Ch 533

Kunwu City is not far from Kunshan, and even as long as you look at the city wall, you can see a large mountain range shrouded in vast chaotic fog, standing on the top of the cloud, majestic and majestic.

There is a misty place, and it is impossible to see the scene at all. It is more like an ancient place that has existed since the beginning of the world, revealing mystery and vastness.

A long distance away, there was a terrifying coercion that made one's heart trembling, breathtaking.

A ray of divine light or rainbow, passing through the sky, falling from a distant realm, rushed to the city of Kunwu.

Over the past few days, too many big figures have arrived in Kunwu City.

Even throwing a stone down, it might hit a certain Elder of Immortal Master.

Many cultivators even feel that there is some kind of strong Dao Item fluctuation, which once passed away in Kunwu City, which is heart palpitating.

Among the forces who are going to help the Ji family, they even brought Dao Item to try to invade Kunshan.

Such a move is so rare that it shocks all directions. It can be said that it has been rarely seen since these several epochs.

Previously, the upper realm used troops to attack the eight wilderness and ten territories, but that was the power of the entire realm, and now it is the forbidden area of ​​life in Kunshan.

As for whether there are any supreme beings alive in Kunshan, this matter has always been a mystery.

Because none of the cultivators or creatures who have entered Kunshan can come back alive.

If the ancestors of the Ji family can be rescued successfully this time, it would be a precedent to break this time.

At this moment, in a stone gambling workshop in Kunwu City.

A young man dressed up in disguise was mixing with a monk, and looked at it from time to time, seeming to be discussing something.

The young man is quite handsome, tall and tall, with a temperament that is completely different from that of ordinary people.

As for the monks around him, although they seem to be kind and purposeful, they give people an uncomfortable feeling.

"Donor Jiang Chen, you see, as the descendant of the God Origin Master, you should know what is hidden in these strange stones, right?"

The two of this person are Jiang Chen and Monk Pudu.

It was Monk Pudu who spoke. He smiled and said, his eyes flickering as he passed the many strange stones in the gambling stone workshop.

Jiang Chen looked natural and calm, nodded and said, "Naturally.

The general situation of the world, the evolution of mountains and rivers, etc. are all within the scope of good fortune's deduction and exploration.

Although he can't directly see through what is hidden in those strange stones.

But with the sense, we can perceive the rarity of the things in it.

Not to mention that since this period of time, he has become more and more familiar with the coordination of the good fortune Xianzhou device spirit, and he can even activate some of the powers belonging to the good fortune Xianzhou.

The stone gambling shop in front of him is more like a tailor-made for him.

"That's good, for a while, the little monk will be responsible for paying for the rough stone, and Jiang Chen, the donor, you are responsible for selecting. The cut out things Jiang Chen, the donor, you and us are equally divided."

"what do you think?"

With Jiang Chen's assurance, Monk Pudu couldn't help but smile authentically, which is quite different from the image of benevolent eyebrows and kind eyes.

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate for long at all, and directly nodded in agreement.

He and Monk Pudu are also old acquaintances, and naturally they will not doubt Monk Pudu's character.

Of course, there is another relationship. He is really shy now, and most of his money is used to purchase spiritual resources.

The price of the rough stone here is very high, because it is mined near Kunshan, the price is far higher than the rough stone in other ancient cities.

Afterwards, the two squeezed away the cultivator in front of them, and walked to the higher pavilion of Gambling Square.

Monk Pudu is obviously a regular customer of the gambling workshop. He understands that the rough stones in the pavilion below are actually from the outermost periphery of Kunshan, and rare things can be cut out.

Soon, the two came to the third floor of the pavilion, where the colorful mist disappeared, and it was quite spacious. There was no cave in the sky, and the rough stones placed everywhere were also gushing out of various colors.

Some of the rough stones even reported abnormalities.

The cultivator here, whether it is tolerance or Cultivation Base, is far from comparable to the following cultivator, obviously it has a lot of background.

Jiang Chen even saw a lot of disciples of Immortal Master, covering Baohui with extraordinary bearing.

"Don't hesitate to choose Jiang Chen, you can choose which one you want."

