Ch 472

On the square covered by the haze of chaos, Xiao Yang was stepped on the soles of his feet by Gu Wudi, his face was full of suffocation and anger, and he was covered in blood, extremely embarrassed.

But he couldn't lift his head. The injury was very serious. The ray of cyan brilliance flowed on the surface of the body and seemed to spread under the skin.

At this time, the power of his bloodline was oppressed and recovered spontaneously. There was a surging power that seemed to be rushing out.

"Doesn't Nishan Lord recognize it at this time?"

At this time, Gu Wudi's expression was slightly dazed.

However, he quickly returned to nature, then let go of Xiao Yang, walked over in stride, and said with a sneer on his face.

He clearly remembered the scenes just now.

At that time, although his body was not under his control.

But he can clearly feel every movement of own, including the casting of every magical power.

That was a level that he had never reached in the past, even including the control of his body's constitution and the discovery of his potential, to an unprecedented level.

He had never thought of his own physique before, and he could even possess such terrifying means and magical powers.

This is simply something I can't imagine.

Thinking of these, Gu Wudi is even more in awe of Gu Changge.

"You are a good method."

The two mountain master snorted coldly, staring at Gu Wudi in front of him with unkind eyes.

In full view, although he was unwilling in his heart, he did not dare to repent, and the other mountain owners would not stand by and ignore the matter.

After all, it is about the handover of the Jiuda Mountain, the treasure of the Jiushan Immortal Seal.

"It seems that this disciple of the two mountain masters is nothing more than that.

"The means are okay, but they are far from being invincible on the same level."

With a smile on her face, Tianlu Xuannv glanced at Gu Changge, as if she meant to be authentic.

"After all, it depends on who his opponent is

Gu Changge smiled lightly.

"Disciple, you hide so deeply, which is a big surprise for being a teacher."

The Lord of the Three Mountains glanced at the Lord of the Two Mountains triumphantly, and then looked at Gu Wudi with great satisfaction.

He really didn't expect Gu Wudi to give him such a big surprise.

When Xiao Yang showed his powerful strength just now, he clucked in his heart, secretly saying that it was not good.

However, the methods that Gu Wudi showed afterwards shocked and delighted him.

Never thought that his apprentice had hidden strength deeper than he knew.

Today, in the presence of all the disciples and mountain masters, Xiao Yang was suppressed strongly and won the control of the Immortal Seal of the Nine Mountains.

Then in the next tens of millions of years, the Immortal Seal of the Nine Mountains will be controlled by the Third Mountain.

"Congratulations to the Lord of the Three Mountains for winning the power of the Nine Mountains Immortal Seal."

With a smile on her face, Tianlu Xuannv also walked over at this moment and said congratulations to the Lord of the Three Mountains.

Several other mountain masters also showed up when they heard the words, and congratulated the three mountain masters.

If anyone in Jiudashan is in charge of the Immortal Seal of Jiushan, then it is equivalent to having the greatest right to speak in Jiudashan next.

The reason why the two mountain masters dared to oppress the third mountain and made such a request for a test is not because the immortal of the nine mountains is in his hands.

Now that the 560 loses the test, Jiushan Immortal Seal has naturally fallen into the hands of the three mountain masters.

Therefore, in the next tens of millions of years, the entire nine mountains will be in charge of the three mountain masters.

The Second Mountain Lord, he didn't dare to break the rules of the Jiuda Mountain.

"The student will definitely live up to the high expectations of the teacher."

After such a show, Gu Wudi's face was also a little proud.

However, when his gaze fell on Gu Changge, he was a little bit stunned, and he was even more respectful to Gu Changge.

"Since Xiao Yang has lost, the old man should be willing to accept the bet.

The two mountain masters looked ugly. As everyone said, in the presence of all the disciples and the mountain masters, he did not dare to go back, let alone break the rules of the Jiuda Mountain.

"Master, wait a minute!

And when the two mountain masters finished speaking, Xiao Yang who stumbled over suddenly interrupted.

It was hard to hide his coldness, anger, and the humiliation that was deeply hidden on his face.

Originally, today should be the time when he defeated Gu Wudi, washed away his shame, and maintained the last face of the master sister.

But the result was contrary to what he expected.

In front of all the disciples and mountain masters, he was strongly suppressed by Gu Wudi, and he was stepped under his feet.

Xiao Yang had never experienced such a humiliating thing, which made him even more angry.

And Xiao Yang was absolutely sure that the person who shot just now was definitely not Gu Wudi, but Gu Changge on the other side.

Gu Wudi definitely does not have such a powerful strength.

"What's wrong? Xiao Yang?"

