Ch 510

Xiao Yang, Lin Wu, and Luo Feng in front of them, there are thousands of threads of Karma line connected together.

The guardian line, the four great God of War clans, and Luo Feng, who is unknown in front of him, the biggest connection between them is the separation of the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories from the upper realm countless years ago.

As far as Gu Changge is concerned, this is very suitable for serving three people one by one.

After just solving the guardian line, he will set out to solve the four God of War clans and find the era tree.

Isn't this the right opportunity?

"You are looking for death, so you dare to threaten me?"

Just when everyone in the hall was shocked by Luo Feng's words, Yan Ming's face was full of anger, and he started directly.

The surging breath swept over, like a raging wave, about to drown Luo Feng.

In his opinion, Luo Feng is probably crazy, and he has not recovered from the previous state.

He even dared to threaten himself, and even Gu Changge didn't take it seriously.

Don't you know how to die?


This is Yan Ming's angry blow, which contains unimaginable power.

In just an instant, the whole hall began to shake, and many runes were intertwined, and the walls that had already cracked just now collapsed and exploded.

All the guests changed their colors and hurriedly retreated towards the surroundings.

Although Luo Ying's master was furious just now, he didn't spread his breath to other places and didn't ruin it.

Today, Yan Ming has no scruples when he makes a move, and he doesn't care about the lives and deaths of the many guests in this place at all.

While this made them frightened and angry, they were even more frightened.


The Luo Patriarch was still shocked by the content of these words Luo Feng said after he was sober.

He didn't expect that Yan Ming would say that he would do it, and he would not leave any affection.

After reacting, his figure swept away and appeared in front of Luo Feng, trying to resolve this strike that blocked Yan Ming.

"Father, you don't have to stop him."

However, Luo Feng grabbed the Luo Patriarch and shook his head.

There was no change in the expression on his face. On the contrary, he was very calm and didn't seem to be worried.

This is even more surprising to everyone, Luo Feng is not worried at all?

Is it stupid, or where is the confidence?

The next moment buzzed in everyone's shocked eyes, and a faint golden light appeared on Luo Feng's brows, which looked like an ancient mark.

There is a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere intertwined.

But as soon as Hajime appeared, he exuded a terrifying and terrifying coercion, which made people fearful and wanted to kneel down in front of him.

This method shocked everyone.

-The people in the hall were dumbfounded, I couldn't believe my own eyes.

"Is this?"

Seeing this scene, Luo Ying's mouth grew even bigger, extremely shocked, and her words were incomplete.

As a family member of the guardian line, she naturally knows a lot of secrets, and she naturally knows the meaning of this mark.

At this time, there was a roar in her mind, and she almost couldn't believe her own eyes.


And at the moment this golden mark manifested in the void, Yan Ming's attack also fell.

Hiddenly, everyone saw the roar of gods and demons, and the vision of immortal gods chanting sutras, and the void became blurred, and then unparalleled power broke out here.

As if the stars exploded in everyone's eyes, the rune soared into the sky, and the dazzling brilliance made people unable to open their eyes.

Many people shed tears, and quickly turned their heads away, not daring to look directly.

It can be imagined how scary this fluctuation was just now.

And what shocked and incredible to all of them was what exactly this golden mark was, and why Luo Feng was able to move it out and blocked Yan Ming's blow.


Then there was a muffled hum from here, and Yan Ming, who took the lead, spewed out blood, flying upside down like a torn sack.

Such a scene shocked everyone, knowing that Luo Feng has never practiced before!

"this "

"What exactly is this

The Luo people even opened their mouths, their voices trembling, and they couldn't speak the whole thing.

The scenes they saw today shocked them too much.

No one thought that Luo Feng, who had been stupid for more than 20 years, would suddenly wake up, and even urged such a strange mark to come out, directly inflicting heavy damage on Yan Ming.

After the reaction, more people of the tribe became scared, extremely frightened and worried.

