Three Mountain Lord's expression quickly returned to naturalness, but there was still a shock in his eyes.

"I don't think I need to make a joke at this time."

Tianlu Xuannu smiled and replied, it is really hard to pick out the slightest flaw.

"Right, husband?

Then, she blinked her eyes lightly and looked at Gu Changge beside her.

"In front of outsiders, can't you be dignified and holy?"

Gu Changge looked a little helpless, with just the right trace of pampering in his eyes, gently encircling her slender waist.

He understood Tianlu Xuannv's intentions, and expected that he would not eat her because of the Nine Xuan Acacia body.

That's why I have no fear of paternity, and deliberately acted like this in front of outsiders.

However, Gu Changge has never suffered.

Even if the trouble of the Nine Profound Acacia Body is unsolvable now, it is not easy to take advantage of it.

Tianlu Xuannv's face was ascending with a faint haze, and a warm feeling came from the waist.

Especially the tip of the nose has a faint clear breath, like ice-cold Dali jade.

But she hummed softly, freed herself from Gu Changge's arms, and said, "In front of outsiders, the husband's hands are so dishonest?"

Seeing this scene, the three mountain lord no longer doubted in his heart, and looked a little cautious, guessing the identity of Gu Changge.

After all, Tianlu Xuannv could say this in person, and the origin of her identity might be shockingly big.

The matter of Tianlu Xuannv becoming someone else's concubine, if it is spread out, I am afraid it will set off a shocking wave.

The eight deserts and ten territories will be shaken by this.

"What's the identity of this son?"

The Lord Sanshan asked with a slightly solemn expression.

"Fellow daoist can just call my husband the son. You don't need to worry about his identity."

Hearing that, Tianlu Xuannv smiled again on her face, which was an explanation.

"I see, I saw the son below.

The Lord of the Three Mountains is also a human spirit, and he has guessed a general idea from these words, and said to Gu Changge cupped hands.

Although the identity of the Nine Great Mountains is aloof, in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, who knows if there are any older families that have been hidden, have contact with the real Immortal Territory, and flow away the blood of immortals.

He subconsciously thought of Gu Changge's identity, but did not go to the upper realm to guess.

Because this is impossible, how could the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl come into contact with the upper realm?

That was the enemy who had attacked and invaded Tianlu City for a long time.

It is impossible for the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl to have any contact with the upper realm.

"I don't know why the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl came to my Nine Great Mountains this time?"

Afterwards, the Lord Sanshan cleared up his emotions, his face returned to naturalness, and asked.

He guessed that the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl came here, probably because the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories were invaded by the upper realm.

After all, Tianlu City needs the support of Jiudashan.

Thinking about it this way, it can be a reason to persecute the two mountain masters.

"The main purpose of my visit this time is to visit the elder sister who left Tianlu City and came here. I want to know how she's doing."

Tianlu Xuannu smiled and replied, dripping water is not leaking, there are no flaws.

Of course, it can be said that this is also one of her goals.

"You mean Chen Suyun?"

Three Mountain Lord's brows frowned slightly, and he actually didn't know much about Chen Suyun's grievances with Tianlu Xuannv.

I just know that the relationship between the two of them as senior sisters at the beginning is that they are both candidates for the next Tianlu Xuannv.

Although Chen Suyun took a long time to get started, she was not as talented as her junior sister.

Afterwards, without knowing what the relationship was, Chen Suyun rebelled against Tianlu City, came to Jiudashan, and worshipped the main gate of the two mountains.

"Exactly." Tianlu Xuannu nodded gently.

The Lord Sanshan's eyes flickered slightly, and he calculated the gains and losses in his heart.

Now Chen Suyun is the great sister of Jiudashan, and the prestige among the disciples is not weak. If the Tianlu Profound Girl came to seek revenge like this, it would be a bit of a person who lost the Jiudashan.

But presumably Tianlu Xuannv also knew the trouble of this matter, so she let her husband to accompany her.

It can also be seen from this point that the identity of her husband is probably her confidence.

Thinking of this, the Lord of the Three Mountains smiled and said, "Chen Suyun is the apprentice of the Lord of the Two Mountains. If the Tianlu Profound Girl wants to find her, then it seems that she has to go to the Second Mountain."

