Ch 558

In the deepest part of Fang City, this unknown stone was placed there quietly, with wisps of sunlight intertwined, revealing a palpable black.

At this time, there was even a black light that could easily obliterate the hierarch of the archbishop, chopped down from all over the void, making everyone extremely cautious.

"What do you think you need to exchange for this unknown stone?"

Azure Dragon Old Dao asked faintly, his eyes shone like a magic lamp, revealing a divine glow.

"This unknown stone was brought to Kunwu City by Brother Chu Wei, who had escaped from Sacred Land in Huanxi, but he had already sat down 80 million years ago. Today's descendants only have heirs in Xishengtian. trace."

"He once told us that if someone wants this unknown stone, not only should he take care of his descendants, but he must also hold this thing to worship his first at the Sacred Land site in Huanxi, and he promised, saying The rest of the stone exchanged for will be ours."

After looking at each other for a few times, several enlightened persons present all spoke, mentioning Chu Wei who brought this unknown stone back then.

Many people still have a lot of impressions of this person, but they are the young masters of Sacred Land.

However, after encountering unknown in Huanxi Sacred Land, he went crazy, and finally sat in a certain mountain.

"If the Lord of the Demon Mountain wants this unknown stone, please show your sincerity.-"

The white-bearded old man stared at the depths of the magic cloud and said in a deep voice.

He knew that the Red Devil was likely to sit in it, but she had never shown her face.

"Show sincerity?" Old Azure Dragon smiled lightly and said, "There is nothing wrong with what you said. As long as the master behind me says it, I think no one in the upper realm today dares to embarrass Dao brother Chu Wei's queen. Heir of man."

"What else do you want to say, just bring it up."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions were a little slow, feeling that the red devil was not as fierce as the rumors, and it was difficult to get along with.

After the Voice Transmission discussed for a while, the white-bearded old man just said, "In this case, if you can come up with a hundred immortal crystals, then just take this unknown stone.

Just now when Gu Changge cut that piece of fairy fetus, he had already taken out a hundred pieces of fairy crystals.

So they thought for a while, and felt that this mysterious stone, which is no less mysterious than the fairy fetus, should also be at this price.

Hearing this number, the expressions of the other masters of the great patriarchs and elders changed slightly.

"Young Master Changge can take it out, but Magic Mountain can't

Many young sages glanced at each other, feeling that after a few ancient beings had said this, the atmosphere on the side of the magic mountain stagnated a little.

This makes many people feel uneasy secretly, thinking that none of this group of monsters is easy to get along with.

Even though it was the Lord of the Demon Mountain, the red devil, after she was born, she also made many killings, and many peak powerhouses died in her hands.

"A hundred fairy crystals?"

The smile on Azure Dragon's veteran face suddenly disappeared at this time, frowned and became a little suspicious.

If it wasn't for the look and tone of the old man with white beard and others, it didn't seem to be a joke, he would suspect that they were wanting themselves.

Hundreds of fairy crystals?

What is that concept? They dare to speak loudly.

The face of the other big demon behind him sank, and the horrible aura of murder swept over it, just like autumn and winter, everything is dying.

"Do you think that my magic mountain is so bullying, or do you think that the old way doesn't know what these hundred immortal crystals mean?"

"In the huge upper realm now, you are telling the old man who can take out a hundred immortal crystals to cut the stone without changing his face. Get it out."

Azure Dragon's veteran expression was a bit displeased and cold, and slowly swept past the old white beard and others, and the words were even colder.

He didn't believe in anyone who could come up with a hundred immortal crystals at this time, even more so that it was used to cut stones.

This is nothing short of a fantasy, and he suspects that these enlightened people in Kunwu City are entertaining them.

"If the Azure Dragon fellow daoist feels inappropriate, then it is improper. We did not force the magic mountain to cut this unknown stone.

Hearing this, the tone of the old man with white beard is also unceremonious.

The expressions of the rest of the people also became a little weird. Before that, they had indeed held the same attitude as the old Azure Dragon. They felt that it was impossible for anyone to come up with a hundred fairy crystals.

As a result, Gu Changge explained to everyone what real wealth is.

Yu Feiya, Tianhuangnv and others couldn't help but look at Gu Changge, whose expression was plain and unwavering, with a strange heart in their hearts.

I'm afraid Azure Dragon has never thought about this at all.

"As for what you said, I am sorry that I cannot agree with you."

"Just now, Young Master Changge spent a hundred immortal crystals and cut the immortal fetus among the seven god-tier stones.

"Everyone in Kunwu City has seen it with their own eyes, can this be fake?"

The white-bearded old man continued, his eyes slightly mocking.

"what "

"Gu Changge?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the people in the magic mountain changed, and Azure Dragon became a little bit surprised and unbelieving, and looked at Gu Changge.

He naturally recognizes Gu Changge.

But he never expected that before they came here, Gu Changge had already spent a hundred immortal crystals and cut a piece of immortal tire?

The expressions of everyone present told him that this matter should not be a lie.

"Gu Changge, did you really take out a hundred immortal crystals and cut that immortal tire?"

Azure Dragon's veteran expression was deeply shocked, and the whole person's breathing was a little bit of a room.

"Hundreds of fairy crystals, squeeze it, you can still get it."

Gu Changge glanced at him lightly and said casually.

While speaking, he always felt that in the depths of the magic cloud, Chan Hongyi's eyes were always looking at him.

He seemed extremely casual and natural, and did not look at her through the void.

"Hehe, the old words are here anyway, if you want to cut the unknown stone, then take out a hundred immortal crystals."

