Ch 482

The thin mist enveloped it, it looked like a cloud, with a biting blood smell permeating it.

Behind Gu Changge, footsteps sounded.

A group of young figures emerged, turning into a rainbow, with a shining glow and a terrifying breath.

Among these young figures are the young supreme and ancient freaks of the upper world generation.

Including Gu Xian'er, Wang Zizhen, An Yan, Six Crown King, Tianhuang Girl, Golden Cicada Buddha, Heavenly Demon Monarch, descendant of Zhanxian Mansion, descendant of Saint King Palace

It can be said that everyone's strength is far above Ye Han.

Seeing this scene, many people in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions changed their faces and felt the unprecedented terrifying pressure.

Although the number of young beings dispatched by the upper realm is small, each one gives them a sense of being powerful and overwhelming.

"These people are so strong, much stronger than the Yaksha just now.

The descendant of the Vermillion Bird God of War clan is a woman with a nice face and armor, her expression is extremely solemn at the moment.

She glanced over the young beings and stopped on some women.

Someone looked at her, her eyes were shining brightly, which made her eyes sting and almost shed tears.

It seemed that they were not facing a group of young people, but a group of young gods, and everyone was dazzling.

"They are too self-confident, thinking that with such a small number of people, they can beat me and wait?"

The descendant of the White Tiger God of War clan is an extremely burly man, with different pupils, and the sound of wind and thunder on his fist, which is fascinating.

The descendants of the other races also walked out at this moment, Lin Wu and Xiao Yang were among them, and their moods were different.

At this point, everyone was solemn, with the will to fight, and they wanted to fight with the many arrogances of the upper realm.


In an instant, a Daoist shadow flew out and fell towards the hunting ground ahead. There was anger in his heart for a long time, and he wanted to vent it out here.

They are all talents of the sky, they are proud of themselves, and they can't find opponents in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

Before being held by the elders, unable to fight against Ye Han, two Tianjiao died. At this moment, I just want to find the scene for the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, wash away the shame, and avenge the two.

"These arrogances of eight wilderness and ten regions are really too weak."

"It's not worth our all-out effort.

On the hunting land, the Sixth Crown Prince, Tianhuang Girl, Gu Xian'er, Wang Zizhen and others all walked out, behind them all represented the huge and ancient Taoist forces.

The six crown king swept across the many figures in front of him and shook his head slightly, not very concerned about this battle.

Especially after witnessing Ye Han's first battle with his opponents, it disappointed him even more.

In his heart, he even wanted to fight against the Heavenly Demon Sovereign and others.

"I'll fight you.

Just here, in the distance, a Tianjiao from the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions rushed over, rolling the Feishan and walking rocks, and the ground trembled.

The body is very tall, with a pair of horns, and has the blood of the powerful bull demon clan.

He stared at the six crown king, his eyes were like bronze bells, with murderous and angry expressions.

"Unexpectedly, someone would come to die. It's not bad that I didn't take the initiative to find you. 567"

The Sixth Crown shook his head, his expression a little cold.

At the same time, there is a feeling of being despised, like the rest of the young beings are actively looking for hunting targets.

And he was actually sought out by the prey?

This made him feel a little uncomfortable and wanted to kill.

"You are looking for death.

The six-time crown stared at the man with horns.

Although he is a little delicate, the Blood Qi that the whole person brings out is too exuberant, like being wrapped in a sea of ​​blood-colored Star, bathing in supreme brilliance.

Holding a black spear, he walked step by step, with an amazing aura.

"Niu Ming, this person is not easy, don't underestimate the enemy."

In the high altitude, there was a sound at this moment, and Xuan Gang sensed the terrible Sixth Crown King.


Shengling Niu Ming shouted angrily and shot directly. He was powerful and used the most powerful force as soon as he came.

Blood Qi is like a rainbow, rushing from his Tian Ling Gai, piercing the sky, and boiling with divine power.

The two strong men fought together, shaking the world!

When Cultivation Base reached their position, they were already standing on the Great Sacred Realm, and the destructive power they caused was unimaginable and terrifying.

From time to time, spear lights rushed up and cut down the big stars.

However, after only ten strokes, a muffled hum came and raised a lot of blood.