"But you have come from afar. Don't take a rest here today. I will ask my apprentice to tell me about this so that the two mountain masters will know about it."

"I wonder what Tianlu Xuannv feels like?"

Hearing this, Tianlu Profound Girl seemed to have thought about it, then looked at Gu Changge next to her, blinked her eyes, and said, "Husband, what do you think?"

Gu Changge has to make a decision for this kind of thing, she can't do it.

"It's better to just follow the words of the three mountain masters, anyway, you are not in a hurry at this time."

Gu Changge smiled slightly, the expression on his face has always been gentle and natural, full of spirits like jade.

"In that case, it is better for the two of you to go to rest first.

The Lord Sanshan smiled, and then ordered Gu Wudi to arrange Gu Changge and Tianlu Xuannu to rest.

Surrounding the Second Mountain, the Shenshan Palace is vast, magnificent and simple, with a style completely different from that of the current era.

Xiaguang circulates in the mountains, there is color mist flowing away, a piece of xenon hydrogen, a variety of fairy medicines, planted in the medicine field, and there are special disciples to take care of them.

"My son, you rest here for the time being.

Gu Wudi took Gu Changge and Tianlu Xuannv into a glorious Great Hall, and then retired respectfully.

Gu Changge's life was in his hands, and he dared not think of disrespect at all.

And on the way to the Third Mountain, he had already revealed the many secrets he knew about the Jiuda Mountain, and he knew everything.

After seeing Gu Wudi leave, Gu Changge spent a while in the temple, and then took out the Hongmeng Zijian, intending to deduce this son of luck.

Although he has not seen it with his own eyes, he already knows who it is from Gu Wudi's words.


A burst of shining purple light appeared on the Hongmeng Purple Mirror, an inexplicable Qi machine descended, and a picture suddenly appeared on the originally vague mirror surface.

"What kind of treasure is this?

Tianlu Xuannv's eyes fell, a little different.

She can perceive the extraordinary of this secret treasure, even involving the destiny Karma, which seems to be able to deduce the picture of the past and the future.

However, Gu Changge ignored her, but looked at the picture emerging from the Hongmeng Zijian.

It was a night of thunder and rain, and the world was shrouded in darkness. Occasionally, thunder and lightning flashed across the sky, spreading teeth and dancing claws, illuminating the sky and the earth.

A terrible killing is happening in a palace and pavilion hidden in the clouds and mountains.

Within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, the divine light flickered, the rune was like a sea, and the horrible aura swept all directions and destroyed everything, which can be called earth-shattering.

Many cultivators died tragically in this battle, and jointly resisted the invasion of foreign enemies, which can be called tragic.

And there is a team that is quietly escorting a baby hidden in the infancy, intending to tear up the space and stay away from here.

"Could it be that baby, this is the son of luck, Xiao Yang, Junior Brother Jiudashan?"

Gu Changge's gaze also fell on the baby in the picture, somewhat thoughtful.

It could be seen that the family behind Xiao Yang seemed to have suffered a terrible attack.

Those cultivators are coming violently, breaking open space and coming, obviously they are well prepared, the powerful Cultivation Base has even surpassed the supreme realm.

This battle almost completely destroyed Xiao Yang's family, and in the end only the ruins were left.

Of course, there were still some fish that slipped through the net. They did not die in this attack and finally escaped fortunately.

However, in Gu Changge's view, this is in line with Son of Luck's usual bitter and deep hatred routine.

"I just don't know if the cultivators that attacked the family behind Xiao Yang belonged to the upper realm or came from the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions."

Gu Changge squinted his eyes, and thoughts flashed across his mind.

Generally speaking, the son of luck with this kind of routine is somewhat special in the family.

Either they have some kind of treasure, and everyone is innocent and pleads guilty to provoke others.

Either it is because of the special blood and physique, being jealous, or causing jealousy.

"The cyan bloodline, when fighting madly, the eyes will turn golden, and the strength will increase sharply.

"Could it be that family?"

"So, maybe there is still Karma inextricably linked to Gu's family. Twenty years ago, it was really amazing.

Gu Changge thought of this, and suddenly remembered something in his heart, planning to find an opportunity to send a message to the Hui to inquire.

He guessed that Xiao Yang had something to do with the guardians of the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, or that it was the fish that slipped through the net.

