Ch 521

"Gu Changge, you have to die, you will suffer retribution sooner or later."

In the Tianlu Temple, Qingyue Fairy was covered in blood, disheveled, and looked like a ghost, no longer the cold and calm appearance before.

Her eyes were full of blood, and after the plan was revealed, she yelled at Gu Changge like a shrew on the street.

Hengjian died, and she had nothing to care about.

It's just that she failed to avenge Zhao Yunze. That was her most regrettable thing.

"I don't know whether I'm going to die or not. But I know that the hundreds of millions of creatures in Yunze Dayu behind you will suffer the bitterness they shouldn't bear because of you."

Gu Changge shook his head lightly, his face was very cold.

"This matter was done by myself. What do you have to do at me, and what is it to blame others?"

When Qingyue Fairy heard this, she couldn't help but swear, and she wished to vent all the anger accumulated during this time.

"You represent Yunze Dayu now. Do you tell me this is useful?" Gu Changge said lightly.

He was actually not surprised by Qingyue Fairy's assassination. Then someone from the Gu family came and detained her.

The occurrence of this kind of thing will not only affect the Yunze big domain, but even the other big domains will be affected more or less.

After all, it was on the site of Tianlu City. The Yunze Domain Master concealed the evil heart and offered Qingyue Fairy, but Qingyue Fairy tried to assassinate him.

Of course, Gu Changge felt that Yunze Domain Lord might also be unaware of this matter.

Qingyue Fairy obviously intends to avenge Zhao Yunze.

But this does not prevent him from killing chickens and monkeys.

When such a small episode happened, Gu Changge didn't actually take it to heart, but was guessing when the mountain master planned to do it.

In his eyes, the big fish, the Great Mountain Lord, is more important.

He had already laid a net of heaven and earth in secret, and was waiting for Da Shan to take the initiative.

"How did Young Master Gu know that Fairy Qingyue was trying to assassinate?" Tianlu Xuannv couldn't help but wonder.

She didn't notice the slightest abnormality.

Had it not been for Gu Changge's sudden action, shaking out the murder weapon hidden in the sleeves of Qingyue Fairy, she would not believe that Qingyue Fairy would have the guts to assassinate Gu Changge.

"No, I didn't see it." Gu Changge glanced at her and shook his head.

"I didn't see it?" Tianlu Profound Girl was even more puzzled, and said, "Then Young Master Gu suddenly made a move? What if I make a mistake?"

"If you make a mistake, you make a mistake. Isn't she daring to say more?"

Gu Changge smiled faintly, as if he didn't care.

The goddess Tianluxuan's sentiment was slightly stagnant, and there was no rebuttal.

Soon, news of Qingyue Fairy's failure to assassinate Gu Changge came out, causing huge waves.

The leaders of all ethnic groups in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions who heard this news were all shocked and stunned.

"Damn it, this is killing us all."

"Finally, I got a chance to relax for three days."

Many people's faces changed drastically, and they couldn't help screaming secretly, thinking that they would be affected by Qingyue Fairy.

At this critical time, Qingyue Fairy suddenly assassinated Gu Changge, no matter what purpose she was holding, isn't this an obvious death?

Moreover, they are also worried that this matter will cause Gu Changge to change his mind.

After all, all of them are now in Tianlu City, and they are locked in a radius of a million miles, and no one can escape.

If Gu Changge suddenly ordered them to be slaughtered, what would they do? How to break through?

"I just said how Yunze Domain Master could easily let go of his hatred. It turned out that he arranged such a hand."

"It's a bold man."

Some big clan leaders' eyes flickered, and they were still speculating about Yunze Dayu's doing this, thinking that he had put down his murderous vengeance.

But never thought that he even arranged for someone to assassinate Gu Changge.

"It's just a pity. Not only is Gu Changge okay, he also arrested Qingyue Fairy. It seems that the days of Yunze Dayu will be difficult."

Many people gloat for misfortune, and are fortunate that they don't have these careful thoughts.

"How can this be..

As the person involved, the domain master Yunze heard the news at the moment, but he was stupid, and was directly stuck in place.

He was stunned, his head banged, and he didn't expect Qingyue Fairy to assassinate Gu Changge without telling him. She had never mentioned such a thing before.

The Yunze domain master always thought that Qingyue Fairy was to keep the Yunze domain, so he didn't hesitate to feed the tiger with his body, compromise, and wanted to please Gu Changge.

But she never thought that she would choose to assassinate Gu Changge.

"It's not good, Qingyue's doing this will only be a bad thing

Yunzeyu's face turned pale all of a sudden, and his lips were trembling.

Thinking of the terrible consequences of this incident, he felt dizzy in front of his eyes, and his whole body was slumped to the ground.

How dare Qingyue!

Assassinating Gu Changge in Tianlu City? This is tantamount to pushing the entire Yunze domain to the fire kang!

And when everyone in the Eight Desolates and Ten Territories was anxious and extremely apprehensive because of Qingyue Fairy's assassination of Gu Changge.

On the other side, in a magnificent palace.

The tribesmen of Xiao Yang, Gu Wudi, and the three major God of War tribes are standing in front of the mountain lord quite submissively, discussing things.

"I delayed Gu Changge for three days in the Great Hall today. During these three days, you must find a way to find the place where the two mountain masters are imprisoned."

"This will be our last chance."

The Mountain Lord spoke slowly, his tone was calm and indifferent, and he felt that everything was under control.

"Don't worry, Lord Dashan, I will definitely find the place where the two mountain Lords and Big Sis are imprisoned." Xiao Yang understood the importance of this matter, with a serious expression, and couldn't help but promise.

