Ch 478

Ancient warships flew past the sky, coming towards the boundless abyss shrouded in endless fog, and behind them was the mighty upper bound army.

Many living beings of the Daoism of the Upper Realm have already gathered here, and they are handing over with the Orthodox forces that were stationed here before.

The vast fog is vast, as if blowing from another world, accompanied by a vast and rumbling sound.

Here is composed of many broken Universes, as well as all kinds of chaotic highways and storms. It is extremely dangerous, and there is always the danger of bloody death.

If there is no correct route, even an enlightened person would not dare to get involved easily.

At this moment, ancient warships and celestial boats are standing on the sky, hanging down a vast and endless chain of rules and regulations, covering the Universe, like slices of ancient Immortal sacred mountain continents.

On these ancient warships, there were all the arrogant and powerful men who came from the heavens of the upper realm.

From time to time, there were spatial fluctuations, and the figures turned into divine rainbows and went away, rushing to the residences of their respective ethnic groups or Taoist forces.

"I have seen Young Master.

Many knights wearing battle suits and armed with weapons such as heavenly weapons, war spears, and long swords.

At this moment, they are all in front of Gu Changge, with an expression-extremely respectful.

But more-it's awe and fanaticism.

Behind them is the young Tianjiao from the Changsheng Gu family.

There are also disciples of God's Cult in the early days, all of whom are outstanding in this generation.

Fighting in the eight wilderness and ten territories is also a rare opportunity for them to experience and sharpen.

Now that Gu Changge is sitting here, they are more at ease and will not worry about their lives.

"How many people have come from Gu's family this time, where is my mother?

Gu Changge nodded, his eyes swept across the dense, infinite, and torrent-like army behind him, and asked.

"Return to the young master, 30 million troops have come from the clan, 10 million troops have come from the mistress, and many affiliated forces have also sent 50 million troops.

"Among them, there are nine quasi-emperor realms, 30 in the supreme realm, and 100 in the quasi-superior realm. The holy realm and the god realm are innumerable.

The strong man who just reported back said respectfully.

Because of the Boundary Tablet Sea, it is difficult for an enlightened person to cross over, so here is just the Law Bodies coming over.

Gu Changge nodded, his eyes swept across many younger generations again, and everyone looked at him with a fanatical and reverent expression.

His brows suddenly frowned, and he realized that there seemed to be missing people.

"Where is Gu Xian'er?" He asked.

"Xian'er Miss, she is not with the clan, but at the True Immortal Academy." The subordinate replied.

"At the True Immortal Academy, is she going to represent the True Immortal Academy and the Eight Desolation Ten Territories?" Gu Changge raised an eyebrow.

He didn't worry about Gu Xian'er's accident, but saw that she was not among the crowd just now, thinking that she had left her clansmen and went to fight alone.

The guy came here, but didn't come to see him first.

It seems that the skin is itchy.

The edge of Jie Kongyuan was very large, covered by a vast fog, and from time to time you could see the horrible beasts neighing in it, which was deafening.

All ethnic groups and traditions are stationed here, covering a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

It can be seen that a horror atmosphere permeates out, which is breathtaking and shocking.

In the Zhenxian Academy resident, many Elders are explaining to the disciples what happened this time and what they need to pay attention to.

After all, the heaven and earth environments of the two realms are not the same. The Tianjiao on the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions is completely different from the methods used by the Tianjiao here.

There are huge differences in the way they practice and the methods they practice.

However, many Elders are still very relieved, because the disciples who can worship the True Immortal Academy are all outstanding among their peers.

In the upper realm, it can be respected by the same generation, and in the eight wilderness and ten realms, there will be no one to beat.

"The Eight Desolates and Ten Regions pay more attention to digging out the power of their own bloodlines, and call our supernatural powers the magic blood power."

Gu Xian'er stood outside the crowd, cold and arrogant, her delicate brows frowned slightly.

She listened very carefully, and she paid great attention to many matters concerning spiritual practice, and would not be slack or despise in the slightest.

Not far from the residence of Zhenxian Academy, there are also many older generations who are explaining things. From her direction, she can see clearly there.

Heavenly Demon Que, Zhanxian Mansion, and Saint King's Palace, like the True Immortal Academy, are all cultivating the most outstanding tianjiao figures of this generation.

Many young people can be seen here, forming their own circles.

At the True Fairy Academy, headed by the Heavenly Phoenix Girl, the Sixth Crown Prince, and the Holy Maiden of the Ancestral Hall, many disciples followed.

People like Jiang Chuchu, Yue Mingkong, etc., have their own business, and cannot get out of their bodies and cannot come here.

