Ch 607

The scope of the hunting ground is not very large, but covers a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

For the advanced cultivator of Cultivation Base, the divine mind only needs to cover it in an instant and understand everything that happens in it.

Gu Changge stands on the pavilion with his hands in his hands, looking into the distance from the window, his eyes are far-reaching.


Yu Feiya was taken aback for a moment, and she didn't know what Gu Changge said.

Gu Changge smiled and didn't mean to explain to her.

Before coming to Dayu Xianchao, he learned that in the border land of Dayu Xianchao, an ancient world that had not been opened up appeared.

It's just that this news was well hidden by Dayu Xianchao, making it hard to tell the truth from the false.

Among the prisoners who came from Da Yu Xianchao to the border, he felt a strange breath.

To be precise, it is a completely different atmosphere of heaven and earth rules.

"If it is only contaminated, the breath will disappear over time, but it seems that it is not a simple contamination, it is more like it was formed by growing and growing in another world."

"Could it be said that they will be the natives of another world? How could they live in this world and become a prisoner?"

Gu Changge's mind swept away, landing on the petite and thin figure.

From the appearance, she was only a 15 or 16-year-old girl in sackcloth, with unkempt features, her long hair stained with blood, sticking together, some parts were even knotted, but the gender was vaguely distinguished.

He had heavy shackles on his ankles, and he was struggling to move around, making loud noises.

Even in this situation, she still flees desperately in the barren woods, her face full of dirt, her eyes are extraordinarily calm, and she has a great desire and will to survive.

No matter what kind of Cultivation Base or origin she was before, now she is just a prisoner.

The only way to survive is to try hard to escape, not to let the hunters behind 650 catch up.

Gu Changge's spirit swept through the other prisoners, but none of them felt this unusual atmosphere of heaven and earth rules.

This girl suddenly made him interested.

If she really came from the ancient world that Da Yu Xianchao tried to hide, perhaps she could learn a lot of news from her mouth.

Gu Changge's current inner universe is at a critical time of transformation, and Era Daoguo is also about to mature.

He urgently needs to find a suitable world origin for integration.

Although there are hundreds of millions of lower realms around the upper realm, the levels of those worlds are too low.

Even if it integrates its world origin, it will not play a big role in the transformation of Gu Changge's inner universe.

What's more, he also plans to come to a fishing law enforcement, set up bait, attract the power of the upper realm, if it can use the ancient world as bait, it would be appropriate.

Thinking of this, Gu Changge was not in a hurry, just paying attention to the young girl's behavior with divine thoughts.

The hunting grounds are very large, with dense forests and vast expanse.

There were also a large number of prisoners who fled for their lives. There were hundreds of them, scattered and fleeing in all directions.

Someone was chased by several princes riding on a beast on the way, and was shot to death by a few arrows in despair.

More people were killed by fierce beasts in the hunting ground and turned into food, and some people strayed into dangerous places, touched some dangerous Restrictions, and exploded into blood mist and gray mist in an instant.

"There is a deep pool three thousand miles ahead, where a poisonous scorpion is hidden. If you continue to escape, I'm afraid you will lose your mouth."

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows. He wanted to see if the girl could survive, but from the current situation, she was about to face a life crisis.

In the case of Cultivation Base being sealed and handcuffed with mirrors on her hands and feet (cedh), facing a poisonous dragon in the holy realm, she is absolutely dead and dead.

If he just died like this, he wouldn't be able to find clues about that ancient world anymore.

"Just stay free, Ah Da, you just follow me."

Gu Changge was not interested in this hunting game at first, but he changed his mouth now and ordered Ah Da behind him to pick up the bow and arrows and other things on the side, intending to get up.

Feiya Yu was a little surprised. She didn't expect Gu Changge to change her words suddenly, but she didn't ask much.

In her opinion, perhaps Gu Changge feels that staying here with her is a bit boring and boring, and it is not as good as this hunting game.

"Since Young Changge is mainly involved, it's better to let Feiya accompany you."

Yu Feiya thought for a moment and took the initiative to speak.

But before she finished her words, Gu Changge smiled and waved her hand and refused, "Don't bother Princess Feiya, just let Ah Da follow me.

Naturally, he wouldn't let Yu Feiya follow this kind of thing. There was obviously a secret hidden in the girl, who didn't seem to be an ordinary prisoner.

"All right."

Yu Feiya didn't expect Gu Changge to refuse so swiftly, she felt a little embarrassed in her heart.

However, as Princess Dayu, her good self-cultivation did not show the slightest abnormality.

She knew that Ah Da in Gu Changge's mouth was a subordinate of the Quasi-Emperor Realm. His strength was extremely terrifying, and he had shown a terrifying aura when he was in Kunwu City.

Gu Changge didn't say much to her, and then took Ah Da out of the pavilion and headed for the dense forest and ancient trees.

The mist was thin and filled the surrounding area, and the trees were extremely luxuriant, covering the sky and casting large shadows.

