Ch 572

In Kunshan, the fog is surging, and miasma can be seen everywhere, which is full of all kinds of chaotic atmosphere.

There is the aftermath of the peak powerhouse battle, and the energy that has not been dissipated in countless years.

Even if it is the most powerful divine mind, it is difficult to use it here.

The Ji family followed behind Gu Changge and followed him all the way to Kunshan.

These days, they have not taken many shots. Most of the time, Gu Changge is in front of them to solve various crises.

Although Jiang Chen sometimes assisted them to prevent them from entering a certain dangerous area, Gu Changge was able to reach this place without any risk.

Even Ji Chuyue, who was extremely afraid of Gu Changge, couldn't help feeling at ease when he saw the figure in front of him.

It seems that Gu Changge is there, so there is nothing to worry about.

This time, in their opinion, the rescue of the ancestors, which was fraught with danger, has also become a lot easier.

Everyone in the Ji family was very relaxed along the way. Compared with the initial caution, I don't know how many times they relaxed.

"Maybe it can really save the ancestors."

Ji Chuyue looked at Gu Changge's figure, secretly looking forward to it.

On the way, she deliberately avoided Jiang Chen's gaze, and did not say a word to him.In Ji Chuyue's view, after the dungeon incident, Jiang Chen should also understand all this, give up her heart, and understand that there is no hope for revenge. .

So there is no need for the two to meet again. She just hopes that Jiang Chen can survive, put down the hatred of Gu Changge, don't be a car with a man's arm, and live his own peaceful life in the future.


However, at this moment, a thick gray fog was overwhelming, and I don't know where it came from.

Accompanied by the cold, creepy and cold breath, it penetrates the soul.

In just an instant, the surroundings became dark, shrouded in terrible mist, and all the light was invisible.

"what is this?"

Seeing this scene, the Ji family's complexion changed drastically.

The leading ancestors felt uneasy for the first time, trembling in their souls, and some palpitations.

This gray fog was completely different from the fog they had encountered before, and it was mixed with an aura that made them fear and restless.

This kind of breath is supreme, but it is extinct and buried, and it seems to be able to engulf them all.

At this moment, their faces became more vigilant than ever.

Some people's voices can't help but tremble. This is the first time that Taoism has encountered such a situation in countless years.

Even the enlightened people are extremely disturbed, and it is said that the rest of the people are now pale, trembling and trembling.

I always feel that countless creatures have been buried in this gray mist, many epochs have been buried, and the fear has reached the extreme.

Before they thought Kunshan was not as dangerous as the rumors, but this scene really made them uneasy, and the back was full of chills.

"Everyone should not separate and walk together. This should be a big danger in Kunshan.

Ji Hao, the head of the Ji family, said with a heavy face, with an ancient bronze mirror in his hand.

The surface of the crystal clear mirror 627 is spraying out bright brilliance, shining in all directions, to disperse the gray fog.

But with the sneer, the bronze mirror in his hand was quickly corroding and cracking.

Soon, it burst open with a crack and turned into powder.

This scene made the Ji family's complexion even more dramatic. This most precious treasure was obtained by the Ji family's patron in some ruins in his early years. It was extremely mysterious.

In some respects, its power even surpasses Dao Item.

But today, it was stained with a trace of the gray fog, and it burst directly, showing the terrifying and overbearing aspects of this gray fog.

They didn't dare to underestimate this gray mist, and many members of the Ji family gathered here.

However, there were still many people who were too late and were instantly swallowed by the gray mist. They couldn't even make the screams and disappeared.

"What exactly is this?"

The expressions of Ji Yaoxing, Ji Chuyue and others have also changed drastically. They were fortunate before, and felt that this trip to Kunshan was far less terrifying than the legend.

But The next moment, the appearance of this terrible gray mist slapped them all firmly.

"Where is Young Master Changge?

Many members of the Ji family discovered the problem. The moment the fog struck, the front was flooded.

Many people did not see Gu Changge, which made them more disturbed.

After all, Gu Changge's presence here gave them a great sense of stability.

Now even he seemed to be swallowed up by this gray mist, making everyone in the Ji family more uneasy.

This gray mist is too domineering and weird, and even gives them an ominous feeling that they will be swallowed and buried in it.

