Ch 467

Tianlu Xuannv and Gu Changge's appearance in Jiudashan caused a sensation among all the disciples.

Even many mountain owners are very concerned about this and are speculating about Gu Changge's identity.

Judging from the words of Tianlu Xuannv, Gu Changge's background is very scary, and Cultivation Base is even harder to predict at a young age.

Even she herself admitted that it was her servant.

Under these rumors, many disciples went to the Third Mountain to try to get a glimpse of the truth.

Of course, many people also want to know how the grievances between Tianlu Xuannu and her elder sister Chen Suyun will be resolved.

After all, this is a major event related to Tianlu City and Jiudashan.

And in the majestic second mountain, Chen Suyun got the news.

The brows can't help but frown, there are some tangles and struggles on his face, and finally turned into a sigh.

"Is it still coming after all?"

Her expression became very complicated, many memories flashed in her mind, and finally fixed on the face of a bright and splendid girl.

In fact, she should have expected this long ago.

These years have also been waiting for Tianlu Xuannv to find her door.

"Master sister, you are really the senior sister of Tianlu Xuannu, are you going to settle grievances with her?"

At this moment, outside the palace, a young man walked up, surrounded by blue glow, looking extra tall and confident.

It was Xiao Yang, but his expression was a little worried and worried now.

He also learned the news and was shocked by it.

If Chen Suyun hadn't found him under the waterfall when he was a child, he would have been eaten by nearby beasts.

It can be said that if there was no Chen Suyun, there would be no him now.

What's more, Chen Suyun has been taking care of him over the years and has taught him a lot of truths, and he has a relationship with his sister and mother.

He was also grateful for Chen Suyun, and he planned to wait until later to be able to protect her and repay her for the rest of her life.

Now that he got the news, it really shocked his heart. He never knew about such a big thing.

Chen Suyun had never mentioned it to him.

As for the rumors of the Tianlu Xuannv, he has known about it in these years, knowing that many years ago, the upper realm army suppressed the city, and an enlightened man was killed by him in front of Tianlu City.

The World War I was shocking and shocking.

The strength of the Tianlu Xuannv is hard to say.

Before that, he didn't know the relationship between Tianlu Xuannu and Chen Suyun.

"Have you heard of this too?"

Facing Xiao Yang, Chen Suyun's expression was gentle for a long time, and she rarely smiled.

"Master Sister, Tianlu Xuannv is an enlightened person, and you are only in the Quasi-Emperor Realm now. If you want to resolve grievances, you are not her opponent at all."

Xiao Yang couldn't hide his concern and couldn't help but say.

This matter more concerned him than the battle between him and Gu Wudi three days later.

After all, Chen Suyun said to him, just like Master, he was a relative.

"This matter is the grievance between me and her. Sooner or later it will be resolved. You don't have to worry about it." Chen Suyun said gently.

"What's more, Junior Sister's talent is stronger than mine. In fact, I should have figured it out a long time ago."

"After all, she succeeded in Nirvana very early and became an enlightened person. Now I am afraid that it is almost late stage, and I have been in the Sixth Stage of the quasi-emperor for countless years, without any breakthrough."

Having said this, she sighed, her expression getting more complicated.

It was the first time that Xiao Yang had seen a look of guilt on Chen Suyun, the elder sister.

This made him open his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while.

He did not understand the grievances between Chen Suyun and Tianlu Xuannv.

However, judging from the current situation, I am afraid that Chen Suyun did something wrong that year and came to Jiuda Mountain.

However, even if Chen Suyun did something wrong, she was still his master sister.

He will not allow anyone to hurt her.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yang fell silent, clenching his fists secretly.

"Master said that 557 is not wrong back then. Junior sister is the most suitable candidate for the next Tianlu Xuannv, and also the most talented Tianlu Xuannv in countless years. If not allowed by the world, I am afraid she can really touch it. Another level

Chen Suyun sighed and sighed with emotion. She has figured out how to cultivate her character over the years.

So I regretted what happened back then, but there is no regret medicine in this world.

She also did not have the ability to reverse the course of time and change what happened in the first place.

"Master sister, what happened in the first place? Why do you two sisters meet each other with swords and go against each other?" Xiao Yang couldn't help asking.