"Sha Sha Sha!"

Large tracts of dry leaves were crushed by rapid footsteps, and then stepped into the deep silt.

This is a swamp full of thorns, surrounded by Healing Qi, you can see many insects and ants crawling, and some corpses buried in the mud. I don't know how long they have been dead here.

The girl was unkempt, her coarse linen clothes also looked extremely tattered, and her exposed skin was covered with blood and mud.

She dragged a heavy chain and fled all the way to here. At this moment, she looked back and saw no hunter who was chasing her. She could not help but breathe a long time, leaning against a dead tree, and gasping for breath.

But when she was breathing, she seemed to have touched her injuries, causing her brows to frown, and her face turned pale with pain.

Fortunately, his face was covered with dirt and he couldn't see his face clearly.

After resting for a while, the girl quickly got up, and instead of coveting the comfort of this meeting too much, she chose to continue to flee.

Although they gave them three full days to escape, she knew very well that the other party had Cultivation Base and it was too easy to find her place.

So she must seize every opportunity to escape to the depths, so that she can hope to survive these three days.

She has to live, she can't die here, she still has a lot of things to do!

The girl's eyes were heavy and calm, beyond the ordinary.

Especially at this moment, she was full of scars, and she was still dragging the heavy chains, and even since she was caught until she was sealed in the Cultivation Base, she had never received the slightest amount of food, including water, during this time.

Even though she used to be a powerful cultivator, she almost passed out in this situation.

Moreover, she is no different from a mortal now, except for a strong physical body, she has no advantage at all.

In the eyes of the beasts hiding everywhere, she is the best food.

"Father's fight against the extraterritorial, Heavenly Demon's whereabouts are unknown, and her mother is still at home waiting for me to return. I can't die here! I have to go home!"

The girl squeezed her palms tightly, holding an extremely ordinary short sword in her hand, not long enough to slap her hand.

This is her only weapon now, and the only means of life-saving.

She is not a person in this world. To be precise, she is not a person from the upper realm, but from an ancient world where everyone is cultivating swords.

My father is one of the strongest existences in that world, and one of the few remaining sword fairies on land. He has been living in seclusion in the mountains because of his indifferent fame and fortune and his dislike of fighting.

And she has been learning swords since she was a child, and she has amazing talents and has long been passed on by her father. At this age, she has already defeated all geniuses. Together with several other geniuses, she is called the Four Little Sword Fairy by the world, with boundless scenery and boundless future.

But everything that seemed perfect was destroyed half a year ago.

That day, a terrible crack suddenly appeared outside the sky, spanning hundreds of thousands of miles across each other, like a wound in the sky.

Even if it is a long distance away, mortals can see the terrifying scene there clearly, trembling and horrified.

The terrible wind and chaotic turbulence are blowing there all the time, as if leading to another terrifying world.

Even though it was the strongest existence known as the Land Sword Fairy, he did not dare to set foot there easily, fearing that he would be drawn into it and be crushed to pieces.

In their world, the life of the Land Sword Immortal can be counted in thousands of years, and the strength can only be described as horror. It is also easy to pick the stars and the moon, and move mountains and fill the sea.

But in the face of such a big crack in the sky, he was helpless.

Then more terrible things happened. In the following days, many creatures appeared from that crack, and their strength was extremely terrifying.

Some old people said that this is the Heavenly Demon that is recorded in the ancient books. They come from the remote and boundless territories, and they may even invade when the space barrier breaks on the other side of the starry sky.

They were armed with all kinds of terrible weapons, and their appearance was hideous and terrifying, and their killings began to raging in their world, trying to occupy their world.

Such creatures don't seem to be exhausted. They contend for a wave, and more creatures will be killed later, and their strength is even more terrifying.

At the back, even the land sword fairy, who was known as invincible, was seriously injured by the peak powerhouse among the creatures, and was dying.

Although in the end they also forced back the terrifying group of Heavenly Demon outside the territory, but their side was also seriously injured.

And they knew that the next Heavenly Demon outside the territory would be even more terrifying, and they had no possibility of resisting.

Therefore, the major factions of Shuzong, Jianya, and Kongshan, who are in the right way, began to convene various sword celestials to gather together to discuss the matter of fighting against the Heavenly Demon outside the territory. The final solution is that since the crack cannot be sealed, then Send someone through it, go to the source of the crack, and wipe out the source, thus preventing this disaster.

Since the last old sword fairy Transcends Tribulation of Shuzong fell, no one in their world can break the space, so this is the only way.

And her father happened to be among the group of land sword immortals who were going to wipe out the source.

My father promised her and her mother that they would come back after the source was wiped out. But a few months later, no news came. All the land sword fairy who went to wipe out the source were like a stone sinking into the sea, without a trace.

She didn't believe that the existence of such a powerful father would cause trouble, so regardless of her mother's objection, she stepped into the crack resolutely. .