Ch 499


Above Jiekongyuan, the fog was shrouded, endless, accompanied by all kinds of chaotic auras, extremely mottled and terrifying.

Here is majestic and chaotic, full of the power of various broken rules, which can easily break the body of a general cultivator into a bloody mist, which is completely destroyed.

However, at this moment, it was very quiet here, and suddenly there was brilliance, an altar hidden in the dark glowed, and spatial fluctuations spread.

Two Daoist shadows appeared from it, a man and a woman, both seemingly young.

The man has a normal face and a medium build, showing a sense of perseverance and unyielding.

The woman beside him was dressed in white, holy and transcendent, shrouded in radiance.

It was Lin Wu and Song Chan.

"It's very risky, I was almost discovered. I was out of town at this time, which inevitably made people suspect and criticized."

Song Chan looked around this place for a week, and saw that he had left Tianlu City and came to the land of Jiekongyuan, and couldn't help but sigh.

After this decision was made, the disaster was over.

However, the matter was over, and she had no choice.

She and Lin Wu have been cautiously concealing their own figure since the secret passage of the pavilion in Tianlu City left, worrying about being seen by the rest of Tianlu City.

Fortunately, he was very careful on this road, leaving Tianlu City without any danger, and teleported to Jiekongyuan outside Tianlu City through the road that Lin Wu had prepared for a long time.

After the previous battle, there are not many living creatures here anymore, it is very quiet.

"After today, I am afraid that they will not have the opportunity to criticize both of us.

"There is no big formation in Tianlu City, how can it resist the upper realm army?"

Compared to Song Chan's sigh, Lin Wu took a long sigh of relief, feeling like the stone was finally put down.

In his hand, he was holding the bronze box containing the core of the Tianlu City formation.

The strands of the world's meaning flowed around, mysterious and mysterious, and it was heart palpitating. It seemed that there was an ancient world.

Lin Wu felt that he had completed the task assigned by Gu Changge within half a year.

His little "five-eighty-zero" life is temporarily saved, and by taking this opportunity, he can also save the life of his sweetheart Luluo.

"You are so sure, can Gu Changge come as agreed?"

Song Chan's voice was a little puzzled, and the scene he saw in Tianlu City at that time could not help but reappeared in his mind.

She witnessed with her own eyes the horror scene where Zhao Yunze, the first person of her generation, was killed by Gu Changge twice.

The feeling Gu Changge gave her was mysterious and indifferent, revealing unparalleled horror and power, and it was simply beyond the reach of humans.

Even the invincible Master Tianlu Xuannv in her mind finally fell into the hands of Gu Changge, and she couldn't help her life and death.

Such a character, if it were not for the sake of saving Master, she would not dare to approach her in her life.

"Gu Changge is a bit mean and cold, but sometimes he still counts."

Lin Wu gritted his teeth, explaining this way, but also comforting himself.

When Gu Changge was in the void of Boundary Tablet Sea, Gu Changge did promise to let them go, but he did not promise to let Luluo.

So in the end, Luluo was taken away by Gu Changge.

"Sometimes?" Song Chan was clearly in the same room.

And just as the two were talking, in the void not far away, ripples suddenly spread, and then became blurred.

There was a wave of spatial fluctuations.

The next moment, a slender and handsome figure in white clothes walked out, his face was originally very vague, but as he approached the two of them, the mysterious mist that enveloped his body slowly dissipated.

Song Chan looked at the immortal bones in front of him, the young man who looked like an immortal, a little dazed, unable to react.

If she hadn't witnessed Gu Changge's horror and power, she would have been unable to connect the man in front of her with the immortal spirit and transcendent vulgarity with him.

However, Gu Changge just glanced at her and ignored it.

He looked at own Lin Wu warily, smiled faintly, and said, "Is the task entrusted to you completed?"

Lin Wu's cold hair was standing upside down, and he was also ready to contact Gu Changge with the brand of his mind.

But I didn't expect that Gu Changge would appear suddenly, like his every move, Gu Changge was in control from beginning to end.

This feeling made him shudder.

"It's finished, but there are eight pieces in the formation core of Tianlu City, and I only got one piece."

Lin Wu heard the words, and gestured to the bronze box in his hand at the same time.

At this time, as long as you are a discerning person, you can see that the bronze box is not simple, it exudes a world-like weight, simple and heavy.

"Is only one piece? But it doesn't matter."

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows slightly and nodded.

Tianlu City's big formation not only has one place to control, he doesn't doubt that.

And if you get one piece, then this big array will become incomplete, the resistance power will be reduced a lot, and some areas can even easily tear the space cracks.

However, Lin Wu did not directly hand it over to Gu Changge, but still stared at him vigilantly.

"I hope you can keep your promise, let Luluo let go, and remove the imprint on my body. Otherwise, when I open this box and form the core, it will automatically fly back to Tianlu City."

"If you don't agree, then even if I die, I won't let your tricks come true."

"Also, she is Song Chan, the apprentice of Tianlu Xuannv, and she wants to see own Master safe and sound."

