Ch 477

Soon, ancient warships crossed the sky, smashed into the sky, wrapped in endless rays of sunlight, and passed over the vast sea of ​​boundary monuments.

The waves are soaring, and they are constantly beating, as if they are about to shatter these worlds.

The vast and incomparable upper realm army, stretches invisible to the edge, obscures everything, the number exceeds a trillion, and is rushing to the eight wilderness and ten territories.

And outside of Jiekongyuan, the fog was surging into the sky, shrouded in the sky, and countless sounds of rushing and killing sounded.

Many ancient warships hovered here, casting shadows that covered everything, and the number was hard to count.

The upper bound army approached, and the soldiers approached Jie Kongyuan.


The horn of the eight wastes and ten regions blew, and the sound shook the sky and the ground, which contained unparalleled power and made the world's barriers tremble.



A large army rushed out of the fog, and the war fortresses stood upright, like towering mountains, with chaotic air hanging down.

Above the fortress of war, rune flickered, and the strong wave appeared in the condensation.

The dazzling brilliance is extremely gorgeous, cutting out beams of light, the Star outside the domain is trembling, about to fall down, and collapse here.

The army of the upper realm and the army of the eight deserts and ten regions broke out here.

Here is a chaotic Galaxy Cluster, but also countless fragmented Universes.

But because of the war, thunder and lightning were born again in the exhaustion and the sky fire was bred.

Many universes around are rumbling and shivering because of this terrifying sound.

Many forces from the upper realm have sent troops to try to take advantage of the destruction of the nine mountains and the morale of the eight wilderness and ten territories to fight.

But to the disappointment of many Daoist forces in the upper realm, the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories did not lose their vindictiveness because of this.

On the contrary, many powerful people are even more affected by this. They put their life and death aside, and continue to fight, which has caused a lot of trouble to the upper realm.

And outside of Jie Kongyuan, inside the ancient warship of the Changsheng Gu family.

Many knights waited here solemnly, and did not go with the rest of the forces to attack and kill, waiting for the follow-up troops from the upper realm to arrive.

In the palace, Gu Changge's figure is dim, sitting cross-legged, chaos is permeated, around it seems to be surrounded by three thousand ancient worlds, the infinite gods are looming, the silver light is shining, Immortal is immortal.

It can be seen that a drop of real blood emerges under his lungs and seems to reflect the heavens and worlds, crossing the long river of years, collapsing the order of the heavens and the earth, turning into the breath of the vast sea, which is absorbed by him.

"A drop of unimaginable taboo blood"

Seeing all this, Tianlu Xuannv's complexion was very shaken, and she couldn't help feeling a sense of horror from the soul, and she didn't dare to approach it at all.

She could feel the horror of Gu Changge at this moment.

The breath was deep and cold, and seemed to swallow and destroy everything, bringing endless darkness to the 563 heavens.

And this unimaginable drop of taboo blood seems to be the same as Gu Changge?

Yes, that kind of breath is the feeling of the same origin.

Otherwise, with Gu Changge's current strength, it is impossible to get close to this drop of forbidden blood.

Not to mention the current Gu Changge, even the legendary fairy is far from enough to see in front of him.

"What is his identity?"

This made the expression of Tianlu Xuannv even more complicated, and she did not dare to guess in the depths.

She didn't expect that when she helped Gu Changge protect the law, she would witness all this with her own eyes.

Originally Gu Changge asked her to protect the law, indicating that she has gained some trust from Gu Changge, which should make her happy.

But the prejudice against this scene made Tianlu Xuannu regret a little bit, and it was better not to know some things.

The more you know, the better.

And when the mind of the Tianlu Profound Girl was complicated, in the palace, Gu Changge's eyes opened, and many horrible visions around him disappeared.

"How long have I been cultivating?"

He didn't care about Tianlu Xuannv's complicated expression, but got up and asked casually.

"Seven days.

Tianlu Xuannv replied, she walked over naturally, picked up the outer robe on the side of the bed, and served Gu Changge to put it on.

"It took seven days to stabilize

Gu Changge frowned, but he was relieved when he thought of breaking through to Fifth Stage in one fell swoop.

"How about these battles between the Heavenly Realm and the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories?"

He was still quite interested in the battle on Jie Kongyuan's side.

Although the Changsheng Gu family has not yet participated in it, many orthodox forces have long been unable to restrain it, and they have all killed them.

"There are wins and losses for each other, but most of the eight wilderness and ten territories fail miserably.

Tianlu Xuannv said with a complicated expression.

As the patron saint of Tianlu City, she is now on the upper realm side, reporting the current situation to Gu Changge.

If this matter is made known to the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains, it will inevitably cause a terrible sensation.

But up to now, Gu Changge hasn't sent someone to pass on her matter, but instead holds it in his hand as a card.