Chen Suyun shook her head, looking a little guilty, and said, "I'm sorry for her. At the beginning, I was jealous of her talent. When I knew that the master intended to make her the next Tianlu Xuannv, I was unwilling. Then I took advantage of the master to go out, Take her young away from Tianlu City, on the shore of the Boundary Tablet Sea, trying to seize her talent with secret methods.

"It's a pity that when I was about to succeed, I was noticed by the Master and came and rescued the dying junior sister."

"In order to save the younger sister and preserve her talents, the master did not hesitate to use her own life as a reference to perform a supreme secret method. It is precisely because of this that the master quickly sat down and fell.

Chen Suyun didn't say anything about her later escaping from Tianlu City and coming to Jiudashan, begging the two mountain masters to take her in.

Because these are also irrelevant.

She knew that Junior Sister would hate herself, but it might be that before Master sat down, she hoped that she would not gang up in the same room and let go of her hatred.

Or even the younger sister knew that she came to Jiudashan alone to seek revenge, and she might end up without a problem.

Therefore, I haven't come to seek revenge in these years.

After listening to this, Xiao Yang also fell into silence.

But soon, he raised his head again, his voice slightly deep,

"Who is not a sage or sage can do nothing, since you have realized your mistakes, Master Sister, I think if I were the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl, I should forgive you.

"After so many years, how can there be any barriers in this world? If the Tianlu Profound Girl is more generous, she shouldn't be holding on to it."

"What's more, you are the relationship of senior sisters, and there is no one in this world closer than your relationship.

"I hope so too, but this time things don't seem to be simple. Junior sister is still with a young man by her side."

Chen Suyun smiled upon hearing the words and understood what Xiao Yang meant.

But she felt that the younger sister should not let her go so easily. In terms of the younger sister's personality, how could she get so close to a young man.

So the greatest possibility is that she wants to deter Jiudashan with the help of the young man's power, and don't intervene in this matter.

The two of them resolved their grievances by themselves.

It can also be seen that Junior Sister's determination to revenge.

"Don't worry about this matter anymore, and prepare for a three-day comparison between you and Gu Wudi."

"The two mountain masters have already told me about you, and the master sister believes that you can win the bet in three days…"

Afterwards, Chen Suyun's face showed some tiredness, and she waved her hand.

Xiao Yang knew that this was the meaning of the elder sister's eviction order.

He nodded in silence, clenched his fists, but secretly said in his heart, "Sister, don't worry, I will not allow anyone to hurt you.

Then, he also left the palace and went to the mountain where the two masters of the master were located, wanting to ask him to help the master sister.

Xiao Yang knew that looking at his face, Master Two Mountain Master would never stand idly by and ignore Chen Suyun's affairs.

"So this is the grudge between you and that senior sister?"

At the same time, inside the palace on the third hill.

Gu Changge also listened to the grievances between Tianlu (cedh) Xuannv and her senior sister Chen Suyun without missing a word.

He raised his eyebrows with some interest.

Actually it is not that he was suddenly interested in the grudges of Tianlu Xuannv, but the person who adopted Xiao Yang more than 20 years ago was the great sister Chen Suyun.

This kind of attack on son of luck, and by the way, Gu Changge is always willing to come.

"Why, does Gu Gongzi also sympathize with my experience?"

Tianlu Xuannv still had a faint smile on her face.

She is dressed in a snow-white feather coat, is tall, and has delicate and flawless skin that can be broken by blowing.

In the blink of the bright eyes, there is a very deceptive meaning, which is completely different from the appearance of holiness.

"I can't talk about sympathy, aren't you alive and well now?

Gu Changge looked casual, shook his head, and said, "It seems that you still want to come to Jiudashan to find her revenge these years.

"Before the Master's death, I promised her that I would put down my hatred and protect Tianlu City. Tianlu City is her painstaking effort, and I will do my best to protect it, but I will not allow a betrayal of the teacher's door and hurt Those who have passed the Master continue to live."

Tianlu Xuannv walked to the palace window and raised her head to look at the vast and magnificent Galaxy Cluster in the distance.

Those beautiful crystal eyes, reflecting the magnificent starlight, the green silk is like a waterfall, flowing with a moving luster.

In her opinion, the reason why the Master would sit down is completely because of the longevity of her life that preserved her talent and life.

And all of this was brought by senior sister Chen Suyun.

"Then I will wait until the time comes to watch a good show." Gu Changge poured a glass of wine and drank himself, looking casual and leisurely.

