Ch 483

This battle shocked everyone, whether it was the older generation of strong or the younger generation, they all felt a burst of horror and trembling.

Gu Changge is really too strong, and his combat power has been so strong before that he was confused.

Nowadays, there is a treasure blessing like Jiushan Xianyin, which shows the terrifying power of the enlightened person.

Three enlightened persons from the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions fought against him, and suffered severe injuries within a short period of time.

Such a sight really makes all the lives of the eight wilderness and ten regions desperate.

It's not that the enlightened people in their field are not strong, but the strength of Gu Changge is really incredible.

The war broke out in an instant, and in the depths of the starry sky, the sky filled with light charms, shocking the sky.

The void trembled piece by piece, like a sieve, pierced by wisps of brilliance and breath.

The momentum was overwhelming, and the terrifying army swept like a torrent of water, shaking the sky and the earth.

There is a sound of fighting in the sky and underground.


The ancient warships of the two worlds were shining, and the many runes engraved on them evolved together, manifested in the heavens and the earth, and finally turned into thick beams like mountains, bombarding and rushing forward.

Countless creatures died tragically under such fluctuations, and the torrential army was abruptly broken through a crack.

In the sky, a Heaven-Swallowing Sparrow at the pinnacle of the Supreme Realm appeared, opened its mouth and spit, and a long silver moon swept across it.

The rune flashed, terrifying, and seemed to overwhelm the palace.

The powerful people in the eight wilderness and ten regions in front of the Great Sacred Realm were blocking the attacking army, but they burst in an instant, and were shattered by the breath of this silver moon long knife!

"damn it!"

"Let's go together, don't let it succeed!"

The other supreme beings were yelling, their eyes burning with anger, and they worked together to kill this fierce bird!

"Today, you will die here sooner or later. There will be no surprises."

The Sky-Swallowing Sparrow sneered, the Primordial Royal Family from the upper realm, with a terrifying aura, green eyes the size of a hill, spreading its wings, tearing through the sky, and coming in an instant.

Countless creatures turned into blood mist and burst into pieces under this strike!

"So strong!"

"At the pinnacle of the Supreme Realm, only half a foot is required to enter the Realm Realm."

The three supreme faces suddenly turned pale, trembling under this breath, and the surface of the runes broke and began to split, the blood was faint, and it was extremely terrifying.


In the other direction, among the ancient warships, flying boats, and magic mountains, the black mist is surging, the five-color lights are shining, and the strong appear, with the army in the diplomatic battle in the Jiekongyuan.

Killing sounds came from these ancient warships, and creatures and cultivators began to appear, rushing downwards like a tide!

Everyone's breath is terrifying, semi-holy, sage, holy and even supreme!

This is an extremely strong combat power, coming from different forces!


They shouted, extremely excited and excited, with bloodthirsty!

"The three enlightened persons have been dragged by Young Master Changge!"

"How can the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions be blocked?"

In the first moment of the battle between the two armies, the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions were lost and defeated like a mountain.

Everyone felt a huge panic, especially when they felt the rushing sound coming from behind, they couldn't help trembling even more.

They were surrounded, with chasing soldiers in front and no way out.

"Damn it, Upper Bound has already been calculated

At this moment, they also understood, and they were both frightened and angry. When they received this book of war, the upper world was setting up a set, drawing them all here, trying to catch it all in one go.

Before that, they had never thought that the army would come from behind.

Moreover, why is there an army of the upper realm in the depths of Jiekongyuan?

How did they get in, and how did they lie in ambush?

Questions and doubts surfaced in their minds, but unfortunately no one can answer them now.


Many powerful Daoist masters in the upper realm command the army behind them to kill like a sharp blade.

All the creatures that tried to resist along the way were torn apart, turned into blood fog, and collapsed in the world.

There are blood mists everywhere in the world, and the mighty army is like one. Like a stubble of leeks, it kept falling down, torn apart by the upper realm powerhouse who had been killed.

