Ch 501

Tianlu City has been standing in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions for countless years.

Even Star is as small as dust in front of him.

But today, all of this is ruined, the wall is trembling, and all the runes on it are like a torrent of collapse, disappearing and disappearing quickly.

Countless marks of swords, guns, swords and halberds appeared on the blue-gray wall, and even a lot of blood stains were visible.


Countless Stars imply the imprint of heaven and earth, which can outline the power between heaven and earth and revolve around Tianlu City.

But under the breath of peak powerhouse, it burst into powder in the sky in an instant.

Today, a large formation outside Lucheng was torn apart, and a terrifying rift valley appeared.

The endless wind and rules and order rushed out there, making all the cultivators on the wall shudder, their faces turned pale, and they were already terrified to the extreme.

Looking from their direction, you can see many terrifying creatures in the upper realm, striding forward to shake the world and kill them.

This is an unstoppable force, the mountains collapse and the ground cracks, the sea becomes ashes, and the thunder and lightning will also be exhausted under this fluctuation.

The countless cultivators and creatures in the city began to gather around the city wall.

But there are more people, taking advantage of the current chaos, fleeing far away.

Because even the peak powerhouses who had just gone out of the city to fight against them had already chosen to surrender and were afraid to continue fighting with the upper realm.

At this moment, what else are they defending against?

Before, all kinds of grandeur, morale, and death were just to win people's hearts. At the last moment, they finally revealed their true faces of greed for life and fear of death.

What kind of shit the four God of War clan, is not the generation of deceiving the world.

At this moment, countless creature cultivators yelled at the four great God of War clans, but the speed at their feet was not slow.

Divine rainbows appeared under their feet, and at the same time, the ancient altars glowed, and among them there appeared dazzling portals that could lead to other places.

There was chaos in Tianlu City.

Among the several ancient Great Halls in the center, the brilliance is equally shining.

There are several very old figures sitting around here, there are traces of time around them, and it seems that fragments of time can still be seen faintly.

But they sat cross-legged here, seemingly silent, motionless, as if they hadn't moved in countless years.

Now it seemed to feel the aura outside Tianlu City, and a brilliant divine glow began to emerge, and the glow rose to the sky, and the place where they were covered by the heavenly spirit gave out a holy and crystal-clear brilliance.

The waves of divine consciousness like the vast sea emerged from them. Everyone possessed unfathomable strength and was gradually awakening.

"Is this day finally here?"

Some of them moved their eyes, and then slowly opened them, their eyes were extremely vicissitudes of life.

He was sighing, as if he already knew what Lucheng and the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories were facing today.

"I have seen endless blood and fire, the earth was submerged in darkness, the sun and the moon were eroded by the flames of war, everything was sunk…"

The other old man also opened his eyes.

He looked very vicissitudes and thin, his cheekbones were sunken, and his eyes were like candles, which were extremely dazzling and bright.


The brilliance burst into the sky here, and there was a glow that shattered the sky, reflecting into the Universe in the distance.

Countless cultivators and creatures felt this fluctuation and couldn't help showing surprise.

Like today, in Lucheng, except for the enlightened people of the four great God of War clan, there are no other enlightened people in sight.

Moreover, the enlightened people of the four great God of War clans have already been suppressed, and just now they planned to take the initiative to return to the upper realm.

This made everyone in Tianlu City a little desperate.

At this moment, I felt the breath of other enlightened beings, which naturally surprised them.

Among these several palaces, these beings began to stand up. For some reason, they were shut up in Tianlu City, but now they feel that Tianlu City has been in great wars, but they have awakened from the dead.

Divine rainbows swept across the sky, and their brilliance appeared on the walls of Tianlu City, but what they saw made them desperate.

Among them, there are young creatures and older generations, and they are all trembling at this moment.


Outside Tianlu City, you can see that the army is densely packed with a majestic and terrifying aura, pouring from the end of the sky and the earth, to submerge this place.

At the forefront is a more terrifying behemoth of war, which is controlled by the Supreme. Just a step, it shakes the world, and one foot is enough to trample countless creatures to death.

This is a piece of black Wang Yang, full of billions, seeing this sight makes everyone desperate!

The Tianlu City formation was torn apart. From this direction, it was the weak point, so all the upper realm troops were killed from this direction.


At this moment, there was a more terrifying explosion in the sky. There was a scarlet spear, composed of many orders of brilliance. It cut through the sky and seemed to be able to pierce the eternity, to split the universe, and suddenly pierced towards the Tianlu City below.

This caused all the creatures in Tianlu City to kneel down under this kind of breath. This was involuntary and out of control at all.

Everyone's scalp was numb and saw a terrifying rune erupted on the city wall, but under this spear, it was wiped out and could not be stopped at all.

The Tianlu City nowadays has long lost the resistance that it used to be. It is constantly shaking, and it seems that it will be shaken down by this strike.

This makes them feel desperate.