"I thought that Young Master Gu would persuade me to let go of my hatred, after all, she is my senior sister." Tianlu Xuannu turned around suddenly, her eyes staring at him, there was an inexplicable gleam in her eyes.

"I don't know the suffering of others, don't persuade others to be generous. What qualifications do I have to persuade you to let go of your hatred?

Gu Changge shook his head and said, of course these words are just pretty words.

What does Tianlu Xuannv's revenge have to do with him?

The most important thing is, if Tianlu Xuannv does not take revenge and does not conflict with Chen Suyun, how can the hatred value of Son of Luck be full.

How can he sift the wool and harvest some luck?

"Gu Gongzi's method of coaxing women is really clever.

"If I don't know you well, I'm afraid I will be moved by what you said."

The Tianluxuan girl's eyes were gleaming, and it seemed that there was a bright divine light flowing, she couldn't help with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, suddenly walked in front of Gu Changge, and sat down with his neck around him.

The fragrance emerges, sultry, and you can even feel the slight cooling sensation of the blue silk across the skin.

"If it hadn't been expected that I would not dare to eat you now, I don't think you would be so bold." Gu Changge was unmoved, still drinking and drinking.

However, Tianlu Xuannv didn't care about it, and took the initiative to come over.

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect this guy to be so proactive and bold in order to protect Tianlu City.

"Can't eat, isn't there another way?"

Tianlu Xuannv raised her head with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth. She was very confident and seemed to make a provocative mockery.

She has bright eyes and white teeth, her neck is white and flawless, and her jade-like radiance is flowing away. The whole humanity and holiness coexist, and the beauty is almost unreal, which makes people suspect that this is her true appearance.

"I'm getting more and more reluctant to kill you… Gu Changge sighed, palms on her immaculate face.

In a blink of an eye, it was already the next day. On the main peak of the second mountain, a lot of disciples from the Nine Great Mountains gathered, including several mountain owners.

The peaks are majestic and majestic, surrounded by blue glow, and the cliffs are like being split from the sky by a sword, smooth as a mirror.

Here, Spiritual Qi, xenon chlorine, colorful mist flowing, fairy mist intertwined, with various ancient trees and magical medicines, filled with a strong medicinal fragrance.

At this moment, on the square of the main peak, runes flickered, and various rules fell, as if they had existed since ancient times.

This is an ancient battlefield hidden in the virtual space, shrouded in a misty glow, arranged by the existence of Jiuda Mountain for generations, and recorded many strong formations.

On weekdays, only when major events happen, such as the battle between the mountain masters, will it start, and it will be able to withstand the fluctuations of the battles in the emperor realm.

And now it is obviously not because of this kind of thing.

"I heard that Heavenly Deer Profound Girl is going to resolve the grievances with her master sister Chen Suyun here, and even the battlefield of the Emperor Realm has started. It seems that there is bound to be a terrible battle in a while."

"However, many people are not optimistic about Grand Sister Chen Suyun. After all, this Tianlu Profound Girl is an enlightened person, and Grand Sister is only a Quasi-Emperor. The gap between the two is really too big."

"Really? Then it seems that the master sister is so bad, the other party is obviously bullying!"

Many Jiudashan disciples, who had been here for a long time, gathered together and looked at the misty battlefield in the square.

They were talking in low voices, talking about the events that happened in Jiudashan these days.

Tianlu Xuannv came to seek revenge, and she wanted to resolve her grievances with her elder sister Chen Suyun.

When they knew that the Cultivation Base of the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl was much higher than Chen Suyun, they were shocked, and then they were angry and dissatisfied, feeling that the other party was bullying.

After all, Tianlu Xuannv clearly shows that the Cultivation Base is strong and wants to bully the weak masters and sisters of the Cultivation Base.

For a time, it also caused a lot of people's righteous indignation.

Especially under the encouragement and fanfare of Xiao Yang, the younger brother, many people can't help but feel angry at the unmasked Tianlu Xuannv.

However, there are also reasonable people who feel that this matter is not simple.

If the other party really intends to use Cultivation Base to oppress, it is impossible for those mountain owners to sit back and let the other party bully the head of Jiuda Mountain.

Therefore, this matter is probably due to Chen Suyun's failure.

Of course, some people think that it is because several mountain owners are afraid of the mysterious man next to Tianlu Xuannv and are unwilling to intervene.