Tianlu Xuannv actually knew his intentions, but she was helpless.

Now that the army of the upper realm hasn't been killed, the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions are showing the meaning of retreat steadily.

She had even anticipated the tragedy that followed.

"I gave Lin Wu half a year, do you think he can do it this half a year?"

Gu Changge smiled suddenly, and he was not surprised to hear the situation of the battle.

The ten realms of the cedh can't be defended.

Even if the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl is not needed, many Taoist forces can deduced and opened up a stable channel.

This is why many armies from the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories come here together to counterattack the upper realm.

They are planning to destroy the boat.

"Lin Wu is determined and Dao heart is hard to shake. His sweetheart is in the hands of Gu Gongzi. No matter how he chooses, he will definitely take his existence into consideration." Tianlu Xuannv shook her head and said.


Gu Changge smiled, noncommittal.

At this time, a strong Gu family suddenly appeared outside the palace and reported respectfully, "The young master, the peak powerhouse dharma body of all races and traditions has come, and you are invited to come together to discuss the major events of crusade against the eight wilderness and ten territories."

These peak powerhouses are all Immortal masters, ancestors of the supreme orthodoxy, old antiques, and living fossil level figures. They have lived for a long time, and the Cultivation Base are all enlightened Realm.

But now only a Dharmakaya can come.

They invited Gu Changge to discuss with him, not treating him as a junior, but at the same level of existence.

"Are they planning to cross over here?"

Gu Changge nodded, his eyes a little interested, and said, "Go on, I see.

Then, he looked at the Tianlu Xuannv and smiled, "Will Xuannv go with me?"

"Gu Gongzi can go there alone. In matters of the upper realm, I am an outsider after all and it is difficult to participate."

Tianlu Xuannv shook her head, although she really wanted to hear that the upper world was planning to attack now.

But she also understands that it is not appropriate for her to be a prisoner.

"Aren't you my concubine? When did you become an outsider again?"

Gu Changge stared at her with interest.

Tianlu Xuannv was taken aback when she heard the words, then her eyes were shining, and she suddenly smiled, and said, "Gu Gongzi wants to blame me? There are no outsiders here, and I am not your concubine."

"Unless you want my body."

But before she could finish her words, Gu Changge had already torn away the space in front of her eyes and disappeared.

A Heavenly Deer Profound Girl is not worthy of her life and death.

At this moment, a piece of emptiness is like a shattered universe.

A horrible figure that looked like a demon god stood up, shrouded in chaos and mist, covering the world.

The horrible breath surging in this mysterious space is depressing, and the soul will burst.

Many upper realm peak powerhouse dharmakayas are gathered here, discussing many things, very intense.

Amidst the mood swings, surging worship like a vast ocean made Star look like a dust.

"Before the arrival of the upper realm army, I will not act rashly. The Eight Desolation and Ten Territories are probably also gathering people to prepare for the counterattack."

An veteran enlightened person slowly said that he became famous thousands of years ago and is very prestigious in the upper realm.

"Are you just waiting for the ants in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories?

"Why am I waiting in this Realm to waste countless years? Isn't it because of the relationship between the eight wilderness and ten domains?"

Another enlightened person interrupted, his complexion was very cold, and his whole body was enveloped by a layer of gloomy light.

He comes from the ancient ten thousand clan, is the ancestor of a clan, with light blue scales.

There are two resplendent dragon horns on the head, flowing with a terrifying aura of extinction.

At this moment, his words have a killing intent, and there has never been such a mood swing in millions of years.

"I will certainly not let the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories be proud of it for long."

"Although I can't make a move right now, it's a good choice to let the younger generation kill their younger generation. I think the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions will definitely fight, and I don't dare to lose this face.

"Now that Gu Changge has destroyed the Nine Mountains, it is a good opportunity to hit the morale of the eight wilderness and ten territories!"

An enlightened person said indifferently, the sky above the Galaxy Cluster trembled, and great changes took place as his mind changed.

Obviously, he had a plan in his mind for a long time, and he would not just relax his attack on the eight wastes and ten territories.

This statement made the rest of the enlightened people's eyes narrowed instantly, thinking of something, and showing a smile.

At this moment, outside this space, there was a sudden wave and tearing.

Gu Changge stepped forward and appeared here, just in time to hear what they were saying.

"This method is not bad, and in accordance with the usual practice, it happens that I wait for the talents, but still have some experience, let the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions Tianjiao use the training."

With a slight smile on his forehead, he agreed.

Seeing Gu Changge's arrival, many enlightened people here couldn't help but feel shocked.

If it wasn't for Gu Changge to tear the space and deliberately create momentum, they would never feel when he arrived.

Although they are only a Law Bodies now, this method really shakes their hearts.

Speculation about Gu Changge's strength also made them jealous.