Lin Wu was very cautious, and continued to speak, and at the same time pointed to Song Chan next to him, and began to mention own conditions.

Although nowadays rumors all say that Tianlu Xuannu betrayed the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories and became Gu Changge's concubine.

But it's true or false, and I don't know that many powerful people in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions have not seen the Tianlu Profound Girl with their own eyes.

So Song Chan was a little worried, for fear that his master might have some accident.

Or those rumors were deliberately said by the Upper Realm to combat morale in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories.

"Don't worry, you will never lose faith in what Gu promised. Fortunately, your actions are not too slow. Otherwise, a certain arrogant of my clan will fall in love with your sweetheart and plan to accept it as a maid."

"I'm considering whether to give it to him.

Gu Changge smiled faintly when he heard the words, with contempt in his words, and did not take Lin Wu's threat to heart.

"you "

Hearing that, Lin Wu's complexion was a little ugly, his fists clenched, and he knew that Gu Changge had the means to make Luluo alive rather than dead.

Although he was not afraid of death, he felt like a knife and unbearable when he thought of Luluo's torture.

"I see, I hope you can keep your own words.

He gritted his teeth and handed the bronze box to Gu Changge unwillingly.

"Gu Changge, where is my master?"

"I want to see my master."

Seeing that Gu Changge ignored her, Song Chan couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and couldn't help asking.

After Gu Changge took the bronze box, he glanced at her, then smiled and said, "Your apprentice wants to see you, don't you show up to see her?"

But as his words fell, in the void behind him, there was a soft sigh.

A stunning beauty emerged, tall and graceful, with a delicate and flawless face, three thousand green silks dancing in the wind, holy and dusty, like a god lotus, left and independent.


Song Chan looked at the Tianlu Profound Girl who appeared, and she was almost stunned. He never expected that the Tianlu Profound Girl would actually be with Gu Changge now.

She didn't have her freedom restricted by Gu Changge or imprisoned in a certain place as she thought.

"Xiao Chan, you shouldn't be here."

Tianlu Xuannv looked at Own's apprentice, her eyes were very complicated, and her words couldn't hide some sighs.

"Master, I want to save you, so that's why the formation of Tianlu City is the core of the city."

Song Chan thought that Tianlu Xuannv was because she stole the formation core of Tianlu City and sighed, and couldn't help but explain.

However, Tianlu Profound Girl waved her hand and interrupted her, "But the matter is over, you don't have to go back to the eight deserts and ten territories in the future."

Song Chan was stunned, but he didn't expect Tianlu Xuannv to say that. Is it true that Tianlu Xuannv had voluntarily returned to the upper realm, as rumored.

She thought Master would blame own.

But now it seems that the relationship between Gu Changge and Tianlu Xuannv seems to be very close, which makes her mind confused.

At the same time, the dark shadows on the walls of Tianlu City were all shrouded in chaos, extremely tall.

In the open eyes, there is a terrifying golden light escaping, as if there is an open sky, appearing in it.

The big stars are up and down, rotating one by one, and they have to evolve in the early chaos and so on.

It has to be said that at this moment their aura is stronger than ever, and behind them are many powerful people in Lucheng like today, there are Rogue Cultivators, and there are also powerful people who are unwilling to leave from the rest of the race.

At this moment, almost everyone was looking at the figure on the wall, and their gazes were full of awe.

An old supreme could not help but sighed, "As expected of the four God of War clan, they are the only ones left now."

"The rest of the ethnic forces have already withdrawn and abandoned Tianlu City."

The other strong men couldn't help but nod their heads, and they were very respectful.

At this moment, I still don't want to evacuate Tianlu City, still want to fight with the upper realm, and shed the last drop of blood.

This determination and perseverance, who is in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories today? How can they not be respected? It can only be said that they are worthy of being respected as the four major families of God of War.

"Like today, the army in Lucheng is already less than half. Even if the rest of the people fight with the upper realm, they will waste their lives for no reason.

"It's better to let our old bones burn the last waste heat.

"If we also lose in this battle, then you should wait like the others and withdraw from Tianlu City."

At this moment, the ancient beings on the city wall opened their mouths one after another.

Several of them even sighed, seemingly with deep helplessness and grief.


There is a glow in the sky, and aura rises to break through the sky.

At the same time, the aura in their bodies is constantly getting stronger, and the power of Qi and blood from the Tianling Gai manifests and turns into a terrifying river of Blood Qi, swallowing all directions with qi.

At this moment, they seemed to be returning to their peak state and fighting with the upper realm.

Hearing these words, everyone in front of Tianlu City felt a sense of surging heart and blood. At the same time, feelings of powerlessness, guilt, and unwillingness were intertwined.

It was even more unbearable to hear that these ancient beings, who claimed to be old bones, were going to burn the last remaining heat.

Some people's eyes were red, and their fists were clenched tightly.

"I am waiting to fight with you seniors!"

Someone groaned, his eyes were red, and his teeth were clenched.

"Even if there is no return in this battle, I am willing to live and die with all of my peers."

