Ch 471

On the test field, Xiao Yang and Gu Wudi stood facing each other ten feet apart, and there was a strong aura rising from each other.

Almost all the disciples and the mountain master's eyes fell on them, watching the battle carefully to ensure fairness.

However, before the battle, a palm-sized small blue print, like a hill, fell from a high altitude, with a mighty atmosphere intertwined, with traces of chaotic energy hanging on it.

At the same time, the luck of the entire Jiuda Mountain is converging, wisps of silver shining, extremely dazzling, just like the Galaxy Cluster.

You can even see nine majestic, ancient, and fascinating mountains phantoms, all appearing together on the sky.

This is an incomparably vast and majestic force, like the power of nine real fairy mountains, which can suppress the current world and is invincible in the world.

All the disciples and mountain masters were involuntarily attracted by the big seal that was floating in the sky, showing a sense of reverence.

Even Gu Changge looked over, and there was a flashing rune in his eyes, deducing this thing.

Finally, his eyes closed, a little thoughtful.

"This thing is the Immortal Seal of Nine Mountains, and it actually has Xiantian patterns. It is not inferior to Calabash and the picture above, and it is even more mysterious?"

"It has something to do with the pre-forbidden world?"

Gu Changge had some speculations in his mind that this thing should not belong to Houtian refining.

It's that Xiantian got it, and it has a lot to do with the origin of Jiudashan.

It is precisely because of the immortal seal of the nine mountains that the nine great mountains were established in later generations.

The radiant Xiantian Qi can easily suppress the things of Houtian, and the chaotic Qi that is entangled is even more massive.

"This thing involves the evolution of Jiudashan, maintaining the mysterious and transcendence of Jiudashan for countless years. It is said that if you control the immortal seal of Jiushan, Xiantian will be invincible in Jiudashan."

Seeing that Gu Changge had been paying attention to this thing, Tianlu Xuannv said with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

Gu Changge nodded. He knew that all these years, the Nine Great Mountains had been collecting the power of faith in the eight wilderness and ten regions.

The existence of the immortal seal of Jiushan can enable the cultivator of Jiudashan's disciples to better cultivate with the power of those beliefs.

On this point, it is somewhat similar to the Human Ancestral Hall of the Upper Realm.

However, on the side of the Ancestral Hall, Gu Changge placed a golden cauldron of Qi Luck, which can collect the faith of the upper realm for his own use.

Above the immortal seal of Jiushan, he has seen the many powers of faith that have been gathered by Jiudashan over the past countless years.

"According to the agreement, the old man will suppress your Cultivation Base to the same Realm as Xiao Yang, do you have any objections?"

At this moment, the figure of the two mountain masters appeared on the competition arena, expressionless, and asked Gu Wudi in front of him.

There are many mountain masters here. Gu Wudi naturally doesn't worry about what tricks the two mountain masters will play. He smiled on his face and nodded and said, "The two mountain masters do whatever they want, under the same Realm, I am confident that I can suppress them with three tricks. Xiao Yang."

Seeing him so confident, the two mountain master's eyes condensed, and he looked at him carefully, and found nothing unusual.

Regardless of its breath or strength, it has not changed much from the previous Gu Invincible.

However, he was still very cautious. When he took the shot to suppress the Gu Wudi Cultivation Base, he probed his body by the way and didn't notice anything wrong.

"This old guy is still secretly investigating, huh!"

The three mountain masters obviously noticed the small movements of the two mountain masters, and couldn't help but sneered, a little disdainful.

He was still very confident about his own apprentice, and there was absolutely no problem in winning Xiao Yang within three strokes.

Soon, under everyone's gaze, Gu Wudi's Cultivation Base was suppressed by the Lord of the Two Mountains and became the same Realm as Xiao Yang.

Unless the enlightened person takes action, no one can undo this restriction.

"In that case, stop talking nonsense and let's get started."

Xiao Yang had no affection for Daozi Gu Wudi. This guy had embarrassed him many times, and now he looks like Gu Changge's doglegs.

As soon as he finished speaking, a terrible breath emerged from his body.

A series of magical runes intertwine and emerge from under the skin, like slices of mysterious and vast ancient symbols like a Galaxy Cluster.

This is the moment when a supreme magical power belonging to the Jiudashan Mountain is extremely powerful.

Here it is as if there are mountains and rivers rolling, the sun and the moon collapsed, and the ancient invincible was submerged. The whole person stood proudly in the void, like a god.

At the same time, he sacrificed his own Magical Item, which was a cyan orb, crackling, and thunder exploding, falling down a number of laws to guard him in it.

"What? Little Junior Brother actually took the initiative? Didn't you say that you can win this bet with the three tricks of supporting Daozi."

"It seems that we have all underestimated the junior brother. At this time, we dare to take the lead?"

"It's worthy of being a junior brother, who has won the true biography of the two mountain masters. When I was in the same Realm, I definitely did not have his power.

"Little Junior Brother's strength should not be underestimated. It seems that if you give him some more time, it won't be a problem to catch up with Daozi.

