Ch 509

A supreme realm existed, and died in the hall so tragically, his body and spirit were destroyed, and there was no sign of it.

The shock caused by this scene was too great, and many people's heads were still buzzing and did not react.

Hearing Gu Changge's words at this moment, almost everyone felt horrified and did not dare to speak out.

The Luo people trembled even more, with deep fear in their eyes.

For the Luo people, a supreme existence is already a terrifying existence that they dare not imagine, and they need to be treated most carefully.

However, Luo Ying's master was directly shocked to death by a sound, how could they not be shocked or afraid.

If Yan Ming insisted on taking Luo Ying away, they wouldn't dare to stop it, let alone stop it.

"This Luo Feng can tolerate it, but I don't know what identity he is hiding." Gu Changge looked at Luo Feng with interest.

In his field of vision, it happened to be able to see the change of Qi Luck on Luo Feng's body.

In this kind of luck, there are even a lot of destiny from the wild and ten territories.

In this way, there is only one possibility that Luo Feng's true identity is closely related to the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains. "Five Eight Seven"

Gu Changge thought about it in his mind, but it was difficult to judge Luo Feng's identity for a while.

He wasn't sure if Luo Feng had any successors, but he wanted to come to this kind of strong resuscitation flow, it should not be much different from the rebirth flow.

Judging from the current situation, Luo Feng's strength is still very weak.

So what Gu Changge wants to know more now is what Luo Feng's value can bring him.

"Come here, take away girl Ying'er. Let's give up today's wedding banquet."

At this moment, with a sneer at the corner of Yan Ming's mouth, he suddenly waved a big hand, letting the people behind him come forward, planning to take Luo Ying away.

Luo Ying, who was still somewhat sluggish, reacted to this scene, her expression changed drastically, and she wanted to retreat back.

She really didn't expect that Yan Ming actually planned to take her away forcibly, and it was still at the wedding banquet.

At this time, if she let someone in the dark do it manually, it would expose her arrangement over the years.

For a time, Luo Ying was caught in a dilemma.

The Luo people also watched this scene blankly, and didn't dare to step forward to stop it.

"Luo Feng, are you just looking at me being taken away by them?"

At this moment, Luo Ying suddenly looked at Luo Feng, who was wearing a big red robe, and couldn't help asking.

She could see that Luo Feng today is very different from before.

Luo Feng now is no longer the fool before.

She didn't know why, she would suddenly speak to Luo Feng, but she felt that he was not easy, maybe there was a way.

Hearing this, everyone in the hall was shocked, and even many Luo people looked towards Luo Feng in shock.

They didn't understand why Luo Ying would speak to a fool Luo Feng at this moment.

However, this look made them stunned and a little shocked. They hadn't paid much attention to Luo Feng before, but now they saw that he was quite different from before.

His eyes became energetic and deep, and no longer drooling.

The whole person stands there, even with a somewhat extraordinary demeanor.


The Patriarch of the Luo family couldn't help yelling excitedly.

"Is this still the fool Luo Feng before?

Many guests were also shocked, looking carefully at the current Luo Feng.

"Feng'er, your illness is healed?" Luo clan Patriarch asked in a trembling voice.

He is also not sure whether Luo Feng is really good or whether it is his illusion.

"Father, I don't know what's going on. I suddenly regained consciousness.

"It seems that everything in the past twenty years is like a dream."

Luo Feng did not expect that Luo Ying would suddenly speak to him like this at this time.

He was stunned for a moment, and then explained with the excuse he had just thought of.

This can be regarded as an explanation, why he suddenly became sober.

Hearing this fool who had been for more than 20 years suddenly spoke up, everyone present felt very unbelievable, and some even felt unbelievable.

But in this case, it's not like the old fool could tell.

"It's good to be sober, and it's good to be sober."

At this time, the Luo people did not doubt Luo Feng's explanation, and said with some joy and excitement.

"This Luo Feng is sober, but even if he is sober, what can be changed."