With a bang, a creature named Niu Ming was pierced by a shot, and the soul and body exploded from the air together.

This scene shocked many strong people in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions who were paying close attention to this battle, and their hearts were shaken.

Niu Ming is also a very famous young supreme in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, and his body is very powerful.

But in the hands of the six-time champion, he was killed if he couldn't go through five moves.

This made many people's expressions serious. Although this battle seemed to have many people in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, the arrogances of the upper realm were all terrifying.

In the other directions, Gu Xian'er, Wang Zizhen and others also found the target and started to shoot.

A terrifying battle broke out here, the world was shaken, flying sand and rocks, violent wind swept across, shaking the sky.

Everyone has opponents in front of them, and there are a large number of young existences in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, often several people work together to besiege one person.

Although it may seem shameful, since the Upper Boundary side, only so few people have been dispatched.

Then you can't blame them for winning by quantity.

"A group of people working together is not an opponent of young existence in our world."

"It's really ridiculous, it's nothing more than a break free before death.

Many powerful people in the upper realm have been in the sky, watching this battle, and they have always looked cold and contemptuous.

"Not good, the gap is too big. Even if it is an advantage in numbers, our world is not their opponent.

An old antique in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions changed drastically and was very ugly, almost spewing out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing Own's most proud apprentice, was slapped by the opponent's palm, collapsed in the void, and exploded into a cloud of blood.

The difference between the talents on their side and the opponent's strength is really too big.

Even the descendants of the Black Tortoise God of War clan like Xuantian fell below.

His opponent was the Heavenly Demon Sovereign, who was constantly suppressed, shaking his body and coughing blood.

The tough and terrifying body, cracks appeared like porcelain at this time, and almost collapsed.

On the other side, Gu Xian'er's dress was fluttering, with fairy aura between her shots, she raised her bare hand, and a series of lightsabers condensed in the void, clanking, and slaying towards a lady of heaven in front of her.

"Flavour", "chī "…

She is very strong, every inch of her skin is as white as snow, with a misty brilliance.

The Heavenly Sword cut down, the edge is peerless, and it seems to be able to cut down the Star beyond the sky.


At this moment, there was an abnormal movement in the virtual space behind her.

A strong physical body of Tianjiao, glowing all over, suddenly approached, feeling that the amazingly beautiful girl in front of her was weaker than the others, and wanted to attack her.

However, in the face of the siege of the two, Gu Xian'er's expression remained unchanged, as if she had already sensed it.

It was just a punch to the back. The plain white fist was like a jade carved, but it rang through the void and blasted the person who attacked her.

The bright white bone slag splashed out, accompanied by blood fog, which made the heart tremble.

Such a scene changed the face of the opponent in front of her, and she never expected that the girl's body would be so terrifying to this degree.

She couldn't help retreating towards the back, feeling terrified.

But Gu Xian'er's speed was faster, as if a pair of black and white wings appeared behind her, she suddenly swept across Tianyu, chased her, and quickly shot her to death.

After solving the two, Gu Xian'er glanced into the sky, just in time to see Gu Changge paying attention to her.

She hummed from her nose. Although she knew that it was Gu Changge who was worried about her accident, she still felt that she was underestimated by Gu Changge.

Seeing this scene, the other Tianjiao from the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions were very afraid of her, did not dare to approach, and quickly retreated.

"What does this woman have to do with you?"

Xuan Gang, who had been watching the battle closely, noticed that Gu Changge seemed to be paying special attention to the girl. He couldn't help narrowing his eyes and asked.


Gu Changge retracted his gaze, looked at him with interest, and said, "If you dare to hit her idea, then I will kill you now."

Feeling Gu Changge's undisguised murderous aura, even if Xuan Gang is an enlightened person, his face was pale at the moment, some of his back was chilly, and he shuddered.

"The old man is just asking."

He snorted coldly, not wanting to show weakness under the gaze of everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

However, the crooked thought that had just arisen disappeared, although it seemed that this girl could be used to threaten Gu Changge.

But apparently they were killed by Gu Changge before they caught the girl.

"It's better.

"Do you think Boundary Kongyuan protects you and waits, so you can be safe?"

