Ch 532

"It has been countless years since the ancestors disappeared. If we hadn't heard the ancestor's summons this time in the first month of the month, we might not even know the ancestors were trapped in Kunshan."

"For so many years, we all thought that our ancestors had fallen, but we really didn't expect that his old man was still alive and was trapped in Kunshan and tortured.

"As a descendant, but I don't know anything about it, I'm really ashamed. I have no face to face his old ancestor."

In the Great Hall of Ji's house, there was a lot of alcohol during the banquet until the middle of the banquet. Some of the Elder tribes were dizzy, their moods were infected, and they were a little ashamed and authentic.

Gu Changge sat down and smiled faintly, "Ji Shengchu senior Cultivation Base is high and deep, and he has not been trapped in Kunshan for so many years. It has already explained everything."

"If Ji Shengchu senior can be rescued this time, for the upper realm, wouldn't it be a merit?

Hearing this, everyone in the hall was shocked, and their complexions were full of joy.

They naturally know what this means.

We must know that today's upper realm is suffering from the disaster of overcast skies, and there is nothing to do.

After all, their ancestors are the existences respected as human ancestors. When the time comes to restore their peaks, they can sit in Ji's house and wait for the Daoist masters of the upper realm to come and worship.

How beautiful is that scene?

With a little fantasy, they couldn't help but feel a surge of heart.

"Young Master Changge said that if there is an ancestor, why not worry about my Ji family not being able to restore the ancient glory.

Ji Hao, the head of the Ji family, had a few glasses of wine, and his majestic face was also rare to show joy.

While speaking, he glanced at the two women Su Qingge and Ji Qingxuan standing behind Gu Changge.

Looking at it this way, it's hard to tell who is Big sis and who is Little Sister.

He couldn't help asking, "Young Master Changge, what do you think of Qingxuan?"

In terms of identity, although he is Ji Qingxuan's uncle, he has rarely cared about her in recent years, and even more to take care of her.

But at this time, he must be a good uncle, for fear that Gu Changge will feel that he has treated Ji Qingxuan badly these years.

"Qingxuan is quite clever. She is very likable.

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and took a look at Su Qingge while he was talking.

Su Qingge lowered his eyes, appeared very quiet, did not say much, and is now playing the role of "Ji Qingxuan".

There was joy on Ji Hao's face, and he nodded in a hurry, "Qingxuan, this girl is indeed smart since she was a child, and she does things in a reasonable and reasonable manner, simply and neatly."

At this moment, the rest of Elder also couldn't hide his joy.

Although Su Qingge is Gu Changge's maid, she is not named Ji after all. In their hearts, she is no different from an outsider.

But Ji Qingxuan is different. She is a direct disciple of the Ji family. She was raised in 600 Ji's family since she was a child.

If she can be seen by Gu Changge like her own Big sis, it will naturally be a great thing for the whole Ji family.

In today's upper realm, is there any more reliable thigh than Gu Changge?

"Chuyue, Yaoxing"

Subsequently, Ji Hao called his own pair of children, namely Ji Yaoxing and Ji Chuyue.

Although the two have had contact with Gu Changge before.

But this time suddenly came to Ji's house, they have not come to visit.

So in Ji Hao's opinion, it is better to take this opportunity to have a good relationship with Gu Changge.

On the other hand, Ji Hao, the head of the Ji family, also has his own careful thinking.

In terms of appearance alone, his daughter Ji Chuyue is no worse than Ji Qingxuan and Su Qingge.

After all, Ji Qingxuan is only his niece, and Ji Chuyue is his daughter.

Ji Chuyue wears a light yellow dress, tall and slender, with a beautiful face, and her eyes are crystal clear and cunning. The whole person is like a spirit in the spirit of heaven and earth.

"I met Young Master Changge in Chuyue."

She blinked her eyes and saluted Gu Changge.

Next to Ji Chuyue, Ji Yaoxing was dressed in a golden robe and his complexion was calm, but at the moment he was also cupped hands and said, "Yao Xing has seen Young Master Changge."

When they were in Zishan before, they offended Gu Changge by trying to find the whereabouts of Zhangtian Pagoda without telling Gu Changge.

Later, he sent the Heavenly Palm Wheel that the Ji family finally got, and this was the solution to the trouble.

"You two are welcome. Speaking of when I was in Zishan, it was thanks to the two of them that I was able to find the Tower of Heaven."

Gu Changge said slightly, with a smile on his face.

Ji Chuyue and Ji Yaoxing were a little unnatural when they heard this, and looked a little embarrassed.

If it weren't for Chen Ning'er to follow them in secret, I am afraid that the Restrictions outside Zishan would not be easily broken by Gu Changge.

Of course, this matter is still thanks to Jiang Chen at the time.

"Young Master Changge has a large number of them. I don't care about the faults of me and Little Sister at the time. Now they are still willing to help my Ji family."

