Ch 500

"Young Master, in accordance with your instructions, we have dispatched all the troops we can send."

"You can follow your instructions at any time and enter Tianlu City."

Above the sky, the golden avenue seemed to be condensed by countless rules, and Gu Changge stood on it without making any moves.

Behind him, a strong man from the Changsheng Gu family appeared and reported respectfully.

For all Gu Changge's orders, they were almost unconditionally convinced.

Although they didn't know how Gu Changge came from, he could invade Tianlu City today.

"Have you all been dispatched?"

Gu Changge nodded, smiled with interest, and withdrew his gaze from the play.

Although Tianlu City is big, in this situation, it is estimated that even the iron cavalry of the Changsheng Gu family can't stop it.

So if you get in first, you will naturally get the first cup of soup first.

Of course, Gu Changge is more interested in the rebirth in the depths of Tianlu City.

If he guessed correctly, the land of rebirth should have been born through the luck of the upper realm, and it contains an unimaginable good fortune.

"Gu Changge didn't make a move."

"Damn it, is it an enlightened person who looks down on my world? You don't even bother to fight with them!"

In front of Tianlu City, many cultivator creatures noticed Gu Changge in the distance.

Seeing that he was just watching a show, he didn't do anything to the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, and couldn't help cursing.

In their eyes, Gu Changge is even more hateful than other enlightened people in the upper realm.


At this time, the dazzling and brilliant light broke out between the heaven and the earth, and layers of terrifying aura, like surging mountain torrents, slammed into the world.

The upper realm and the peak powerhouse in the Tianlu city fought and killed, and the fluctuations of the war continued to spread from the horizon, blasting everything to ashes.

This is an unimaginable battle of horror, and the peak powerhouses of the two worlds show their strongest strength.

Countless cultivator creatures shivered under this kind of breath and couldn't help kneeling there.

At the back, countless black palms slapped down the Star in the sky.

The most dazzling brilliance of this universe erupted. Some people were drinking and some were roaring. The breath of terror swept like a wave.

The golden runes condensed in the heavens and the earth, shaking in all directions, and couldn't bear the fluctuations of these enlightened masters.

In the sky above Tianlu City, the Emperor's Wheel appears scorching hot, like a black sun rising up.

Every ray of brilliance is as heavy as a mountain and sea, enough to crush everything, causing the runes outside Lucheng on the 24th day to rise in the sky, turning into mysterious and ancient symbols, where they gather and combine, with incomparable strength.

After being suppressed by the Emperor's Wheel, the large formation in Tianlu City actively recovered and resisted.

But at this time, many people standing on the wall seemed to feel something, their complexion changed slightly.

"What's the matter? Could it be that the great formation of Tianlu City is about to be unable to hold it?"

"Why do I feel that the barrier of Tianlu City today is obviously much weaker than before?"

Many strong people, although Cultivation Base is not realm, but it is also very deep, and it is easy to perceive the vast fluctuations from outside Tianlu City.

In the past, because of the existence of formation, as long as they hide in Tianlu City, they basically cannot feel the power of the upper realm to attack, they are extremely safe, and they don't have to worry about the safety of their lives.

But today, it is obviously a little different. Although the Great Formation in Lucheng still recovers spontaneously on this day, its power is no longer as good as before.

The wisps of coercion spread across the large array, very terrifying, and suppressed their bones creaking.

Some people even buzzed their heads and heard the almost still sound of blood under the skin.


Some black light even leaked from the fissures of the large formation, and shook down on the wall outside Tianlu City, causing the faces of everyone standing on it to change in shock, some were pale, very scared, and almost stood unstable.

This is a wave of terror comparable to a blow of an enlightened person, enough to obliterate any existence under it.

"Could it be that that day after the immortal existence of the upper realm attacked the city, he wiped out the rune of the big formation, which caused the defense to drop so much."

It was also difficult to hide the pale and uneasy with the supreme complexion, and couldn't help but guess like that.

"The Great Array doesn't seem to be able to protect us for long."

Thinking of this possibility, some people's complexion suddenly changed and became pale, more panicked, and a feeling of despair spontaneously emerged.

The people in Tianlu City for a while couldn't help shaking.

Many people who yelled at Gu Changge just now closed their mouths in horror, and their eyes were full of fear.

Before they thought that the Tianlu City Great Formation could resist the upper realm for a while, they had never thought that it would be broken by the upper realm today, and would come in.

And if the Lucheng Great Array cannot protect them today, Gu Changge will kill them, and there will be no one to stop at that time!

"Come here, gather everyone who is still in Tianlu City!"

"It is very likely that Shang Jie will be killed today!"

Several seniors who were very old in their generations, made a decisive and decisive decision. With a big wave, they began to give orders to gather the army now in Tianlu City and get ready.

And this scene was naturally noticed by several ancient enlightened people who had been paying attention to the changes in the Tianlu City Array.

