Ch 516

As far as the eight wilderness and ten domains are concerned, except for the few big domains that have not yet been captured, the rest of the domains are now in the flames of war almost every day.

The news of the destruction of the Dragon Blood God of War family spread everywhere in the first place, causing a great sensation.

Many ethnic groups are in danger and panic, for fear that someday they will see the upper realm army kill them.

Even the Dragon Blood God of War clan with such a deep foundation can't stop the upper realm cavalry.Is it possible for their forces to resist?

The great areas of Yunze, Chiliao and other places are even more shrouded in a cloud of sorrow.

Countless cultivator creatures are worried and panic, feeling that they are all gloomy, and they can't see the slightest hope.


Every day, the sky emits a terrifying momentum, and many iron knights are like a torrent of Universe, shuttled around with soaring Killing intents.

And during this time, a shocking news suddenly spread from Tianlu City, sweeping the entire eight wilderness and ten regions like a huge wave, setting off a violent coughing wave.

Some cultivator said that Gu Changge was unwilling to do more killings. After breaking the Tianlu City, the current Eight Desolation and Ten Territories had no threat to the upper realm.

So he wanted to maintain the peace between the two circles, and planned to discuss the peace agreement with the leaders of all races.

After the news came out, although it caused a great sensation.

However, the creatures of all races in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions held an unbelief attitude towards this, and felt that Gu Changge could not do such a thing.

This news is just a rumor. After the Upper Realm deliberately broke through the Tianlu City, how could he let them go so easily?

And even if Gu Changge wanted to do this, would the rest of the Daoist forces in the upper realm agree? This is obviously impossible.

In the eyes of the vast majority of the creatures in the Eight Desolations and Ten Territories, Gu Changge is far more hateful than the rest of the Upper Realm creatures. The rest of the people can do this, but Gu Changge alone is impossible.

It is undeniable that Gu Changge's strength makes all of them tremble.


And on the second day after the news came and fermented, a golden decree, like a banner, rose through the sky in the depths of Tianlu City, the barrier rumbling, breaking through the world, and rising into the universe. Among.

The vast majesty swept the sky and the earth, all the mountains were trembling, and the Star outside the domain was even shifting.

That golden decree contained an unimaginable mighty force, and the divine texts written on it were as dazzling as a star, shining all over the world, and the world trembled.

Countless cultivator creatures felt the horrible fluctuations, their spirits were shaking, and they couldn't help but kneel down in that direction.

Every ancient divine text has been blessed by the great Magic power, which is bigger than the Star, reflected on the sky and manifested.

"This is "

The peak powerhouses of many ethnic groups in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions have been carefully watching the movement in Tianlu City.

The moment they saw this golden decree breaking through the sky, their hearts throbbed, and their souls couldn't help but tremble.

"That is the decree written by Gu Changge himself."

"Peace agreement, how could this be true

"That news turned out to be true. Does he really plan to invite leaders of all races to discuss the peace agreement?"

"How is it possible? Gu Changge, what purpose does he have?"

Afterwards, the ancient beings carefully studied the ancient divine texts above, and couldn't help being shocked, and their hearts trembled.

They read the text on the golden decree again, for fear of missing any words, and finally they were shocked and stunned.

"Why on earth, what purpose is Gu Changge doing?"

They find it unbelievable, unbelievable.

Gu Changge actually intends to invite leaders of all ethnic groups to go, discuss the so-called peace agreement?

Gu Changge, what purpose does he have?

Can they trust Gu Changge?

When the golden decree broke through the sky and reflected the world, it was announced.

The countless forces and cultivators in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories were shocked for the first time, and then they were unimaginable and unthinkable.

At the critical moment of the war, Gu Changge suddenly issued a decree to discuss the agreement of peace?

No matter how you look at it, it's like a weasel giving a New Year greeting to the chicken, uneasy and kind.

Many people had doubted the truth of this matter before, but until the moment the news was confirmed, they were stuck in place and couldn't figure it out.

But for many cultivators and creatures, it was like a ray of fire seen in the dark night, and they suddenly saw hope.

After all, the level of the station is different, and the things considered are naturally different.

Some senior officials of the big clans, considering another aspect of this matter, feel that Gu Changge must be uneasy and kind.

This is an upright and arrogant plan, and it is also a grand feast.

If they were to go before the appointment, they might be killed by a single blow.

Can Gu Changge's words be believed?

Many people's impression of Gu Changge is still on the young man who looks handsome and graceful outside Tianlu City, but with terrible means.

But there is no doubt that in the huge upper bound.

It is difficult to find a young man who can be compared with Gu Changge. The power and strength he possesses are not at all reachable by the existence of his peers.

Now Gu Changge personally writes the decree and invites the entire eight wilderness and ten domains, which looks more like a signal.