The expressions of many disciples were a little shocked, and they couldn't help talking about it. Obviously, they hadn't seen Xiao Yang seriously before.

Many people think that he has little chance of winning this battle, but at the moment they are a little shaken.

Even several mountain masters narrowed their eyes. From their eyes as enlightened people, they can naturally see the difference in Xiao Yang's aura.

"Since you are the first to shoot at me?"

But different from Xiao Yang's high spirits.

The golden light flashed in Gu Wudi's eyes, and the expression of his whole person suddenly became a little cold at this moment.

Especially the temperament, there has been a completely different change from just now.

All the mountain masters watched this scene, their eyes narrowed slightly, feeling that Gu Wudi seemed to be performing a secret technique.

However, they didn't know what kind of secret technique it was.

"What the hell is this feeling?"

There was something wrong with the expression of the two mountain lord, he glanced at Gu Changge who was not far away.

Seeing that his expression is still very interesting, I don't know why there is always a kind of anxiety.

Obviously he had made Xiao Yang fully prepared, and even gave him a lot of powerful Magical Items and a silver moon battle suit protection, but he was still uneasy and uneasy.

When he arrived at his Realm, many premonitions were not groundless, but captured the slightest change in the dark.

"Gu Wudi, this trick is to make you understand that you are disrespectful to the master sister!"

Xiao Yang didn't notice what was wrong with Gu Wudi.

At this moment, he was enveloped by the dazzling rune.

There was glow flowing on the silver moon battle clothes, and even the hair was covered with a blue glow.

The eyes were shining, and he shouted angrily, showing tyrannical means, and killed Gu Wudi.

He did not choose to contend, but took the initiative to attack, just to vent his anger for the master sister!

"I don't know what it is, it's ridiculous."

But at this moment Gu Wudi looked extremely indifferent, at the moment Xiao Yang started his hand.

Just raising his fist forward, huge and terrifying fluctuations permeated.

There was even a faint shadow of a real dragon, emerging behind him, proudly coming forward, and probing his claws forward, the scales were thick, and it seemed to tear the heavens, with amazing power.

"This is the dragon fist in the true dragon technique. It is worthy of being a Daozi. The display is completely different from mine, and there is more invincible power!"

"too strong."

Many disciples were shocked and watched this scene with all their attention.

They can recognize that this technique is the Secret Technique of Jiuda Shan, almost everyone can.

But it always feels completely different from what they did by themselves.

"Taozi's accomplishments in this technique are a bit surprising."

Several mountain owners' eyes condensed, somewhat surprised.


In the next moment, in the shock of everyone's eyes, Gu Wudi's punch suddenly fell. There was no unnecessary fluctuation, but it seemed like the sky was falling.

The dazzling brilliance erupted, and a real dragon seemed to cross the ancient times and reappear in the sky. The mighty dragon might destroy the heavens.

With a bang, the void shuddered, and it seemed that it would be shattered, directly destroying all Xiao Yang's attacks.

Pieces of rune were dimmed, and finally wiped out. Even the orb guarding the top of the head was constantly shocked and almost fell off.

"Wow "

He himself spouted a mouthful of blood, unbelievable, his eyes were wide open, showing a bit of amazement, he flew out and fell to the ground.

If it hadn't been for the Silvermoon Battlesuit Bodyguard, he wouldn't be as simple as coughing up blood now.

All the disciples and mountain masters were a little shocked and couldn't believe it.

Even some mountain owners asked themselves that it was impossible to use this technique to this extent in the same Realm.

"Taozi seems to be very hidden on weekdays.

Several mountain owners instantly thought of something and looked at the three mountain owners.

In their view, the three mountain masters are scheming and deliberately preventing Gu Wudi from revealing his true skills, just to wait for this day.

But at the moment, the three mountain masters were also a little bit astonished, but he quickly returned to nature. He knew very well about own disciples, so there was indeed some shock just now.

On weekdays, Gu Wudi had never shown such a powerful strength.

Of course, he assumed that Gu Wudi was hiding quite deeply, to the point that he was not even clear about him as a master.

"It seems that the strength of Brother Invincible should not be underestimated."

Gu Changge, who was on the side, couldn't help but smile slightly at the moment, as if he was a little admired.

Hearing this, Tianlu Xuannu couldn't help but glance at him, although she didn't know what Gu Changge did to Gu Wudi.

But Gu Wudi can have the current strength, I am afraid that he cannot be separated from him.

"Impossible, how can your strength be so strong?"

With blood on the corner of Xiao Yang's mouth, he got up from the ground, a bit humiliated, and even more unbelievable.

His move is obviously much stronger than the Jiudashan disciples in the same realm.

He could even leapfrog with this supernatural power, but when facing Gu Wudi, he felt a little palpitating, and he was not even against him.

This is completely different from what he expected.

"Even my first move can't be stopped, how can you stop my second move? It's so useless, and still trying to get revenge?"

Gu Wudi's expression was somewhat cold and mocking, and walked towards him unhurriedly.