"How can it be "

Their complexion changed suddenly, and they were a little unbelievable, and they didn't care about fighting the peak powerhouse in the upper realm.

Bright avenues emerged under their feet, manifesting in the heavens and the earth, trying to evacuate and return to Tianlu City.

But when he noticed this anomaly, many enlightened people in the upper realm would naturally not miss such an opportunity.

In the vast and infinite, tide-like army in the distance, footsteps sounded again.

Several horrible figures came out again, either holding a golden Taoist sword, or a god furnace with their heads hanging above the sky.

Undoubtedly, this is a group of powerful enlightened persons from all ethnic groups and traditions in the upper realm.

"It seems that there is something wrong with the big formation in Tianlu City, and it can't protect them like before.."

"This is really a godsend! Haha, I see who can escape today!"

The enlightened people of the upper realm burst into laughter, and between their gestures, there was a surging and vast aura emerging, and they were going to kill in front of them. They wanted to make a concerted effort to keep the enlightened people of the four great God of War clans.

If they were afraid of the great formation of Tianlu City before, they would not easily make a move.

But judging from the situation today, these enlightened persons are no different from leaving the city to die.

It is estimated that they themselves did not expect that at a critical time, Tianlu City's great formation would have problems.


On the other side, the Treasure Waves of Tianhuang Mountain reappeared, being urged by an enlightened person in the dark, exuding waves like Wang Yang, and falling downward.

Tianlu City shook violently, and countless runes lit up on the city wall disappeared at a speed visible to the flesh, and were wiped out by this fluctuation.

"How is it possible? The great formation of Tianlu City can at least resist for a while. I have tried it myself, how is this possible?

"Where is the problem?"

An enlightened person from the Vermillion Bird God of War clan looked a little ugly and couldn't believe it. It seemed that things had gone beyond their expectations.

Before today's engagement, they had clearly explored the great formation of Tianlu City, knowing that with the energy accumulated by Tianlu City over the years, there was absolutely no problem with resisting the upper realm for a period of time.

That's why they went out of the city to fight without fear.

But now, the upper realm enlightened people who appeared around them had a total of eight, and the strength of each of them felt that they were not weaker than them.

-Next, their faces paled, they were not at all as energetic as they were just now, and they looked at death as home, or even showed fear.

After all, there are only four of them, and they are not the opponents of the eight upper realm enlightened people in front of them.

Even if they could escape back to Tianlu City at this moment, I am afraid that the great formation of Tianlu City would not be able to stop the upper realm.

Thinking of this, their hearts are full of regrets. They knew that they should evacuate long ago, and they won't get any Face glory.

Who knew there would be such an accident today.


In the next moment, the Universe shook dramatically, and a blue giant hall fell in the distance, and a large swath of Chaos Qi was brought up.

It was an enlightened man who was attacking them. There were countless rules exploding here, as if to be turned into ashes.

In the other direction, a black thunder appeared. It was a terrifying real thunder like a real dragon, making the heaven and the earth roar, falling on them, and crushing their real bodies.


The enlightened person of the Vermillion Bird God of War clan changed drastically and wanted to move away.

But the speed was too slow. It was too late. I was hit by this palm and coughed up blood. I was injured all of a sudden.

The other enlightened people of the God of War clan in the other direction also coughed up blood and injured them, and their bodies almost cracked.

They were not against the eight people on the upper realm side, and they fell into a disadvantage almost instantly.

"It seems that I don't need to act."

"There are not many upper bounds, but there are many tools."

Gu Changge glanced at the battle over there, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then, among the horrified and uneasy eyes of everyone in front of Tianlu City, he took out a bronze box.


And at the moment this bronze box emerged, the formation patterns in front of Tianlu City suddenly lit up, seeming to have received resonance.

One by one runes flew out, like a star, extremely dazzling, as if they were about to fly into the bronze box.

This scene shook the entire Tianlu City at once. Even the peak powerhouse that was fighting against the powerhouse of the upper realm, his complexion changed drastically, and he looked at Gu Changge with an unbelievable and shocked look.

"This fluctuation is"

"I just said how could I perceive it wrong, it turned out to be the formation core of Tianlu City, which fell in his hands."

"How did Gu Changge get this thing?,

The enlightened person of the Black Tortoise God of War clan looks very ugly.

However, as soon as his words fell, he was bombarded by a giant palm in the other direction. The whole body almost exploded, coughing up blood and flying out, causing the Universe to collapse.

"Someone must have betrayed the Eight Desolate Ten Domains and secretly sent away the core of the formation! Damn it!"

"It can't be the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl. It should be someone else who can still reach the core of the formation. Without knowing it, we will steal the core of the formation."

The faces of the other enlightened persons were also extremely ugly, with disbelief, as if they had eaten dead flies.

They can't figure out that the formation core of Tianlu City has always been in the depths of Tianlu City, where there are special strong guards.

