Ch 540

In Jushifang, many young Tianjiao at this time also slowly lowered their breath, staring at the front.

Many people even looked at Gu Xian'er, wanting to see the clues from her expression.

It's a pity that the little face, which is as beautiful as a jade, is so beautiful that all beings are upside down, there is a calm and calm, so that people can't see her emotions.

Several elders stared at the half-high rough stone without blinking.

Under the hands of several stone-cutting elders, the layers of stone clothing began to peel off, as if there was a jade moonlight-like beauty, in which a faint sun light had penetrated and diffused, giving birth to a magnificent color in this place.

Many people have a foreboding that something extraordinary will be cut out of this rough stone.

"This piece of rough, which has been placed for tens of thousands of years, has been declared a dead stone by many old source masters, but there is actually something in it."

"One and a half million rough stones, who is not sure who would dare to buy it?"

"At the time, many people still thought that Little Princess Gu's family would suffer a big loss, but they were all shocked."

Many people are whispering, with amazement.

Today in Jushifang, they have seen a lot of spectacles.

From the girl's hands in front of her, many unfavorable rough stones reappeared with radiant light.

In the beginning, it was a simple rare stone, and then later it was a rare holy medicine that surpassed millions of years.

Sealed dragon marrow jade, phoenix beads, Qilin sacred fruit, and even a pot of elixir coveted by the supreme

Pieces of extremely rare gods were cut out from the 24 of these rough stones, and a lot of people were alarmed in the back, causing a lot of waves in the vicinity.

So many cultivator creatures, even old antiques, famous people, rushed over.

After all, the person who cut out these things was Gu Xian'er.

You don't need to know her.

But her cousin Gu Changge, in today's upper realm, it can be said that no one knows everyone.

"How much is this rough Spirit Stones worth?"

Just when several stone-cutting masters were busy cutting the stone.

Gu Xian'er's eyes fell to the other side, and she asked when she looked at a rough stone the size of a basin with a little black and red.

This rough stone was placed in a high position, surrounded by a lot of black and red soil, and the blood-colored mist was xenon, which seemed to be afraid that it would touch the ground.

"This is the original ghost blood stone, which existed in the Supreme Realm 8 million years ago and obtained it from the ghost blood plateau. It was sold to me by his descendants' five million Spirit Stones to the Wandao Business League. It is a pity that it was placed here over the years. , It's already covered with dust, and no one cares about it."

"It's true that a lot of the original teachers of the old source have come to see and think there is something in it, but whether it is worth five million Spirit Stones, I didn't say.

The shopkeeper here explained with a smile, very frankly and directly.

If it were the rest, he would still cheat for a while and persuade them to buy it.

But in front of Gu Xian'er, how dare he?

This ghost blood rough stone is in the Jushifang, and it can be regarded as a small famous rough stone, and many people know it.

Seeing Gu Xian'er asked, she couldn't help but looked over with curiosity and interest, thinking she was going to buy it.

The Sixth Crown Prince, Tianhuang Girl and others also retracted their gazes from the rough stone that was being cut just now, and fell on the ghost blood rough stone.

"Could it be that there is something not simple in this rough stone?"

The eyes of Little Saint King suddenly became crystal clear, and there was a way of rune flowing in it.

He is looking at this rough stone, but unfortunately with his strength, it is still difficult to see what is in it.

After all, it was something taken away by a supreme self-ghost blood plateau. How could it be simple?

Several old antiques also gathered around and began to look carefully, patting left and right.

It's a pity that the ghost blood rough stones are all towering and motionless, as if they are very heavy, but the blood red mist on the surface is even xenon hydrogen.

"Five million Spirit Stones?"

Gu Xian'er's brows wrinkled lightly, and she tilted her head to sing the red on her shoulders, and hesitated to believe it.

For her, five million Spirit Stones is not a small number.

Although she is not short of Spirit Stones or something, but spending so much Spirit Stones to buy a stone is distressed.

"Da Hong has a special talent. Since even it thinks this ghost blood rough stone is not simple, there must be something."

Afterwards, thinking about it this way, Gu Xian'er did not continue to hesitate.

She had a clear expression and said coldly, "Yes, then cut this one too."

"But I don't have so many Spirit Stones on my body. You settle the bill on Gu Changge and ask him for it when the time comes."

Spend Gu Changge's Spirit Stones, she doesn't feel distressed anymore.

Hearing this, many people here were taken aback, and then a deep envy grew in their hearts.

I am afraid that there is only one in front of the upper realm, who dares to spend money so blatantly to buy things, and finally settles Gu Changge's head.

" this "

The shopkeeper obviously didn't expect Gu Xian'er to say that, some Didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

How dare he go to Gu Changge for these Spirit Stones.