There was golden light on the whole person, and strands of light fell down, looking very hazy.

This is the ancient invincible universe body. Suddenly everyone saw a terrifying sight. Meteorites appeared behind it, converging continuously, and finally turned into the universe of heaven and earth, better like countless swords, towards Xiao Yang ahead. Cut off.

He didn't do anything, just relying on his physical strength to show his powerful talents.

This was a terrifying method. The meteorite became a soldier, and it suddenly fell towards Xiao Yang to kill him.

"What's the matter with Gu Wudi?"

The two mountain master felt that the ancient invincible at this moment was very different from the person he knew in daily life.

But where is the difference, it is impossible to tell.

Xiao Yang's expression changed, and he couldn't believe that this could be displayed by Gu Wudi, who is the same Realm as him.

Especially his look now makes him think of Gu Changge inexplicably.

"~No, this person is definitely not Gu Wudi now, it's him!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yang was extremely confident and looked at Gu Changge angrily.

However, Gu Changge still looks very interested, and it feels like he is watching a little ant jumping.

The next moment, amidst the rumbling sound, meteorites became apparent, densely packed, falling towards Xiao Yang.

The number was like a misty rain, which made all the disciples feel heart palpitations, and for the first time experienced the terrible Gu Wudi.

With Xiao Yang's face cold, he sacrificed one by one Magical Item, and thousands of gods played out.

At the same time, the power of his bloodline was touched, and a fiery red phantom suddenly rushed out of his body.

It was Immortal Phoenix, extremely old. Although vague, it was difficult to conceal the pride and pride, spreading its wings and passing by, a piece of red wine fell, like a sea of ​​fire, to resist this strike.


Everyone looked at all this in amazement, only to see Gu Wudi walking towards Xiao Yang unhurriedly, his face full of indifference.

Many meteorites evolved behind him, seeming to be endless, turning into Sword Qi and Daoguang, huge and huge, falling forward.

For a time, this place was extremely gorgeous, and the horrible fluctuations made everyone a little shocked, enough to tear any holy realm existence.

Even if there are many Magical Items in Xiao Yang, it is still difficult to resist now, his complexion is constantly changing, and his body is shaken.

The injury just now wasn't healed, so he coughed up blood again, and finally, together with the orb on the top of his head, was shocked.

At The next moment, Xiao Yang's eyes suddenly widened, he let out a muffled hum, and he flew out upside down.

I don't know when, Gu Wudi had already appeared in front of him, smashed with a punch, and the power was like a mighty force, and the void collapsed.

The power of horror made Xiao Yang's five internal organs look beautiful. Accompanied by the sound of broken bones, cracks appeared, and his injuries were shocking. Blood was constantly spit out, which was also mixed with internal organ fragments.

Although he had a silvermoon battle suit to protect him, he couldn't really mobilize his power, so he could only save his life.

Otherwise, if this punch goes down, he would have exploded long ago and become a cloud of blood (Li Wang's).

"Three tricks have passed, what else do you have to say now?"

Gu Wudi's expression was very cold, and suddenly he stepped on Xiao Yang's head, making him completely unable to lift his head, and his voice was trembling with chills.

"you "

Xiao Yang only felt extremely humiliated, his teeth clenched, because he knew that it was not Gu Invincible who stepped on him in front of him, but Gu Changge.

Gu Wudi is definitely not that strong.

All the disciples felt that the Taoism at this moment was very strange, but its strength was absolutely beyond doubt. Three tricks had passed, and Xiao Yang was completely defeated.

Had it not been for that silvermoon suit, he would have died prematurely.

"It seems that there is no suspense in this battle.

The gazes of several mountain masters were complicated, staring at Gu Invincible, as if they wanted to see through it, but with their abilities, they could only see that there was a big gap between the ancient invincible state and the peace day.

However, it is the actual implementation of the Secret Technique of the Nine Great Mountains, as well as his own talent, crushing Xiao Yang in the same Realm's three moves!

"The victory is divided."

"Doesn't the two mountain masters recognize at this moment?"

Looking at the ugly face of the two mountain masters, the three mountain masters couldn't help but sneered, and a terrible aura emerged on his body.

There is a big discrepancy in the plan to fight the war.

"Today's competition is indeed an eye-opener for Zaixia. The disciple of the second mountain master is indeed extraordinary, but it seems to be a lot worse than the invincible Dao brother."

Gu Changge also walked with a smile at the moment, but he seemed a little bit stunned in his words.


The Second Mountain Lord stared at him closely, his complexion looked very ugly. He had always suspected that Gu Changge had moved his hands and feet, but there was no evidence at all.

ps: Let me talk about it, because the author is lazy and doesn't like chapters, so there are often large chapters with a large number of words, and then they are reviewed, resulting in APP not being able to read the latest chapters.

In this kind of audited situation, you will not be deducted if you subscribe if you can't see it. If you don't believe it, you can see the subscription background. Therefore, in this case, I usually separate the big chapters instead of re-sending the money. .