"Young Master Changge should be fine. This grey mist shouldn't last long, and it should dissipate in a while.

Ji Hao, the head of the Ji family, frowned, and was equally disturbed in his heart, but still comforted everyone.

"Gu Gongzi's strength is far beyond what I can imagine. If even he can't help me, then I can't help much. All we can do is wait here for the fog to clear. Maybe we will see Gu Gongzi soon. NS."

An ancestor of the Ji family spoke in a deep voice.

Above his head, there is a small bronze cauldron that sinks and floats, and a vast chain of god of order hangs down, trying to resist this gray fog.

But with the same sneer, it quickly disintegrated and collapsed, and couldn't resist it at all.

Such a sight caused them palpitations and fell into deep anxiety.

"This thing doesn't look like it's in Kunshan, it's more like it appeared out of thin air. I suspect someone did it deliberately.

"It might even be made by the disappeared Gu Changge."

Jiang Chen has been following Ji Chuyue and the others, witnessing this terrifying scene with his own eyes, and his heart is equally disturbed.

But he didn't expect that Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling would explain this way.

"Is this gray fog deliberately done?"

"Gu Changge, what does he want to do?"

Suddenly a terrible cold sweat broke out on Jiang Chen's back, shivering, and his scalp numb.

Gu Changge, why did he suddenly create this gray mist? Is he trying to hide something from the chaos? Or do he do something to someone?

"No, Gu Changge must have sensed that An Xi and the others are around.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Jiang Chen's mind, making his face pale, uncontrollable fear, and began to look around.

However, Fan Mang's gray fog was all around him, and even enlightened people did not dare to act rashly.

Even if he knows that An Xi and the others are in danger, what can he do?

At the same time, on an ice field not far from Jiang Chen and the others.

A group of cultivators from An Xi, Xiao Zhan Xian, Niu Wen, etc., from the An ethnic group and Zhan Xian Mansion, are on their way, looking up at the front from time to time, estimating the distance.

"On the way, I got a lot of precious rough stones, and I also picked a few elixir that was suspected of being contaminated with the blood of the Immortal King. It's a worthwhile trip."

The uncle of An Xi's line, the enlightened person An Wangshan smiled and talked with the enlightened person in Zhanxian Mansion next to him.

The two have a good relationship. This time they formed an alliance and entered Kunshan together. With the help of each other, they also gained a lot of opportunities.

This makes them feel quite good.

"Now that I haven't gotten close to the depths of Kunshan, there should be a lot of good things in it. If I can get a drop or two of the blood of the Immortal King, it would be the supreme good fortune to me.

The enlightened person of Zhanxianfu nodded and smiled. When he mentioned the blood of the immortal king, he couldn't hide his enthusiasm.

"Well, why is it suddenly foggy?"

At this moment, An Xi, Xiao Zhanxian and others, who had been silently following behind the two enlightened persons, suddenly noticed something was wrong.

A thick gray fog swept from nowhere, overwhelming the sky, as if it could swallow the entire universe.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and Qi Qi became vigilant, An Wangshan and the enlightened person in Zhanxian Mansion also frowned, watching this scene uncomfortably.

"What the hell is this?" An Xi didn't know why, there was always an unknown premonition in her heart, and a chill came out of her back.

The snowy field suddenly dimmed, and the gray fog swallowed the sky and the earth, like a landslide and tsunami, even the sky and the earth were trembling.

Everyone heard the sound of footsteps, as if they were walking from the far end of the world.

But it seemed to be in front of you again, making everyone's hearts tighten, as if they were pinched.

"It's him! Gu Changge!"

"Why did he come here suddenly?"

Seeing the figure suddenly appeared in the front, the faces of An Xi, Xiao Zhanxian, Niu Wen and others couldn't help but change drastically.

Gu Changge is standing quietly in front of them, his eyes are calm and calm, and he is dressed in white to win snow, seeming to merge with the world.

The whole person stood there, surrounded by three thousand ancient worlds, and many gods and Buddhas worshipped there.

The terrifying gray fog swept from behind him, engulfing the world and drowning the entire universe.

This is a heart-shaking scene, everyone's heart seems to have stopped, and the sound of blood stagnation can be heard.

