Ch 602

In the Great Hall, there was silence, many singers squatted down with fear, and all the ministers were silent.

Tuoba Xiaoyao was detained by the furious Yu Huang.

Although it was only a small episode, many ministers could feel Yu Huang's displeasure, his face was extremely gloomy, and his palpitation majesty was revealed.

Even the most favored princes on weekdays did not dare to speak easily.

Yu Feiya looked worriedly at the direction Tuoba Daoyao was being taken away, and continued to be silent.

She didn't know why Tuoba Xiaoyao would offend Yu Huang at this juncture.

Didn't he clearly want to slap Yu Huang in the face in front of everyone? As the lord of Dayu Immortal Dynasty, how could Yu Huang easily spare him.

She sighed in her heart for a while, not at a loss, not knowing how to deal with the next thing.

Tuoba Xiaoyao is still too reckless, and has not considered the priorities, gains and losses.

"Fiya, it seems that you also have a lot of things to hide from the emperor."

Yu Huang's complexion finally recovered, and he glanced at Yu Feiya faintly.

He is not stupid. From the attitude of Tuoba Xiaoyao, I am afraid that he and Yu Feiya do not simply know each other like that.

It's just that Yu Feiya had never mentioned it to him before.

This made Yu Huang a little disappointed. In his eyes, Yu Feiya had always been a representative of obedient, prudent and well-behaved. Once upon a time, she would still be like this, concealing so many things from him.

When did I learn that because a man concealed so many things from him.

Yu Feiya's face was a little pale, and she whispered, "My daughter didn't intend to hide from her father. There is a reason."

She was about to explain, but Huang Yu had already waved her hand to interrupt her, and said lightly, "You don't need to explain, you will stay in the mansion from today. Without the emperor's order, you are not allowed to step out of the mansion."

650 heard this, Yu Feiya's face became paler and her body trembled, as if struck by lightning, a little unbelievable.

At this age, it was the first time that she was forbidden by Emperor Yu, and she was not allowed to take a half-step out of the mansion.

She knew that this was the emperor who was really angry.

"Yes, Father Father."

However, at this time, she did not dare to disobey the wishes of Emperor Yu, lowered her head, and responded in a low voice, her eyes looking a little dim.

She glanced aside inadvertently, but saw Gu Changge's mouth with a Ruowu smile, as if she was also looking at her.

This made Yu Feiya a strange and unspeakable feeling in her heart, as if everything that happened in the temple today was caused by Gu Changge's intentional promotion.

If it were not for Gu Changge's sake, Tuoba Xiaoyao would not arouse Huang Yu's anger.

"Lord Changge laughed. The emperor didn't expect this kind of thing to happen today. It's really Losing face.

Then, Huang Yu turned his head to look at Gu Changge, and couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

Gu Changge retracted his gaze to look at Yu Feiya's expression.

I have been watching the development of things, and his expectations are actually pretty much the same.

Hearing that, he smiled, and then shook his head, "It really surprised me that the third son of Tuoba Mansion actually said these things in public. I was a little bit cherished. Now, when I look at it, This person is afraid of embarrassment."

Not only did he reject Yu Huang's marriage in public, but also publicly said that the person he liked was the princess Yu Feiya.

This is no longer a simple and indescribable rebellion, but a court death.

For Gu Changge, things got better after Tuoba Xiaoyao was imprisoned.

Although the Heavenly Prison of the Dayu Immortal Dynasty is known as the Tianluodiwang, in the deepest part, there are even enlightened enemies of the past.

But if Gu Changge wanted to sneak in quietly, it was easy.

Even if Tuoba Xiaoyao died in the jail, no one would doubt him.

With such an incident, many ministers, including Yu Huang, lost interest in the following banquet.

The faces of everyone in Tuoba Mansion were gloomy and full of gloom. If such a big thing happened, you don't have to think about it. From now on, Tuoba Mansion will definitely be alienated by Emperor Yu and won't be valued again.

The brilliance is no longer and it is in decline.

Although Tuoba Qiongling and Tuoba Qingyu are very concerned about Tuoba Xiaoyao, they are helpless at the moment and can only do it in a hurry.

They wanted to tell their father about Tuoba Xiaoyao, but Tuoba Daoyao repeatedly told them not to tell others, including their parents.

In the meantime, Jialuo, the prince of Absolute Yin imperial court, once again proposed the marriage.

Just now Tuoba Xiaoyao said those words in front of everyone, which made him feel quite uncomfortable, and he was a little worried that Huang Yu would refuse.

Although he doesn't really admire Yu Feiya, in his eyes, the marriage between the two is a certainty.

Suddenly, a Tuoba Xiaoyao jumped out, deliberately blocking the matter, and there was a feeling that the other party didn't put him in his eyes.

In Jialuo's view, Tuoba Xiaoyao is just a small son of the General Mansion. Whether it is Cultivation Base or identity, it is far from being comparable to him.

If Yu Huang is smart, he will know how to choose.

"Regarding the marriage proposed by Prince Jialuo, the emperor will consider it for a few days and will give you an answer in five days."

