Ch 515

The phantom of the World Tree manifested, containing the majestic and vast power, as if supporting the supreme power of the heavens and the world, it swept down in a sudden, and directly caused the forest battle that had been exhausted to explode and turned into blood in the sky. fog.

When the bone ancestors and others saw that Lin Zhan didn't care about anything and wanted to kill Gu Changge, they couldn't help but feel a little worried.

But they didn't expect that Gu Changge's current strength had reached such a terrifying level.

Although Lin Zhan has run out of oil and the lamp has dried up, this is enough to show the strength of Gu Changge.

"It's a cruel fellow, but it's a pity that I offend someone who shouldn't be offended."

Gu Ancestor shook his head. During the battle with Lin Zhan just now, he also suffered serious injuries.

But from his Cultivation Base, this injury is insignificant.

Afterwards, many strong Gu family came forward to clean up the battlefield that destroyed the Lin clan this time.

Although this place has already turned into ashes and collapsed into ruins.

However, the Lin Clan has accumulated countless years of resources and other things, and they are not a few. They are all sealed in a special space Magical Item, but they have not been destroyed.

Gu Changge instructed Ah Da to collect the source of life here in secret, of course, after everyone in the Gu family had evacuated.

So after killing Lin Zhan, he focused more on the era tree in front of him.

From the previous words of Luo Feng, he had already learned that this era tree had almost withered at the beginning, if it hadn't been for Luo Feng to steal the luck from the upper realm to nourish it.

It is impossible for this era tree to rejuvenate, and it is even more unlikely that it will bear fruit.

Now that the matter of the Lin clan was resolved, the vast rune suddenly rushed from here, Gu Changge shot with all his strength, the majestic ocean-like spirit, swept away and enveloped the front.


The earth cracked and collapsed in all directions. A terrifying rift valley appeared, spreading out to an unimaginable length. This is a shocking miracle.

Gu Changge leaned forward with his big hand, the rune was shining, the rays of sunshine were billions, and it was huge, as if to refine the entire universe in the palm of his hand.

He grabbed the land in front of him and contained it in his hands. The era tree rooted in it trembled, the branches and leaves rustled, and it was heavy and heavy. Finally, he moved all of it to the inner universe.

The place suddenly became empty, and it looked like an unfathomable abyss appeared, which made the heart tremble.

Everyone looked at Gu Changge solemnly, standing behind him, not daring to disturb him, like an eternal magical shadow, with a breathtaking sense of horror and deterrence.

After doing this, Gu Changge nodded in satisfaction.

In the fairy light blooming in the era tree just now, he felt the new rules of immortality, like the rules of heaven and earth reproduced in these years.

If it is integrated with the rules of the upper bound, the cultivator that is stagnant in front of the threshold of immortality can go one step further and even push the door open.

So the importance of this epoch tree is simply self-evident.

After half a day, the Gu family army began to gather and rectify. After the Lin Clan was destroyed, the search was completed and began to evacuate.

However, the remaining atmosphere of war in this place will not dissipate for at least a million years. When the weaker cultivator of Cultivation Base comes here, it will be exploded by the remaining atmosphere, and the body and spirit will be destroyed.

There is no doubt that this place has already turned into a life Jedi.

The terrifying fluctuations of the fighting here, it is impossible to hide the rest of the peak powerhouse in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions. As long as you have a little sense, you will understand the destruction of the Lin Clan.

After Gu Changge got the Era Tree, he didn't actually have much interest in the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains, but there is one final finishing touch waiting for him.

The two sons of luck, Xiao Yang, Luo Feng, and the great mountain lord, as for the remaining three God of War clan, he can leave it to the rest of the Gu family.

After that, the news of the tragic destruction of the Dragon Blood God of War was almost immediately spread throughout the current eight wilderness and ten regions, as if it had grown wings, causing an uproar and causing a sensation like a major earthquake.

The many races that had not yet evacuated, trembled to the extreme, did not expect that the strong foundation, the top level of the forest race in the entire Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, would be destroyed so quickly.

The news came so suddenly that they shuddered.

Just as Gu Changge had expected, when he sent his army to kill the Lin Clan, many peak powerhouses in the other big regions had already felt that kind of fluctuation.

Although they did not dare to come close and investigate, they could definitely guess what was going on there.

After the Gu family's army withdrew, the peak powerhouses of the other forces almost rushed over for the first time, feeling the endless resentment and killing intent remaining there, which made their heart palpitations and understood one of the oldest ethnic groups in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories. The Dragon Blood God of War clan has already been wiped out.

There were almost no living people left in the whole clan. In addition, it seemed that even the ancestor who created the Lin clan had fallen in this battle.

Such news is too frightening, and many ethnic groups who tried to escape trial are even more desperate.

After all, even the Dragon Blood God of War clan, Gu Changge has the means to find them, let alone them.