"It really makes Yao Xing feel ashamed." Ji Yaoxing said with a bit of guilt on his face.

"It's just a small matter, don't worry about it.

Gu Changge waved his hand, appearing casually, and didn't care.

In his opinion, Ji Yaoxing is a man of great success and very smart.

From the fact that he abandoned Jiang Chen without hesitation in the first place, one can see a thing or two.

Such a person knows better when to do something.

Even if Gu Changge did not speak the position of the head of the Ji family, Ji Yaoxing would choose to give in and give it to Ji Qingxuan on his own initiative.

In the next few days, the news that Ji Shengchu, the ancestor of the Ji family, had not fallen, suddenly swept through the many territories around Dongshengtian as if it had grown wings, causing huge waves and sensations in the upper realm.

Many Immortal Great Masters and Supreme Orthodoxy feel shocked and unbelievable for the first time.

You must know that Ji Shengchu, the ancestor of the Ji family, was a figure countless years ago.

Such a character was also extremely stunning in that era.

It's just that, for unknown reasons, he suddenly disappeared. Many people thought that he was sitting down, which led to the gradual decline of the Ji family.

Now I suddenly heard that the ancestors of the Ji family had never fallen, but were only trapped in Kunshan.

At this moment, many people were shocked and dumbfounded, their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe it.

With such a calculation, how many years have the ancestors of the Ji family been trapped?

I'm afraid it's been several epochs.

This news was extremely true. According to the old antique of the Ji family, it was shocking and shocked the heavens of the upper realm.

At this moment, almost no force can sit still, after all, the ancestor of the Ji family, who was a man of the world countless years ago, stood at the pinnacle of the upper realm.

He has been trapped in Kunshan all these years.

Doesn't that mean that he has survived in Kunshan for at least several epochs, and even longer?

As for how the ancestors of the Ji family were trapped in Kunshan, no one knows.

Regardless of the reason, the news that the ancestors of the Ji family are still alive is already shocking enough, after all, it is the existence that was once revered as the ancestor of the people.

When this news swept the upper realm every day, many Immortal Great Masters and Supreme Orthodoxy also responded immediately.

Some of the forces that have hatred with the hidden Ji family can hardly sit still. They are very worried, thinking that if the ancestors of the Ji family get out of trouble, they will begin to liquidate them.

Then another incident was even more shocking. The Ji family intends to rescue the ancestors and send many powerful men to Kunshan.

However, it was not yet near Kunshan, and the inexplicable pattern rules were encountered near it.

This shocked many orthodox forces who paid attention to this matter.

Naturally, Kunshan's dangers don't need to be said.

The Ji family wanted to rescue the ancestors, but now, it is not a simple matter.

"Ji Shengchu, the ancestor of the Ji family, was a figure who had done great deeds to the sentient beings in the world, and the rest of the forces stood by and stood idly by at this time."

"I don't think it will be long before the Immortal Masters and Supreme Orthodoxy from all over the world will gather.

"After all, there is a real person alive in Kunshan."

In every ancient city, there are cultivators and creatures who are discussing business, and they are constantly discussing and expressing their own opinions.

In their view, Ji Shengchu is not only the ancestor of the Ji family, but also the ancestor of countless creatures in the upper realm.

Now that he is facing a crisis and trapped in Kunshan, the forces that have been blessed by him will definitely help.

Moreover, on the other hand, if Ji Shengchu were rescued, the scourges of absolutely cloudy skies faced by various parts of the Upper Realm might be solved.

With this idea, many forces are waiting and watching, wanting to know the attitude of the upper realm towards the trapped ancestors of the Ji family.

During this period of time, everyone in the Ji family also mobilized their own (cedh) power to ask for help from the forces that had a good relationship with the Ji family in the past.

Especially some forces that have been under the influence of Ji Shengchu.

Subsequently, another piece of news came from Ji's family, which quickly shook all parties and caused huge waves.

Gu Changge intends to lead many powerful Gu family to assist the Ji family to break through Kunshan and rescue the ancestor Ji Shengchu.

This news shocked many Immortal Masters and Supreme Orthodoxy, which was a bit unbelievable.

It is reasonable to say that the intersection between the Changsheng Gu family and the Ji family is not deep, so what is the reason for Gu Changge to do this?

Is it really the enthusiasm of the old way? Or just want to help the ancestors of the Ji family get out of trouble?

But this is very different from the Gu Changge they know.

But on the other hand, after seeing the Ji family get Gu Changge's help, many forces that were hostile to the Ji family quietly reduced their strengths.

After having such confidence, the Ji family received the help of many forces and began to use their background to prepare for the first attack on Kunshan.

For a while, the entire Upper Realm was surging again, and many Taoist forces all cast their sights on Kunshan.

Although Kunshan is a very famous life Jedi in the Upper Realm.