Facing Jialuo's renewed proposal of the marriage, Huang Yu replied like this, dripping water, and did not fully agree to the plan.

In fact, he still had other thoughts in his mind, and he had to hang the Prince Jialuo in the courtyard for a few days, and then he would discuss the price.

On the other hand, Huang Yu actually had other thoughts. At the time of the hunting convention, Tuoba Xiaoyao showed the terrifying power.

That is more than what Realm can display.

Therefore, Huang Yu judged that Tuoba Xiaoyao definitely had some big secret hidden in his body.

If he had time, he would have to torture him.

After the banquet was over, the officials left tremblingly, and the Jue Yin imperial court and his party were also taken by the maid to the other side of the palace.

Gu Changge also took Jiang Chuchu farewell and returned to his home. He was not in a hurry to investigate Tuoba Xiaoyao's situation.

If his expectations are not bad, Yu Tianzheng should be waiting for him at his (cedh) residence at this moment.

At the hunting conference, he told Yu Tianzheng to give up the assassination, worrying that he would ruin his own plan.

Now Yu Tianzheng is sure that he is unwilling and wants to ask what happened.

"If it looks like this, you still have to make that guy a little more obedient."

Gu Changge narrowed his eyes.

With such a chess piece in there, he naturally needs to make a good plan. Now that he knows the identity of the master of the heavenly sword, the matter of the heavenly sword is not in a hurry.

On the contrary, this huge Dayu Xianchao gave him a chance to take advantage of it.

"Have you known about the incident between Tuoba Xiaoyao and Princess Yu Feiya a long time ago?"

Jiang Chuchu and Gu Changge walked side by side, dressed in white, with a light veil on their faces, but with far-out eyebrows, their temperament was super dusty, and the green silk was dancing, like a moon god who was about to return to the wind.

She asked in a soft voice. Today, I gambled all the things in the hall. She naturally saw that those words were deliberately made by Gu Changge, just trying to expand Daoyao to arouse Huang Yu's anger.

According to reason, Tuoba Daoyao and Gu Changge have never been masked, and have never seen them before.

Gu Changge seemed to know him well, which made her very puzzling.

"Yeah, I knew it a long time ago. Otherwise, how could I be bored to the point of giving someone a marriage." Gu Changge smiled and stretched out his hand to embrace her slender waist.

Jiang Chuchu had such an expression as expected.

Seeing that she had to ask questions, Gu Changge couldn't help but chuckle, and said, "That Tuoba Xiaoyao has a heavenly sword in his hand. In order to avoid my detection, he has tolerated it for so many years."

"It's a pity that I saw through it during the hunting conference. The sky-handling sword fell into his hands, and it would only kill him. Unfortunately, he still didn't understand and tried to fight me."

"Heavenly Sword?" Jiang Chuchu blinked, a little thoughtful.

She naturally knows about the seven artifacts in the palm of the sky, and knows that Gu Changge has several of them in her hands.

No wonder he wanted to do something about Tuoba Xiaoyao for this reason.

But such a secret thing, Gu Changge would tell her so frankly, which moved her a little.

After all, people like Gu Changge are rarely willing to tell the truth.

"You don't actually need to tell me this." Jiang Chuchu's eyes were shining, he raised his head and glanced at Gu Changge, then looked into the distance as if nothing had happened.

"But I just wanted to tell you." Gu Changge smiled, grabbed her slender little boneless hand, and placed it on her palm.

"Who told you to tell me? I don't want to know these things."

Jiang Chuchu felt his own heart beating very fast, his face couldn't help being stained with a faint glow, and he wanted to take his hand out.

But Gu Changge held her tightly, making her a little embarrassed.

"There are so many Dayu guards watching

"What's wrong with you, can't I still hold it?" Gu Changge smiled lightly.

"Who is an old husband and wife with you? Yue Mingkong is your fiancée." Jiang Chuchu wanted to give him a blank look, showing annoyance.

At this time, she always felt that her face under the veil must have been red as rouge.

In front of everyone, she is the Holy Maiden of the ancestral hall of a holy and dignified person. She is not tainted with the world, transcendence, and her mood is like a mirror, without the slightest change due to foreign objects.

"Mingkong is my fiancee, so what are you mine?" Gu Changge still chuckled.

"You" heard this question, Jiang Chuchu was again embarrassed, with some inexplicable accounts in his heart.

Yes, Yue Mingkong is a righteous fiancee, so what is she?

Gu Changge sighed and said, "I understand, you will probably be a pissed maid, who is specifically bullied."

"Not only bullied by me, but also bullied by others

"You are not allowed to bully me."

Although Jiang Chuchu was adjusting his mood, he still felt aggrieved when he heard this, and took his own hand out of Gu Changge's palm.

"Then don't be an angry girl from now on." Gu Changge smiled, showing a gentle and pitying expression.

Jiang Chuchu always felt that he was purely teasing own today.

"You will marry me, right?" She lowered her eyes, her voice gradually lowered. .