Gu Changge smiled faintly, then turned to look a little different, and looked in the direction of the ancient warships in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

Although they are within the boundary of the sky, they are not far away from this place.

If he wanted to, he could actually keep all these people behind, but that would expose him a lot of methods.

Therefore, Gu Changge is still waiting for the opportunity.

This emptiness can't protect the eight wilderness and ten territories for long.

In the eyes of everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, Gu Changge launched the War Script, most likely to delay the time and wait for the army of the upper realm to be killed.

So they didn't even think that Gu Changge actually had a back hand, and now they are just waiting for the right time.

The Eight Desolation and Ten Territories didn't even know that the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl would return to Gu Changge.

"What do you mean?"

Xuan Gang obviously didn't expect Gu Changge to say this, frowning, and some ancient existence behind him was also puzzled.

At this time, why did Gu Changge say that?

"Naturally leave you here.

Gu Changge smiled faintly, his expression unchanged, but Xuan Gang and others' complexions changed, and they were a little surprised.

"What do you mean?"

"Leave me here completely, do you rely on you?,

Xuan Gang frowned and said in a deep voice, completely unaware of the reason why Gu Changge said this (cedh).

They had their backs to Jie Kongyuan behind them, and they could evacuate in at any time. There was no correct route in the upper realm, and they would not dare to chase in at all.

"Naturally by me.

Gu Changge still had an understatement, his gaze slowly swept across the hunting place below, and then his sleeves flicked, as if a vast universe of stars appeared.


The avenue rumbling, the chain of billions of rules and gods, turned into a waterfall, rushing from all directions, as if to refine this world.

"This is?"

Such a shocking change instantly shook countless people from the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions who rushed to here.

Everyone felt a kind of suffocation.

Tianyu trembled, and every inch of the void was filled with the huge and terrifying peak powerhouse coercion, which made people tremble, as if to split apart.

Gu Changge's Dharma body sits on the sky, like the co-lord of the heavens, surrounded by endless silver Sacred flames, which seems to burn everything to ashes.

In the depths of the Jiekongyuan, there was a rumbling voice, as if there were thousands of troops and horses running, trying to kill the ancient heavens!

The terrifying killing momentum came from behind everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories.

At this moment, everyone felt a little dull and coughed.

How did they get into the depths of the boundary?

"How is this going?"

At this moment, let alone the eight wilderness and ten domains, even everyone in the upper realm was shocked and looked at all of this in shock.

The many arrogances who are fighting against each other in the hunting land are also shocked in their hearts.

The rest of the Peak Powerhouse's Law Bodies had never expected such a shocking change.

Before this, Gu Changge hadn't told them at all.

"How did you do it?"

Xuan Gang's complexion was hard to see the extreme, and he was shocked and angry in his heart. He didn't expect that an army of the upper realm would be killed in the back, and the momentum was still so amazing.

But now, this is not the time to think about it.

"kill him!"

"Except for him, the rest of the people are not a threat. As long as the boundary monument sea is not dry, the enlightened people in their realm will not be able to get through."

"Just kill him!"

Another peak powerhouse said, from the Green Life, his complexion was very gloomy, and he didn't want to waste his tongue, so he just started it.

He sprayed out a dazzling green glow, in which the celestial light spread out, like a Galaxy Cluster!

This is his powerful ancestral technique, which contains the power of terrifying corrosion, and contains the water of Yellow Springs, which can evolve the mystery of life and death.

At the time of success, it can even corrode the Universe.

The other peak powerhouses in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions are also taking action, each using their powerful methods, the brilliance of brilliance, reflecting the sky, causing the void to collapse.

The long river looms, the universe is turbulent, the sun and the moon explode!

This is the ultimate attack of the Enlightened Realm, and there is even an incomparably ancient master who shot, with his big hand running in the air, pushing the road down, to shoot down, and shake Gu Changge to death!

This scene is so horrible, it will destroy the world, everything will return to chaos, and any rules will be beaten into children's fans!

"What's the matter? Why is there a big battle suddenly?"

The ancient warships were trembling, and were impacted by this wave of fluctuations, so they could only raise a protective barrier to resist.

