Ch 601

"Why Master Changge cares about such trivial matters? Yu Lie hasn't come to offer Master Changge a cup."

"If you have a chance in the future, you will have to interact with Young Master Changge more. I think you and Young Master Changge are about the same age, but the gap is as high as the sky. As long as you can reach the level of one-tenth of the Young Master Changge, the emperor can rest assured. Da Yu will leave it to you."

Above the first place, Yu Huang's expression quickly recovered. After all, he was the lord of the Immortal Dynasty. He immediately showed a smile on his face, changed the subject, and stretched out his hand to let the second prince Yu Lie come forward to toast.

"It's the emperor."

Yu Lie knew that this was an opportunity to get closer to Gu Changge, and there was also a humble smile on his face. He walked in accordance with the words, holding a wine glass in his hand, looking handsome and extraordinary, with a dignified manner.

Such an expression is completely different from the indifference and arrogance when facing Tuoba Xiaoyao.

"Yu Liejing Young Master Changge has a glass."

"Second prince please!"

Gu Changge smiled and nodded. Then he thought of something and said with interest, "Speaking of which, I'm actually a little curious about what kind of woman it is. It is worth the third son of Tuoba Mansion who refuses His Majesty Yu. kindness.

His words surprised everyone.

It's okay if you don't say anything, everyone here can't help but become a little curious.

To say something nice is to refuse good intentions, but to say something bad is to look down on those princesses.

Huang Yu's expression was also a little moved. With that said, he was also a little curious. If Tuoba Daoyao couldn't tell the reason, he would be punished for the crime of deceiving the emperor.

"The Emperor Changge wants to know what Young Master Changge said." He smiled and nodded.

Gu Changge smiled and said, "It's better to be like this. If the third son of Tuoba Mansion loves Dayu's woman, your majesty is not as beautiful as an adult. How about giving them marriage? The third son of apologies."

Huang Yu didn't know why Gu Changge valued Tuoba Xiaoyao so much, and even planned to apologize.

However, Gu Changge said so, how could he refuse, and immediately asked Tuoba Xiaoyao again.

After all, this is just a trivial matter, a matter of his word.

"What do you think, if the girl you like is my Dayu person, then the emperor will be the master and marry you two." Yu Huang asked with majesty his eyes.

"It should be the reason that Young Master Changge cherishes his talents. Young Master Changge's performance in the hunting meet was caught in the eyes of Young Master Changge."

"Yes, I've heard that Changge's young master shirts his subordinates, he protects his shortcomings, and is very good for his followers. 々[.."

"Why is this kid so lucky, so highly valued by Young Master Changge, he won't get married once, and there will be two times."

Seeing this scene, many ministers guessed that they were even more envious and jealous.

Tuoba Xiaoyao looked at Gu Changge with a smile on his face. The familiar feeling of fear came again, making him look a little ugly and clenched his fists.

He knew that Gu Changge was absolutely uneasy and kind.

Whether it was the previous marriage or the current questioning, it was all for his good on the face, but secretly it was to incur Yu Huang's anger and alienation.

Gu Changge must have guessed the relationship between him and Yu Feiya, so he said so deliberately.

Every sentence is a murderous intent, leaving him no way out, which is really hateful.

Facing Yu Huang's question, Tuoba Xiaoyao immediately took a deep breath and replied, "Enjoy Your Majesty Yu Huang, Xiaoyao's favorite person is actually Princess Yu Feiya, not someone else."

What he said was bold and direct, and did not conceal the meaning.

And when she was speaking, she looked at Yu Feiya above, and she couldn't help but sigh slightly when she saw that the expression on her face seemed a little surprised.

If Gu Changge hadn't calculated it, he didn't want to make things clear at this time.

But that's good, if the officials said so, it's also good to plan to block the marriage between Dayu and Jueyin Imperial Court in the future.

Even if Yu Huang will be completely offended to death after today, and many of his previous plans will be rejected, there is no other way.

Gu Changge forced him to death and had no choice.

"Do you take this seriously?" Yu Huang's face sank again, his voice suppressing his anger.

He really did not expect Tuoba Xiaoyao to say that the girl he likes is the eldest princess Yu Feiya.

How does this make what he said just now?

The ministers were also deeply surprised, their eyes widened, and they couldn't react for a while.