Therefore, Tianhuang Nu and others are almost the leading Tianjiao of this generation of True Fairy Academy.

Like Gu Changge, he hasn't appeared in Zhenxian Academy for a long time.

Of course, his identity and strength have also reached a level that the younger generation can't match today, and whether he appears or not is the same.

On the side of the Sky Demon Que, there is a young existence named Sky Demon Sovereign in this generation, who is its leader.

It is said that he was an ancient freak with the blood of a demon, but his descendants, with amazing power and many followers.

As for the Zhanxian Mansion, it is actually somewhat similar to the Human Ancestor Palace, but unlike the Human Ancestor Palace, there is only one Human Ancestor.

The Zhanxian Mansion exists exclusively for the cultivation of Zhanxian. It requires that the strength of the disciples of the school be respected among their peers, and their combat power is overwhelming and invincible.

Otherwise, it is not qualified to be called a war fairy.

The last Zhanxian was said to have reappeared in the world some time ago, but was beheaded by Gu Changge in the Skylane Realm.

This incident caused a great sensation. I don't know the truth or not, but it also caused Zhanxianfu to have a lot of resentment towards Gu Changge.

However, after all, Gu Changge's status and strength are there, and Zhanxian Mansion can only endure, smash his teeth, and swallow it down his stomach.

The descendants of this generation of Zhanxian Mansion, known as Xiaozhanxian, were also present in various places during this period.

Few people have seen his true face. It is said that he has played against the six-time champion, but no one knows how he wins or loses.

Because of the relationship between Gu Xian'er and Gu Changge, the descendants of Zhanxian Mansion have a lot of hostility towards her.

In addition, the descendants of the Palace of the Holy Kings are also very powerful. Although they have never been famous, they are said to have accidentally stepped into the tidal flats of time, where they fought with young real dragons in ancient times and obtained a great good fortune.

These are people that should not be underestimated.

"These are the people I want to defeat…"

Gu Xian'er thought of this, but a lot of warfare was born in her heart.

She can't beat Gu Changge, but if she can't even beat these young princes, it's too unreasonable, and I'm afraid it will lead to Gu Changge's disgust and ridicule.

And just as various thoughts flashed in Gu Xian'er's mind, a huge commotion suddenly came not far away.

Many cultivator creatures looked over in shock.

"Yes, it's Young Master Changge!"

"It's really him! What is he doing here?"

"Is it here to encourage me to wait?

Someone exclaimed, their complexion shook with surprise, and even a little unbelievable. I didn't expect Gu Changge to come here personally.

However, some people thought of Gu Changge's identity before, he was also a disciple of Zhenxian Academy.

It seems there is nothing wrong with coming here.

Of course, some people instantly thought that Gu Changge's coming here would be related to Gu Xian'er who was outside the crowd, and they couldn't help looking at her.

With that person's temperament, I am afraid that there is almost no possibility other than coming here to meet Gu Xian'er.

After all, True Immortal Academy is the same whether it exists or not in his eyes.

"It all depends on what I do?"

"Why is this guy always so high-profile?"

Gu Xian'er was not used to this feeling of sudden loss of purpose.

Although she was still cold and arrogant, she couldn't help muttering in her heart.

At this moment, the places where the forces such as the Heavenly Demon Que, Zhanxian Mansion, and Saint King Palace are stationed, all have young existences with a solemn expression, staring at them, the sacred light in the eyes, the evolution of various methods, it is necessary to see the way that comes. Young figure.

He just came from the sky, extremely dim, as if there were endless divine light shrouded around him, surrounded by three thousand ancient worlds, endless gods were worshipping, and there was a vast world and sacrificial sounds.

This sight shocked everyone, and many older generations were shocked, and they actually gave birth to the urge to kneel and bow to this young man.

This is obviously the Dao Fa has reached a point where it is unfathomable and unimaginable.

"What a terrifying strength, perhaps it has surpassed the Supreme Realm."

"But as expected, Gu Xian'er is very unusual to him."

In the distance, a tall girl with silver hair gleams in the depths of her eyes, standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the scenery in the distance.

The Upper Realm and the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions will train and fight at the boundary space in half a month.

As soon as this matter came out, it soon caused an uproar among the hearts of many cultivators and creatures in the two worlds.

For the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, this news can be described as a thunderbolt from the blue. It directly smashed on the heads of many people, making them regretful and unable to react for a long time.

Because it means that there will be many younger generations and older generations fighting on the battlefield.

That is putting life and death aside, there is no going back.

Because of this method, the ancestors fought deadly against the upper realm, and it can be said that they suffered heavy losses.