The two mountain master heard the words and looked over, a little puzzled.

Although he was disappointed, he also knew that Xiao Yang was no wonder what happened today.

Gu Wudi's strength was a bit beyond everyone's expectations.

"Master, the test just now doesn't count. The person who fought with me was not Gu Invincible, but someone who made trouble!"

Xiao Yang's angry and cold eyes fell on Gu Changge, almost gritted his teeth.

If Gu Changge weren't for it, how could he fail miserably?

As soon as this remark came out, the place suddenly became quiet.

All the disciples and the mountain master's complexion changed slightly, and they were a little shaken, and some looked at Xiao Yang in disbelief.

Some people frowned, feeling unhappy, and felt that they had misunderstood Xiao Yang.

"If you win, you win, and if you lose, you lose. It's really disappointing to say that the previous test didn't count."

"I thought Xiao Yang would be an open-minded person, but I didn't expect that he could not afford to lose.

"Yeah, how could he say such a thing?"

The girl disciple had a good relationship with Xiao Yang on weekdays, but now she also wrinkled her eyebrows, her face was unhappy, and she looked very strange.

Many people nodded in agreement, wondering why Xiao Yang said that.

Don't you think it was not enough to be embarrassed just now?

After all, everyone had witnessed that Dao Zi Gu Wudi used his own strong god-tier skills to defeat Xiao Yang.

They still know the magical powers in it, and some people have even cultivated it.

But now Xiao Yang said that there was actually someone else who was fighting against him.

How is this convincing?

"Hehe, Ershan Master, is this a good disciple you taught?"

Hearing that the three mountain masters were taken aback, his expression appeared angry, and then he couldn't help but sneered, but he didn't expect Xiao Yang to say such a thing.

This is no longer a matter of winning or losing, but about a person's character.

How did Xiao Yang agree to this competition at the beginning, and how confident he was, but now that he lost, he turned around and refused to admit it?

This will only make people feel shameless.

"Xiao Yang, needless to say.

The second mountain master also understood what Xiao Yang meant by this, and he sighed and waved his hand.

Knowing so, how do they come up with evidence?

Try again?

Let's not talk about the consequences, and who knows if Gu Wudi has the means just now, what if he loses again?

Today they have enough Losing face.


Xiao Yang was extremely unwilling to do so. If things were to be forgotten, how could he wash away the shame of today?

"If you are defeated, are you capable of this?"

Gu Wudi sneered, disdain and mockery in his words.

"If you hadn't gotten this person from it, how could you beat me so easily?"

Xiao Yang looked angry and cold, looking at him coldly.

If his eyes could kill people, he would have already crushed Gu Wudi to his bones and made a thousand swords.

"It turns out that this is the disciple of Bishop Ershan, but today it is a bit of an eye-opener for Ling Xia.

But at this time, Gu Changge didn't forget to laugh lightly, and the words were quite amused.

Judging from today's events, Xiao Yang has gradually lost his mind among the disciples of Jiudashan.

Although Gu Changge will start to work on the Nine Mountains after he gets the Immortal Seal of the Nine Mountains, but at this time, it is just a matter of smoothing out Xiao Yang's wool.

"you "

"The person who fought with me just now is actually you, not Gu Invincible at all. You are a despicable villain who helped him in this way!"

"He simply cannot win!"

Xiao Yang did not expect that Gu Changge would stand up and speak at this time, and his heart was even more angry, his eyes cold.

The big enemy in front of him not only killed the elder sister, but now he is still helping Gu Wudi and the Lord of the Three Mountains behind his back to win the Immortal Seal of the Nine Mountains.

A cheeky face!

If this hatred is not reported to him in this life, then he is not a man!

"Wearing an emperor-level battle suit is not an opponent of Daozi, and now he keeps saying that he can't win by martial arts.

"We didn't see Daozi offering a Magical Item, but Xiao Yang used a lot of methods and weapons.

"Fortunately, the treasure of Jiushan Immortal Seal did not fall into his hands, otherwise it would really be a jewel in the dust.

And hearing Xiao Yang's angry words, many disciples also spoke up, their expressions full of anger and dissatisfaction.

After all, everyone was watching. For this competition, the two mountain masters even gave Xiao Yang an emperor-level battle suit.

After their strength was suppressed in the same Realm, Xiao Yang actually took advantage.

Now that he said that the opponent would not be able to win, he immediately aroused public outrage.

"Why did Junior Brother Xiaoyang come to this? If you can't afford to lose, why should you agree? Over the years, I have worked hard day and night, and worked tirelessly, just to capture the Nine Mountain Immortals on this day.