But from the outside, there is a verdant landscape, with clouds and clouds, revealing simplicity and vicissitudes of life.

The clouds rose, the colorful mist flowed, and it was splendid. The towering and terrifying mountains of Gods and Devils stood in the depths, magnificent, as if they existed since the beginning of the world.

Around Kunshan, there is even a layer of chaotic fog that can't sink at all.

There are faint blood colors intertwined and reflected, as if to show the world that something terrifying and bloody happened here.

The enlightened person has fallen in blood, and the true immortal is difficult to cross!

At the foot of Kunshan, there is an ancient city named Kunwu City, covering millions of miles of territory, magnificent and prosperous, with a surging atmosphere, extremely vast and ancient, with a long existence.

During this period of time, the crowds in Kunwu city have been surging, and every day one can see divine rainbows coming from all directions.

Many cultivator creatures got the news that the ancestors of the Ji family were trapped in Kunshan, and they all rushed over from various places. They had a foreboding that something great would happen here in Kunshan soon.

A living ancestor is now trapped in Kunshan.

The sensation caused by this news can be described as shocking, and no force can calm it down.

In addition to the leaders of the major religions, Elder and other figures, even many younger generations have gathered together and plan to take a look at this matter.

Kunshan is also known as Xianwang Mountain, where opportunities and crises coexist.

Someone once picked a small red grass outside of Kunshan. After swallowing it, the Cultivation Base increased greatly, tens of thousands of miles a day, and later became a quasi-emperor.

Some people say that the grass has absorbed the blood of the fairy king. Although it is probably only one billionth of a billion, it is extremely rare, and its value is inestimable.

There are still a lot of gods like this.

Every day in Kunwu City, cultivators can be seen to go to the periphery of Kunshan to pick up and find treasures. Even some strangely shaped stones contain special Taoist rhymes and are of great value.

Some business alliance forces set up gambling workshops in Kunwu City.

Those rare and precious stones are all from around Kunshan, and even some powerful beings risked their lives to carry them out of them, which is very valuable and unimaginable.

Among those strange stones, some people even cut out the supreme scriptures, rare fairy mines and even a drop of sealed blood.The only diffused breath has caused the sky within tens of thousands of miles to change drastically. Trembling.

That drop of mysterious blood was finally purchased by a certain force at a sky-high price. It is rumored that they even created a peerless wizard, but then disappeared somehow.

In short, Kunshan contains all kinds of mystical good fortunes, and even some enlightened people are able to continue their lives because of some of the gods in Kunshan, alleviating Deva's five failures.


The sky trembled, and the lights were shining brightly. The extremely dazzling ancient warships or gods came from a distance, like a small sun, descending on Kunwu City, causing a sensation.

"That's Tian Jiuyin, the god son of Lunar God Sect."

Someone was surprised and shocked. He recognized a young man walking out of the ancient warship. He looked very feminine, but behind him it seemed that there was a round of bright moon rising and falling.

"It is rumored that he has male and female appearances, possesses a divine body of Taiyin, and is now the Cultivation Base of the middle stage of the Most Holy Land, sweeping invincible.

"Some time ago, I heard that he easily slayed a fierce beast in the Great Sacred Realm. The Taiyin Divine Body is already small."

Many cultivators in Kunwu City whispered, staring at the young man in front of them.

Nowadays, the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Kunwu City can see young sages of all races coming almost every day.

Except for those big cult leaders who saw the dragons but did not see the end, these young sages are the most eye-catching.


At this time, there were fluctuations in the other direction, and a very tall white jade flying boat galloped past and fell towards this place, with a simple and magnificent atmosphere permeating it.

"That's a member of the Yinshi'an ethnic group."

"I heard that the descendants of this generation of the Yinshi An clan are very mysterious. They have never walked in the world, but their strength is unimaginable.

"I don't know if I can see the descendant of the Hidden Shi'an clan this time."

This place immediately caused a sensation. Many cultivators were shocked and stared at the white jade flying boat.

In addition to the Hidden Shian Clan, many young sages have already appeared before, and even the Sixth Crown King, the Tianhuang Girl and others have revealed their traces.

It can be said that this time Kunshan has attracted the attention of the entire upper world, and many younger generations have arrived in Kunwu City.

Many cultivators and creatures are looking forward to it, feeling that there will be a big collision between the younger generations here before the ancestors of the Ji family are rescued.

"Hey, have you noticed that the girl in Tsing Yi who walked in from outside the city just now is a bit familiar?"

At this time, a cultivator suddenly opened his mouth, staring darkly, and looked in the direction of the city gate.

However, the figure of the girl in Tsing Yi just flashed by, and soon disappeared, as if he was hallucinating.

"It seems that the Little Princess from the Gu family didn't expect that she would come too…" the cultivator on the other side was also a little surprised, "It seems that Kunwu City will be very lively this time.".