Ch 571

Among the team of the Yin Shi An clan who came to Kunshan, An Yan's figure attracted An Xi's attention, and her expression couldn't help but look ugly.

She was still waiting to resolve the Kunshan side, and returned to the clan to find An Yan to get back her drop of Yinxian's true blood.

In the past, she had never put An Yan in her heart, even if she knew that everything on the surface of her was a disguise, she did not take it to heart.

And this time, it was because of carelessness that caused the drop of Yinxian's true blood, which was extremely important to her, to be snatched away by Anyan.

Many of her previous efforts have also been in vain, and they have all been invalidated.

"Big sis"

When An Xi's face was gloomy and uncertain, An Yan's figure had fallen in front of her.

With an innocent smile on that charming little face, he said hello.

If it is an outsider who does not understand the relationship between the two of them, seeing this scene may still feel how good the relationship between An Xi and An Yan is.

"You girl is a good way to hit me by surprise."

At this time, An Xi's expression returned to naturalness, and said lightly, with innate arrogance and casualness.

In front of outsiders, she did not surrender her status, and went to argue with An Yan. After all, she had the time and means to deal with her.

"Thanks to Big sis's retreat, it would be difficult for me to get that drop of Yinxian blood without Big sis' help."

An Yan smiled innocently, revealing a pair of shallow pears, saying murderous words.

An Xi's face looked a little ugly, but she didn't expect An Yan to dare to provoke her in the presence of a crowd of people.

"Little girl, your methods are still too tender, you really think you can win me by stealing that drop of real blood, come to me to show off?"

"It's ridiculous. Kunshan is so good again, you can save your life in it."

An Xi couldn't help but sneered, looking very disdainful.

Seeing that the two were incompatible with fire and water, many An ethnic people around did not dare to intervene at will, for fear of being involved in this chaos within the An ethnic group.

"Big sis, have you misunderstood something?"

An Yan smiled suddenly when he heard the words, as if he heard some particularly funny jokes.

"What do you mean?" An Xi frowned.

"I didn't come to Kunshan to find Big sis for you." An Yan smiled contemptuously, and when she was speaking, there was a commotion not far away, and the eyes of the enlightened people from the various Daoist forces above the sky fell. Come here.

There are many figures coming here, and the head is Gu Changge.

"Gu Gong"

An Yan's eyes lit up, her face couldn't help showing a happy and excited smile, and she walked there, seeming not to notice An Xi's face turned extremely ugly behind her.

"Damn it!!!"

"When did she get so close to Gu Changge?

Seeing An Yan taking the initiative to go towards Gu Changge, An Xi couldn't help having a bad feeling in her heart, and then contacted An Yan halfway to cut Hu and took away her true blood.

This trip to Kunshan was probably not as smooth as she thought.

"Jiang Chen"

Niu Wen, who had been silently following An Xi and the others, also noticed Jiang Chen who was sent by Gu Changge to take care of him.

Seeing that it was all right, this made him somewhat relieved, thinking that Xiao Ruoyin should have played a role in this matter.

"I have seen Master Gu."

An Yan came to Gu Changge and said respectfully with a bit of excitement.

She has always remembered what Gu Changge gave her, and now that drop of Yinxian's true blood has been handed over. She has completed Gu Changge's test and proved the value of own.

"It looks like you got that drop of real blood?"

Gu Changge didn't expect An Yan to come to Kunshan, but he didn't care too much about it.

For him, An Yan is a dispensable piece.

If she can prove the value of owning, then Gu Changge will naturally help her.

If he can't do it, then he naturally doesn't need to waste time.

"Yeah, I did not live up to Gu Gongzi's expectations…"

With a relieved smile on An Yan's face, he nodded, and then asked Gu Changge a bronze box shining with various ancient runes.

"That drop of Yinxian's true blood is sealed in it." She said with expectant eyes.

"I will find a way to get the few drops of Yinxian true blood left by the An clan for Master Gu.

Gu Changge smiled and glanced at the bronze box casually, without any thought of opening it.

"Thanks a lot.

He didn't think An Yan had the guts to deceive him.

"An Yan actually gave that thing to Gu Changge!"

Watching this scene not far away, An Xi's eyes were a little red, and his teeth clenched. It was one of the only three drops of Yinxian's true blood of the An ethnic group.

If the real blood is fused between the cows, it can even reproduce the glory of the ancestors in a short time.

When the time comes to get this help, her position as the Patriarch of the An clan will be safe.