"In this way, the eyeliner that I placed in Tianlu City at the beginning can play a role."

Gu Wudi's eyes flashed when he heard the words, and he clenched his fists, seemingly confident.

"Have you inserted the eyeliner in Tianlu City?" Da Shanzhu couldn't help but look at him when he heard this, and said a little strangely, "How sure is your eyeliner?"

Xiao Yang was also a little surprised at this moment. He didn't expect that Gu Wudi would still have such a method, and he might be able to play an unexpected role at this time.

"Look at the Great Mountain Lord, when I left Tianlu City with Xiao Yang and went to look for you, I was worried that Tianlu City would be broken and fall. I made preparations in advance and controlled a lot of people. Although they betrayed Tianlu City, but In fact, it's always been mine."

"If they were to take action, they might be able to find the place where the two mountain masters were imprisoned."

Gu Wudi vowed to promise, with confidence on his face.

"Really? I hope your eyeliner will surprise the old man."

The mountain master nodded, somewhat satisfied, but still didn't put all his hopes on Gu Wudi.

Gu Changge is so cunning, how can it be so easy to find the place where everyone is detained?

On the other side, in the dungeon where Luo Feng and others were held, Gu Changge, Gu Zu, Nishang and others appeared in it.

"According to the son's instructions, a net of heaven and earth has been laid around here, and various taboo patterns have been recorded. As long as the mountain master breaks in, he definitely has no possibility of escape.

The bone ancestor spoke respectfully.

"Thanks for your hard work.

Gu Changge nodded, his eyes slowly sweeping across the walls of the dungeon, especially in those areas that shone with faint brilliance, and he was even more satisfied.

Although today's Tianlu City has been guarded by layers, even millions of miles of territory have been blocked.

But he was still uneasy, after all, the mountain lord's peak strength surpassed the existence of the fairyland, and could be comparable to the character of the wind ancestor.

Even because of the rules of the world today, it is difficult to exert the strength of the strongest period.

But if you want to escape, who can stop him?

Gu Changge doesn't believe that the Great Mountain Lord cares about the eight wilderness and ten territories, and cares about the so-called hundreds of millions of creatures.

A character like him only cares about the era tree controlled by Luo Feng, and what he cares about is the possibility of regaining his peak.

So Gu Changge concluded that the mountain master would find a way to find Luo Feng's detention place, come to rescue Luo Feng, and then take him away.

These three days are just the time that the mountain master has delayed.

He also happened to be scheming, waiting for the big mountain master to enter the game.

"~The nets have been laid out this day, just waiting for the big fish to enter the nets.

Gu Changge looked at Luo Feng, who was unconscious, with a slightly different color in his eyes.

Just in case, he had swallowed up Luo Feng's soul during this period of time, and what remained was just a faint breath of life.

So even if the Great Mountain Lord could escape by chance, he would eventually find that the Era Tree had actually been acquired by him, and he would lose everything.

And soon, two days passed, everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories felt uneasy about the assassination of Gu Changge by Qingyue Fairy every day, and worried that they would be implicated.

But to their surprise, Gu Changge didn't seem to be angry and didn't blame them for it.

On the contrary, it was the domain master of Yunze. On the second day, he led the tribe to plead guilty and found Gu Changge personally, explaining that the assassination of Qingyue Fairy had nothing to do with them, and he was willing to serve the longevity Gu family as the master from then on.

Gu Changge had long expected that the Yunze Domain Lord would do this. As the largest of the Eight Wastes and Ten Domains, the Yunze Domain is so vast and rich in resources.

Taking it down without a single pawn, Gu Changge naturally has no reason to dismiss it.

The sensation caused by this incident was not small, and none of the major ethnic groups expected that Yunze Domain Lord would be so decisive.

This practice has also made many ethnic groups eager to move. These three days are said to be business discussions, but in fact they are given time to calm down.

It's time to calm down and calm down, it's time to make a choice.

"Lord Dashan, I have mobilized those eyeliners these days, and finally found a suspicious place. I suspect that the Lord Ershan and others are being held there.

At this moment, (Li Nuohao) Gu Wudi stood respectfully in front of the mountain lord in the palace complex where the various races were resting, and said in a report.

Behind him stood Xiao Yang and the other three powerhouses of God of War.

However, their current expressions were the same as those of Gu Wudi, with some excitement, and it was obvious that they had discovered some clues.

"Oh, where is the suspicious place?" Da Shan Lord asked with a flat expression. He hadn't found any clues in the past two days, and to be honest, it caused a slight anxiety in his heart.

However, he is cautious by nature, planning to move later, and will not act lightly before he is not very sure.

"We found that there were obscure formation fluctuations in the southwest corner of Tianlu City, but compared to the tight guards everywhere, the guards there were extremely weak."

"In the beginning, we didn't care about that place. We thought it shouldn't be important. Then there were not many guards. But then Junior Brother Xiao Yang discovered something wrong. The weakness there seemed to be the upper realm deliberately revealed to us. , Just want us to ignore it"

"In fact, in the dark, the guards there are many times tighter than in other places."

Gu Wudi's expression was solemn, and he gradually explained.

It was mentioned that when Xiao Yang discovered that something was wrong, a different color appeared in his eyes, but it was also fleeting, and he quickly returned to nature.

"Oh, there is still such a place.

"Your mind is a meticulous village."

"In this way, it shouldn't be wrong."

Hearing this, Dashanzhu's heart also moved slightly, and then a rare smile appeared on his face.