Ch 577

The terrible Killing intent rushed out and flooded in all directions like a torrent. Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they were startled and angry.

Many people hadn't reacted yet, and they didn't expect Jiang Chen to do this. He didn't care about the consequences and broke the seal of Xuanyu directly.

Ji Chuyue's face was also pale.

Today Jiang Chen's behavior seemed extremely strange to her, and it was no longer the confident and determined Jiang Chen she was familiar with.

Especially Jiang Chen even hid the identity of the inheritor of magic power.

This caused her body to tremble slightly, and her heart was very painful, and she felt that she had been deceived and used by Jiang Chen.

"Damn it, this guy has a ghost in his heart. He just wants to kill all of us here, so that it can swallow the origin of what I am waiting for."

"As the inheritor of magic arts, how could he kindly rescue the ancestors of the Ji family!

At this moment, a murderous aura broke out here.

While avoiding the purple waterfall, everyone looked at Jiang Chen tightly.

Many enlightened people are even more angry. If it is not difficult to get out, I am afraid that Jiang Chen has already been shot to death.

"You promised me that you will kill them after getting out of trouble!"

Jiang Chen naturally disregarded everyone's thoughts and expressions at this moment.

With a somewhat pleasant smile on his face, he spoke to Daoist among the profound jade.


The mysterious jade that sealed the underground cave shattered with a click in Jiang Chen's hand, falling in pieces, smashing into the underground cave.

Daoist, the Yuyi star crown, seemed to have heard Jiang Chen's words.

The body, which originally seemed to have died, suddenly trembled.

The closed eyes seemed to open too, revealing endless Killing intent, as if endless creatures had been buried in his hands.

This scene horrified everyone, and the flesh seemed to be cracking, and it was difficult to bear the horrible atmosphere revealed.

Even though it was in the Supreme Realm, he was still in Yan Li at the moment, very disturbed. 630

The strength of this Daoist during his lifetime was absolutely terrifying to indescribable.

"The old way is finally out of trouble"

The old way of Yuyi was whispering slowly, seeming to be sighing, and also seeming to be excited.

But what everyone heard from his words was endless Killing intent, monstrous and suffocating.

"Jiang Chen, take the opportunity to leave and escape from that hole."

The good fortune fairy boat spirit in Jiang Chen's mind urged, feeling that this Yuyi Daoist is not a good person to get along with.

Especially the Killing intent revealed, which made it even more uneasy.

Jiang Chen nodded and understood the truth of touching the skin with the tiger, so the figure flashed, turned into a stream of light, and went straight to the cave in front of him to escape.

As for what will happen behind him, it has nothing to do with him.

Although he also wanted to see with his own eyes how Gu Changge was killed by that Yuyi Daoist.

"No, that kid is going to run away."

Seeing Jiang Chen's figure escape into the cave, many people's complexion changed drastically, and they were even more furious.

He watched Jiang Chen break the Xuanyu seal and release the Daoist, and then watched him escape every day.

How can this not make them angry.

But now they don't have time to chase Jiang Chen, because there is still a major event before them.

The Yuyi Daoist, who broke the seal from the mysterious jade, is not a good person at first glance.

"Be careful of this person."

The enlightened person of Tianhuang Mountain said in a deep voice, looking at Yuyi Daoist with incomparable fear, guarding against the sudden move of the opponent.

The others also sacrificed their own Magical Items and waited for them.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect that the old way would actually have a day out of trouble. You are so lucky to see this scene, even if you die, you should be content (cedh)."

With a sneer on his face, Yuyi Lao Dao looked like a fairy tale.

Because of this look, a bit of evil was revealed for no reason.

He swept everyone here, and he didn't care about many enlightened people.

In his opinion, the other cultivator creatures are no different from rotten shrimp and smelly fish, and they don't even have the qualifications to make him serious.

Although he was only transformed by a trace of evil thoughts contained in his corpse, he inherited many magical powers of the original Yuyi old way.

Even here, many enlightened people can be easily swept away.

"I seem to know who he is. Yuhua Gu Tianzun, a supreme being from the ancient immortal period, was defeated by Samsara Gu Tianzun and later disappeared."

"Unexpectedly, he was also trapped in Kunshan, and now it seems that the corpse metamorphoses, and the resulting spiritual wisdom, we are definitely not his opponents."

At this time, an enlightened person of the Primordial Leaf Clan suddenly opened his mouth, his eyes were extremely solemn, and with shock, he stared at the pattern on the sleeves of Yuyi's old Taoism.

In the ancient times, the existence of Gu Tianzun can be called, Cultivation Base is at least a fairyland.

Even though the environment has changed drastically as it is today, it is difficult to exert the power of the fairyland, but it is far from their enemy.

When everyone heard this, their hearts sank, and they were very cautious.

A corpse of Gu Tianzun transformed after his death, doesn't it mean that the corpse in front of him is at least at the fairyland level?

Who can break it?

Even after countless years have passed, Blood Qi is exhausted, but in today's upper realm, I am afraid that there are few people who can compete!