The matter quickly fermented. This incident not only shook the eight wilderness and ten territories, but also shocked many upper realm orthodox forces. They were still considering which forces to start with, but they did not expect that Gu Changge had already destroyed the forest clan first. .

Such a speed made their hearts tremble. It can only be said that they are the Changsheng Gu family who once destroyed the Purple Mansion.

Such a background, such a large army, let them avoid any kind of bullets.

In the next few days, the eight wilderness and ten territories that have not yet been captured, are also in panic and despair.

Now in Tianlu City, which is already occupied by the Upper Realm, is a very magnificent and primitive palace.

The horror and chilling breath is intertwined in it.

-Luo Wu's black avenue aquarium floats up and down, there is endless bloody glow, appearing from it, and then falling into the figure sitting cross-legged below like a glow.

It was like a throbbing scarlet cocoon, it was heart palpitating at a glance, and the whole person was going crazy.

At this moment, every pore of Gu Changge seems to have turned into a vast world, in which a terrible swallowing power spreads into the life source of these enlightened beings ordered to collect by Ah Da.


Under the blood vessels, there was a terrifying sound like the sky open in the chaos, accompanied by colorful glow, brilliant and dazzling, detached, just like a young fairy.

His Cultivation Base Realm, breakthrough growth very smoothly and naturally.

For Gu Changge, this battle with the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions is like a big hunt.

It's just that the objects he hunts are all enlightened people. Without this battle, he wants to break through to the current Cultivation Base, but he still doesn't know when he will wait.

The environment of the upper realm, quite speaking, needs to be much more stable.

Every enlightened person's body falls, will set off a terrible storm, how can it be that Gu Changge is so happy as it is now, and there is no need to worry about the slightest disaster to break through.

Then the fluctuations in this place gradually turned into silence, the bloody glow was swallowed by Gu Changge's mouth, and the treasure bottle on the road disappeared.


The brilliance in his hand flashed, and a rather mysterious treasure box appeared, gorgeous and dazzling.

When killing Lin Wu, in addition to Qi Luck Points and Destiny Points, the other valuable thing was the Heavenly Dao Treasure Box.

"What will be in the Heavenly Dao treasure chest this time?"

Gu Changge's eyes flashed with a different color, and then he opened it, but the things placed in it now made him feel a little strange.

This is a group of colorful rays, filled with xenon-hydrogen rays, and mist is flowing.

Then the mist dissipated, and a simple token, only the size of a palm, lay quietly in the treasure chest.

"Performance Order"

Gu Changge checked the introduction of this token, and if it is a normal thing, it is impossible to appear in the Heavenly Dao treasure chest.

"You can deduce the supernatural power of Cultivation Technique that controls everything in this world."

For him now, it's a bit tasteless, Cultivation Base Realm is so advanced to a certain level, what Cultivation Technique supernatural powers can not see through the control at a glance, and even use this to understand the rules, and even the avenue.

But Gu Changge still put it away, maybe there will be a useful opportunity in the future.

Then, he exchanged all the points of air transport he had obtained during this period of time to transcend the bone, and there was a crackling sound like a bone-changing sound all over his body, and the 590 had crystal clear bone and blood sprayed out, which contained a certain supreme detachment.

Gu Changge felt that he was not far from the Nirvana Realm.

"Next, just wait for the fish to catch the bait and catch them all."

He planned to use the dark chess that had been arranged by Xiao Yang a long time ago, that is, Gu Wudi.

This chess piece has been placed for so long, and it's time to play its role.

Moreover, the two mountain masters, Luo Ying and others are in his hands. Gu Changge does not believe that Xiao Yang will not come to rescue them.

"The strength of that great mountain lord should be far above Lin Zhan, he is a figure of the same level as the original Feng Zu."

"In that case, just in case, this Hongmen banquet must be held."

Thinking of this, Gu Changge narrowed his eyes and quickly ordered to go down and let the people pass the news.

Today's Eight Desolation and Ten Territories are in a time of panic and anxiety, especially the Dragon Blood God of War clan, led by him to destroy the army.

The rest of the ethnic groups have only two options, either to return to the upper realm and be driven by the times, or to be destroyed by the rest of the Daoist religions.

At this juncture, what he has to do is actually very simple.

In his capacity, he only needs to throw out a message, saying that he does not want to cause more killings and intends to maintain the peace of the two worlds, and invites the leaders of the major ethnic groups in the eight deserts and ten regions to discuss this matter.

And directly invite the great mountain master by name, with the prestige of the nine great mountains, it is easy to gather people's hearts in today's eight deserts and ten territories.

With such a great opportunity, Xiao Yang, Da Shanzhu and others could not let go.

"Knowing this is a Hongmen Banquet, but they can only come, there is no other choice."

"Although it is a ray of fire in the darkness, it is enough to make all of them fly over.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Gu Changge's mouth.

He has foreseen that this is a major event sweeping the entire eight wilderness and ten regions, and all the power groups will be a sensation.

Unless they really want to follow in the footsteps of the Lin clan and head towards destruction. .