Ch 606

Tuoba Yuntian just sighed for Tuoba's promise of Xiaoyao, thinking that he was comforting himself, but did not take it seriously.

The fourth daughter was taken abducted in the mansion and her whereabouts are still unknown.

Although he has sent people to search everywhere these days, there is no clue, like a dead stone.

Tuoba Yuntian already had a bad premonition in his heart, but it would be difficult to accept this reality for a while.

"It seems that I can only ask your Majesty with a cheeky, maybe he will send someone to help me because of the many hard work he has done in the past."

Tuoba Yuntian looked sad, and pinned his last hope on Yu Huang.

If even Emperor Yu couldn't find out the whereabouts of Tuoba Qingyu, then he had no choice but to know the other party was extremely bold.

Not only did the murder in the Dayu imperial capital known as Tianluodiwang, but also sneaked into the general's mansion, and abducted Tuoba Qingyu in front of all the maids and guards.

Although there are a lot of powers who have such a method through the big upper realm, they are not something that his small town general can contend.

After Tuoba Yuntian left, only Tuoba Xiaoyao and his second sister Tuoba Qiongling were left in the courtyard.

"Xiaoyao, is that true? Is it true that Gu Changge sent someone to take Qingyu away?"

After a moment of silence, seeing that there was no one else here, Tuoba Qiongling asked in disbelief.

"Except Gu Changge, no one will act on sunny rain. He is warning me not to think carefully."

Tuoba Xiaoyao's face was gloomy, his fists clenched.

He naturally knew Gu Changge's plan. This was to make him throw a rat, and he didn't dare to move rashly.

At the same time, hand over the Heavenly Sword within the agreed time, otherwise it will be impossible to protect your life.

"Gu Changge"

Tuoba Qiongling went silent, a strong sense of powerlessness in her heart.

In the face of such a terrifying enemy, even if they resist, they are still fighting for their own demise.

"But don't worry about my second sister. As long as I don't give that thing to Gu Changge, Sunny Rain will be safe for her.

"Gu Changge should not be embarrassed during this period.

Tuoba Xiaoyao then comforted him and told his second sister not to worry, he would find a way.

"I hope so."" Tuoba Qiongling sighed.

"By the way, second sister, some time ago in the border area, it is said that an ancient world that has not been opened up has appeared. Dage is now guarding there with soldiers. How much do you know about this?"

Afterwards, thinking of another important thing, Tuoba Xiaoyao couldn't help but asked in a deep voice.

This matter is very secretive, only the senior officials of Dayu Xianchao knew about it, and he had only heard about it from his father's mouth by accident.

When he was in the Sky Prison, he carefully considered how to hand over the Heaven Sword within the agreed time.

The final conclusion is to go to the Shuzong practiced in his previous life and browse through the cracked classics in the sword pavilion in the forbidden area.

When he was observing the ancestor's Transcends Tribulation in his previous life, he was affected by the scope of Heavenly Tribulation, and was accidentally killed. As a result, a ray of remnant soul remained intact and floated to the upper realm. Only then was he reborn on the third son of Tuoba Mansion.

Then when he was a teenager, he awakened the memory of rebirth, so it is true that he is now a third-generation man.

The classics of Sword Embryo commemorating Hunyuan Zhangtian come from the sword pavilion of Shuzong.

"What's the matter? Dage is indeed guarding the space portal over there now, in case the rest of Immortal masters detect it."

"Why did you suddenly ask about this?" Tuoba Qiongling asked in a puzzled way.

The ancient world that has not been opened up there is said to be quite deep, with long luck, and even the existence of enlightened people can be born.

This also means that the ancient world contains infinite resources.

Before the opening, Dayu Xianchao would definitely think of all means to cover up the news of its existence, and strive to eat the largest piece of meat before the news is exposed.

All the major forces in the upper realm do so in the face of this unopened ancient world, so it is not surprising that Tuoba Qiongling.

Because the upper realm, as the center of the heavens, gathers hundreds of millions of lower realms.

In some of these worlds, the level of space barriers is already comparable to the upper realm. Occasionally, space cracks will appear due to the collision of the two realms, exposing their existence.

"I need to find Dage."

Tuoba Dao Yao nodded when he heard the words, his eyes were thinking. He was not interested in the ancient world that had not been opened before, but he suddenly thought of a possibility.

