Ch 559

At this moment, everyone in the city was in extreme shock.

Even the white-bearded old man and many other enlightened people are dumbfounded and unbelievable.

Gu Changge not only promised to lend the Red Devil a hundred fairy crystals, but now he has to go and personally give it to her?

Although many people were shocked by Gu Changge's wealth and wealth, they even took out another hundred immortal crystals.

But more people are shocked by the attitude of the Red Devil.

Compared to Gu Changge's strong initiative, the fierce and mighty red devil seemed extremely silent at this time.

This made them have to think about what happened between the two in the battle of encirclement and suppression in the city of God.

From the words just now, it can be seen that the Red Devil is obviously very familiar with Gu Changge.

"There are a lot of creatures that died in the hands of the Red Devil, Gu Changge is so bold."

"Aren't you afraid that the Red Devil will suddenly explode with a fierce "six-seven"?"

Many of the older generation's celebrities watched all this dignifiedly.

"Brother Gu is not that kind of reckless person, he is definitely not worried about the red devil's sudden action."

Tianhuang female guessed softly, feeling Gu Changge mysterious more and more, her behavior was unpredictable and hard to guess.

The devil cloud in front of him looked extremely dim, and there was chaos lingering in the air.

A black car stopped, the eyes of the four black magic dragons were scarlet, and they roared hideously.

But in the face of Gu Changge's arrival, he still looked extremely disturbed and fearful, and kept moving back.


Suddenly, a ray of red light, like blood, was revealed from the car.

Accompanied by a terrible and fierce might, the four demon floods were all trembling on the ground, not daring to move any more.

"Why, they are just beasts."

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and walked towards the car, not worried that Chan Hongyi would attack him.

"You don't have to come here, just give me the fairy crystal here."

Chan Hongyi also spoke lightly, her eyes deep and cold, revealing a ruthless meaning.

In front of the hanging curtain of the car, Bai Zhe stretched out a hand that was finely adorned like a jade, shining brightly and beckoning Gu Changge to hand the jade jar to her.

"I'm here, red shirt, don't you even want to see me?"

However, Gu Changge didn't seem to notice her outstretched hand, shook her head lightly, and still walked towards the climbing car on her own, with a bit of regret in her words.

"The poison you gave me last time hurts so much."

As he spoke, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Hearing this, Chan Hongyi in the chariot suddenly felt a chill.

She didn't say a word, her eyes were cold and merciless, she directly raised her hand and dropped her palm, choosing to start first.

She who rushed to Kunwu City was just a spiritual body, not even an external incarnation.

Otherwise, because of her temperament, she would not have a good talk with the group of ancient existences outside, and she would have already started to snatch the unknown stone.


Seeing this scene, Gu Changge was not surprised, smiled faintly, and then just slapped it forward.

The rules and order are lingering, intertwined in the virtual space, and use the same means to contend with Chan Hongyi.

He understands that Chan Hongyi has not yet recovered to its peak, not even one ten thousandth of what it was in its heyday.

Not to mention that it is not her who came here.

In just an instant, the place exploded, and the void opened terrible cracks, becoming a blurry chaos.

All the rules and orders seem to be breaking, and there is qi rushing to the sky, sweeping in all directions.

The terrible breath was mixed with the rules of the Emperor Realm, and almost rushed out of the domain, the entire Kunwu city was shaking.

The people in the Demon Mountain in the Fang City, as well as the white-bearded old man and others, all looked at all this in shock, and then quickly shot to block the breath that rushed out.

Otherwise, it would be a great disaster for the entire Kunwu city.

They didn't expect that Gu Changge would suddenly fight against the Red Devil. They thought they would talk back and forth and so on.

This also caused their previous suspicion and raised a big question mark.

If the two are very familiar with each other, how can they suddenly do it, looking like life and death facing each other.

At this moment, the magic mist was overwhelming and flooded all directions.

Chan appeared in the red dress in the car, with blood in the red dress and indifferent eyes, and fought against Gu Changge.

Although she is a spiritual body, her strength is far beyond the average enlightened person.

The terrible Killing intent turned into a variety of ancient runes, condensed in the virtual space, and then slashed towards Gu Changge like swords and guns.

This place has become extremely splendid, all kinds of extremely ancient, and even long-lost magical powers and ancient Tiangong are all performing.

But with the magic mist isolated, everyone from the outside world can't get a glimpse of it. They can only feel the breath here is extraordinarily turbulent, which makes the heart palpitating.

"Are you sure you want to do it with me?"

"Don't forget everything you know, but I teach it all"

Gu Changge lifted his palm and easily erased the many supernatural powers in front of him, his complexion remained unchanged, and he shook his head slightly.

Hearing this, the red cicada-clothed figure fell from the sky and stopped the attacking technique. His indifferent eyes looked at Gu Changge without saying a word.

Just now, she just felt that Gu Changge was going to do something to her, so she could do it first.

Compared to the last time in God City, the current Gu Changge is obviously more terrifying.

Moreover, she was not sure of Gu Changge's current hole cards, and was not sure that she could deal with him at this time.

"Give me the fairy crystal."

Chan Hongyi said.

"Just now you tried to kill me, so I will ask for the fairy crystal from me."

Gu Changge's eyes fell on her face, and the words were interesting, "Don't you think this is a bit wrong?"

"Or do you always think that this is what it should be?"

Chan Hongyi said coldly, "I borrow it from you and I will pay it back."

Gu Changge shook his head, and then smiled lightly, "No need, what do you want, when did I not give it to you."

As he said, he suddenly grabbed Chan Hongyi's hand, and when she was about to retract back subconsciously, he gave her the jade jar containing the fairy.

"I don't have a fairy crystal, but there are a lot of fairy spirits in it. After you change this stone, you can keep some for yourself."

Afterwards, without waiting for Cicada's answer, Gu Changge's figure had left the magic mist and walked outside.

Chan Hongyi lowered his eyes and looked at the crystal clear 3.7 brilliant jade jar in his hand, with the temperature of Gu Changge's palm still remaining on it.

"Which time didn't you give me

She murmured these words, and there was a flash of emotional change in her eyes, and then she returned to cold and ruthless.

"Young Master Changge, what happened to Gang オ, why did he suddenly start his hands, are you okay?"

Outside of the magic mist, the white-bearded old man and the others have been waiting a little nervously. Seeing Gu Changge coming out, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and couldn't help asking.

Seeing that Gu Changge's expression and even his breath had not changed much, Jiang Chen, Niu Wen, An Xi and others were all a little disappointed.

But things backfired, and Gu Changge obviously had nothing to do, not even as if he had moved his hands.

The Azure Dragon old Dao and the others at Demon Mountain were also very puzzled. The two who were still fighting just now suddenly stopped, which really made them puzzled.