And soon, amidst the people's discussion, a divine rainbow fell from the east sky and turned into a woman with a somewhat indifferent expression on the ground.

It is Chen Suyun, the elder sister.

She was quite prestigious among the Jiudashan disciples, so as she scanned the surroundings, all the disciples couldn't help quieting down.

"Chen Suyun's grudge with Tianlu City was not something we could manage."

"Looking at her expression, she seems to have figured it out, so calm and calm.

On the high platform, a few vague figures stood upright, and the chaotic energy surged, as if they were in another distant world.

It is just a few mountain owners of Jiudashan.

As they spoke, their eyes fell on Chen Suyun, feeling that her Cultivation Base was the same as usual, with little change.

"Master Sister"

On the other side, Xiao Yang also watched all this closely, his expression was heavy, and his heart was a little worried.

Although he had already asked Master Two Mountain Masters, he wanted him to help Master Sister.

The two masters of the mountain also agreed to him, and gave Chen Suyun a secret treasure, which could protect her life at a critical time.

But he still didn't have much confidence in Chen Suyun.

Tianlu Xuannv is a veteran enlightened person. If she does her best, she might be able to kill Chen Suyun with a single finger.

"If something happens to the master sister, even if you are the Tianlu Profound Girl, I will not let you go."

Xiao Yang secretly said in his heart, while paying attention to the direction to the west, waiting for the Tianlu Profound Girl to appear.


At this moment, everyone noticed that there was momentum coming from the west, their eyes could not help but all fell, it was a bright and dazzling golden light.

A golden avenue spread out, extending from afar to here.

The golden lotus flower blooms on it, one by one, with crystal clear patches, like the flowers of the avenue blooming.

A man and a woman standing on it, all dressed in white, with big sleeves fluttering, are aloof, and they look extremely good-matched, like a couple of gods and goddesses.

Tianlu Xuannu took a step, fell from the golden avenue, and came to the square, about to step into the ancient battlefield.

Her face was white and flawless, exquisite, and a head taller than ordinary women, with a holy breath, like a goddess above Nine Heavens, not stained with dust.

Appearing here at this moment, it attracted the eyes of all the disciples in an instant. It was the first time I saw the Tianlu Profound Girl, and my eyes flashed with a strong surprise.

However, some people are also looking at Gu Changge, wanting to know who this mysterious young man is, even with such a noble and transcendent status as the Tianlu Profound Girl, who is also by his side.

The mountain owners also dare not neglect their attitude.

These days, although some disciples went to the Third Mountain to try to get a glimpse of the truth, they all failed and were turned away.

This young man's guard is a quasi-emperor realm powerhouse wearing a dark iron battle suit. His strength is extremely terrifying, it is frightening, and he does not dare to approach.

Behind Gu Changge, the Three Mountain Lords and Gu Wudi and others also showed up here to watch the battle together.

"This is the mysterious young man? Where does it come from that gives me a sense of danger?"

A mountain owner stared at Gu Changge suspiciously.

The other mountain masters also had different expressions. In their hearts, they calculated that they had lived for countless years, overlooking the changes in the era of the Eight Desolates and Ten Territories, what kind of power Tianjiao had never seen.

But this is the first time I have seen such an unpredictable mysterious.

If it weren't for Tianlu Xuannv to accompany him, they would doubt whether Gu Changge came from the upper realm.

"Master, what chance do you think the master sister can win?"

Xiao Yang came to the two mountain lord's side, frowning, his eyes swept across Gu Changge, and then fell to the Tianlu Profound Girl and couldn't help asking.

Regarding Gu Changge, he did not know and did not want to know.

However, the deep and vast horror aura of the other party, as well as the look of overlooking from above, made him feel uncomfortable.

Hearing Xiao Yang's words, the two mountain lord retracted his gaze to look at Gu Changge, shook his head and said, "There is no chance of winning, but it should be possible to save his life."

It is not that he is not optimistic about Chen Suyun, but that the gap between the two is too big.

His main attention was still on Gu Changge, a young man who even he couldn't see through.

Whether it is breath or strength, it reveals an elusive and unpredictable mysterious.

"No wonder a guy like Sanshanzhu is so cautious and doesn't dare to neglect

The Second Mountain Lord looked at Gu Changge deeply again.

"Even Master, you are not optimistic about Master Sister?"

Xiao Yang frowned more tightly, and the quasi-emperor realm and the enlightened person did indeed have a gap like a moat.