If it is lost, they can also know it for the first time.

How did Gu Changge get this thing?

At this moment, not only everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains was sluggish.

Even the people in the upper realm were shocked. They didn't even expect that the defensive power of Tianlu City's great formation would decrease. It turned out that this was the reason.

The bronze box in Gu Changge's hands could control the big formation in Tianlu City.

Obviously, the great formation of Tianlu City has no longer its previous divine power, and its resistance is constantly decreasing, and it can't stop the current upper realm army at all!

Tianlu City is broken today, and the eight deserts and ten regions are bound to be in danger!

"How on earth did Young Master Changge do it? Unknowingly, he got the things controlled by Tianlu City?"

"I can't believe it. This is the first time that our world has fought in the eight wilderness and ten territories for countless years to break its defensive formation in this way!"

After the shock, everyone in the upper realm was almost excited. All the strong men of the Orthodox forces waved their hands and gave orders. Amidst the rumblings, ancient warships fell from the sky.

The mighty army, like a black torrent, directly rushed into the Tianlu City ahead.

At the forefront, there are groups of war beasts, behemoths, ancient gods, etc., clearing the way. The figures are as high as ten thousand feet, and they are wrapped in chains like mountains.

The vast divine might, gathered in the sky, and finally blasted towards the Tianlu city wall in front!

"How could the formation core of Tianlu City be in the hands of Gu Changge?

"It's going to die, I'll wait!"

This scene caused all the people in Tianlu City on the wall to feel desperate and could not help trembling. Seeing the mighty upper realm army, there was no resistance at all.

And at this time, on the formation outside Tianlu City, there were runes flying out, and many avenues were also dimming.

These places encountered the most terrifying attacks and became extremely dim, as if a hole had been torn open in the defensive cover.

Behind Gu Changge, a terrifying army came, like an invincible weapon, suddenly tore the runes in front of him, and directly slammed in front of Tianlu City.

"It's over"

"Everyone will be finished today!"

In this scene, the few people who were besieged by many enlightened people outside Tianlu City looked pale and ugly, but they could hardly conceal their fear and regret.

They have long lost their previous courage, Martial Sage, and their words are trembling.

At this time, they can't escape either.

"Thanks to you guys, it saved me a lot of effort."

Gu Changge ordered the army behind to kill Tianlu City, and then swept towards the enlightened people of the four great God of War clan that had been hit hard.

"I am willing to surrender!"

At this moment, their complexion changed drastically, almost without hesitation, they chose to surrender, and did not intend to die at this moment.

At the same time, he put down the imperial weapon in his hand and did not dare to resist.

Even the big formation outside Tianlu City is useless, if they don't return, they will probably have a dead end.

This made them feel extremely bitter and regretful. They had long known that they had evacuated from Tianlu City at that time and would not be the so-called hero in troubled times.

"E? ​​Return?"

Gu Changge glanced at a few people, and smiled intriguingly, "Yes, but what about your nomination?"

Seeing this scene, everyone in Tianlu City was even more dumbfounded.

They also thought that these enlightened people would shed the last drop of blood for this battle, as they had said before, seeing death as home, not fearing everything.

But they never thought that at this time, they would surrender so quickly, and they chose to surrender without hesitation.

It seemed that he was killed by the upper realm for fear of slowing the previous step.

This caused a lot of killing intent to boil, and the cultivator creatures who were ready to fight with the upper realm were as if they were being thrown down by a basin of cold water.

"Could it be that the things they said before are all false, everything is false?"

"All just to deceive us"

Many people reacted with a bitter voice with trembling, grief and anger.


At this moment, Tianlu City shook violently, and the horrible fluctuations suddenly fell from the end of heaven and earth.

All the runes were wiped out, like a city wall that was level with the sky and the earth, trembling constantly, cracks began to appear on it.

Before the upper realm army slammed into the city, the already prepared siege weapon manifested, like a heavenly sword, with dazzling brilliance, slashing down against the city wall in front.

The city wall, which has been standing for countless years without falling, is constantly trembling at this moment, and the large runes are wiped out and seem to collapse.

Several enlightened people of the four great God of War clans changed their expressions when they heard Gu Changge's words.

If they want to vote for the name certificate, then they can only make a move towards Deer City now, and Gu Changge and others will definitely not let them leave easily.

"Finally, it seems that you are not willing.

Seeing their expressions, Gu Changge couldn't help but smile.

Then behind him, several enlightened persons from the longevity Gu family appeared, with a majestic aura, raised their hands to play the power of horror rules, sealed the town in all directions, and suppressed the few people in front of them.

Those peak powerhouses that had just shot saw this, their eyes flickered, but they didn't stop it.

If the four people in front of them are desperate, it will be no small trouble for them, and they are not very clear about what Gu Changge intends to imprison these people.

Now that Tianlu City is broken, there are more important things waiting for them.