Among a hundred people, one person has returned, which is already a good thing, and it is a good thing to be thankful for.

Many of the cultivators who participated in it were bloodied to death on the battlefield.

Some ethnic groups in the upper realm even swallow the creatures in the eight wilderness and ten territories they killed as blood food, which can be described as cruel.

But this matter has already been decided by the peak powerhouse on the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, and even the book of war in front of Jie Kongyuan has been accepted.

Even if the others wanted to refuse, they couldn't refuse.

Of course, there are people who are greedy for life and fear of death.

But at this time, there is still no shortage of blood surging, and I can't wait to rush into the battlefield and kill all the young generations of upper bound cultivator who invaded.

The older generation had already understood all of this, and the Upper Realm was just taking this opportunity to delay time, waiting for the rest of the army to come and converge, thus launching the final battle.

So no matter whether the upper bound is winning or losing, the upper bound will make a profit in the end.

From the beginning, the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains had no choice.

If it is a refusal? For morale, it is also a huge blow.

"Just take advantage of this opportunity to fight with the Damn it guys in the upper realm. Let them know that I'm waiting very hard, and in the future, who dares to invade again!"

"Yes, after receiving the book of war, we have a legitimate reason to fight with the upper realm! I have been practicing for so many years, just waiting for this moment.

Towering and majestic, like the Tianlu City of the ancient god city.

Many stars rise and fall, Galaxy Cluster hangs down, it is extremely magnificent.

At this moment, white mist filled the pavilion of Caixia Xenon Chlorine. A group of young men and women are getting together and discussing things.

Their Cultivation Base is very powerful, with a magnificent head and an astonishing glow around the body, and their eyes are shining, far surpassing their peers.

Among them are the Tianjiao of this generation, and there are also ancient freaks who were sleeping and sealed in the previous era and did not recover until this era.

After hearing the news from the front line of Jie Kongyuan, everyone was cheered up and did not suffer a blow.

On the contrary, the heart is surging, and I can't wait to kill it now.

They wanted to go to the battlefield early on.

It's just that the family behind them felt that their strength was still too weak, and kept them in the Tianlu City, so they didn't go to the front line.

Now that the Shangjie Ji published the battle book, it was time for them to make a move.

Everyone is gearing up, extremely excited, and has been waiting for this opportunity.

"You said, will we meet the rumored leader of the upper realm?"

"I really want to fight him with Realm!"

A young man with an extremely burly figure, like a Black Tortoise, suddenly spoke, with a confident expression on his face.

His name is Xuantian, he has the blood of Black Tortoise, and he is the descendant of the Black Tortoise God of War clan.

The strength is among the peers, and it is also at the top, and it is not a defeat.

In the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, there are four major ethnic groups with mysterious blood.

Among them are the Black Tortoise God of War clan, Dragon Blood God of War, Vermillion Bird God of War, White Tiger God of War.

Legend has it that their ancestors were transformed by real beasts and possessed the power of immortals.

Although because of the age, their blood has gradually become thinner, not as much as it was in ancient times.

But in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, it is still a well-known big clan, and its status is respected.

"Xuan Tian, ​​you have to ask Lin Wu about this. He is the person who has witnessed the leader of the upper realm. Lin Wu should know how strong that person is.

"But if that person makes a move, it is estimated that it will be the elder generation of the supreme realm of our world. The strength of the opponent is no longer what I can compete."

…For flowers…

Hearing this, many people here looked a little different and looked at Lin Wu on the other side.

Lin Wu sat in the corner alone, very silent, without saying a word.

Since the last time he escaped from the shore of the Boundary Tablet Sea, he seemed to have been hit.

Many people feel that he has lost the vigor of the past, without the self-confidence and calmness, and the whole person is a little bit depressed.

Some peak powerhouses took action and probed his body, worrying about what spells he had in the Boundary Tablet Sea.

Then it was discovered that he had only been hit, and Dao's heart was somewhat damaged.

Or even witnessing the tribe that he took with his own eyes. After the destruction there, the whole person fell into self-blame and guilt.

This is a pity, a good young seed was destroyed like this.

In the eyes of many people, because of the relationship between Lin and Wu, the treasure of the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains, Calabash, was lost and was allowed to go to the upper realm.

His sweetheart was also taken away, and he didn't know his life or death.

This made him feel guilty and couldn't get out of the shadows.

During this period of time, Lin Wu has also fallen from a shining and indifference young Tianjiao to such a pre-worried state, which is really embarrassing.

"Brother Lin, as the descendant of the Dragon Blood God of War clan, how can he fall?

