Ch 578

"Why do I feel that someone is calling me?"

Suddenly, Jiang Chen, who was rushing to the depths, stopped, and doubts appeared on his face.

But when I listened carefully, I didn't hear the slightest sound.

He raised his head and looked around. Except for the extremely tall pillars, the place was extremely empty.

"Could it be the voice of the ancestors of the Ji family?"

Jiang Chen was surprised and suspicious. After the Ji family incident, he no longer had the slightest affection for the Ji family.

Naturally, they didn't want to rescue their ancestors at this time.

In his opinion, this kind of thing is extremely risky. Who knows if the ancestors of the Ji family will avenge revenge, he has suffered many losses.

"I think you can give it a try. According to the rumors, the ancestors of the Ji family should be kind, otherwise they won't let many Daoist forces inherit ~ his kindness.

"Perhaps this is an opportunity for you."

Good fortune Xianzhou Qiling said, thinking Jiang Chen could try it.

Jiang Chen pondered and felt that what it said also made sense. What if it was his chance to wash away all his grievances.

After that, Jiang Chen didn't hesitate to move towards the source of the sound. If the situation is not right then, he will find a way to escape.

The ancestors of the Ji family have been trapped here for so many years, and they can only rely on sound transmission to transmit the message, and it should have reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dead.

"It shouldn't pose a big threat to me."

Jiang Chen thought, gritted his teeth, and walked away in depth.

After walking for tens of miles, he felt a surging pressure in front of him, like a huge wave.

But it seemed as if an ancient sky fell, and one could not help kneeling down and worshipping.

This is the mighty force of heaven and earth that is hard to describe in words. Under this pressure, any creature is as weak as an ant.

"what is this?"

Jiang Chen looked at the scene ahead in shock. It looked like a chaotic river flowing through the Universe on both sides.

The terrible energy is permeated, with jet-black waves on both sides, like the water of the Taiyin River, with chaotic air, which seems to lead to the depths of the starry sky.

A dragon coffin floats in the rivers on both sides, ups and downs in it, and the traces revealed are extremely vicissitudes of life.

Beyond many epochs, it is even difficult to trace its source.

In this underground palace, there is such a huge scene?

It's almost like being in the depths of the Universe.

For an instant, he seemed to be out of the starry sky.

Many ancient and majestic Stars rise and fall above their heads, thousands of stars are shining, the Tianhe is magnificent, spreading to the other side of the world.

In the front, Jiang Chen also saw the blood gathered on the ground. The nine colors were intertwined, which was shockingly dazzling and dazzling.

The horrible air machine made his skin crack, like a knife in a big way, cutting his bones.

Even if there are wisps of chaotic energy hanging around, it is cracking, and it is difficult to get close to half a step.

Immortal King Blood!

Moreover, there are a lot of them, forming a small lake.

"I've really fallen the fairy king here and it's still related to the dragon clan. Is this the Dragon King's palace?"

Jiang Chen was so shocked that he didn't even dare to take a half step forward.

He understands the horror of the blood of those immortal kings, even if countless years have passed, even the divinity in it has disappeared.

But the remaining energy alone is enough to kill any creatures.

"Little Friends"

After arriving here, Jiang Chen heard the voice of Ji Shengchu, the ancestor of the Ji family again.

He followed the voice and saw an extremely tall Taoist platform in the deepest part of the underground palace.

There seems to be a vague figure on it, extremely thin and dry, if it is not carefully identified, it will even be used as firewood.

This is not human form anymore.

"Senior, is that you?"

Jiang Chen asked aloud, but he didn't expect the rumored ancestor of the Ji family to be so miserable now.

However, being trapped in Kunshan for so many years, he did not die, and his life is too big, which is enough to show that it is not simple.

"Little friend, it is the old man."

"Here is the Restrictions formation pattern left by the true dragon clan at the time, and there are also the remaining immortal king aura. Little friends, don't act rashly, or you will be harmed."

The thin, thin figure lying on the platform opened the mouth, looking extremely weak, like a candle in the wind, which seemed to be extinguished at any time.

Jiang Chen didn't expect Ji Shengchu to worry about his safety at this time, and inexplicably feel a little favored about him.

"I understand, how do I rescue you, senior?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You find the Baha array eyes here and break them. The Restrictions here will naturally dissipate. These old men are lucky enough to hide on this square platform to avoid being strangled by the power of Restrictions. You must be careful. ."

"These Restrictions were placed by an immortal king himself. Although they are now broken, there is nothing left but they are not trivial.

Ji Shengchu sighed, although he was still weak, but Jiang Chen's arrival made him see hope and couldn't help but support it.

"I understand, senior, I'll save you." Jiang Chen nodded, and started to look around for the eyes according to Ji Shengchu's words.

At the same time, he was also talking to Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling in his mind, wanting to know if Ji Shengchu was worth saving.

"If you can rescue him, chances are you can be your backer."

The sound of good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling, with a bit of excitement.

"I feel that Ji Shengchu has been trapped in Kunshan over the past few years, and may be a blessing in disguise. Cultivation Base goes further. He should have surpassed the fairyland at the peak. Now, although the rules of the world are incomplete, I feel that once his strength is restored, it should not be weaker than the real one. Cents."