The white-bearded old man and the others sneered, already knowing that there were not many peak powerhouses in the magic mountain this time.

Now in Kunwu City, there are powerful people from various Daoist forces. Even Dao Item has several statues. Naturally, there is no fear of people like Demon Mountain.

Besides, Gu Changge is also here, and his current strength can be described as unfathomable.

"A hundred fairy crystals"

The complexions of Azure Dragon's veteran and others became difficult to look, not as proud and calm as they were just now.

They glanced at each other, fierce in their eyes.

In themselves, they are the big demon of the side of the disaster.

Now that I can't afford so many immortal crystals, is it not enough to grab it?

Suddenly, a terrifying cold killing intent appeared, sweeping like a cold winter, making everyone's complexion slightly changed, and they all became vigilant.

"It seems that the huge magic mountain is indeed unable to produce a hundred immortal crystals now."

The white-bearded old man and others looked at each other, and in the palms under the sleeves, there were god patterns appearing, the rules and order of the roads were hidden, and the body began to be filled with a powerful and terrifying aura.

This battle seemed inevitable, everyone stood up in awe and began to sacrifice their Magical Item.

Some elders have blood and blood on their bodies, and the heavenly spirit cover shines brightly, just like a star, which is an extremely powerful performance of Mental Energy.

"Moshan really can't produce a hundred immortal crystals now."

However, just as the atmosphere was tense, a cold and flat voice suddenly came from the depths of the magic cloud.

The sound was very beautiful, like a heavenly sound, and in a trance, it seemed that there was a peerless beauty who was haunting all living beings sitting in it.

But everyone felt a terrible chill, and even enlightened people felt a sense of trembling.

"The Red Devil"

"She really is here.

The white-bearded old man and many other enlightened people also changed their complexion slightly, and were even more solemn, and did not dare to relax in the slightest.

...For flowers…

"is her!

The expressions of the leaders of the great cults also changed drastically, their scalp was numb, and they felt that their own souls were about to be cracked by the sound.

For example, the six crown kings, the Tianhuang female, the heavenly demon monarch, An Xi and other young sages, almost suffocated their breath.

A mouthful of blood rolled in his throat, his soul swayed, and he almost stood unsteadily, and it took a long time to recover.

But his face became extremely pale, as if he had lost his blood.

Only the princess Yu Feiya of Dayu Immortal Dynasty's eyebrows lighted slightly, and there was a flickering mysterious rune, and the whole person was fine.

Except for Gu Changge, no one else noticed this abnormality on Yu Feiya.

At this time, in the depths of the magic cloud, Chan Hongyi's voice sounded again.

"But Gu Changge, since you took out a hundred immortal crystals, it shouldn't be difficult to borrow another hundred from me."

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned, and even the veteran Azure Dragon and others were extremely shocked and puzzled.

Then they realized that it was the Red Devil talking to Gu Changge.

"Are they familiar with each other?"

They became even more puzzled, why the Red Devil would say this to Gu Changge, shouldn't the two have hatred? Why do they look like they know each other?

The fierce and mighty red devil would take the initiative to tell Gu Changge to lend the fairy crystal.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it.

"How can it be

Jiang Chen, Niu Jian and others were also extremely shocked at this moment.

"They really knew each other."

Yu Feiya, who had thoughts of suspicion and speculation before, was even more determined in her heart.

"Oh, then why do you think I can take out a hundred more immortal crystals from me?"

Gu Changge didn't expect Chan Hongyi would take the initiative to speak and borrow the fairy crystal from him.

His expression changed slightly, but he recovered quickly and asked casually.

"You don't need to know this." Chan Hongyi's plain voice sounded.

"Then why should I lend you?" Gu Changge smiled faintly.

"You will." Chan Hongyi's voice was as smooth as ever.

Gu Changge gently shook his head and said, "If I lent you, what would you pay back?"

"You owe me, how are you going to pay it back?"

Chan Hongyi was sitting in the chariot, red-clothed blood, with a cold expression like ice, and his rhetorical question made everyone even more frightened.

Listening to the two people's headless words, like a riddle, the shock in everyone's heart did not stop.

Why do you always feel that there is something hidden between Gu Changge and the Red Devil?

Could it be that Gu Changge reached some consensus with her when she was besieging and suppressing the Red Devil in God City?

At this moment, everyone was puzzled and shocked, and they could only guess like this.

"One hundred immortal crystals, if you want it, then you can borrow it.

"It's just that I am bringing it to you now, do you dare to ask for it?"

And just when everyone speculated.

Gu Changge smiled softly, and a sealed jade jar appeared in his palm again.

The people who had seen him cut the immortal fetus just now couldn't help but breathe tightly, understanding what was in this jade jar.

Immediately, Gu Changge walked forward unhurriedly, as if he was going to personally hand the jade pot to Cicada Hongyi.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of everyone in Demon Mountain also changed drastically.

Even the Azure Dragon Daoist, who was standing at the forefront, retreated backwards, looking quite jealous.

He naturally understands how terrifying the strength of Gu Changge in front of him is. Although he has been famous for many years, he is definitely not Gu Changge's opponent.

The rest of the demon in the magic mountain also retreated back, and couldn't help but make way for Gu Changge.

Chan Hongyi, who was sitting in the magic cloud, was silent for a moment, and he didn't seem to expect Gu Changge to do this.

She didn't say a word, and Gu Changge's figure approaching her unhurriedly was reflected in her indifferent eyes, appearing indifferent. Up