Many people in the two circles have not yet realized what is going on. They thought that this battle was just a battle between the younger generation of the two circles.

I never thought that enlightened people would take action.

"not good "

The complexions of many enlightened people in the upper realm have changed drastically.

It can only resist for a moment at most.

But at this time, they rushed out, trying to share a little pressure for Gu Changge.


At this time, the immortal seal of Nine Mountains above Gu Changge's head glowed, as if there was a mountain whirring and tsunami-like power, converging towards him.

"Today, stay as long as you wait.

He spoke lightly, his face calm.

He took action and used an ancient method, like mountains, rivers, sun and moon, appearing behind him, covering the world and covering the heavens.


Hundreds of millions of rays of sunlight are gushing, and Shenxi is intertwined, bright and gorgeous, like the avenue of light in the universe!

Around his palm, there are countless planets, all of which are brought down from the sky by big hands.

One after another, very magnificent, rumbling and turning, with a chaotic air, was very shocking, and pressed forward.

"Even if the immortal of the Nine Mountains is in your hands, but you are only one person, how can you counter me?

The enlightened person of the Green Life Clan has a cold complexion, directly transformed into the body, it is an incomparably mysterious and ancient towering giant tree, hanging endless brilliance, standing among the universe, as if it can break everything.

The vines, which resembled the Galaxy Cluster, slashed towards Gu Changge like a divine sword.

The other enlightened people took this opportunity and did not keep their hands. Since Gu Changge put them together first, naturally they would not let go of the great opportunity to kill him here.

Someone also showed the body, it was a huge nine-headed golden bird, each of which was cast by supreme celestial gold, radiant and orderly.

He uttered a peerless voice, and wanted to melt this universe and attack Gu Changge.

Hundreds of millions of creatures were trembling under such horrible fluctuations, and the spirits seemed to burst.

Many younger generations who were fighting against each other also stopped their hands together and looked at all of this with shaking in their hearts. They all have Magical Item in their bodies, and they are protecting themselves so as not to be shocked by the aftermath.

Gu Changge, a man against three enlightened men, fought there.

Although in their opinion, this is because the treasure blessing of the Nine Mountains Immortal Seal and the other peak powerhouse Dharma bodies of the upper realm descended here, and they all resisted, but it was also scary enough.

In addition to explaining the extraordinary of Jiushan Immortal Seal, this is enough to explain the horror of Gu Changge's own strength.

"How far has his own strength reached?"

The six crown kings and others trembled slightly, and they had no idea of ​​competing with Gu Changge for a long time.

Such a gap can no longer be described by the moat.


In the depths of the Universe, the war is terrifying, shocking everyone.

Gu Changge's expression remained unchanged, and when Xuan Gang was killed, he immediately shook his finger.

All kinds of scary Sword Qi, dark red, lacquer black, and chaotic colors, suddenly pierced this universe and fell to Xuangang!

This is his law, which contains the supreme power of attack.


In the first time, Xuan Gang's arm was penetrated, carrying blood, and it was stronger than the body of Black Tortoise, and it was also broken.

"Now, don't you understand?"

At The next moment, Gu Changge looked indifferent, and his tone was still understatement.

A palm explored the past, the big golden hand, boundless, with clear palm prints, like the palm of the gods, wrapped in chaotic energy, and the star field manifested in it!


The life-green enlightened person's face changed drastically, and the towering giant tree was smashed by a palm, his body exploded, and it was torn apart!

His soul is burning, and he wants to escape with the supreme secret method.

However, Gu Changge had expected that the eyebrows glowed, the Yuanshen villain walked out, and Zhang Luo screamed, spraying out a bright Galaxy Cluster, turning it into a bronze fairy sword, and hitting it instantly!

In a short period of time, several enlightened persons were wounded, making everyone on the ancient battleship of the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories frightened, trembling, and even desperate.


Seeing this, the other strong men in the upper realm also shouted loudly. On the ancient warship behind them, the monstrous army slammed forward.

In the depths of the Jiekongyuan, the light gate is shining, and a mighty army is also slaying in an altar that has already been cast, encircling and suppressing all the people in the eight wilderness and ten regions, and sealing their way of retreat.