After all, Luo Feng is now in full view, hurting the young master of Chinan City, after today, will the Yan clan let them go?

In the huge Chinan City, there will no longer be a place for their clan?

When they thought of this, they couldn't wait for Luo Feng not to recover.

"Who is Luo Feng, and what is his relationship with his ancestors?"

"Why did the imprint in that piece of embroidered handicraft, which was extremely rare from the ancestors, appear on Luo Feng?"

On the other side, it is different from the anxiety of the Luo people.

At this moment, Luo Ying was extremely shocked, her eyes kept staring at Luo Feng, and her breathing became rapid.

The threats of Gu Changge and others in front of her at this moment were already insignificant.

Just relying on this mark is enough to show that Luo Feng's identity is not simple.

"Disrespect to me, this is a small punishment for you!"

Luo Feng ignored the shock and disbelief of everyone.

At this moment, his expression was very indifferent, and with a bit of coldness, he glanced at Yan Ming, who was being supported by the Yan clan in the distance, and spoke lightly.

As the words fell, the mark on the center of his eyebrows gradually dimmed and disappeared.

It seemed that the scenes that everyone saw just now were just illusions.

"Feng'er, this is this"

The Luo clan Patriarch looked at Luo Feng in astonishment and asked, his mind was confused and he hadn't reacted to all this yet.

"These things, after the trouble is resolved, the child will explain to his father.

Luo Feng shook his head lightly, and didn't say much.

His eyes are mainly on Gu Changge.

He feels that he has shown his own history. If Gu Changge has vision, he will retreat in the face of difficulties, otherwise Gu Changge will regret it at that time!

It took time, and the hall became deadly silent.

Everyone was shocked looking at Luo Feng, who was standing there calmly and with some extraordinary meaning, and felt that his mind was messed up.

"Young Master"

Yan Ming didn't expect that Luo Feng would have such a method, and suffered a big loss.

At this moment, I came to Gu Changge very guiltily.

He didn't know what exactly Yan Ming was doing, which could actually block his full blow.

"It turned out to be this thing, I should have thought of it long ago."

However, at this moment Gu Changge had no intention of listening to Yan Ming's words.

His gaze fell on Luo Feng, as if he was talking to himself. There was a bit of regret in his words, and even he couldn't tell the meaning clearly.

Gu Changge is still speculating on Luo Feng's true identity, feeling that he is inseparable from the ancestors of the four God of War clan.

But after seeing this mark today, he reacted.Isn't this the legendary mark of the era?

This kind of branding can be said to be similar to the Samsara branding.

But the origin of Samsara's seal is even more mysterious, and the only way to get the era brand is to condense and comprehend through the era tree.

He had almost concluded that the person who had stolen the upper realm fortune and even stole the Era Tree was Luo Feng in front of him.

As for why Luo Feng has fallen to where he is today, there are too many reasons, and Gu Changge doesn't want to know.

For him, it was enough to know that Luo Feng was the one who had stolen the upper realm's luck.

It's really nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes.

"Do you recognize this brand?"

The indifferent expression on Luo Feng's face was slightly stagnant, and then he couldn't help but asked indifferently, feeling that things seemed to be beyond his expectations.

In his opinion, Gu Changge's expression hasn't changed much, and he's not afraid of this branding.

On the contrary, the gaze seemed to be staring at some kind of interesting prey.

This makes him very uncomfortable.

As one of the four ancestors of the fairy palace, water, wind and fire, he not only succeeded in Cultivation Base, but also was bold enough. He dared to steal the era tree in the upper realm when the rules of the world were broken, and then even steal the sky. Battle.

At his peak, who would dare to look at him with such a look?

"Naturally recognize it, after all, this is a rare era imprint.

After hearing the question, Gu Changge said with an interesting smile on his face.

"what "

When Luo Feng heard this, he was taken aback first, then his pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

His head banged even more, and he almost lost his voice, taking a step back.