No wonder Ji Shengchu, the ancestor of the Ji family, suddenly sent a voice warning to tell everyone not to touch that piece of mysterious jade.

"The inheritor of Damn it's magic skills unexpectedly released such a peerless murderer out. If he is allowed to escape from Kunshan, I am afraid he will be the next red devil."

Someone yelled, his face was extremely ugly, and he couldn't wait to crush Jiang Chen to his bones.

But now Jiang Chen has escaped into the cave, and it will be difficult for him to catch up for a while.

"Then Jiang Chen will leave it to the next, this person will bother you all."

Gu Changge suddenly spoke, his face looked extremely solemn, and he seemed to be troubled by the matter.

"This can only be the case until now. I will wait to hold this person to see if I can get rid of him here.

"On Jiang Chen's side, Young Master Changge chased after him."

Upon hearing this, the enlightened persons of all races glanced at each other, and then nodded.

Regarding Gu Changge's strength, they are also very relieved. If they meet Jiang Chen in it, then Jiang Chen will definitely not be able to escape.

But this is the best guess.

After all, Jiang Chen is a god-source master, and the terrain here is extremely beneficial to him.

If Gu Changge is not careful, he might still suffer.

The Heavenly Phoenix Girl, the Sixth Crown Prince, and the Heavenly Demon Sovereign sighed in their hearts, knowing that with their strength, they can't help much now.

I can only let the strong behind my own cover for them, and go quietly towards the cave, trying to leave here.

If there is a war for a while, no one can keep them.

"Want to escape? Everyone has to stay here today."

The old way of Yuyi seemed to see through everyone's plan, sneered, waved his big sleeve, and leaned forward.

The terrible Killing intent soared into the sky, like a Galaxy Cluster bursting its banks, overwhelming the sky, the bones creaking and suffocating.

The other enlightened people did not dare to neglect at this moment, and hurriedly sacrificed their Dao Item.

The terror and pressure are intertwined, permeating the void here, like pieces of Immortal Divine Armament colliding, with great momentum.

The whole Kunshan shook, and the brilliance rushed through the sky, and went straight to the outside of the domain.

For a while, countless cultivator creatures from the outside world were shocked to witness such a scene, and they were extremely shocked.

And when Yuyi Old Dao was fighting with everyone.

Gu Changge also moved his figure, stepped directly into the hole, and quickly disappeared.

Now Yuyi's old way is covering up for him, delaying time by the way.

If the ancestors of the Ji family under the cave were trapped in it, it would save him a lot of time.

As for where Jiang Chen fled, he was not in a hurry.

Because Jiang Chen was the magic seed he planted, even if he fled to the end of the world, the other side of the starry sky, Gu Changge could catch it.

The hole underneath is extremely vast and vast, with no end in sight at a glance.

The magnificent underground palace has a simple and vicissitudes of life, as if it has been contaminated with endless dust.

Everything, including the stone room and the stone hall, is full of traces of time.

After Jiang Chen rushed into it, he went all the way to the depths according to what good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling said.

There are a lot of Restrictions here, and the walls are covered with various ancient patterns and inlaid with many sacred stones, exuding a dazzling brilliance.

If it wasn't for the lack of time, Jiang Chen would want to take all these things away.

"Do you think the people behind will catch up? Although Gu Changge is strong, he shouldn't be Daoist's opponent either."

Jiang Chen ran to the depths while talking with the good fortune fairy boat spirit in his mind.

He knew that Yuyi Daoist's strength was terrifying.

But Gu Changge's methods are too many, he doesn't know whether Yuyi Daoist can kill Gu Changge.

"I think it's difficult, but the Yuyi Daoist should be able to delay Gu Changge for a while and buy you time to escape.

Good fortune Immortal Boat Tool Lingdao, I don't think Yuyi Daoist can kill Gu Changge.

And compared to Yuyi Daoist, Gu Changge seems more mysterious in it.

Jiang Chen silently sighed in his heart, and said nothing more.

He felt that even after escaping from Kunshan, he would be reduced to a mouse crossing the street, enemies of the world.

Gu Changge put the hat of the inheritor of magic skills on his head.

When he got the inheritance, he didn't feel like the right way Cultivation Technique, but he didn't care about that much.

It's just that he and the so-called inheritor of magic skills can't fight each other.

There is really no way to be regarded as the inheritor of magic arts today.

"Today's plan is to take one step at a time, to escape from this ghost place first, and then to think of other ways."

Jiang Chen sighed in his heart, but he also strengthened his revenge.

The underground palace is extremely vast and cold, and also extremely silent.

Except for some exotic treasures hung on the four walls, faintly bright words were exuding.

This place is more like an abyss buried at the end of the earth.

Fortunately, with the help of Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling, Jiang Chen avoided some dead ends, and then went deep without any danger.

His heart gradually calmed down, and he didn't have the panic when he came. After all, the strength of Daoist in Xuan Yi is extremely terrifying, and it should be possible to delay Gu Changge and others for a long time.

It is more likely that they will all be killed outside the cave!