"I have this intention. Since the old guys in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories are afraid of death, those young people are young and energetic, and they will definitely not be able to help it, and this is also a good way to greatly damage their fighting spirit.

"Eight deserts and ten territories are used to peace. How can the Tianjiao on their side compare with the Tianjiao on our side!"

Even Gu Changge has said so, and all enlightened people have discussed it for a while, and all feel that this method is the best at present.

The Eight Desolation and Ten Territories will definitely agree.

Choosing to withdraw at this time will definitely shake the military's morale for them.

"Now that it is difficult for me to wait for my true body to come here, the overall situation here can only be handed over to Young Master Changge!"

"If you show up, I will be more relieved when I wait."

Afterwards, several enlightened persons nodded and said in a slight solemnity.

"Then it's so decided, I'm going to write a statement on the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories."

Gu Changge's eyes flashed when he heard the words, and then smiled.


He explored this space with his big hands, and suddenly caught hundreds of millions of stars, the atmosphere of the avenue flowed, and gathered into an endless bright pen.

A word of war!

As his stroke fell, the word suddenly broke through the space, and flew towards the direction of Tianlu City in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions with the trembling horror whistling of the heavens and the earth.

This is the saying of the great road, with the rules of heaven and earth, with pen and ink, every word and sentence contains great majesty.


Soon, that dazzling war character tore through the sky and reflected in Jiekongyuan.

Blowing down the monstrous fog, with the endless rules and order of the god chain, all cultivators are shaken, and their hearts tremble.

"This is the breath of the Lord

In the depths of the battlefield, a terrifying figure was shrouded in thick mist, like an Immortal God of War.

The fluctuations he radiated made the sky tremble, so powerful that it was boundless.

The breath alone suppressed the discoloration of all the cultivator, almost unable to breathe, from the tremor of the soul.

This is the power of the quasi emperor. Looking down on the heaven and the earth, emotions alone can trigger changes in the heaven and the earth.

He rarely speaks and is full of endless majesty.

But feeling this breath at this moment can't help but show respect.

In the hands of Ah Da, the surface of Zhanxian Calabash was surrounded by blood, and a wave of wolf smoke penetrated the sky and was swallowed by Calabash's mouth.

All dead corpses, the living substances in them, including origin, killing intent, murderous intent, qi and blood, etc., can contain Calabash.

There have been crops of cultivators from the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories, and there is no doubt that they have all lost their lives here and are buried here.

The mighty upper realm army stopped on the sky beyond Jiekongyuan.

It is boundless, the number exceeds several trillions, and the mighty power has changed the heavens and the earth.

As for the cultivator below the holy realm, there are more, and the bones have dyed the desert red, and the scene is extremely cruel.

Plains, mountains, abysses, all terrain is shaking,

The sound of fighting was not very high, but it was earth-shattering, as if it was about to collapse the whole world.

Of course, these are the best nourishing places for Calabash!

"I know this battle is difficult and dangerous, but my cultivator is not afraid, what about the battle book?"

In the distant place, the voices of enlightened persons in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories were very cold, and the terror fluctuations were equally terrifying, facing each other in the distant territory.

Enlightened people will not easily go to war.

But now, many cultivators fighting with the upper realm army are shaking all over, and many people are cold from head to toe.

At this time, the upper realm issued a war word, is it planning to fight the final battle?

And from this war word, they felt a kind of terrifying murderous intent, supreme.

Just a single wave of fluctuations can explode many powerful people.

Many cultivators and creatures are uneasy, after all, once the final battle is final, it means facing a full-scale attack on the upper realm.

At that time, Tianlu City is likely to be breached, eight wilderness and ten territories fall, and everyone will die.

But soon, behind Jie Kongyuan, a group of old antiques showed up, observed the war character, and finally came to the conclusion that their complexion was very ugly.

"The Upper Realm intends to send a younger generation to fight with us. This is a challenge letter issued.

An old antique from an ancient family said with a heavy expression.

"The upper realm wants us to know that even the younger generation can suppress us?"

In an instant, many people reacted, very angry.

Especially the younger generation on the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, even more so angry, they can't wait to rush forward and fight with the upper realm.

However, the older generation calmed down quickly, their complexion was a little pale, and they understood that this was the upper realm's conspiracy.

Regardless of whether it is connected or not, it is a heavy blow to the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories.

The younger generation of the upper realm is obviously much better than the eight wilderness and ten domains.

This battle is likely to be very difficult, and even the Tianjiao figures of the rest of the era have to be sent.

Then, the mighty Eight Desolate and Ten Territory Army began to retreat, returned to the war fortress, and hid in the monstrous fog in the boundary of the sky.

After discussing business, a peak powerhouse appeared in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, and he placed a battle book outside Jie Kongyuan, and agreed that after half a month, the two worlds would come here to train and fight!