At this time, even the prince Jialuo, who had been at the banquet and never said much, narrowed his eyes and looked at Tuoba Xiaoyao who was standing up.

His marriage partner is the eldest princess Yu Feiya.

And now this guy stands up and says this, is he going to fight with him?

Only Yu Feiya was a little silent, her hands were tight on her sleeves, and her heart was not at peace.

"It seems that Princess Feiya and the third son of Tuoba Mansion have a lot of friendship."

At this moment, Gu Changge's slightly surprised voice sounded, making Yu Feiya come back to her senses.

"Why did Young Master Changge say this?" She asked in a puzzled manner.

Gu Changge smiled and said, "Looking at Princess Feiya's appearance, she doesn't seem to be too shocked. Presumably Princess Feiya has long known what the third son Tuoba hid, right?"

Seeing that Yu Feiya was silent, Gu Changge knew that he had guessed right, smiled disapprovingly, and looked at Tuoba Daoyao again.

When things got to this point, he wanted to see how this guy ended up.

Tuoba Xiaoyao still wants Dayu Xianchao to be his last protective shield? Thinking too much.

After today, even if Emperor Yu knew that Gu Changge was going to snatch the Heavenly Palm Sword in Tuoba Xiaoyao's hand, he would open one eye and close one eye, and would not take care of it too much.

Even if Tuoba Xiaoyao's talent is extraordinary, the future is limitless, but what about it?

Tuoba Xiaoyao was no longer in the heart of Huang Yu, the young talent before, but a stupid person who didn't know the current affairs and didn't know how to promote.

It is impossible for him to tear his face with Gu Changge for such a Tuoba Xiaoyao. Because it's not worth it.

"Return to His Majesty Yu Huang, this is absolutely true."

"The woman Xiaoyao loves is Princess Feiya."

Tuoba Xiaoyao didn't care about the expressions of the people around him, took a deep breath and said again.

To live a new life, he had been cringing and scrupulous before, but today he is going to be so proud.

He couldn't do anything to hide his mind at this time.

"~Good, good, good, good!

Huang Yu angrily smiled, and even said three good words, the golden light in his eyes flickered, and there was a scene of the destruction of the universe.

The terrible coercion circulated around the body, causing the stars above the sky to tremble.

Thousands of stars swayed, seeming to fall, and even more terrifying clouds rolled, covering the sky and the sun, covering the sun.

This is the wrath of the lord of the immortal dynasty, which directly affected the changes in the star field within the territory.

Feelings, anger, sorrow, and joy. Any change in mood is closely related to the luck in this territory and affects everything in this world.

At this moment, countless creature cultivators in Dayu looked up in amazement, shocked by such a vision.

Many ministers in the Great Hall also trembled like chaff, crawling on the ground, not daring to raise their heads.

Tuoba Yuntian and the two daughters behind him were also pale and frightened.

Today, Huang Yu has been angry twice, and this time I am afraid it is even more serious.

Knowing that Emperor Yu intends to marry Yu Feiya and Jueyin Imperial Court, Tuoba Daoyao still said so recklessly, isn't this (Wang Li's) beating Yu Huang in the face?

And it was hit in the face of the ministers.

Is it possible that Huang Yu really wants to answer the words of marriage gift that he promised before? This is obviously impossible.

"Very well, the emperor is telling you that it is impossible."

"It's impossible for the emperor to give Feiya to you, so you have to die. Since you are sincerely provoking the emperor today."

"Come here, take Tuoba Xiaoyao to the prison!"

Yu Huang's face was furious, and his anger was difficult to suppress. He screamed and waved his hand to make the guards outside the temple step forward and take Tuoba Xiaoyao into the prison.

Tuoba Xiaoyao had already guessed that it would end like this, not surprisingly, his expression was extremely calm.

But when I looked at Gu Changge, there was a deep hatred in my eyes.

Soon, the guards outside the temple came in, armed with weapons such as Tiandao and Tiange, and escorted Tuoba Xiaoyao away.

Tuoba Yuntian and the others turned pale. Watching this scene, they didn't even dare to say a word, let alone stop it.

Many ministers also felt a moment of sorrow. It's good that the pride of heaven is improper, and in a blink of an eye they become prisoners. Isn't this the end of the game? Lee.