It promised to say.

When Jiang Chen heard these words, his heart became hot.

A backer of true fairyland strength, isn't it hopeful for him to get revenge?

Afterwards, Jiang Chen looked for the front eye according to Ji Shengchu's request, and while talking to him, he also learned how Ji Shengchu was trapped in Kunshan.

According to Ji Shengchu, the inheritance of the fairy king is touching.

This Kunshan was originally the lair of the true dragons of the upper realm. Later, the Dragon King of the true dragons was killed somehow and fell here.

Ji Shengchu was also a bold artist, and broke into Kunshan alone, trying to find the inheritance of the Dragon King from the true dragon family.

However, he accidentally touched the Restrictions here. Thanks to hiding on the road in time and avoiding the surrounding Restrictions, he survived.

It is for this reason that he has been trapped here for so many years, and there has been no news.

"Now the outside world is estimated to be the vicissitudes of life, I don't know Arlene."

"I, Ji Shengchu, have traveled all over the world in my life, and I have never lost faith in others, but only to her."

While telling Jiang Chen what happened, Ji Shengchu couldn't help but sigh. Suddenly, tears burst in his heart, regretting in his heart, thinking of the former beauty.

From Jiang Chen's words, he also learned about the changes in the outside world.

When the battle changes and the stars change, things are different, and there are so many kinds of things.

The bamboo trees planted together by the two in the past are probably already withered and turned into dust.

Jiang Chen didn't care about Ji Shengchu's sigh at the moment, he just wanted to save him, so as to use it as his own amulet.

Ji Shengchu seemed to know Jiang Chen's thoughts, and suddenly smiled, "You can rest assured, little friend, since you rescued the old man, then you are the benefactor of the old man and the entire Ji family."

"The old man behaves upright throughout his life and never deceives others. It is more of a gratitude and revenge."

…For flowers…

"Xia Xia never doubted senior's character."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and smiled rarely.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of Ji Chuyue and what Gu Changge said when he was in the dungeon.

The Ji family's long-term son-in-law?

This may not be impossible.

Half a day later, accompanied by a loud tremor, the brilliance was shining everywhere.

The waves of terror and chaos rising on both sides slowly dissipated at this moment, and gradually returned to the surrounding darkness.

"Nine eyes have been resolved, and the coercion surrounding this place has dissipated.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen looked surprised and relieved.

"My little friend has worked hard, but I have to trouble you. The old man has been trapped here for many years, and he has run out of oil and the lamp is dry. It will take some time to recover before I can take you out of this place. I will bother you to help the old man. Protect the law."

Ji Shengchu on the stage also showed joy in his eyes. After taking a deep breath, he said to Jiang Chen again.

Jiang Chen nodded, naturally there was no problem with this.

He can also see that Ji Shengchu is now too dry, and it is estimated that he has been struggling to support these years, and the Spiritual Qi has long been exhausted.

Soon, Ji Shengchu fell into meditation and calmed down, and surging Spiritual Qi began to rush towards him around him.

The spirit of Dao Yun that has accumulated for countless years in the underground palace is also turned into a whirlpool, gathering and submerging here.

"As long as I leave Kunshan, my life will be rewritten, Gu Changge, don't you think of it?"

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, his eyes flickering coldly, and then he began to sit up cross-legged, and began to recover from his previous consumption.

He suddenly thought of a lot, including how to expose the true face of Gu Changge and how to avenge his own friends and others.

Too much, he has to pay back one by one by Gu Changge!!

But at this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly heard the sound of footsteps not far away.

Moreover, the visitor seemed to deliberately wanted him to perceive it, and then footsteps came.

At this moment, Jiang Chen opened his eyes, not knowing what to do, and a bad premonition was born in his heart.

He turned his head and looked at the other side of the underground palace. His pupils suddenly shrank. It was unbelievable. The whole body was dead and his hair was horrified.

Jiang Chen was cold from head to toe, even trembling slightly.

He felt the terrifying horror coming, and the whole person's heart seemed to be choked, and the bones and flesh and blood were about to break apart.

He didn't even expect that Gu Changge would actually appear in this place, shouldn't he be dragged by Yuyi Old Road at this time?

"Gu Changge, why are you here?"

He tried to calm himself down, but his voice was shaking.

Gu Changge walked towards him unhurriedly, shook his head when he heard the words, and said naturally, "I came here, naturally to rescue Ji Shengchu senior, but you, the inheritor of magic arts, what do you want to do?"

"Not only did he release the Yuyi Daoist sealed in the mysterious jade, but he also tried to kill everyone who came to rescue Ji Shengchu senior."

"Gu Changge, you want to spit blood, I am not the inheritor of magic arts, this is obviously you framed." Jiang Chen's eyes were slightly bloody, he fixed Gu Changge firmly, his limbs were cold, and he was extremely frightened.

"Then you should explain, why are you magical?" Gu Changge gave a noncommittal smile.

"Why do you want to destroy that piece of profound jade, release the Yu Yi Daoist in it, and let him slaughter the powerful men of all races?"