Ch 522

In the palace, the Lord Dashan's eyes moved slightly, and with a wave of his sleeves, a layer of blue light shot out, covering the neighborhood to prevent the strong spirit from sweeping and snooping on their business theory.

In addition to them, there are now three powerful God of War clans in the palace, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise, who are all trusted by the mountain lord.

As far as he is concerned, as long as he knows where Luo Feng and others are held, everything else will be easy to handle.

At that time, after he rescued Luo Feng, he directly tore up the universe and left. The world is so vast, and the number of universes is endless. He will find a place to live in seclusion.Who can find him then?

As for the life and death of the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, what does it have to do with him?

In the eyes of Dashanzhu, the numerous ethnic groups in the Eight Desolation Four Seas are just pawns for him to delay time.

"In that case, shall we act tonight? I am worried that the time will be delayed for a long time. If Gu Changge notices something wrong, it won't be good to transfer Master and Big sis away.

Afterwards, Xiao Yang and others looked at him, especially Xiao Yang, with expectations in their eyes.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time, wishing to go to the dungeon now to rescue his master and Big sis.

"From your investigation, there should be the place where the two mountain masters were imprisoned."

"It shouldn't be too late. Late will change. It seems that we have to do it tonight." Da Shanzhu nodded, with a rare smile on his face.

After that, everyone discussed the details of the next meeting, in order to have no paper omissions and achieve ten percent certainty.

In a blink of an eye, twilight descended, and the entire Tianlu City was shrouded in a magnificent and magnificent fog, and strands of bright Galaxy Cluster descended from the sky.

"At that time, some people will be guarding the entrance. If there is any change, it will be passed in the first time." The Lord Dashan's expression was a little solemn, and he swept the many powerful men in front of him, and said.

"I will understand, and please rest assured.

After hearing the words, everyone looked very solemn and solemn, and they understood how important the action tonight is and should not be missed.

Immediately, with a wave of the sleeve of the Lord Dashan, a simple and mysterious rune appeared in the void, turning into a misty glory, hiding everyone's presence.

He appeared to be quite cautious. While feeling the surrounding cultivator monitoring the place, he concealed himself. He left the palace complex and headed to the street in the southwest.

Although it was night, the city of Lucheng was also brightly lit in 593 days, and there were figures on each palace and pavilion.

On the boat, the singing is few, and the fishing and fire in the distance are like beans, which is very lively.

A cultivator can be seen in stone gambling workshops, teahouse shops, Fengyue Land… almost everywhere.

Except for the patrolling soldiers passing by from time to time in the sky, the entire Tianlu City seemed quite peaceful, which was completely different from the solemn and heavy atmosphere that faced wars in the past.

Xiao Yang, Gu Wudi and others carefully concealed their own breath and followed behind Dashanzhu.

Although the great mountain master took the initiative to protect them, at such a critical juncture, it is impossible not to be nervous.

However, the great mountain lord's Magic power is high and deep, and the means reach the sky, and the concealment of magical powers is even more difficult to find flaws.

They left the palace and walked hundreds of miles on the street, and no one found them.

This kind of made them feel more at ease, and they were more confident in their hearts.

"Passing the gambling house in front of you, in a dilapidated house in the southwest, is the suspicious place we investigated."

Xiao Yang opened his mouth and looked at the brightly lit stone gambling workshop in front, and pointed to the courtyard road behind.

Looking from their direction, one could only vaguely see that the brilliance was dim, as if there was no one living there.

"There is indeed an obscure fluctuation there, so be careful for a while.

"Gu Changge is so cunning, maybe there will be many tricks there."

The mountain master nodded and said, his complexion was slightly serious, and in the dark eyes, now there is a light golden brilliance that condenses.

The breath of the whole world and the changes in rules, and even the fluctuations of the great roads, all manifested in his mind at this moment.

Such a method has involved the origin of this piece of heaven and earth, which is mysterious and mysterious.

Immediately everyone was more careful to hide their breath, and quietly went to the dilapidated house.

"My son, as you might have guessed, Dashanzhu and others have quietly left the palace where they rested these past few days.

"According to the eyeliner report, they should be heading southwest here.

At this moment, at the top of a palace southwest of Tianlu City.