Yan Ming was also taken aback at this moment. He didn't expect that Luo Feng, who had been a fool for more than 20 years, would recover today.

But even if he returns to normal, what is the effect?

The sneer on his face was deeper, and he instructed the people behind him, "Take Miss Luoying away to me, I see who dares to stop it today."

"Yes, Young Master!"

The few people behind Yan Ming did not dare to rush after hearing this, and immediately walked towards Luo Ying to take her away.


Seeing this scene, Luo Feng's eyes became more cold, and he suddenly stood up and stood in front of a few people.

"Luo Feng, what do you want to do? Could it be that you dare to stop me?"

Yan Ming's face sank, he didn't expect Luo Feng to be so uninterested.

"Luo Ying and I have a marriage contract. You are so beloved, can you still make sense?"

Luo Feng glanced at Yan Ming, his expression flat, and finally looked at Gu Changge on the other side.

Intuition tells him that today's snatching of relatives is absolutely inseparable from Gu Changge.

Even Yan Ming was only instructed by him.

So he said this to Gu Changge.

However, Gu Changge just smiled faintly and ignored him.

Yan Ming sneered, "Stop talking nonsense, I will take Luo Ying away today, what do you do with me?"

Such an attitude can be described as arrogant to the extreme.

However, everyone present did not dare to say much.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it, but there is Gu Changge behind Yan Ming, not to mention his own identity, but the young master of Chinan City

"It's really deceiving. This is the first time I've seen such behavior.

Luo Feng's eyes flickered coldly, and then he said lightly, "But I put what I said today. If you dare to take Luo Ying away, do you believe in the family behind you tomorrow, it won't keep you?

His words were very plain, but the moment that sounded at this moment shocked the hearts of everyone here.

Especially the Luo people, their heads slammed, extremely sluggish.

They felt that Luo Feng hadn't recovered yet, and even said such words.

Even Yan Clan can't keep Yan Ming?

This is really a big tone. They couldn't believe it, and they felt that Luo Feng was still crazy and not sober.

On the contrary, Luo Ying was unspeakably convinced by Luo Feng's words, and her eyes sparkled with brilliance.

Compared to Luo Feng, who was silly and foolish all day long, he is confident and calm today, and his whole person has an extraordinary temperament that is not shocked and the sky is unchanged.

It was this temperament that made her suddenly feel safe.

"It's a big tone, the young master of the Little Luo clan, dare to speak wild words?"

"Do you know how to write dead words?"

Yan Ming sneered when he heard the words, and being so provoked by a Luo Feng still made his face dull and somewhat cold.

"I hope you and the young man behind you will not regret it then.

Luo Feng glanced at him indifferently, the most important thing in his heart was guessing the origin of Gu Changge.

But even if Gu Changge's background is older, is it bigger than his ancestor in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, the former Feng Ancestor?

Now, as long as he urges the immortal imprint in the soul with his mind and contacts his former subordinates, they will definitely come quickly and come to visit his master.

You must know that these countless years have passed, and his former four major subordinates have already established a huge force in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories.

3.7 What kind of waves can the young master of Chinan City in a small area?

This scene stunned everyone again, and when Luo Feng said such words, wouldn't he be afraid of the Yan clan's revenge afterwards?

The Luo people, who were delighted because Luo Feng came up sober, had expressions that were a bit stiff.

At this moment, they even hope that Luo Feng hasn't come to his senses, and if he speaks such words, doesn't he want to offend the entire Yan clan to death?

"Does Luo Feng have another identity?"

However, Luo Ying seemed to have thought of something, her eyes suddenly a little shocked.

"Suddenly it smells like that

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows and showed some smiles on his face, feeling that Luo Feng today is very much like the returning war fairy he met in the Heavenly Lantern Realm before.

Since Luo Feng is so emboldened, he must have been a successor who has stayed in the present.

It is also a second hand, and it is the so-called Eight Desolation and Ten Territory Entire Realm fortunes. Gu Changge thought about it, and finally felt that it should be related to the four God of War clans.

In this way, they are all gathered together and can be served in one pot. .