Compared with the high-levels of various races, the other ordinary cultivator creatures have completely different ideas.

They suddenly saw hope, and they naturally did not want to suffer the slaughter of the upper realm.

If there is a peace agreement, they will undoubtedly agree to it in the first place.

After experiencing the horrors of the Great War, they are even more eager for this world to be stabilized, all ethnic groups will thrive, and thousands of ethnic groups will prosper.

If Gu Changge's matter is true, then they naturally strongly agree.

For a time, all parts of the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, and even many upper-bound orthodox forces, caused a sensation because of Gu Changge's decree.

"This huge feast is set in Tianlu City, what do you think 々 "?"

Inside the magnificent and quaint palace.

Gu Changge chuckled softly, and stretched out his hand to brush the white and pretty face in front of him.

Tianlu Xuannv stood in front of him, wearing a flawless white dress with blue silk fluttering.

The face is beautiful and delicate, cold and ethereal.

"It's the same wherever it is. It depends on the idea of ​​Gu Gongzi.

Her eyes were a little complicated and said, "Master Gu intends to kill everyone at once, or is he really planning to make a peace agreement?"

Tianlu Xuannv was surprised when she knew that Gu Changge was about to set up a Hongmen banquet.

It has to be said that for the various races of the upper realm, this has an unimaginable attraction, just like moths fighting a fire, even if they know the vitality of the front is slim, they will still pounce.

Although she didn't plan to take care of the upper bound, she still felt a little intolerable.

If it were moths fighting the fire, it would really give everyone hope first, and then crush this hope in their presence.

It's really cruel.

With her knowledge of Gu Changge, he can really do such a thing.

"Do you want me to kill them all at once, or give them such a peace agreement?" Gu Changge asked with a faint smile upon hearing this.

"If I hope, the son will act according to my ideas?" Tianluxuan female eyes looked at him.

"Not really.

Gu Changge smiled, gently lifted the blue silk beside her cheek, and said, "But you can guess, if you guess right, maybe I have a reward."

Tianlu Xuannv shook her head and said, "How can I guess Master Gu's mind?"

"I don't like to hear what you say, it makes us very happy."

Gu Changge smiled faintly and looked outside the palace, waiting for the most appropriate time.

"I also want to have a closer relationship with Gu Gongzi, but it is a pity that Gu Gongzi doesn't trust anyone in his heart.

Tianlu Xuannv heard this, with some inexplicable emotions in her heart, she couldn't help but gently shook her head.

She knows that people like Gu Changge are almost impossible to open up to others in her heart, let alone trust her a little bit.

Even if the Lucheng is broken today, the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions are no longer threatened at all.

He is still the same.

"It's not that I don't trust anyone, it's just that you haven't reached that level yet."

Gu Changge smiled casually at this, noncommittal.

He wasn't the so-called Sage, or Liu Xiahui. If he didn't have the Nine Profound Acacia body and put the meat on his mouth, would he have no reason not to eat it.

However, until the Nine Profound Acacia Body was resolved, Gu Changge didn't want to add another kind of fetters to restrict his life and death.

In his eyes, there is actually not much difference between chess pieces and tool people.

Although Tianlu Xuannv is unlikely to betray him now, in the eyes of Gu Changge, it is still not much different from a chess piece.

He doesn't think he is a heartless person, but he is more sane than the average person in many cases.

To be worthy of his trust, or not worthy of his trust, does not lie with him, but with others.

The Tianlu Profound Girl has more thoughts of surrender to him.If he does not have the current power or strength, how can she easily surrender?

Although such a metaphor is not entirely appropriate, it is true.

Yue Mingkong, Jiang Chuchu, and Gu Xian'er are naturally a different story. For Gu Changge, they are always different from the others.

"I understand. If this is the case, then I will order to go down and let the people in the city prepare."

Tianlu Xuannv nodded, did not say anything, then left the palace and ordered her servants to prepare for the Hongmen banquet.

Today's Tianlu City, although it is already in the upper realm, she still has a power that is unmatched by ordinary people in the city.

Of course, most of this is due to Gu Changge's identity.

After watching the Tianlu Xuannv leave, Gu Changge shook his head slightly and smiled, his expression still not very disturbed.

He knows what Tianlu Xuannv thinks, but for her, it is a blessing for her to be able to shelter Tianlu City and not be destroyed in this battle and turned into ashes.

She is very smart and doesn't care much about it.

"The time is almost here, and the whereabouts of that great mountain lord should be revealed in the world."

Immediately, Gu Changge summoned the clansmen, told them to pass the order, and shouted the great mountain master in the air.

At the same time, he thought about it, and the figure left the palace and headed into the dungeon.