Gu Changge stands here, raising his eyes to look at the glorious palaces not far away, with thoughtful eyes.

Behind him, Nishang's figure appeared, and he spoke respectfully.

"In this way, Yu'er is about to enter the net, and it is not in vain for me to arrange it for so long."

Gu Changge smiled faintly when he heard the words, and withdrew his gaze.

"The son has a great plan, and the mountain master thinks that everything is under control, but he does not know that all this is arranged by the son."

Nishang looked at Gu Changge's back, a smile appeared on his cold and beautiful face, his eyes bright.

If it hadn't been mentioned by the bone ancestor, she didn't know that the Gu Wudi who was next to Dashanzhu turned out to be the dark chess that Gu Changge had planted there long ago.

That being said, Gu Changge had anticipated this situation a long time ago, and only then arranged for Gu Wudi to pass.

All this arrangement really made her amazed.

If she were to change her to the master of the mountain, I am afraid that she would not be able to figure out which step had gone wrong in the end.

Today, the rescue plan that Dashanzhu thinks is foolproof, in fact, has long been in the control of Gu Changge's plan.

Even the place where Luo Feng, Ershanzhu and others were imprisoned, he revealed to Gu Wudi, and then told Gu Wudi how to tell Dashanzhu, so that Dashanzhu relieved his doubts and vigilance.

"Calculating the time, it should be almost the same.

"Order to go down, gather all the hands, and the fish is on the bait, I should also go and collect the net."

Gu Changge smiled, and the figure moved, and the void in front of him seemed to be condensed as an invisible staircase emerged as he stepped out. Stepping out, he has disappeared thousands of miles away.

"It's the son." Nishang replied respectfully, and the figure disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, there are several incomparably terrifying auras in the sky of Tianlu City, with vast fluctuations flashing away, like a wave of anger, sweeping the sky, flapping the sky, shaking the universe, making many unknown cultivator souls and souls. Trembling, almost squatted down under this breath.

The leaders of all ethnic groups in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories who were discussing the tomorrow's peace covenant were also an agitated spirit at this moment.

At this moment, an inexplicable atmosphere of terror came and enveloped the entire Tianlu City.

On the other side, Xiao Yang and others, who carefully avoided the many patrolling soldiers on the way, finally found the extremely dilapidated house.

From the outside, it looks like before the war, the owner of the house abandoned his house and fled in a hurry, and some things had not been moved, which seemed extremely desolate.

In the corner of the wall, there are still many half-person-high wormwood, which is covered with vines, which is very irritating at night.

The place is extremely quiet, without any soldiers patrolling.

But it was precisely because of this that made Xiao Yang and others uneasy and more careful.

"Leave one person outside, and the others will follow me.

"There are array patterns here, which can cover people's eyes."

At this moment, Da Shanzhu suddenly spoke, and the depths of his eyes seemed to have two candles burning, golden, and permeating the coercive pressure.

He stared at a courtyard not far away, and there were a number of magic runes between his raised hands, and the light disappeared there for a while, and a vaguely vague portal spread out like a continuous drop.

Seeing this scene, everyone was excited, and through that portal, one could see a deep-hidden Yong (cedh) road.

At this moment, they had no doubt about the place where the two mountain masters and others were imprisoned.

"Time is urgent, I took action to deceive the secret of this place, and the other party will not notice me waiting for a while."

The Lord of the Mountain continued to say that there were threads of rules and order hanging on the robes, and the whole person was filled with celestial glory at this moment, powerful and mysterious.

Everyone heard the words, and then Xiao Yang and Gu Wudi chose to go down with Dashanzhu.

Black Tortoise, White Tiger, and Vermillion Bird are the powerhouses of the three God of War clans, staying outside to keep the wind, and if there is a slight change, the news will be passed on as soon as possible.

However, what surprised everyone was that there were not many jailers guarding the corner of the road.

So the moment the mountain master entered, he waved his sleeves, and the vast aura blew away, and directly shook out the many jailers in front of him.

"Great, it really is here!"

Xiao Yang and the others looked excited, followed him closely, kept walking, and found nothing wrong.

The layout in the corridor is actually similar to many dungeons. There are many perennial candles lit on both sides, which looks very dark and damp.