After coming here, Monk Pudu also showed a smile on his face, obviously trusting Jiang Chen very much.

Jiang Chen didn't talk nonsense, with a little light in his eyes, while talking with the spirit of the good fortune fairy boat in his mind, he looked for the original stone here.

"Xiao Chenzi picked the piece, yes, it's the largest piece in the center."

Good fortune Xianzhou's spirit urged.

Jiang Chen nodded, his gaze fell on the largest rough stone in the middle of the third floor. It was the size of a few people. It looked uneven and had a lot of small bumps. Compared with the rest of the rough stones that exuded brilliant rays of light, it was very attractive. The difference is more than a big one.

"I want this piece." Jiang Chen said lightly, pointing to the rough stone without any hesitation.

Hearing what he said, many people here paid attention, and their expressions were a little weird.

When Ganga Jiangchen and Monk Pudu came in, they took a look and saw that they didn't know each other, so they didn't want to take care of them.

They thought that the two would have to choose for a while, but Jiang Chen only took a look and picked the biggest rough stone.

This shocked them a little, and then they couldn't help but laugh.

In their opinion, this move is more than a bit silly?

It was like a layman who knew nothing.

"Where's the idiot, didn't he think that the biggest one can cut out good things?"

"Even Mr. Mo shook his head and said that he couldn't see through that rough stone. He actually wanted to buy it in one bite."

At the moment, some people couldn't help but shook their heads, somewhat mocking.

The Mo Lao in his mouth is a very famous source teacher in the nearby Gambling Stone Shop.

So this rough stone has gradually become something no one cares about, and it has been placed here for several years.

"This son really wants to buy this piece?"

However, the shopkeeper in charge of this place was somewhat surprised.

But regardless of whether Jiang Chen understands or not, in his opinion, this Jiang Chen is just being taken to the door to take a lot of money.

This rough stone has been left for so many years and no one has bothered about it. Today, there is finally a big fool.

"Naturally it is true." Jiang Chen said lightly, the expression on his face has been calm and indifferent, it seems that it is not surprising that everyone will react like this.

"How many Spirit Stones?" Although Monk Pudu was also a little confused, he was extremely convinced of Jiang Chen and directly took out the Sumeru ring.

"Three hundred thousand Spirit Stones." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

Seeing such an expression on the shopkeeper, a touch of mockery flashed across Jiang Chen's face, waiting for you to cry in his heart.

Monk Purdue was very refreshed and directly took out 300,000 Spirit Stones and bought this rough stone.

"My son, we have to say yes. Once we buy it, no matter what we cut out in a while, it has nothing to do with our betting on Shifang. Don't regret it."

The shopkeeper was worried that Jiang Chen would regret it for a while, and couldn't help but explain it "kindly".

"Stop talking nonsense, cut it quickly."

Jiang Chen said lightly, looking rather impatient.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the people here immediately gathered around and seemed very interested. Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen actually planned to buy this rough stone.

Not only does this guy look stupid, he is also so rich.

Although there are a lot of disciples here, not many people can take out 300,000 Spirit Stones at once.

"Three hundred thousand Spirit Stones sprayed out"

"If there is nothing for a while, he will cry."

Many people watched with interest, with a touch of mockery.

Afterwards, the cultivator in charge of cutting the stone carefully peeled off the layers of stones on the surface of the original stone. A mysterious and mysterious wave suddenly filled the pavilion.

Everyone's expressions have changed a little at this time, not as contemptuous as they were just now.

Some old people, including the shopkeeper, even looked seriously.

The next moment, suddenly there is a strong red glow coming out of it, accompanied by a breath that makes the pores relax.

"That's Blood King Ginseng

"At least more than a million years old" someone's eyes widened and couldn't help exclaiming.

The million-year-old Blood King Ginseng is a magic medicine that even the quasi-senior will covet. It can be met but not sought, and it is worth at least a million Spirit Stones to start.

The shopkeeper's face also changed slightly at this moment, unbelievable, although he would not cry, but it was still uncomfortable.

"It's not a loss for 300,000 Spirit Stones to exchange for a blood king ginseng that is more than a million years old.