At this moment, Gu Wudi flashed a sneer when he saw the situation, then returned to nature, shaking his head and sighing.

Many disciples were affected by his words, and their moods were surging. From today's fight between Gu Wudi and Xiao Yang, they have witnessed the tremendous changes in Gu Wudi's strength, and many people have been encouraged.

Even Daozi worked so hard, as ordinary disciples, how could they slack off?

On the contrary, it was Xiao Yang.

"Little Junior Brother turned out to be such a person, I really misunderstood him!"

"Obviously Daozi practiced hard day and night, and demonstrated his powerful strength today, but he deliberately discredited him after having met him!"

"Forget it if you can't afford to lose, and you still have jealousy. Such a person will never become a great weapon in a lifetime!"

Suddenly, many disciples opened their mouths and ridiculed, and Xiao Yang was suddenly stunned, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that everyone had this attitude.

His complexion suddenly turned green and white, his fists clenched tightly, and he was extremely unwilling.

The disciple who had a good relationship with him before, now also looks indifferent and mocking.

The entire Jiuda Mountain seems to be repelling him.

"Xiao Yang, you don't have to say much about today's matter. If we lose, we lose, and the Jiushan Immortal Seal returns to Daozi's control."

Upon seeing this, the two mountain master sighed, waved his sleeves, and the blue light fell off, and a soft force was injected into Xiao Yang's body, making him wake up from this (cedh) state.

It also helped Xiao Yang recover from his injuries.

He understood that after today, the entire Jiuda Mountain might change his view of Xiao Yang because of today's events.

The general situation is gone, the immortal seal of the Nine Mountains falls like the third mountain, and after sending Xiao Yang away from the Nine Great Mountains, he also decided to start retreating and stop interrogating about the Nine Great Mountains.

Afterwards, the second mountain master flicked his sleeve and took Xiao Yang and other disciples of the second mountain to leave. A avenue stretched out and disappeared into the sky.

All the mountain owners watched this scene with different thoughts, some sighed, and some sneered sneer.

The powerful strength that Gu Wudi suddenly displayed made them a little surprised, but they didn't think about it like the two mountain masters.

Because the immortal seal of Jiushan will only fall on the second and third mountains, there is no need for them to mix it up, it will only waste time and offend people.

Soon, with a buzzing sound, the Immortal Seal of Jiushan rising and falling above the heavenly palace made a dramatic sound, and then converged all the brilliance and landed from it.

In the end, it turned into a small blue seal the size of a palm, flowing with radiance, and falling into the hands of Gu Wudi.

"This is the Immortal Seal of Nine Mountains"

Gu Wudi was a little excited and trembling, feeling the vast and majestic power contained in it, as if he could sacrifice everything at any time to kill everything.

At this moment, he even felt like he was in control of the entire Nine Great Mountains.

"Good apprentice!!"

The face of the three mountain masters was also unable to conceal the excitement and excitement, staring carefully at the immortal seal of the nine mountains in front of him, after all, this is the treasure of the nine mountains.

He has been coveting for nearly tens of millions of years, and he finally got it today. How can he not be excited?

However, what made the smile on the face of Sanshan Lord a little stiff was that after Gu Wudi got the Immortal Seal of Nine Mountains, he did not hand it to him as the master in the first time.

Instead, he handed it respectfully to Gu Changge next to him.

This scene not only stunned the Three Mountain Lords and others, but also stunned many disciples who have not left, and their heads were a little overwhelmed.

"This is the treasure of my Nine Great Mountains. As Master Changge, I am afraid I have seen many similar ones.

However, the Three Mountain Lord quickly reacted and felt that this was the guy Gu Wudi who was trying to please Gu Changge.

Although he was a little angry in his heart, he still smiled, ready to explain to Gu Changge.

The other six mountain masters suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange. After getting the seal of the Nine Mountains, Gu Wudi did not give him his master.

It was given to Gu Changge.

What does this mean?

Their expressions became a little playful. It seemed that in Gu Wudi's mind, his status as a master was not as good as the mysterious young man in front of him.

"I have indeed seen a lot of similar ones. The Immortal Seal of Nine Mountains, it turned out to be a strange stone condensed by itself.

Gu Changge nodded, the black and white light in his eyes was dazzling.

He carefully looked at the Immortal Seal of the Nine Mountains in his hand, although it seemed to be very heavy.

But unexpectedly light, wisps of chaotic air fell between his palms.

The terrifying force that could crush the mountain seemed to have disappeared.

He understood that this was caused by the Xiantian rune in it.

In addition, the Immortal Seal of Nine Mountains is also a treasure of Xiantian. There are many Xiantian Dao patterns, which contain terrifying power and can easily suppress enlightened people.