In this grand feast, Gu Changge intends to release the two mountain masters and Luo Ying first to show his sincerity.

Of course, this release does not mean actually letting them go, but taking them as hostages to threaten the consent of Dashanzhu, Xiao Yang and others.

At the same time, the presence of this bargaining chip can also let the entire Eight Desolation and Ten Domains know that they have no room for rejection of this conspiracy.

It is hundreds of millions of miles away from Tianlu City.

Juque City is one of the most glorious and ancient god cities in the Yunze Great Region.

The colorful mist is lingering, the sun is shining, there is fairy light, xenon hydrogen, many sacred mountains and mountains are located, Zhilan fragrant, and Ling vines surround the wall.

But when the news came out recently, it caused a huge wave here.

The most prosperous pavilion palace is surrounded by blue light, covering the sky to prevent people from the upper realm from snooping.

A small banquet is currently being held here.

Those who came to participate in this banquet were all the big figures of all races in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories. They originally planned to discuss how they would survive in such a terrible situation.

But because of Gu Changge's decree, he had to change the discussion.

The white mist lingers, the colorful clouds flow, the Shenxi bursts, the fairy sounds are moving, the wonderful figures come and go during the banquet, the long-sleeved man dances, graceful and graceful.

Compared with the war from the outside world, this place is quite elegant and peaceful, with dancing girls coming and going.

At this moment, a tall figure covered in chaotic mist came from a family of domain masters in the Yunze domain.

Sitting at the back of the banquet, he gently shook his own wine glass, and said analytically, "~ There is no doubt that this is a plot by Gu Changge. The so-called peace agreement is false. People gather and leave, and then they will catch it all at once."

"The so-called Zhaoan Heping is nothing more than a means to win over ordinary creatures. His real goal is to solve our problems."

"I have to say that this son is not only terrible, but also means endless. Now that this decree comes out, I am afraid that there is no cultivator in the entire Eight Desolation and Ten Regions."

"Now even the great mountain master of the Jiudashan Mountain is being watched by him, but I don't know whether the news is true or not, whether the great mountain master was born or not."

His words were recognized by many people here, and they all looked a little dignified, and some people also had other doubts in their hearts.

"It's really a good method, but I have no choice but to accept it.

"You may die if you accept it, but if you don't accept it, you will definitely die.

The other big figures also expressed their approval, their expressions were not good-looking, they were ugly and unwilling.

What is Yangmou? It is something that all of them can see, but still can't refuse.

In their opinion, Gu Changge's behavior was a shameless attempt, drawing a big pie for everyone.

If they don't want to go to the road of destruction of the Dragon Blood God of War clan, they can only do what Gu Changge requires.

We must know that what everyone in the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories desires most is to live in peace.

It can be described as frightening to hear the news that a race group was destroyed by the upper realm cavalry every day.

At this moment, Gu Changge suddenly made such an invitation (Li Nuo's), how could it not be exciting?

On the other side of the pavilion, there were a few people sitting in the corner.

A blind-eyed white-robed old man, quite a bit of fairy style, the whole person seems to be integrated into this world, and the way is natural.

The few people beside him were Xiao Yang, Gu Wudi and others.

"This Hongmen banquet seems to be dedicated to all ethnic groups."

"However, this Gu Changge actually knew that I was born, and asked me to call me in the air. I don't know what his calculations are."

"Does he want to calculate the old man?"

Hearing the conversations of people around him, the blind-eyed white-robed old man shook his head. Although his words were plain, he could hardly conceal a little confusion.

The expressions of the people beside him also looked solemn.

Especially Xiao Yang. Originally, the Great Mountain Lord took them to find the Dragon Blood God of War clan, and then united with the rest of the clan to find a way to rescue Luo Feng.

But before they found the clan of the Dragon Blood God of War clan, they heard the news that they were destroyed by the army led by Gu Changge.

This made him feel horrified and his scalp numb.

In every action of Gu Changge, it seemed that they had expected what they would do, completely blocking their way forward and not giving them the slightest back way.

If there is no Dashanzhu by his side, he would be really desperate.

In this way, it is more like all of them are being led by Gu Changge.

Now it seems that we can only find a way to unite the forces of all races, and then discuss how to rescue the two mountain masters, Luo Ying and others.

If not, the entire Eight Desolation and Ten Regions will fall into the palm of Gu Changge, with disastrous consequences.

"Looking at it this time, the old lady has no choice but to participate in this Hongmen Banquet.

Although Dashanzhu is blind, he has insight into many things, and after careful consideration, he feels that this matter can be done.

Although this is Gu Changge's plan to invite everyone from the Eight Desolations and Ten Territories, it is also a good opportunity for him to win over all the forces of the Eight Desolations and Ten Territories at this time.

In this way, he is not without the slightest chance. .