In terms of numbers, the eight deserts and ten territories do not have the advantage in the battle between the two armies.

And this is because the upper realm army hasn't all arrived.

In the hunting land, the faces of the young generations who fought against the eight wilderness and ten territories were also different.

"It seems that there is no need for me to wait for the shot."

The Heavenly Demon Sovereign whispered, smashing the Xuantian in front of him with a palm, his strength is very strong, and no one is his opponent.

Even the descendants of the Black Tortoise God of War clan also lost.

"The Vermillion Bird God of War clan, I wonder what is your relationship with the Vermillion Bird clan in the upper realm?"

Wang Ziyan wore a light blue dress with a beautiful face and a small smile on his face.

As the jade hand waved, silver vines were intertwined in the virtual space, and finally turned into Divine Armament and killed them forward, causing the descendants of the Vermillion Bird God of War family to cough up blood, shake their bodies, and surface many terrible cracks.

There is no doubt about her beauty. There is a rare woman in this world who can compare with her.

But the strength is terrifying. In the eyes of many Tianjiao, she is even more mysterious than the Heavenly Demon Monarch, the Sixth Crown King and others, and she seems extremely relaxed from beginning to end.


"Don't love war!"

In the hunting place, all the Tianjiao faces in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions are changing drastically, wanting to escape from here.

Xiao Yang, Lin Wu and others are no exception. They never thought that Gu Changge would be so vicious and set a trap to attract them all.

Things have reached this point, if you stay here, you will inevitably lose your life.

Even the enlightened people in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories were injured.

They will definitely become the target in the eyes of many people, who want to get rid of them quickly.

"Open the space altar, and you can escape as much as you can."

"Send the younger generation away. They can't die here. The high-level people of all races also take this opportunity to leave. As for the rest of the people, they can only stay here to delay time."

On the ancient battleship, many older generations were also very decisive at this moment, and their faces were gloomy. They knew that this battle might be dead.

All of them are likely to fall here, and immediately decided to sacrifice the space altar, send the younger generation away, and preserve the fire and hope.

Of course, there are not many people that the space altar can accommodate, so they must be willing.

Some of the younger generations who are not very talented can only abandon them here.

The seniors of Cultivation Base, as well as the seniors of all races, must also be sent away at this moment.

They are all valuable people to the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories. Once they fall, they will have a great impact on the power groups behind them.

Hearing this, many of the older generation's eyes flickered.

Although space altars are rare, there are many in each of them.

But if you leave now, I am afraid there will be great danger.

The space barrier here is probably already torn apart due to the fight of the enlightened people, and it is difficult to support how many cultivators escape. Maybe it will trigger a space storm and cause even greater danger.

Moreover, the Upper Realm probably won't let them leave safely.

Thinking of this, their brows are even more frowning. Even if they want to escape at this moment, they must wait for the right time.

Those who flee first will definitely become the target of the upper realm.

"First arrange for some people to take the initiative to die, lower the upper bound's vigilance, and then I will find a chance to escape. This is a good way."

"Up to now, there is only this way."

Afterwards, they ordered the people behind them to gather their hands, intending to make them escape through the space altar first.


There are spatial fluctuations in this place, followed by the quaint and mysterious altar, which manifests in the virtual space.

It seems to be a light gate located here, but this gate is not stable. Affected by the space of this place, there are signs of breaking.

"They want to escape"

A strong man in the upper realm noticed this scene, quickly shot his hand, slapped down with a palm, and tried to stop them.

However, this space portal did not last long, and soon collapsed, and a scream came, accompanied by a burst of blood fog.

The creature cultivator that entered just now was shattered by the turbulence of the space, and instantly vanished.

This scene caused many people in the upper realm to be taken aback, and then they couldn't help but laugh, and said, "These people can't choose their way.Even if we don't take action, they will die in the void. The space is shattered and no one can escape."