"When did this girl have such a connection with Gu Changge, she actually gave that drop of blood to an outsider?"

"To please Gu Changge, eat inside and out!

An Xi's uncle's face was also very ugly.

Although according to the rules of the An clan, An Yan has the right to deal with this drop of Yinxian's true blood. Even if she throws it away, it has nothing to do with the rest of the people.

But seeing her using this thing to please Gu Changge, it made many An ethnic people resent and unwilling.

Before long, outside Kunshan, many cultivators have gathered, and a series of vague figures stand on all sides. After discussion, the various powerful forces began to attack Kunshan.


One by one, Dao Item rises and falls above the sky, and the terrible divine light falls down and begins to recover. The worldly atmosphere is permeated, suppressing the sky and the underground, making all cultivator creatures breathless.

A stove that resembles a red stream of fire emerges there, like a round of sun, shining brightly, gushing out billions of red clouds, and falling towards Kunshan in front!

In addition, the rest of Dao Item is also resurrected, from which there is a blast of divine light, along with the chaotic energy and the chain of order, the world even begins to diffuse the sound of the great road.


The void exploded, filled with cracks far beyond thousands of miles, the endless wind rushed out and swept in all directions, enough to obliterate ordinary cultivator into a child's powder.

This is the aftermath that has surpassed the supreme level, causing the souls and spirits of many ancient cities near Kunshan to be frozen.

"The ancient existences of various avenues have opened the way, and I can wait to follow them."

The leader of the archbishop opened his mouth, waved his big hand, and led the disciple Elder behind him, went forward and turned into a divine light directly, sinking into Kunshan, which was shrouded in the vast fog.

The people of the rest of the power lineage did not stop at all when they saw it.

The terrain in Kunshan is complex and dangerous, but there are also many opportunities for good fortune.

Nowadays, Dao Item is leading the way, and the coercion enveloped in Kunshan is much smaller than usual. The chance of getting the chance is naturally big.

Many young princes also had this idea at this time. Although they were forced to come by Gu Changge, since they have entered Kunshan, they must make more profit on the premise of saving their lives.

"Let's go this way."

The people from the Yinshi'an and Zhanxian Mansion walked together, and the two enlightened people looked at each other, and then went in from another direction.

An Xi and Xiao Zhanxian looked back at Gu Changge, who was not far away, and were always wary of him.

Seeing that he hasn't acted yet, he seems to have been waiting and watching, and I can't help but have a bad premonition in my heart.

However, at this time, they did not believe that Gu Changge was so bold and dared to attack them in front of the two enlightened people.

"Let's go this way."

When many of the Taoist forces were almost disappearing, Gu Changge looked back and said casually.

He didn't follow An Xi and the others. He took a look at the terrain of Kunshan, and then chose a path that seemed more remote.

Behind him, everyone in the Ji family followed, and of course Jiang Chen was taken with him.

By Jiang Chen's side, many people were watching him closely to prevent him from escaping.

"Father, thanks to Jiang Chen before, I was able to hear the ancestor's cry for help. He has the inheritance of the gods and can help us a lot in the rescue of the ancestor."

Ji Chuyue was still very worried about Jiang Chen's safety and feared that the Ji family would cross the river and demolish the bridge, and kept trying to explain for him.

Ji Hao, the head of the Ji family, had actually heard of Jiang Chen before. When he was in Zishan, Ji Yaoxing and Ji Chuyue, two brothers and sisters, almost got the Zhangtian Pagoda because of Jiang Chen.

Hearing this at the moment, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, "Chu Yue, don't worry, it's not that you don't know how to repay your father. Jiang Chen's kindness to the Ji family has always been remembered for his father."

"If the ancestor can be rescued this time, the benefit is absolutely indispensable to him."

He is not stupid, and he still needs Jiang Chen now, so he naturally wants to make a profit and stop him.

Jiang Chen has offended Gu Changge's person, so how can the Ji family dare to protect him? After saving the ancestors, how to deal with Jiang Chen, then we will discuss it separately.

Ji Chuyue's eyes were a little sad, knowing that his father was also perfunctory, not really agreeing to her.

Now she can only pray that Gu Changge's words will count, and Jiang Chen will be spared when things are done.


In the next few days, a terrifying momentum broke out here.

The peak powerhouse roared and fought against the Array Qi Machine in Kunshan, and the world war broke out.

In the end, the place was chaotic, extremely blurred, chaotic air escaped, and rushed to all directions.