The reason why he was reincarnated to the Dayu Immortal Dynasty was it because the world he was in before was adjacent to this place?

What if the ancient big world that was suddenly exposed was the world he practiced in his life before?

If this is the case, then he can go back to the original world and find a way to crack it.

Of course, Tuoba Xiaoyao had other plans in his heart, and his thoughts of revenge became active again.

If that world is really the world of his original life, doesn't it mean that he has an ancient world as the foundation, which can compete with Gu Changge?

Thinking of this, Tuoba Xiaoyao did not stop. After packing some luggage, he embarked on the road to the border.

After leaving the prison, he didn't have time to take a look at Yu Feiya. Of course, Tuoba Xiaoyao also knew that it was not the time to talk about the love of his children.

There are more important things waiting for him right now.

Compared to Tuoba Xiaoyao's rush, Gu Changge on the other side looked a little more laid-back.

In the past few days, Jialuo, the prince of Absolute Yin imperial court, came to him from time to time to discuss when to go to Absolute Yin imperial court. Gu Changge was naturally perfunctory.

But despite this, Jialuo still respects him, and there is no lack of words to please him, and even deliberately follow him.

Gu Changge thought about it, and thought he would go to Jue Yin Huang Ting Yi sooner or later.

If there was such an errand, it would be good, so Jialuo's request was not rejected.

Going to Jialuo in front of him is quite familiar.

The hill behind the palace is an extremely open hunting ground.

The ancient forests are luxuriant, the mountains stretch, the mountains are lofty and tall, and you can't see the edge at a glance, shrouded in thin mist, and there are various colors of glowing light from time to time, and the brilliance is gorgeous.

It used to be a blessed place in the world. It is said that there were immortals preaching here, but it was abandoned later.

However, in some corners, many rare and exotic treasures are sometimes found, and there are even ancient inscriptions that record certain powerful treasures and magical powers.

Therefore, a certain generation of Emperor Yu deliberately transformed this place into a hunting ground. Generally, the children of the royal family like to come here to hunt fierce beasts when they have nothing to do.

There are many pattern Restrictions recorded around the hunting ground, and soldiers are also sent to patrol, so there is no worry that someone will come to disturb you during the pig hunting.

There are many buildings and pavilions in the hunting grounds. The magnificent atmosphere and the gleaming light are like a towering fairy palace.

At this moment, Gu Changge, the second prince Yu Lie, the prince of absolute Yin Jialuo, the eldest princess Yu Feiya, and many famous young princes of the Dayu Xian Dynasty all gathered here, standing in the pavilion, looking at the scene in the hunting ground.

Gu Changge wears a moon-white long dress. His crystal-like ink hair is tied with a simple hair rope. His eyes are gentle and peaceful, simple and laid-back, expressing a sense of laziness.

"Inviting Young Master Changge to come today is actually thinking about having nothing to do. It happened to send a lot of prisoners from the border land and want to play a small game."

Yu Lie was tall and straight, walking with dragons and tigers, like a young emperor, with a fascinating spirit all over his body, smiled and said.

Huang Yu ordered him and Gu Changge to come closer.

So when I was free, Yu Lie arranged a small game and invited Gu Changge and others to come and take a look, in order to draw closer the relationship between him and Gu Changge.

Gu Changge smiled upon hearing the words, "Oh, what kind of game is it? Why did Prince Yu Lie have such a big posture, inviting us to come here?"

Having said that, he was not curious or interested at all.

During this period of time, Gu Changge was actually planning to arrange for someone to kill Yu Lie, in order to throw Da Yu Xianchao into chaos.

However, this matter has not been arranged yet, and Yu Lie can't die in front of him.

"Captive brought back from the border?"

When many young sages heard this, their expressions moved slightly, obviously they had guessed something.

"Naturally it is a small game. In other countries, these people are incredible talents and big shots."

Yu Lie laughed and didn't explain much. Then, as his words fell, there was a rumbling noise outside the hunting ground.

Several prison vehicles were pushed over, covered with a layer of black cloth, to isolate them from the exploration of divine consciousness, and everyone could not see the scene clearly.

However, from this formation, everyone present still guessed something. There was a flash of unbearable in Yu Feiya's eyes, but she still didn't say much.

"Bring them all up.