Gu Changge took the shot. In the eyes of everyone in Tianlu City, his existence was like a nightmare. Although he was handsome and detached, his power was unmatched.

Just this casual blow can now tear the large formation outside Tianlu City.

"Those who surrender live, those who resist die"."

The voices of many enlightened people in the upper realm sounded. Although not loud, they spread clearly, with indifference.

They walked toward the front, with monstrous fluctuations and breath on their bodies, and they wanted to suppress everyone in front of them and kneel down.

Everyone in Tianlu City couldn't help shaking. Without enlightened people to resist, their level was too low.

If faced with this level of power, it is no different from the ant facing the real dragon, and there is only a dead end.

"It will take a moment to get into the city, but it won't last long."

After Gu Changge took one shot, he didn't do anything. Instead, he looked at the depths of Tianlu City. He felt that Tianlu City was not as simple as it seemed.

The rebirth place Tianlu Xuannv said is likely to hide the big Karma.

But nowadays, only relying on the strength of Tianlu City, even he can't stop him, let alone the army of the upper realm.


At this time, in the center of Tianlu City, there was brilliance soaring into the sky. There were several powerful figures, the power of blood and blood was boiling, filled with the aura of enlightened people, it was the few people who had just awakened.

Facing the terrorist army in the upper realm, they are very cautious. Although they have just recovered, they already know what happened before Tianlu City.

This made them sigh, but sadness and anger were more of them.

Who could have imagined that in this crisis, the major ethnic groups did not want to unite, but one after another abandoning the city and fleeing.

Even the enlightened people of the four great God of War clans returned to the upper realm in front of everyone in Tianlu City.

This made them angry and sad, and there was an air soaring in their hearts, which changed the color of the sky and the mountains and the ground.

But now it is of no avail. They understand that after the Tianlu City Great Formation is breached, everyone in this place can't stop the army of the upper realm at all.

Even the number of enlightened people makes people feel desperate, not to mention the existence of those who haven't taken action in secret.

Some people are even closer to the Immortal Realm. With their own power, they can suppress the current world, be the best in the past and present, and be invincible in the world.

How this allows them to block, it simply can't block it, from the beginning to the end there is no chance.

"Today the city is broken, and those who wish to come will come down. No one blames you at this time.

"This is a destined thing.

Their figures came and fell from the sky, speaking to all the cultivator creatures in Tianlu City, with helplessness.

Some people with very old generations recognized them, but couldn't help but grieve.

These few were fighting the upper realm at the time, and they were brave enough to kill the enemy, and they were even called kings.

I only heard that they disappeared later. It seems that they were somewhere in Closed Door Training, but I never thought they were in Tianlu City.

But to this day, there is no hope in this battle, and it is even more sad for the original king.

"The eight deserts and ten territories today are no longer the eight deserts and ten territories when I was waiting for them."

"This luck has decayed

These elders were all sighing, and did not choose to fight with the upper realm at this time, it was just a meaningless death.

If there is still a glimmer of hope in this battle, they will definitely fight hard, even if the world is exhausted and the world is destroyed.

The wave of momentum outside Tianlu City is even more terrifying, and it can be seen that in the endless brilliance and order of the god chain, the vast formation has been torn apart.

The Great Array finally cracked the terrifying Rift Valley, and enlightened people led the army of the upper realm to come and attacked the city in the first time.

The city gate that was originally as high as the sky, under the joint attack of the enlightened people, exploded in a big burst, and all the rune orders above were shattered, and it could not stop a moment.

This scene made everyone in Tianlu City feel desperate.

"Is it really the only way to choose to surrender?

Many people's voices trembled, and there was fear in them.

Someone stepped forward to fight with the army of the upper realm, but was dropped by the behemoth of the war on the way and stepped directly into a blood mist.

Some enlightened people came driving chariots, which were covered with traces of terror, there were traces of swords, guns, swords and halberds, and various arrow holes, filled with the supreme aura.

They came to the city with amazing power, suppressing everyone to kneel down, this is the unparalleled peak powerhouse coercion.

Many creatures and cultivators are extremely desperate, they have no choice but to surrender.

However, more people still have hostile and angry gazes that would rather die than surrender, staring at the upper realm army that has entered the city, and they are going to fight them hard.

"It's ridiculous, the mere ants also want to turn the sky upside down?"

Many enlightened people are quite disdainful, their eyes are like a god of thunder, and when they sweep through the void, the surrounding area bursts open, which is terrifying and breathtaking.

Such a contemptuous appearance made everyone in Tianlu City angry.

But they were suppressed by their breath, and they couldn't even lift their heads, their bones creaked, and their skin seemed to crack.

"I want to fight with you!"

A strong man couldn't stand this situation and couldn't help but roar, urging all the Magic power on his body, glowing all over, and killing him towards the front.

However, before he even touched a few people in front of him, he was cracked by the aura around him and exploded into a cloud of blood.