…For flowers…

Jiang Chen said calmly and shook his head gently.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Shifang Gambling was a little afraid to underestimate Jiang Chen.

However, there are still some people who are not convinced, thinking that Jiang Chen is the result of luck.

"Hey, this is the Blood King Ginseng. Has anyone cut out the Blood King Ginseng here?"

At this moment, under the pavilion, a few young men and women suddenly walked up, looking aloof, with a sense of Taoism, covering Baohui, and the emblem of Celestial Immortals Palace was embroidered on their clothes.

It was a young woman who was talking. She was extremely beautiful, with cloud-like hair, delicate and fair complexion, and her legs were longer than ordinary women. She was dressed in a white dress, cold and dusty, like a Fairy who does not eat the fireworks in the world. .

Hearing this familiar voice, Jiang Chen's body became a little stiff, and the indifferent expression on his face also disappeared from his face.

He turned his head in disbelief, and his gaze fell on the young woman who was walking under the pavilion.

If the sound?

Why is she here?

Jiang Chen's heart was a little excited, and his face trembled slightly. He didn't expect to meet Xiao Ruoyin here today after many days.

But now that he changed his face, Xiao Ruoyin probably wouldn't recognize him.

This made Jiang Chen feel a little disappointed, but he calmed down and understood that it was not the time to recognize Xiao Ruoyin.

"do we know each other?"

Xiao Ruoyin felt that he was staring at the young man Own in front of him. He seemed a little familiar, but she couldn't tell where she was familiar.


"No, this is the first time I see Fairy next time." Jiang Chen shook his head and smiled.

Xiao Ruoyin didn't care about this. He set his eyes on the Blood King Ginseng in Jiang Chen's hand and asked, "Did you cut out this blood King Ginseng?,

She can remember that Master Yan Ji is the Cultivation Base of the Quasi-Supreme Realm, and the Blood King Ginseng might be useful for her.

"Yes, Xixia and Fairy hit it off right away. If Fairy wants it, how about Xixia directly give it to Fairy."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, as if the blood king ginseng in his hand was some kind of bad Chinese cabbage on the street.

He could see that Xiao Ruoyin seemed to want this blood king ginseng very much.

At this juncture, without the approval of Monk Pudu, he planned to privately donate the Blood King Ginseng to Xiao Ruoyin in front of him.

In his opinion, Monk Purdue shouldn't care about these.

Hearing this, many people on the third floor changed their expressions slightly. After all, this is a blood king ginseng with a value of more than one million Spirit Stones.

Jiang Chen actually intends to give it to the woman who just met?

Although this woman is indeed very beautiful, she is not like a mortal woman in the world.

Monk Pudu frowned slightly, but he didn't say much at this time.

He felt as if he had seen Xiao Ruoyin in front of him.

Jiang Chen seemed to have been paying attention to this woman when he was at the Tomb of Taixu God.

It seems that the two of them should be in the old days, but now Jiang Chen has changed his face and Xiao Ruoyin can't recognize him.

Xiao Ruoyin also didn't expect that the somewhat familiar man in front of him would directly intend to gift this blood king ginseng to himself.

This intention is too obvious.

This made her frown slightly. With her current position in the Celestial Immortals Palace, she would naturally not be unable to buy the Spirit Stones for a Blood King Ginseng.

"I appreciate the kindness of this young man, but I can still get the Spirit Stones for buying a blood king ginseng.

"You just make a price." Xiao Ruoyin shook his head and refused, and said coldly.

Jiang Chen also understood that his behavior just now was a bit turbulent, and he touched his nose in a somewhat hesitant manner.

"Squirting, it's another toad who wants to eat swan meat. I advise you to take a photo with soaked urine to save this thought.

"Junior Sister Ruoyin is Young Master Changge's person.

Seeing this scene, the young men and women behind Xiao Ruoyin couldn't help but laugh, and their words were mocking. Obviously it was not the first time they saw such a scene.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you let Young Master Gu hear this, he might laugh at me."

Hearing this, a faint red glow appeared on Xiao Ruoyin's jade face, and he couldn't help but blank out the few fellows behind him.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen's expression became stiff, and his face turned pale, and the hand holding the Blood King Ginseng was also tight. superior.