Now it seems that I can only hope that the master sister will not get hurt.

"Senior Sister, see you at the end of so many years, but now it seems to be pretty good."

On the square, Tianlu Xuannv looked at Chen Suyun opposite, with a faint smile on her face.

Holy as a buddha lotus, curl and Tingting, beautiful and moving.

Chen Suyun looked a little complicated and said, "I didn't expect you to become like this now."

While talking, she couldn't help but glanced at Gu Changge not far away and sighed.

"Oh, how am I like in the eyes of Senior Sister?"

Tianlu Xuannv still smiled, as if she was reminiscing with her.

"In the past, you would not seek revenge from others, especially a man, and seek so-called help. You are a proud and confident person.

In Chen Suyun's view, Tianlu Xuannv did not hesitate to commit herself to others in order to avenge her.

Moreover, the temperament and temperament of the Tianluxuan girl today are quite different from the junior sister she knows.

If it hadn't changed her face, she wouldn't believe that this was the former junior.

"It seems that Sister, you still don't know me well enough, and Changge is very good to me."

There was a faint smile on the face of the Tianlu Profound Girl, she was an understatement, not annoyed, she was aloof from Sacred.

"Really? In that case, the grievances between you and me should really be understood.

Chen Suyun's face was slightly sinking, and her figure flickered, she had entered the ancient battlefield in front of her, making plans for a life and death battle.

Tianlu Profound Girl was not in a hurry, but looked back at Gu Changge, blinked her eyes, and said, "Husband, the slave family will do it according to your requirements."

Seeing this scene, many mountain owners looked at Gu Changge, and felt that the matter had become tricky.

However, Gu Changge's face did not change much. Standing on the golden avenue, he did not land. He was very indifferent and calm, looking down.

"It turned out to be a son of luck with a purple degree. He murmured softly in his heart, and withdrew his gaze on Xiao Yang.

This was the first time he saw Xiao Yang, and he could only say that he did not disappoint.

Chi, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple are seven colors of air luck, and cyan air luck is already rare, just as Jiang Chen, who was reincarnated in good fortune, is only blue.

The level of Xiao Yang's luck in front of him has reached the purple level. Although it is very thin, it is also a solid purple.

After all, Tianlu Xuannv flickered and entered the ancient battlefield in front of her.

Its Inner Mongolia is surrounded by gray fog, and the chaos, fog and frost are permeated, as if it has come to the beginning of the opening of the world, without knowing the edge.

The big stars floated up and down in the sky, with terrible auras intertwined, and even some weapons wreckage were visible. The pervasive power of God was enough to hurt the existence of the Supreme Realm.

I don't know how long this ancient battlefield has existed, enough to accommodate enlightened people's fights, as if pieces of ancient universe were refined.

As soon as the two entered it, they showed the most powerful means.

Chen Suyun's quasi-emperor realm Sixth Stage's strength was undoubtedly revealed, and at the same time she sacrificed her own weapon. It was a small purple domed tower. The endless brilliance was as dazzling as stars, quickly zooming in and ups and downs like a hill.

The quasi-emperor's light seems to penetrate the universe, causing many stars to tremble and burst at any time.

However, Tianlu Profound Girl's expression did not fluctuate much, just a wave of her sleeves, a divine light shot out, turned into a Sword Qi, and fell towards Chen Suyun.

chī chī

The next moment, the small purple dome tower in front of Chen Suyun burst out with dazzling brilliance and tried to resist, but was almost torn apart by this sword, and horrible fine cracks appeared.

She also coughed up blood, flew out directly, and was hit hard in an instant.

Just a face-to-face meeting, it will be defeated, there is a risk of life.

"Sister, you are as weak as ever, but you really let me down."

Tianlu Xuannv's complexion was still understatement, and once again she waved her sleeves, and the terrible light turned into Sword Qi, and she fell directly on Chen Suyun's body, causing her to cough up blood continuously, her body collapsed, and a thick blood mist filled her.

This scene made Xiao Yang who was outside the ancient battlefield red in an instant, his fists were clenched, he stood up, couldn't help but shout, "Stop!

However, Tianlu Xuannv turned a deaf ear to what he said, as if she hadn't heard it.

She didn't intend to kill Chen Suyun so easily. The supernatural powers were not fatal, but every time Chen Suyun coughed up blood, her injuries were more serious, and she could hardly stand up. .