The face of An Wang Mountain and the enlightened person in Zhanxian Mansion changed suddenly and became more solemn than ever before. Gu Changge did not expect that all this was actually made by Gu Changge.

"He must have come to silence his mouth."

The bad premonition in Xiao Zhanxian's heart came true, making him even more palpitations and chills in his back.

He knew that Gu Changge would not let him go so easily.

In Kunwu City, Gu Changge was not able to deal with him due to the presence of many Orthodox forces.

But in Kunshan, it became different. Gu Changge wanted to kill him as easy as pinching the ants to death.

"It was you who sent the assassin to assassinate me, but today you really can't help it."

Xiao Zhanxian's face was ugly, and he pressed Gu Changge tightly.

Gu Changge walked towards them unhurriedly, shook his head lightly and said, "I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

"Gu Changge, what on earth do you want to do?"

The enlightened people of Zhanxianfu looked very jealous, knowing that Gu Changge's strength was beyond their current ability.

And they didn't expect that Gu Changge would be so bold that he came here to wait for them. It must be a bad one!

"An Yan, what the hell is going on?"

There was another figure behind Gu Changge living in Anwangshan Town, and it was almost unexpected that An Yan would also follow Gu Changge.

"You damned girl, you even cooperated with a foreigner (cedh) to harm the tribe. Are you not afraid of being known by your father and offending you?" An Xi's expression was also ugly to the extreme.

"Now, don't Uncle Wangshan and Big Sis understand?"

"You are all going to die here today. Who will know this then?"

An Yan looked at them indifferently, not much to say.

"Gu Changge came to us to silence him. We know the secret he needs to hide."

"He came here specifically to intercept and kill us.

Xiao Zhanxian's face turned pale, he forcibly endured the fear in his heart, and shouted angrily, "Fight with him, otherwise all of us will have to die here."

He already saw Gu Changge's intentions.

This terrifying fog of unknown origin can not only cover up the movement here.

It can also cover up Gu Changge's whereabouts, allowing him to destroy the body perfectly.

At that time, the An ethnic group and the people of Zhanxianfu disappeared in Kunshan, it was only an accident, no one would associate it with Gu Changge.

Gu Changge has no words, his expression has always been calm and deep, since he came here today, he is here to silence his mouth.


Many powerhouses here shot at the same time, and various treasures were sacrificed.

There are heavenly swords, divine swords, ancient lanterns, and green tripods. One by one, the most precious treasures emerge, shining brightly, covering the sky, and amazing power.


But as Gu Changge flicked his finger lightly, the void in front of him and even the sky trembled.

A faint golden Sword Qi sprayed out from his hand.

Guanghua covers the sky and the earth, causing terrifying sounds to be heard here. If the sky and the earth are torn apart, Cangyu collapses.

In just an instant, the group of strong men who rushed towards him exploded and was smashed into the body by Sword Qi, turning into a blood mist with a bang, disappearing.

Everyone was terrified to the extreme, their souls trembled, and they couldn't think of resistance.

This is also terrible.

Gu Changge's Cultivation Base has no idea how far it is, killing them is easier than squeezing building ants.

"Kill! Fight with him!"

An Wangshan's eyes were red, and he shouted angrily, and his whole body was burning.

Like thunder, the gods pierced through the sky, the blood rushed out of the sky, and if the immortal beasts of the ancient gods, they would kill Gu Changge.

As an enlightened person, his breath is really terrifying, like a volcanic eruption.

If it weren't for this place to be extremely special, this fluctuation could definitely shake Star, a million-mile away, into a child's fan.

In the other direction, the enlightened person of Zhanxianfu also turned into a golden light and rushed up.

The speed is so fast that it is indescribable, he casts a supreme Fist Technique, like a war fairy descending to the world, invincible, and kills Gu Changge.

This moment between heaven and earth is obscured by the shadow of the fist, and even a vague scene of Six Paths of Reincarnation emerges, turning into six ancient dry wells to suppress Gu Changge.

Facing the combined siege of the two enlightened men, Gu Changge was already calm, and walked forward unhurriedly.

When this punch fell, he raised his hand and leaned forward, as if a universe was condensing and emerging.

The supreme aura of the world manifested, sending out a rumbling majestic momentum.

Among them, the stars and stars are condensing and running, directly crushing and destroying these six dry wells.