Cheng Dao Item smashed down on the sky, as if the sky and the earth had collapsed in a corner.

The scope of the impact is extremely wide, and the aftermath alone shakes down many stars outside the region.

Some people even witnessed the bloody hurricane sweeping across the plains, covering the sky and the sun, which was extremely frightening.

Among them, there seems to be the resurrection of ancient beasts, such as true dragons, fairy phoenix, Black Tortoise, Vermillion Bird, gluttonous, Bifang Crane, and poverty. Crystal clear blood splashed out.

Many cultivator creatures died, swept away by this breath, and exploded silently, leaving no traces.

The Ji family's rescue of ancestors attracted a lot of attention from the upper world.

At the time when the Dao Tong began to attack, countless cultivator creatures in the upper realm were paying attention to it, and they were paying close attention to the changes in this place at hundreds of millions of distances.

If the Ji family can rescue the ancestors of the Ji family, it will also be a huge change for the current situation in the upper realm.

The magnitude of the change here has shocked too many people, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as the world's attention.

The Daoist forces that had had enemies with the Ji family at this time naturally did not want them to rescue the ancestors of the Ji family. They wished that all the forces that entered Kunshan this time would be annihilated and buried in it.

And when the Kunshan incident caused a turmoil in the upper world, the utterly cloudy disaster that had erupted before, once again swept and spread.

This time, the momentum of the attack was even more terrifying, like a Tianhe bursting its bank.

The Upper Realm has been affected every day, and has been greatly affected.

In this absolutely cloudy sky, many cultivators even noticed that there are living creatures appearing in it, just like the human race with Life in the absolutely cloudy sky.

For those older generations who know a lot about Jue Yin Tian, ​​they guessed it at the first time, this is probably the reason why Jue Yin Emperor is going to live.

Since ancient times, the number of times that the Imperial Court of Absolute Yin has appeared is also very few.

This time the appearance of Jueyin imperial court has caused many forces to have a sense of crisis. We can only hope that the ancestor Ji Shengchu of the Ji family can be rescued, and the disaster of Jueyin can be quelled.

The terrain in Kunshan is complex, with mountains and ridges, misty, itchy, and many ancient tree vines and Spiritual herbs are scattered all over the country.

But no cultivator dared to touch it at this time. Someone tried to pick a Spiritual herbs that was over a million years old.

The result turned into a mass of pus and blood in an instant, and no one knew what had happened.

Even the young princes who are protected by masters are cautious and do not dare to act rashly.


The sky trembled, the void cracked, and the heavens and the earth were crushed with tremors. A giant cauldron flew (Wang Zhao Zhao) condensed by a golden rune, and Fan Mang's mysterious yellow aura fell down, shaking a terrifying fuzzy creature to death. Crash and crack.

"" These are all transformed by the cultivator who once entered Kunshan and died in it, but Cultivation Base is even more terrifying than it was at its peak.

Seeing that Gu Changge's face didn't change his face, he could easily kill a quasi-emperor's first-stage fuzzy figure.

An enlightened old man in the Ji family has a slight heart palpitations.

This was the third day they entered Kunshan. Although they encountered many crises during this period, they were all resolved, and of course many people died.

Jiang Chen played his role as a son of luck to some extent. With his help, the Ji family lost a lot less.

Because of this, many members of the Ji family have a better attitude towards Jiang Chen.

"This place is far away from the depths of Kunshan."

Gu Changge shook his head lightly and shook his hand. The golden cauldron above the sky exploded and turned into a splendid rune, dispelling the fog here.

He had a strange look in his eyes as he spoke. Although Jiang Chen has led the way to unlock the strange formation patterns these days, he is actually leading the Ji family in a certain direction.

Before, in order not to stun the snake, he deliberately waited for Xiao Zhanxian, An Xi and others to enter Kunshan before choosing another way.

But after entering it, he could vaguely perceive the existence of Niu Wen, so he kept getting closer there.

At that time, after Niu Wen got out of trouble in the ancient warship, Gu Changge gave him the fruit of general knowledge, but it was not so delicious.

Gu Changge was just in case one such day appears, so he arranged the means in advance.

Now in his perception, Niu Wen and others are not far from him now.

Kunshan was shrouded in formations, and the Qi machine was extremely chaotic and blurred, and even an enlightened person could hardly perceive the surrounding situation.

As a result, everyone who entered this place became blind and needed to carefully explore the depths. .