Gu Changge still remembers that more than 20 years ago, the Changsheng Gu family was placed in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions and was ordered to destroy the Guardian family.

If it is really that matter, the timeline can still be overlapped.

As a family of guardians of the eight wilderness and ten realms, the power of their blood is that they can summon the immortal souls between the heaven and the earth.

The blood is endless, and the heroic soul is immortal.

This clan even built a cemetery within its own spirit sea, burying the strong family members for generations, even if they have fallen for countless years, they can recall their traces from the world and fight together again.

Once in a battle with the Upper Realm, the Guardian family even summoned a fairy soul.

Although it was a remnant immortal, it also caused extremely terrifying damage to the upper realm army.

In the matter of destroying the Guardian family more than 20 years ago, the Changsheng Gu family also calculated for a long time, and finally chose to do it when it was weakest.

Because at that time, the patriarch of the Guardian clan failed breakthrough, suffered severe injuries, and the child was born, and his wife was weak.

Although his blood is strong, only a handful of people can summon the heroic soul.

Moreover, there are not many people in the tribe, and they have been in a state of seclusion.

Under this well-prepared thunder strike, there was even a fish that slipped through the net and escaped.

"~ But now I was hit by me. I just don't know if Xiao Yang can have such good luck. "

Gu Changge waved his sleeves and received the Hongmeng Zijian.

Although Tianlu Xuannv was a little curious about the scene that Hongmeng Zijian had just shown, she didn't ask too much about it. Some things are not that the more you know, the better.

"Three days later, the young apprentice of the two mountain masters will compete with Gu Wudi for the control of the immortal seal of the nine mountains."

"Now Jiudashan has no doubt about our intentions.

"Perhaps then, it will be the best opportunity to get started."

She smiled and said, the divine light in her eyes, the coexistence of holiness and demon, she didn't care about the Jiuda Mountain at all in her words.

"Nine Mountain Immortal Seal, where did this thing come from?,

Hearing that, Gu Changge is somewhat interested in this thing.

And in the match three days later, although Gu Wudi would suppress the Cultivation Base to the same Realm as Xiaoyang, and promised to be a three-stroke agreement.

But in Gu Changge's view, Gu Wudi will undoubtedly lose.

After all, facing the gambling agreement of son of luck, especially this kind of the most familiar three-stroke agreement, the results are without exception. Make a bet.

He saw too many such routines.

Itself (Li Li Zhao) luck is illusory, there are too many accidental factors, let alone Xiao Yang itself is not simple, there are many hidden means.

Therefore, after three days, following the normal routine, Gu Wudi failed miserably, and the Immortal Seal of the Nine Mountains would still fall into Xiao Yang's hands.

"The Immortal Seal of Nine Mountains, I have only heard that it is the foundation of the Jiudashan Mountain. It has gathered countless years of faith, luck, fate, etc., and it is mysterious and unspeakable.

"The level of this kind of supreme treasure has surpassed the imperial weapon, and the Jiudashan Energy has always been hidden here, and it has a lot to do with it."

Tianlu Xuannv thought for a while and told Gu Changge what she had learned.

"In other words, if you compare the Nine Great Mountains to an independent world, then the Immortal Seal of the Nine Mountains is similar to a world treasure, a thing that suppresses luck?"

Gu Changge nodded, feeling a little surprised.

Soon, the news about the Tianlu Xuannv's arrival at Jiudashan spread out from the third mountain, causing a lot of disturbance.

Even if the disciples of Jiudashan haven't left here for many years, they are no strangers to the Tianlu Profound Girl.

In the eyes of many people, she is the patron saint of Tianlu City. Like Jiudashan, she has the important role of guarding the eight wilderness and ten territories.

However, this time Tianlu Xuannv came to Jiudashan and seemed to be quite unkind. The reason seemed to be related to a former senior sister of her.

And that senior sister is now Chen Suyun, the senior sister of Jiudashan.

There is a lot of grudge between Tianlu Xuannv and Chen Suyun, and now it seems to be here to resolve this matter.

Many disciples of Jiudashan were very surprised by this.

Some people were even more angry, thinking that Tianlu Xuannv came to seek revenge, and beside her was a young man who was said to be her husband.

However, the identity of the young man is very mysterious.

This incident spread quickly among the Jiudashan Mountains and caused a great sensation. .