He didn't expect that Gu Changge not only recognized the brand, but could also tell it in one go.

This made stormy waves in his heart, unbelievable, and now things are developing in a direction that he didn't dare to predict.

Only a few people would know such things as the Epoch Brand, and even fewer people can recognize it at a glance.

The vast majority of people in this world have never heard of such things.

This scene made everyone in the hall confused. They didn't even know what era imprinted, and they had never heard of it.

That is not something they can touch at all.

On the contrary, judging from Luo Feng's expression, the Epoch Brand should be something very powerful.

"Who is he?"

Luo Ying also calmed down at this time, she could see that Luo Feng's identity was not simple.

At least they are also characters from the same era as their ancestors.

But Gu Changge's identity has always been a mystery to her.

Powerful and mysterious, it makes people tremble and chill.

"Who on earth are you?"

Afterwards, Luo Feng forced himself to calm down and fixed his eyes on Gu Changge, wanting to see the slight change in his face.

"Who am I? Then you can have the courage to guess."

Gu Changge just smiled faintly, that look in Luo Ying and others' eyes was like a cat catching a mouse, casual and contemptuous.

However, the matter has reached this point, he naturally does not intend to talk nonsense with Luo Feng.

"Take him down and take away."

Immediately, Gu Changge instructed the bone ancestor behind him.

Now that he knows Luo Feng's identity and understands that he is only in vain now, Gu Changge will definitely not let him go.

There is no need for this kind of thing to drag on.

"Yes, son.

At this moment, the bone ancestor who had been silent behind Gu Changge nodded and walked forward, his eyes deep and flat.


But at this moment, everyone in the hall just felt that they could not breathe, their faces turned pale, their spirits were shaking, and their backbones seemed to be bent down because of the gray-clothed old man in front.

This piece of heaven and earth seemed to be unbearable because of the ordinary gray-clothed old man in front of him, and was firmly suppressed.

At this time, they discovered that the burly and tall figure that オ shot just now was the weakest among the Cultivation Base.

The Cultivation Base of this gray-clothed old man is absolutely powerful.

This made them even more horrified, what kind of terrorist existence they have come into contact with today.

"What do you mean?"

Luo Feng had also changed drastically at this moment. He was still guessing the identity of Gu Changge. He never expected that Gu Changge would suddenly let people do it, intending to take him away.


The mark on the center of his eyebrows resurfaced again, with dazzling lights intertwined, which seemed to have ancient years and eras emerging, turning into fine fragments, to block this oncoming terror pressure.

But The next moment, the blood on Luo Feng's face disappeared, and he even became a little bit astonished, unbelievable.

With the wave of the bone ancestor's sleeves, the terrifying coercion seemed to disappear out of thin air, easily dissipated.

There is even an indescribable suppression that covers this space. All the rules and orders seem to be stagnant, and it is difficult to change the slightest.

Even if it is the mark of the era, it is suppressed by terror at this moment, and it is disappearing quickly and dimly.

"How could it be?" Luo Feng's bones all creaked, and blood mist penetrated through the pores.

His eyes were staring wide, staring at the bone ancestor in front of him.

He didn't feel wrong, this kind of power was about to approach the Immortal Realm. In today's Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, it is absolutely invincible, and he can't find the slightest opponent.

How could such an existence appear in a small place like the Luo nationality in Chinan City, and be so respectful to a young man like Gu Changge.

He couldn't figure it out at all, couldn't believe it, his eyes were staring wide and filled with horror.


He spouted a mouthful of blood, and his whole body fell to the sky, blood was leaking from every pore, and his whole body was stained red with blood.

Such a frightening and shocking scene made everyone in the hall shiver non-stop.

"How can it be

Luo Ying also had trembling lips and a faint pale complexion. He didn't expect that even Luo Feng would be indifferent to this.

She was slightly relieved just now, thinking that what happened today could be solved by Luo Feng.