"Young Master Changge is really knowledgeable. The Immortal Seal of Nine Mountains is said to be a piece of Xiantian immortal stone from the end of the heavens and the earth. It was born in the Chaos Sea. It has a very long and ancient history and countless epochs."

The Lord Sanshan couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard the words, but his eyes still fell on the seal of the Nine Mountains, and he couldn't move it away at all.


Gu Changge chuckled, his sleeves trembling.

The brilliant and splendid avenues of runes suddenly turned into chains, and the imprint fell on the imprint of Jiushan Immortal in his hand.

The original surging and vast aura gradually returned to silence and turned into an ordinary stone seal.

In the next instant, the Immortal Seal of Nine Mountains suddenly disappeared from his hands, and it seemed to fall into another world without any sound.

"this "

"Master Changge, what does this mean?"

The smile on Sanshan's face disappeared, his expression froze, and it was difficult to understand Gu Changge's movements.

The other mountain owners also frowned, watching this scene with some shock and confusion.

"Doesn't the Three Mountain Lord still know the purpose of coming down here?"

Seeing everyone's shocked expressions, Gu Changge still spoke unhurriedly, and asked with some interest.

"Invincible, what does this mean?"

Three mountain masters felt bad, and couldn't help but ask Gu Wudi.

However, Gu Wudi, who is usually very respectful to him, did not seem to hear his words at this moment.On the contrary, he stood behind Gu Changge extremely respectfully. Restrictions.

"Something's wrong"

Many mountain owners have also changed drastically, and they are not aware of it.

They lived for countless years, at the level of enlightened people. Almost instantly, they felt the terrifying murderous aura. From a distant place, they suddenly swept and enveloped the entire continent.


At this moment, the edge of the sky in the distance suddenly burst out with a murderous intent.

The terrible sound swept across all directions, it was like the sound of a heavenly drum, causing the eardrums to tear, and the mind trembled.

Black clouds billowed, covering the sky and obscuring the sun. A terrifying knight, holding a heavenly sword, fighting battle, and spear, riding a fierce beast, came from there to kill.

Thousands of troops and horses, galloping and killing, overwhelming the sky, murderous intent seems to be able to smash Xiao Han.

"Enemy Attack!!"

Someone from Jiudashan reacted and couldn't help shouting loudly, screaming at everyone.

At this moment, almost the entire mainland of the disciples were shocked.

From a distance, I was almost shattered by that horrible Qi machine, and my body couldn't bear it at all!

"who are you?"

At this time, no matter how sluggish the reaction was, he knew that this matter was absolutely inseparable from Gu Changge.

A terrifying coercion appeared on several mountain owners, their expressions were ugly and cold, and they stared at Gu Changge.

The murderous intent was soaring, the emperor's prestige raged, and the moment it broke out, it almost tore the world, the mountains and rivers were overturned, and the Universe collapsed.

They are all enlightened people who have practiced in Jiudashan for countless years.

The anger in my heart at this moment, I didn't hide it at all, as the monstrous fluctuations spread, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the sun and the moon were dark.

A wisp of imperial prestige can destroy thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and the creatures and cultivators of the entire continent are trembling.

Far away, the stars of the heavens are trembling, and they are about to fall all together.

Throughout the ages, real imperial wars have always spread to hundreds of millions of miles, and even more so, there are seven enlightened people in front of you!

Everyone's Dao and deeds are extremely profound and vast, and they don't show up on weekdays.

Once revealed, it is the majesty of the world, surging like a Galaxy Cluster, blood is like a universe, can swallow the sun and the moon, and destroy the stars with only one hand.

"you "

"So this is your purpose!"

The Three Mountain Lord also reacted, his voice trembled, his face was blue, and he couldn't hide his anger.

He didn't even know Gu Changge's wolf ambition.

These days, he even treats him as a distinguished guest, delicious, very cautious, and dare not neglect.

But in the end, he actually brought people to attack the Nine Great Mountains!

This made him feel angry and uncomfortable, and he almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

All the disciples also watched all this in a dull and horrified manner. They did not expect that the Jiuda Mountain, which has been calm for countless years, would be killed by thousands of troops today. The momentum is so great that it is simply chilling and frightening.

And the source of all this was the young man who came here a few days ago.

See you in the poor picture!

And now, he is still in that casual and lightly detached appearance, and he doesn't care at all.

"Give you a chance, those who surrender can live, and those who rebel die."

"After today, there will be no more nine mountains in the world.

Gu Changge didn't seem to care about the angry and cold expressions of the crowd. He glanced over the six mountain lords in front of him, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he spoke indifferently. .