Ch 541

The dark golden paper, like Immortal immortal gold, was suspended in the void with a clattering sound.

Every word is shining brightly, as if turned into a peerless sword, every strand of Sword Ray is enough to kill everything and destroy all laws.

"This is definitely a supreme sword art."

"The fluctuation alone is heart palpitating."

Everyone in the Jushifang became breathless, struggling with this page tightly.

Especially some young supreme, they used the magical powers such as Tianyantong in the first time, trying to write down the above words.

But the text above is really weird.

Each stroke is as if condensed by Sword Qi, the moment it is cut, it can penetrate any creature.

Cultivation Base is a little weaker, tears are flowing in the eyes at this moment, and it is extremely stinging, and I dare not look at it.

No matter who it is, he can't help but feel passionate at this moment.

"The sword art that even felt my heart palpitations, could it be an immortal decision that surpassed the emperor skill?"

"This is a great good fortune!"

"Who would have thought that this thing could be cut out!"

Many old antiques have greed in their hearts.

Even if they knew that this thing was cut out by Gu Xian'er, they could hardly contain this emotion.

However, they didn't dare to take the initiative to snatch them, and they locked the surrounding space to prevent this paper from breaking through and escaping.

Many people regret it. If they knew that this piece of stone was hidden in it, they would have bought it a long time ago.

"This level, at least surpasses ordinary imperial skills."

The six crown kings, the little sage king, the Tianhuang woman and others also had their expressions solemn.

Every imperial art is a priceless treasure, containing the supreme mystery, which can be used by the cultivator for life.

Only among those Immortal Great Sects and Supreme Orthodoxy can there be the inheritance of emperor art.

They can already imagine that the value contained in this thing has long surpassed the measurement of Spirit Stones.

"Want to escape?

Gu Xian'er frowned, apparently she didn't expect a sword art to be hidden in this rough stone.

This thing has spirit, and directly cut out several terrifying black Sword Qi, and shattered the golden vines she had shot into ashes, even this space collapsed.

The other people's methods also seemed futile and could not prevent it from being suitable.

This makes her feel a bit tricky, and ordinary means obviously can't surrender this thing.

Even an old supreme was shocked by a Sword Qi just now. The wound contained dark blood stains, which would be difficult to get rid of for a while.

Immediately, she raised her bare hand, and a crimson's original true feather emerged, like a crystal red jade, crystal clear and gorgeous, directly turned into a red glow and flew out, to knock down this dark golden paper page.

This is the original real feather that Gu Changge gave her, and its power is comparable to Dao Item.

Although it is difficult to fully activate with her current strength, her power is far surpassing other Magical Items.


This original true feather flew out, like a red Galaxy Cluster, covering the dark gold sheet of paper.

Unparalleled fluctuations suddenly broke out here. If it weren't for the rest of the surrounding archeologists to see something wrong, they hurriedly shot to block the fluctuations, or the aftermath would ruin the place.

After that, thousands of Sword Qi marched forward, as if thousands of divine swords were resurrected, extinguishing all the existence close to it.

Even the Primordial True Feather made a sound of clanging sound, the chain of gods in a regular order, and the red glow was splashing.

"I still can't surrender it 々"…" Gu Xian'er frowned even more.

She also didn't expect that even Primordial Feather could hardly shoot it down.

"You can try to communicate this thing in Yinxian text

Seeing this scene, An Xi on the other side moved his eyes slightly and said to Niu Yue behind him.

She had already seen that this thing definitely had something to do with the Yinxian in their line. The text above came from the Yinxian line, and she happened to know it.

But she doesn't have the blood of a hidden fairy, it is estimated that it will be difficult to provoke it.

Niu Wen is different, he is a real hidden fairy.

If anyone here can provoke this page, it can only be heard.

Hearing this, Niujian nodded, not talking nonsense, a light blue rune flickered in his eyes.

Then he began to recite, one by one strange words, showing a light blue color, appeared from him, resembling real dragons, fairy phoenix, Qilin, Black Tortoise and other strange beasts, but each word contained terrifying power.

Everyone in Jushifang felt that a strange feeling had suddenly come.

Those words seemed to be resurrected, and they began to twist and manifest.

"what is this?"

"Even those words are homologous?"

Many people watched this scene in shock, and the many archbishops who were hiding in the dark also focused their eyes on Niu Wen.

From this burly man, they felt the breath of the same origin as the dark golden sheet of paper.

There is only one possibility.

This burly man has the blood of the existence of this sword art!

"People of the An ethnic group? I haven't heard of such a character before.

"Could it be an ancient freak too?"

Many people began to speculate about the origins of Niu Wen, and felt that his bloodline was not too simple, and it could even spur the dark golden sheet of paper.


At this moment, the dark golden sheet of paper in the void trembled slightly, as if it had sensed something.

The sound of the sword sound moved in all directions, and the people faintly saw a faint yellow river in it, which killed all living beings.

A touch of joy also appeared on Niujian's face, and indeed from the dark golden paper, I felt the meaning of spirituality and intimacy.

"I can surrender it.

He spoke in a deep voice, his eyes burning, and a cyan radiance diffused from him, very gorgeous, echoing each other on the pages of paper.

All the hidden fairy characters seemed to come alive.


The pages stretched out, making waves like waves, converging those terrible Sword Rays, and then turning into a stream of light, flying towards the cow.