Yu Lie looked indifferent, waved his big hand, and ordered people to push all the prison cars over. The black cloth was uncovered only when he was near, revealing the scene in it.

There are many cultivators and creatures imprisoned in these prison vehicles. There are men, women and old people of all races, with pale faces and poor clothes, and they are extremely embarrassed.

The expression is angry, cold, stupid, hatred, despair, or fear.

As an Immortal force, Dayu Xianchao had an endless territory and huge background, but it still had friction with the big forces around it.

Fighting often occurs on the border. These people are all captured by the hostile forces in the border. There are ordinary disciples, and there are also hostile forces such as Tianjiao, Holy Maiden, and Elder.

"Since you don't want to return to my Da Yu Xianchao, today I will give you a chance to survive."

Yu Lie looked at the people in the prison car indifferently and spoke.

These people all carry the Cultivation Base's machine lock, which is extremely heavy. Even the sophisticated Elder, now it is no different from ordinary people, and cannot use Cultivation Base Magic power.

Even walking around is extremely difficult.

""If you want to kill or play, whatever you want, if the old man frowns."

Hearing this, someone in the prison car immediately scolded, but before he could finish his words, he let out a scream.

The chain under his feet suddenly glowed, and purple thunder flashed by, crackling and cracking, smashing his whole person into a ball of flying ash, and his body and spirit were destroyed.

This scene made the people around them even more frightened, and many people couldn't help but tremble and frightened to the extreme.

"I really don't know how to live or die, I will give you a way to survive, and I have to die." Yu Lie's expression did not change at all, and he was still extremely indifferent.

These were the captives of the hostile forces and they should have been put to death, but he wanted to bring him some fun, so he stayed.

"Today I can let you live. The ancient forest in front of you will be your next place to escape. If you are still alive after three days, then I will let you go and even let you return to the forces behind you."

Yu Lie said lightly, telling everyone the rules of this game.

There are not only fierce beasts in this hunting ground, but also all kinds of dangerous places. Besides, they are chasing after them.

The Cultivation Base of these prisoners was blocked, and they were no different from ordinary people.

Of course, in order to add fun to the game, Yu Lie and others will not easily use magical powers.

The rest of the young supreme here is obviously used to seeing this kind of thing a long time ago, not surprisingly, there is no change in their expressions.

It was Jialuo, the prince of Absolute Yin imperial court. He was a little interested in burning, but he didn't expect that the little game Yu Lie was talking about would be this.

After Yu Lie finished talking about the rules of the game, the prison wagon was also opened, and everyone in it was scattered with heavy chains.

Even if he was a person with a backbone just now, he chose to compromise, and flee to the depths desperately, not letting go of such a chance to survive (Wang Li's).

Ants are still alive, let alone people, although the chance of survival is extremely slim.

"I won't participate in this little game, just watch it here.

Upon seeing this, Gu Changge's expression didn't make much waves. Facing Yu Lie's invitation, he shook his head and smiled.

"Haha. In that case, I'll see you in three days."

Yu Lie didn't expect that Gu Changge would refuse, and his face was stunned, but he didn't care. After a laugh, he rode his own mount, picked up the bow and arrow, and quickly chased after him.

In such a game of hunting, every time the participants will be ranked according to the prisoners killed.

The winner can also get a lot of good things and win prizes from everyone.

Soon there were only a handful of people in the pavilion. Apart from Gu Changge, the eldest princess Yu Feiya also never participated. Her expression looked rather haggard, as if she was worried.

"Why does Young Master Changge not participate in this hunting game?"

Yu Feiya saw that Gu Changge seemed to be looking at her, she couldn't help but come back to her senses, and said with some doubts.

Although these people are all captives of hostile forces, she still can't bear it and doesn't want to torture them again before they die.

"Naturally I feel bored." Gu Changge smiled lightly and said casually.

Yu Feiya smiled reluctantly, "To Young Master Changge, such a hunting game is indeed boring.

"Are these prisoners coming back from the border?"

Gu Changge smiled noncommitantly, and then asked.

"Naturally all." Yu Feiya didn't know why Gu Changge asked such a question, and nodded.

"That's kind of interesting."

Gu Changge's gaze became a little interested, and his spiritual thoughts enveloped the entire ancient forest in an instant, and landed on one of the thin and petite figures who were struggling to escape with a heavy chain. .