They didn't walk far in before they saw a few people detained in them, it was Luo Ying and Ershanzhu.

However, they are now obviously closed with the four senses, they can't speak, or even hear the sound, they can only see the Dashanzhu, Xiao Yang and others who came from outside the dungeon.

On Luo Ying and the two mountain masters, there are chains entangled. These chains are obviously made of special materials and are extremely strong.

Several of them were locked in the depths of the dungeon, making it difficult to move.

On the other side of them, Luo Feng was in the same state now, but he was in a coma, with only a weak breath on his body.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yang and the others were suddenly pleasantly surprised. Even the corner of Da Shan's mouth showed a smile, and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"It seems that Gu Changge is very relieved of own layout, and he has never sent any strong people to guard this place."

Xiao Yang looked around for a week and saw no one in charge of guarding except for the few detained.

This surprised him somewhat, but he felt that Gu Changge was too confident, and he didn't dare to force anyone to come here to rescue the two mountain masters and others.

"Master, Big sis, I am here to save you."

Xiao Yang didn't think too much, and strode forward, with runes on his body, walking towards the two mountain masters and Luo Ying who were entangled in chains, trying to rescue them.

But what made him feel a little strange was why Luo Ying and Ershanzhu looked at him with expressions of fear, helplessness, and pain.

In particular, Luo Ying's eyes were staring wide, as if there was some great horror hidden here.

"Something's wrong, why does the old man suddenly have a bad feeling.

However, at this time, the smile on Da Shan's face suddenly stiffened, frowning, and a bad feeling came into his heart.

At the same time, in the silent dungeon, the sound of footsteps suddenly sounded, not hurriedly or slowly, but gradually came from outside.

Hearing this sound, Xiao Yang and the others were slow to react. At this moment, they also noticed something was wrong, and their heart suddenly twitched.

Their complexion changed drastically, and it was almost the first time that they sacrificed their weapons.

This time, the plan to rescue the two mountain masters and others does not seem to go so smoothly.


"who is it?"

There was a sudden chill on the back of the mountain lord, his hair on top, and he turned around abruptly.

His voice was angry and possessed special magical powers. Even if he was the Supreme, he might be injured by this slogan.

However, the moment the mountain master opened his mouth, there was a hum, and a bright and dazzling brilliance suddenly lit up among the walls of the dungeon.

One by one avenue runes appeared, like bright lights, brilliant and eye-stinging, tears flowed long, suddenly illuminating the dark dungeon.


These avenue runes contain an aura of horror, where they rise and fall like a Galaxy Cluster, evolving the heavens and all things, mountains and rivers, stars, and rivers.

At the same time, a certain strong rule appeared here, rushing from all directions, imprinted in the void.

It can be seen that the mighty chaotic fog and frost rise, like an ancient palace ups and downs.

Among them, Xiao Yang and others even heard the sound of ancient chanting, and saw a stalwart and vague figure sitting in it, like an ancient god and demon, which can suppress the heavens and the world.

Such scenes made their expressions drastically changed, revealing horror and disbelief.

Obviously these powerhouses have already arranged for this place to be completely sealed off, and even the breath is difficult to pass.

"It's Gu Changge!!"

"How do you know we will come here…"

When he saw the white-clothed man walking from outside the dungeon, Xiao Yang's face changed suddenly, his voice was shaking, even a little pale, and he couldn't believe it.

"I have been waiting for you here for a long time.

With a light smile on his face, Gu Changge shook his head lightly, without explaining anything.

But as his words fell, a vast wave suddenly came from behind him, like a sea of ​​mountains rushing forward, to drown Xiao Yang and the others.

Many enlightened persons appear here, among which the breath of the bone ancestors and others is the most terrifying.

Just standing there would be pressing the spine of Xiao Yang and the others down and worshiping them.

This kind of breath made them pale with fear and fear, and they couldn't hide their fear. They couldn't stand firmly at all, and they could only look at the big mountain lord with the help of their eyes.

"You expected that I would come to rescue them?"

Although Dashanzhu was more calm than Xiao Yang and the others at this moment, his expression was also hard to hide. Gu Changge asked tightly. .