Later, they did not care about those who tried to sacrifice the space altar and escape, but specifically searched for those cultivators that were protected by many people, and carried out annihilation.

"Sure enough, they reduced their vigilance."

The eyes of some older generations in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions flickered, and their hearts were somewhat relieved.

This approach is tantamount to gecko docking, but it can still send some people away secretly.

And just as the two armies were fighting, the battle between the three enlightened people in the eight wilderness and ten regions and Gu Changge above the sky had reached the deepest part of the universe, far away from here.

Almost all of Xuan Gang's people were insane. The mighty emperor swept the entire universe, shattered the heavenly palace, and shook the Star.

In their view, Gu Changge is now just borrowing the power of foreign objects. Although the Nine Mountains Immortal Seal is strong, there is a limit in the end.

As long as they and Gu Changge consume it.

Gu Changge is not yet enlightened, after all, he is no better than the three, and will eventually lose.


The brilliance here is too splendid. With huge palms across the Universe, even Star is as small as dust under it.

This is the power of the enlightened person. It is infinitely powerful. Some people's physical bodies collapsed, but they soon condense again. Immortal, the primordial spirit, is almost indelible.

"Gu Changge, you are not an enlightened person after all!"

"Your strength will be exhausted sooner or later."

Xuan Gang shouted angrily, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, broken hand bones, and bright white bone slag splashing all over. Gu Changge slammed his body with a palm, making a rumbling sound like a universe cracking.

The body of Black Tortoise was extremely powerful, even comparable to Immortal Immortal Gold, but at this moment it was difficult to stop and was pierced.

The other two enlightened people are not in the slightest, especially the life-green ancestor who was penetrated by Gu Changge before, covered in blood and seriously injured.

He has reshaped his body several times. If he hadn't had a strong vitality and majored in the relationship between the soul, I am afraid it would be more than just a serious injury.

"Do you know why I brought you here?"

Gu Changge smiled faintly when he heard the words, his eyes flicked across the different colors.

Above his head, the immortal seal of Nine Mountains rises and falls, and there is a vast golden light hanging down, which is a kind of Wanfa invincibility.

He still had an understatement on his face, and he was not surprised by the thoughts of Xuan Gang and others.

This place has been endlessly far away from Jie Kongyuan, to the depths of this universe.

Even the two armies on the battlefield can only feel some fluctuations in the battle, and cannot get a clear picture of what is happening here.

"What do you mean by this?"

Xuangang's brows were furrowed, and there was something bad in his heart.

Because from the beginning to the end, Gu Changge's expression was so relaxed that people couldn't guess his limit at all, and they didn't even know how Gu Changge was now.

Now his words reveal some unknown plans.

He was really afraid of Gu Changge to the extreme.

Because Gu Changge is happy and angry, he can't guess his thoughts at all. If Gu Changge shows some surprise or anxiety, they can breathe a sigh of relief.

...For flowers...…

But Gu Changge did not.

The feeling that everything was under control made them feel a little bit horrified and deeply disturbed.

"This guy is just pretending to be a force. He is already out of wits, so he just wants to fool me into waiting.

"I'm waiting for being an enlightened person, now it's in this state, he is a junior, can he turn the sky upside down?

The ancestor of the Green Life Clan sank, and at this moment, he didn't care about anything, his whole body was burning, turning into a monstrous green sacred fire.

That is the source of the masses of creatures, the mountains whispered and surging, and they drowned towards Gu Changge.

"Brother Dao, don't underestimate the enemy

Seeing this scene, Xuan Gang felt more uneasy and wanted to drink the ancestor of the Green Clan to stop his life, but it was too late.

In his horrified expression, the universe in front of him suddenly became dark, as if eternal night descended, and the heavens and domains fell into the eternal twilight.

A horrible bottle of avenue floated above the sky, only a vague outline could be seen, where it was up and down, and an endless black light fell down.

Those black lights are transformed by endless rules, orders and great laws, and contain unimaginable majesty of heaven and earth.