But in front of so many people, Gu Xian'er said so, and Gu Changge will definitely not rely on this Spirit Stones.

And the most important point is that he faintly heard a little wind.

Now the person in power behind this huge Wandao Business League is actually Gu Changge.

This is what Spirit Stones do.

At this moment, in the rough stone that was being cut on the other side, there was suddenly a strong Shenxi, like layers of masculine air, and the surrounding area was flooded in an instant.

Many people watched this scene in shock, with a feeling of palpitations, as if there was some great horror hidden there.

"The fetish is alive"

There was brilliance flashing in the eyes of the six-crowned king, and he saw that there was a dark golden sheet of paper in it, quietly floating there.

Some old antiques were quick-eyed, hitting runes, clearing up a space in this place to prevent things in the rough stone from escaping.

Many people have felt that what is hidden in the rough stone seems to have spirituality, and it also contains a lot of fierce power.

"Don't let it escape. This thing has been sealed in the original stone for many years, and it has already produced spirituality.

"Maybe it will be a page of celestial scripture."

Many people were shocked, and those who were closer even felt choking.

The dark golden paper page, from the rough stone, like a scroll, stretched out in the void, and trembling lightly, it seemed that the text was hidden, giving off a wave of ripples.

Someone is showing the sky's vision, wanting to see clearly what is on this page of dark gold paper.

The result was a scream, tears in the eyes flowed long, even mixed with blood, was stabbed by him.

"This thing is already fierce, and the text on it is very long, at least it is also something from a few epochs ago."

An old man judged that a misty light appeared between the sleeves and planned to stop him.

Gu Xian'er also didn't expect what was cut out of the rough stone and planned to escape.

This was cut out by her at a cost of one and a half million Spirit Stones, so how could she let it escape?

She frowned slightly, and her jade hand shook. Suddenly, golden vines bloomed in the virtual space, turning into a vine forest, and swept towards the dark golden paper.

"That's the Yinxian text, Kunshan definitely has the inheritance of the Yinxian from our clan at the time."

"Perhaps our ancestors got it before."

In another corner of Jushifang, several men and women were watching this scene with different eyes. They were headed by a tall woman with a veil covering her face.

The tall woman has beautiful hair like a waterfall, and she is wearing a cloud-printed long skirt. In her exposed eyes, her expression is extremely peaceful, revealing a dignified and generous expression.

She said softly, staring at the dark golden sheet of paper.

"How can things from the Yinxian line flow into Kunshan?"

Behind her, a man with cyan lines on his face, who looked extremely strong and tall, frowned.

"I don't know this anymore, and this is the purpose of my coming to Kunwu City."

The woman in the moiré dress said softly, her eyes calm and quiet.

"We will figure out a way to take down this golden paper in a while?"

The strong man asked.

"After all, it is from our ancestors, although she cut it out, but as long as the price is right, she should be able to cupped hands."

"I have to get this thing back." The woman in the moire dress said flatly.

"Gu Xian'er? Gu Changge's cousin?"

A touch of coldness passed through the 603 eyes of the burly man, and his calmness was quickly restored.

There is a big gap between him now and before. Unless he is very close, he will never recognize his true identity.

The two of them are Miss An Xi, the current eldest of the Yinshi An clan, and Niu Wen she rescued.

"Don't mess around in Kunwu City, otherwise I won't be able to keep you safe."

Feeling the killing intent on Niu Wen behind her, An Xi couldn't help but frown.

She knows the contradiction between Niu Wen and Gu Changge.

However, Niu Yue was just a small person at the time, and now that after the big change, she doesn't believe that Gu Changge can remember such a person.

So as long as Niu Wen doesn't take the initiative to provoke right and wrong, there will never be any problems.

"I know, but I always remember this hatred."

Niu Jian said coldly, killing intent flashed across his eyes, and quickly calmed down.

If he wants to take revenge, he has to take a long-term plan. If he reveals himself early, it will only bring about unimaginable disasters.


At this time, the dark golden paper page that was trapped by several old antiques in the void suddenly trembled violently. Directly shattered this piece of void.


The old antiques who had just shot, even squirted out a big mouthful of blood, and flew out.

"There seems to be an incredible sword on it

Many people were shocked, feeling a kind of palpitations in their hearts. In the dark golden page of paper in a daze, they saw the process of a stone evolving into a killing sword stone.

This kind of Sword Ray is too terrifying, it's like being cast for killing, it can pierce everything and wipe out the eternity.

At this moment, almost everyone in Jushifang couldn't sit still.

Many older generations existed, and even the hidden archeologists showed up, breathing a little bit shortly.

As long as it can be seen by an individual, this is definitely an unimaginable supreme sword art. Just a trace of divine power that diffuses out of it is enough to kill the immortals and destroy the gods. .