The rest of the people also opened their mouths one after another.

For a time, in front of the walls of Tianlu City, all the people were excited and murderous, regardless of life and death.

Although these enlightened people call themselves old bones, at this time, they don't care.

"No, you are too weak. Even if you go into battle, you will die for no reason.

"We are a handful of old bones, and it is not a pity to die. You are still young, and there is a great future."

"You all stay in the city. If you see me waiting for defeat soon, then you should leave as soon as possible. If you live one more, you count one."

"At this time, no one will blame you. It is not easy for you to stick to this moment.

Hearing that, several ancient existences seemed to be touched too. Some sighed and waved their hands to stop saying.

However, hearing these words as if the strong men were gone forever, everyone was even more tragic, and some young women couldn't help crying.

I admire the enlightened people of the four great God of War clans for their high morale.

And just here, outside Tianlu City, beyond the distant horizon, there was a terrifying voice suddenly, as if thousands of troops were rushing to kill.


The dull sound suddenly appeared at the end of the heaven and the earth, as if there was some terrifying treasure, recovering there, and sinking the heaven and the earth.

The dazzling brilliance suddenly rises, like a round of brilliant sun, which can reflect the eternal sky.

At the same time, accompanied by a thick mist, several demon-like figures walked out from there, crossing a distance of tens of thousands of miles.

Hundreds of millions of glowing rays are intertwined, like a giant standing on top of the earth, constantly striding, shaking the entire universe, making the world tremble.

"not good!!"

"The Upper Realm has attacked the city again!"

On the city wall, many soldiers were yelling, their faces pale, and they felt that the power this time was even more terrifying than before.

Moreover, the upper realm seems to have sacrificed some extremely terrifying treasure, and a black light appeared at the end of the sky and the earth, like a burning black sun, the majesty of the brilliance, can not be seen, and the void around it was collapsing.

"The upper bound is here again!"

"Don't go out of the city, I will wait to fight and fight with them!"

Several ancient beings looked furious, as if provoked by the action of the upper realm, their figures flashed and disappeared from the wall of Tianlu City.

Then a burst of light surged on the altar and appeared outside the city wall.

The other strong men watched this scene and couldn't help clenching their fists, hating their own weakness and weakness, and couldn't go to fight with a few seniors and guard the eight wilderness and ten territories!

"Tianhuang Mountain has brought out even the most precious emperor wheel, but it hasn't been sacrificed before.

"In this case, it can save some effort.

A golden avenue stretches down from the horizon, the avenue is rumbling.

A vague and slender figure stood on it, exuding surging and pounding pressure, which made the appearance of the ancient beings in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions suddenly changed and felt a kind of unspeakable pressure.

Their original plan was to fight with the Upper Realm, no matter whether it was victory or defeat, then they would find an opportunity to return to Tianlu City, and then take the tribe to evacuate here.

At this time, no one is a fool who is willing to give up his life at this time.

What does the destruction of Tianlu City have to do with them?

But they didn't expect that Gu Changge would show up here.

They didn't want to fight Gu Changge. Although they were both smart and hidden, they didn't want to cause too much trouble.

So they were very decisive. Almost immediately, they rushed to the upper bound peak powerhouse on the other side to fight with them.

3.7 From the eyes of everyone in Tianlu City, this scene was even more emotional, and everyone's fists were clenched.

Obviously, several ancient beings took the initiative to attack with anger and took the lead in moving towards the upper bound, which was different from the passive situation in the past.

"It's a pity that you are going to regret it today."

"Since I dare to take the initiative to wait for me, I don't know whether to live or die."

The few figures that looked like magical shadows all came from Tianhuang Mountain, and their faces were not the same as those of the human race. Their gestures drove infinite qi, surging between the heaven and the earth.

They felt that they had been provoked, and they dared to take the initiative to attack them.


The divine light rushed into the sky one after another, and the big hand shot down, constantly shooting down the various brilliance here.

There are a variety of magical powers in the deduction, chaos here.

In an instant, the most terrifying battle broke out here, and several enlightened people fought against each other.

Real dragons, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird and other terrifying phantoms seem to have come alive. They have come across domains since ancient times, and they want to recover here and explode with unparalleled power.

"It's clever, I don't dare to fight against me.

"Pick those soft persimmons."

Gu Changge's eyes were full of interest. He did not participate in the war after he came here.

After all, he had already obtained the core of the formation from Lin Wu, and the Deer City must be broken today, so Gu Changge was not in a hurry.

He wanted to see what tricks the four God of War people were playing.


At this moment, at the end of the horizon, a terrible black light was rising, like a sun.

But it was pitch black, with Wang Yang-like fluctuations. From the outside, it looked like a roulette cast by Immortal black gold. It was extremely ancient, with countless runes blooming around it.

This is a treasure of Tianhuang Mountain, called the Tianhuang Wheel, which contains a lot of mystery, and it is suppressing this sky as soon as it manifests.

Strands of black light began to fall, like a chaotic energy, drowning towards Tianlu City!