Everyone watched this scene in shock.

Unexpectedly, this page of paper that was so violent and powerful just now had such a meek side, and took the initiative to fly to Niu Wen.

"A Supreme Sword Art"

Seeing this page of dark golden gold paper fall into his hands, Niu Wen smiled with excitement, unable to hide his enthusiasm.

"Very good.

"It seems that my guess is not wrong."

An Xi smiled at the corner of his mouth, and nodded slightly.

"This is what I cut out."

Gu Xian'er obviously didn't expect that the divine object he cut out would eventually fall into the hands of others.

This made her frown and her heart was very upset.

However, she didn't show it on her face, and she also felt that the Yinshian Clan didn't dare to snatch her things in front of everyone.

"Xian'er Miss, this thing has a lot to do with an ancestor of the An clan, I think you and you have also seen it.

At this moment, An Xi, who had been in the corner without speaking, suddenly walked out, with a decent and generous smile, and said to Gu Xian'er.

"What do you mean by this?"

Gu Xian'er looked at her indifferently, and there was a frosty coldness between her eyebrows.

An Xi didn't care about Gu Xian'er's expression, she still smiled and said,

"This is a relic belonging to the ancestors of my An ethnic group.

"In your status, you probably won't do this kind of forcible possession, so it's better to let it return to its original owner. As long as you speak, my An ethnic group is willing to pay a big price to buy it back."

"With such kindness, my An ethnic group should remember it for a lifetime.

"Of course, if you mind, I will let the people give it to you."

Hearing this, everyone here flashed their eyes slightly, feeling that the Miss from the An ethnic group was a person.

She speaks with a degree of advancing and retreating, and very well organized. A few words can clearly explain her purpose and occupy a very advantageous side.

What she said is very beautiful, first of all, it means that this thing is left by their ancestors.

And to hold Gu Xian'er to a high position first, people feel that with his identity, if the relics of other people's ancestors are forcibly occupied, it is somewhat unreasonable.

Then he said that he was willing to spend money to buy it back, saying that he didn't have any intention to grab it.

If Gu Xian'er didn't agree, she would return it immediately.

So no matter whether Gu Xian'er agreed or refused, there was nothing wrong with her and the An clan's actions, and they stood in an absolutely advantageous place.

If Gu Xian'er agrees, it's okay. If she doesn't agree, it will inevitably make people think that she is a bit too much, and it is not reasonable to say, after all, this action belongs to the seizure of the relics of other ancestors.

Many of the older generations present were human spirits, and An Xi's intentions were almost analyzed within a few seconds.

*~ Be mindful of this matter. The Little Princess of Gu's family is afraid that she can't play with her. "

"After all, it's just a little girl. Why would she bother to delve into these… In terms of mental means, she can't play with the big Miss of the An clan."

This gave them the thought of watching the excitement, and they couldn't help looking at Gu Xian'er with interest.

Gu Xian'er naturally heard An Xi's intention.

Her complexion has not changed, and she has never thought about caring about other people's opinions.

"This is what I cut out.

She said lightly, "As for the original owner, I think you should return it to me."

"I know, but this is also the relic of our ancestors."

An Xi still had a faint smile on her face, as if she had taken Gu Xian'er.

"So you are planning to grab it?"

Gu Xian'er raised her cold eyes, glanced at her, and said indifferently.

An Xi smiled and shook her head. "Where is Xian'er Miss? How can I have the courage to grab your things. If you mind, it's better to do this. I will help you translate the text above, otherwise you will recognize it after you get it. If the above text is not available, it is useless."

"What do you think?"

Everyone can see that An Xi has been adopting the method of retreating, seeming to be thinking for Gu Xian'er, but in fact, she still doesn't want to return this page to her.

Moreover, the meaning of her words is already very obvious, except for the Yinxian line, no one can recognize the words above.

So even if Gu Xian'er got (Wang's Zhao) in his hand, it was useless.

There is nothing wrong with her doing this because of reason.

But from the point of view of the parties involved, it's a bit awkward and passive.

Gu Xian'er's eyebrows twisted lightly, and she could feel An Xi's unkindness.

What if she can't recognize the text above?

Tangtang Gu's family still can't think of a way to decipher these words.

What's more, if you ask An Xi to translate it again, wouldn't she also get the sword art above?

This is already obvious to take advantage of her, and I don't want to just return this page to her.

However, before Gu Xian'er spoke, a faint voice suddenly came from outside Jushifang.

"That's not necessary, even if you can't recognize it, it's my Xian'er thing."

"Even if she was thrown into a fire pit and burned, it is her business. What kind of thing are you, when will it be your turn to make the decision for her?"

Hearing this, the faces of everyone in Jushifang changed in unison.

Many of the older generations and even the leaders of the archbishop who were hiding in the dark, their expressions also became dignified, looking out of the pavilion.

The Sixth Crown Prince, Tianhuang Girl, Little Saint King and others were also quite shocked.

"Gu Changge, he is also in Kunwu City. When did he come?"

As the voice fell, outside the pavilion, a young man walked up in his mysterious clothing, embroidered with patterns such as the fairy phoenix, the true dragon, and the stars of the heavens, which seemed extremely mysterious and noble.

Many powerful men followed him, and there was a palpitating coercion permeating him.

The creatures in front of the cultivator, their complexion slightly changed, one after another let their way out, appearing rather fearful and respectful.