"This time the upper realm is going to the next battle, but it's time for us to be ashamed.

Seeing Lin Wu's appearance, Xuantian shook his head, seeming a little disappointed.

Once upon a time, he also regarded Lin Wu as a powerful opponent.

But I never thought that Lin Wu looked like this now.

The other Tianjiao's expressions are also different, some are sorry, some are gloating, and some are indifferent.

There are many young talents in the pavilion, and many people are not weaker than Lin Wu. They come from all over the eight wilderness and ten regions. They are all elites.

Today, they are gathered here, and they are also discussing the battle between the two worlds after half a month!

However, unlike the self-confidence of the younger generation, some of the older generations who have been in contact with the upper world have a very heavy expression.

The entire Tianlu City is shrouded in an atmosphere full of mountains and rain.

...... ..

The older generation has the most contact with the upper realm, knowing that it is powerful and terrifying, especially in the same realm, with Xiantian's advantage.

"Since this is true even for young people, why should I be afraid if I wait for a handful of old bones?"

"I'll wait for this battle to take over. I'll wait for a handful of old bones, and it should come in handy. It is better to leave it to the younger generation in the future."


But at this moment, in the depths of Tianlu City, Xia Rui soared into the sky, and the fairy gas was gushing!

A large group of old antiques and old evildoers of Closed Door Training appeared, their spirits were very surging, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, forming a terrifying field.

This is definitely a group of super masters, and they are all submerged on weekdays.

At this time, I heard the words of the younger generation, and they all showed up, with a bright look, and they wanted to fight with the upper realm.

Many young and powerful people suspect that their own blood is not even as strong as this group of old antiques. It is too exuberant, like a large oven, which wants to smelt all things in the world.

This also allows many people to see hope from it.

Afterwards, ancient warships and war fortresses lifted into the sky, breaking through the space barriers, leaving Tianlu City, carrying many young or older generations who wanted to fight.

"There are still a few months

Lin Wu was in the crowd, feeling very heavy, even a little desperate.

Gu Changge gave him half a year to find the formation core of Tianlu City.

But until now, he has not found the slightest way or way.

On the one hand, he didn't want to become an eternal sinner, and on the other hand, he didn't want to let Luluo, Tianlu Xuannv and others be killed.

He was caught in a dilemma.

Is it possible that in the end, really can only give up one side?

"No, there must be a way."

Lin Wu's expression was a bit sullen, and he had no time to fight with the upper world.

But at this moment, his eyes suddenly condensed, and he noticed a person not far away.

It was a beautiful, slender woman with a dazzling light, and the stars stood in the crowd like a moon.

Many arrogances next to her respect her very much.

"The woman who was next to Tianlu Xuannu that day, why was she here?"

"No, she should be a disciple of Tianlu Xuannv."

Lin Wu saw her and thought of something in his heart. Suddenly he was a little excited,-he thought of a solution.

This eternal sinner doesn't necessarily want him to be!

"Is this the younger generation in the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories today?"

"It doesn't look great."

On the other side, a man in a golden armor and a dazzling look, just like a god.

Being accompanied by several old antiques, looking at many young talents.

It is Gu Invincible who has escaped since Jiudashan.

Now he is full of spirits, and many old antiques are in awe of him.

"Return to Daozi, today's younger generation, the years of practice are still too short, if you give them a few hundred years, maybe it won't be the case."

An old antique next to Gu Wudi couldn't help but smile wryly, but it was more regretful.

In terms of practice time, the younger generation in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions is really too short.

"The odds of victory in this battle are not high."

Hearing this, Gu Wudi seemed to sigh, with some pity on his face.

Several old antiques also fell silent.

Although the Jiuda Mountain behind Gu Wudi has been destroyed by the Upper Realm, his identity as a descendant of the Jiuda Mountain is unquestionable and needs to be respected by them.

And Gu Wudi just looked young, but his real age was about the same as them.

"No way, the upper realm is coming fiercely, and we are forced to fight this time."

"At that time, I hope Daozi can help."

Several old antiques sighed.

There were some strange colors in Gu Wudi's expression. He glanced at Xiao Yang in the distance and sneered in his heart.

These eight wilderness and ten domains will be breached sooner or later.

After escaping from the Nine Great Mountains, he was also worried that the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories would have some powerful methods to reverse the battle situation.

But looking at these days, with these people, even Jiudashan is inferior.

If it weren't for the geographical advantage, I'm afraid it would have been defeated and fallen by the upper realm a long time ago.

This made him even more relieved. Returning to Gu Changge would probably be the most correct decision in his life. superior.