"If it weren't for the face of Young Master Changge, you would have been photographed to death by me as soon as the city broke through!"

"Give you a chance to survive. If you don't cherish it, don't blame us.

These enlightened persons came from various traditions in the upper realm, and their auras were very strong. They stood in the Tianlu City, with thunderous eyes and indifferent way.

They are not stupid, knowing that Tianlu Xuannv is now next to Gu Changge, walking very close to him.

And the reason why Tianlu Xuannv is willing to follow Gu Changge, I am afraid there is some agreement with him.

If they were slaughtering wildly in Tianlu City, they might offend Gu Changge because of the Tianlu Profound Girl.

For them, whether the Tianlu City was broken or not, in fact, the most important significance lies in the eight deserts and ten regions standing behind it.

~ The seniors are right. Gu has a good life and gives you a chance to survive.

"Of course the premise is if you don't want to die."

Outside Tianlu City, a road smashed many rules and orders, splitting a road.

Gu Changge came here, followed by the mighty army behind him, with a mighty momentum, covering the sky, the sun and the moon, and all the stars were trembling.

He glanced across everyone in front of him and said lightly.

Seeing him coming, the expressions of the other enlightened persons changed slightly, but the whole Tianlu City fell into a dead silence.

For these strange-looking enlightened people, they are not deeply afraid, but the fear of Gu Changge has almost penetrated into the bones.


The enlightened people who awakened in the central palace of Tianlu City also appeared and arrived here at this moment.

Although they only woke up recently, they had passed the secret method just now and learned from the rest of the population the major events that happened outside Tianlu City during this time.

So they also know that the young man in front of him is the leader of his peers in the upper realm, who has a huge right to speak and prestige.

Even the many enlightened people here look like Gu Changge.

"This is the end of the matter, and there is no need for you to continue resisting.

At this time, behind Gu Changge, the figure of Tianlu Xuannv also appeared.

Her gaze was very flat and there was no wave of waves, she swept across the people in Tianlu City in front of her, and spoke softly.

"Tianlu Xuannv

Seeing Tianlu Xuannv, the complexion of everyone here suddenly changed. I didn't expect that Tianlu Xuannv would choose to show up at this time.

And it didn't seem surprising that she faced all this calmly and calmly.

This makes many people even more angry, and they can't wait to swear, but in front of Gu Changge, they dare not.

However, more cultivators and creatures feel deeply depressed. Perhaps the only way now is to listen to the words of the Tianlu Profound Girl, so that they can survive.

But after surviving, will you become a slave to the upper realm and be driven by it?

"Your life and death have nothing to do with me. I just want to protect the Tianlu City left by Master."

Tianlu Xuannv's voice sounded again, very calm, but it fell in the ears of everyone, but it seemed very indifferent and ruthless.

For the goddess of Tianlu, the importance of Tianlu City is much more important than the creatures in it.

(Li Qian's) This is the place where she grew up, and the place where she promised to protect her.

As long as the city is there, then the rest can be left relatively speaking.

The elders who rushed to see this scene, their faces also showed bitterness, but they also understood that if they don't want everyone to die, the best way is to surrender.

Therefore, they did not try to resist, but took the lead in expressing their willingness to surrender.

Many people in Tianlu City were about to bite their teeth, and there were hard-to-resolve feuds between them and the upper realm, so they chose to stay when the rest of the people were far away from Tianlu City.

But today, they are going to return to the upper realm, so that they can't accept it at all, and they are totally unwilling.

"If you don't want to drop, then kill it."

Gu Changge noticed the expressions of these people, and their voices did not fluctuate.

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone in Tianlu City changed drastically. Many people felt frightened and wanted to change their minds, but it was too late.

The next moment, the blood burst into the sky, dyeing the clouds in the sky red.

Upon receiving the order, the army behind Gu Changge suddenly rushed forward, crushing like a torrent.

Unsurprisingly, after the Tianlu city formation was torn a crack, the upper realm army killed it, even if there were still many people in the city unwilling to return, but under this almost crushing force, there was still no resistance. force.

Among them, the clansmen of the four major God of War clans who stayed here did not disappoint everyone in Tianlu City. They chose to surrender at the same time as several of their enlightened people, and they had no idea of ​​resisting.

Of course, this is not surprising in the eyes of many people.

After all, Tianlu City is just a city, facing the terrifying army of the upper realm, without the support of the other ethnic groups, it was defeated in an instant.

Then, the upper realm army stationed in, and many pavilions and palaces were swept through, killing the recalcitrants, without letting go of any corners.

The news of Tianlu City's destruction almost swept across eight wilderness and ten territories in an instant.

Many ethnic forces that have already evacuated are even more shocked, and at the same time they are extremely grateful. Fortunately, they escaped early, otherwise they would definitely die in the city.

They can imagine what kind of terrible catastrophe will usher in the entire Eight Desolation and Ten Regions in the future. Celery.