Immediately afterwards, Gu Changge played a Sword Qi in the other direction, which contained the ultimate rule of extinction.

In an instant, a black light tore through the world and turned into a world-destroying real dragon, rushing up in the blink of an eye.


Sword Ray rushed past, seeming to pass the heaven and earth all souls, swept through the eternal heavens, and came to annihilate the world.

"what is this?"

The enlightened person of Zhanxianfu looked horrified, his soul was frozen, and it was difficult to move again.

Magic Treasures in a suit, all the protective methods, can't resist at all, are completely penetrated.

He couldn't stare at him until he died. Sword Ray, which was less than an inch long, pierced his eyebrows, leaving a blood hole.

Immediately afterwards, his body shot out hundreds of sword lights.


In an instant, his whole body was covered with sword holes, and then he was shattered into the void, leaving nothing behind, and his body and spirit were destroyed.

Even at the moment of death, he couldn't even sacrifice himself as a Dao Item, and he seemed to be buried in a river of unknown origin along with his spirit.

"Gu Xian'er cut out this burial sword tonic, but it's quite extraordinary."

Gu Changge nodded lightly, ignoring everyone's horrified gaze.

Just now, he just tried the power of the Sword Tomb of Burial, but he didn't let him down. With his display, it would not be a big problem to kill ordinary enlightened people with a single sword.

"The ancestor is dead

Xiao Zhanxian and the others looked terrified to the extreme. They didn't expect that their ancestor would be beheaded by Gu Changge.

Such a big gap makes them desperate.

Gu Changge walked calmly, raised his hand and pressed it forward. Everyone coughed up blood in the sound of puff puff, knelt down, and then burst open.

The terrible physical coercion suppressed everyone who tried to get close to him to explode, blood spurted from the seven orifices, terrible blood stains appeared on the body, and the spine was bent.


The next moment, a large cyan tripod, falling from the sky, falling from the sky, there is a terrifying emperor's prestige, and a single strand can crush a continent.

This is the Dao Item of An Wang Mountain.

At the same time he shot, he also sacrificed the Dao Item that he had nurtured for countless years.

Seeing that the ancestor of Zhanxian Mansion was killed, made him feel terrified and uneasy, and his soul trembled.

But Gu Changge just slapped it forward, and the world was about to fall under the pressure of this breath. The cyan large cauldron made a terrible trembling sound, and then it was blasted out directly, with fine cracks appearing on the surface.

The aftermath spread, and the place was destroyed all at once. All the mountains collapsed, turned into ashes and devastated.

An Wang Mountain spurted out a bit of blood, all the methods were broken, and it fell directly from the air, hurting the origin.

Cheng Dao Item was connected with his mind and was almost destroyed by Gu Changge, which naturally caused him great harm.

"Young Master Changge is spared

Seeing Gu Changge still walking towards him, An Wangshan became desperate, so he knelt down and kept begging for mercy.

When he really played against Gu Changge, he realized how desperate this was, and there was no chance to resist.

In today's upper realm, I am afraid that apart from the birth of Canxian, there is no one to check and balance Gu Changge!

Xiao Zhanxian, An Xi, Niu Jian and others were also extremely desperate, their faces pale and limp to the ground.

"Young Master Changge spares her life, An Xi is willing to be a slave and a maid, a cow and a horse, as long as you can keep me alive."

An Xi's face was full of fear, she knelt there and begged for mercy, wanting to survive.

She deeply regretted why she saved Niu Wen in the first place, and why she thought of offending Gu Changge.


However, Gu Changge's complexion remained unchanged from beginning to end, with a wave of his sleeves.

The terrifying coercion crushed and fell, and the gray mist swallowed the sky. An Wangshan and An Xi disappeared before they even screamed, turned into child powder, and disappeared.

"Gu Changge, even if you kill us, your secret will be known sooner or later.

"Unless you can kill all the people in the upper realm, I have already told my master that if there is any accident to me, I will expose the photo-taking stone I left to him. Picture."

Seeing everyone being killed, Xiao Zhanxian was horrified to the extreme, disheveled, and embarrassed to the extreme.

At this moment, there is no such thing as the appearance of the young supreme in front of outsiders, screaming in a stern, wanting to survive. .