Afterwards, the bone ancestor made a move, and a big hand fell from the air. It was extremely terrifying. Naturally, Luo Feng caught Luo Feng without any accident.

All Luo people watching this scene, their whole bodies will be shattered by the mighty and terrifying aura, let alone stop them, even if they don't even raise their heads, their souls will burst.

"You are definitely not in this world

Luo Feng was grasped by the bone ancestor, his face was pale, he kept coughing up blood, his bones creaked, and he was embarrassed to the extreme.

At this moment, he finally reacted, staring at Gu Changge, and couldn't help but say in a cold voice, his voice couldn't hide the pain.

In addition to this possibility, he couldn't think of another possibility.

In the vast Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, there is absolutely no way to find such a terrifying young man as Gu Changge. Now that the Tianlu City is broken, the army commander of the upper realm drove straight into the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories.

In this way, it also reasonably explained the origin of Gu Changge.

As soon as Luo Feng said this, everyone in the entire hall, including Luo Ying, couldn't help but their complexion changed drastically.

In their eyes, the strength of the upper realm is not comparable to that of the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

Moreover, the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories and the Upper Realm were on opposite sides. If Gu Changge wanted to kill all of them, they would not even be able to resist.

The entire Chinan City could be wiped out in ashes and turned into a disaster.

Yan Ming's complexion was also changing slightly. In fact, he had guessed the origin of Gu Changge before, just pretending to be ignorant.

Now Luo Feng said it in front of everyone, which can be said to directly push Gu Changge to the opposite of everyone.

"I am indeed from the upper realm. Perhaps you have all heard my name. My last name is Gu."

Seeing this scene, the expression on Gu Changge's face still had a faint smile, there was not much change, and he didn't care.

"The last name is Gu, is it the one who killed the Young Master Yunze Dayu?"

"Leader of the Upper Realm"

"You why are you here?"

Hearing this, the heads of everyone in the hall made a thud.

Many people's bloodless faces were even more frightened, trembling uncontrollably, and desperate.

"I came here, naturally I came to look for her."

Gu Changge just smiled faintly upon hearing this, and then looked at Luo Ying, who was also pale with interest.

"Find me"

Luo Ying hadn't reacted from the shock just now. Hearing Gu Changge's words at the moment, he suddenly raised his head, a terrifying chill swept up from his back.

"The fish that slipped through the net for more than 20 years, you said I didn't look for you, who would I look for? But I did not expect that I could encounter another surprise."

Gu Changge shook his head lightly, with a chuckle on his face, and as his words fell, the neon clothes figure behind him suddenly disappeared into the void.

Immediately afterwards, horrible fluctuations spread, and there were bursts of puffs in the secret, and there was blood mist, which was extremely pungent.

Many people watched this scene and were so frightened that they rolled their eyes, couldn't bear it, and passed out into a coma.

"Twenty years ago"

"Oh it's you "

Luo Ying's face became bloodless with a brush, and the whole person trembled uncontrollably, as if the biggest secret was revealed to the public.

Her expression was frightened, and there was anger and hatred that was hard to hide. She should have thought that Gu Changge was here for her, and she already knew her identity.

Moreover, at this moment, the manpower she arranged in the dark was solved by the cold and moving black dress woman, and there was no one left.

Even the old servant of the Quasi-Supreme Realm was killed instantly, and he didn't even have time to scream.

This made Luo Ying a little desperate, and she slumped directly on the ground.

Everyone in the entire hall also looked like the end of the day, desperate to the extreme.

The Luo tribe had no idea that Luo Ying had hidden another identity, and kept it from everyone, and arranged it for so many years.

"More than twenty years"

"Could it be that

Only Yan Ming knew a lot, and suddenly thought of a major event that caused a sensation in the eight wildernesses and ten territories more than twenty years ago.

His body was trembling slightly, but he didn't expect that the guardian line was almost wiped out, and he was also closely related to Gu Changge.

Luo Ying also hides such an identity. .