The heavens and the universe and the eternal time and space seemed to be shattered because of its shock.

This is unpredictable and unspeakable power.


The many life origins transformed by the ancestors of the green life, at this moment, are like a clay cow entering the sea, being swallowed by that terrifying aquarium.

"What is this?" A touch of shock and disbelief appeared on his face.

I never expected that my own full blow would be resolved so easily by Gu Changge.

"It's the first time I've seen you in a hurry to die. If that's the case, then it will fulfill you."

Gu Changge's expression is calm, his eyes are still flat, and his words are not even the slightest wave of waves.


As his words fell, a terrifying black light suddenly flooded in the universe ahead.

Gu Changge shook his hand lightly, the Eight Desolate Devil Halberd appeared, trembling sound, the universe was destroyed, everything was chaotic.


It was the halberd light that swept across the sky and the earth, unparalleled, the heavens and everything seemed to be affected, and the ancestor of the Green Clan of Life penetrated with a snorting sound.

Instead, there was a bang, and the white bone slag splashed in all directions, including the primordial soul, which was split apart by the stand and turned into ashes.

Until the moment of his death, there were still panic, disbelief, and deep horror and regret on his face.

"This is "

"How can it be "

Xuan Gang and another enlightened person were sluggish at once, their words were trembling, and their faces turned pale.They did not expect that the ancestor of the Green Clan would be split apart by Gu Changge in just one face. Extinct.

All the breath of life disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

The shock of this scene was so great that it almost made them wonder if it was an illusion.

"Now it's your turn.

After smashing an enlightened person with one blow, Gu Changge's expression remained unchanged, as if he had done a trivial thing.

He looked at the two of Xuangang and spoke lightly.

Above his head, the Immortal Nine Mountains trembling slightly, this is the fear of the spiritual thing for some fierce and terrifying things.

At this moment, it felt the horror of the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd, which was the ultimate power of destroying the world.

"Who are you?"

The other body is the enlightened person of nine-headed golden bird, with a trembling voice and a tingling scalp.

It was the first time that she saw the scene of enlightened being killed, and it was so relaxed, this was something she couldn't imagine before.

The shock and horror that this scene gave her is really too great, the soul is trembling, and the horror is to the extreme.

They are enlightened beings who are invincible in the world, and now that the fairyland is not visible, it represents invincibility.

"Run away!"

Xuan Gang's reaction was quick, his face pale and full of fear, never expected Gu Changge to hide so deeply.

It seems that the mountain owners of Jiudashan have already encountered an accident.

He turned into the body in the first instant, larger than the Galaxy Cluster, and fleeed into the distance.

But The next moment a red light is faster than his speed. It looks like it is a Sword Qi, but the whistling that makes the long river of time chaotic, the entire universe seems to be cut off.

Calabash shines and appears in Gu Changge's hands.

At Calabash's mouth, a red glow spurted out, turning into terror. Sword Qi suddenly caught up with Xuan Gang and circled his neck.


A monstrous rain of blood appeared, flooding the universe, a huge Black Tortoise head, rolling down, and there was still panic in his eyes.

"Don't kill me. I'm willing to surrender

Seeing this scene, the enlightened man whose body was the nine-headed golden bird was so scared that he didn't dare to escape.

Although she has extreme speed, she can't say that she can escape this Sword Qi.

Even Xuan Gang, who has a terrifying body, was cut off by this Sword Qi, let alone her.

"It seems that you are smart and didn't run away." Gu Changge smiled faintly.

Hearing this, the face of the nine-headed golden bird couldn't help showing joy, and suddenly saw hope.

"It's a pity, all of you have to die today, otherwise my identity will be exposed."

However, at The next moment, Gu Changge rang with regretful words, but it made her look pale, she was horrified, and she was instantly desperate.


There was another bloody glow here, and finally everything became silent.

The entire Universe is in tatters, and the chaotic energy rushes into the world, as if to drown the world, without any fluctuations or traces. superior,