Ch 608

Although Heavenly Demon invaded outside the territory for less than half a year, it has caused great panic and disaster in their world.

The existence of many older generations is even more assertive. The next time Heavenly Demon from outside the territories invades, it will be when their world is completely destroyed.

Therefore, many peak powerhouses that have reached the level of the land sword fairy have gathered in various majors, trying to find a way to crack them.

And this time to wipe out the source of Heavenly Demon, it was also proposed by the current Sect Leader of the Shu Sect, Yi Jianxian, who is known as Yi Jianpingtian.

Her father is the most famous existence in their world. Faced with this kind of crisis, he naturally chose to rush to the crack and try to stop the disaster.

It's a pity that a few months passed and her father had no news.

The rest of the people who went with them disappeared without a trace just like a mud cow entering the sea.

Then, without telling her mother, she embarked on the road where her father had left.

If the father died there, then she would also bring his bones back.

She couldn't die here until she found her father's trace.

The return of many thoughts made the girl's expression a little trance.

In fact, when she passed through the gap in space, she never thought that apart from the terrible spatial turbulence and various chaotic storms, the other side would be magnificent and heavy with all kinds of world auras.

Under that heavy breath, even the battle clothes her father had left for her at the time were too difficult to support and shattered in a moment.

She didn't even go far before she saw the familiar group of Heavenly Demon from outside the territories kill.

They came with a copper-colored warship, majestic and terrifying, like a towering magic mountain, walking through the turbulence of space.

The horrible and chaotic atmosphere around them could not stop them in the slightest.

At that time, the girl finally realized desperately that the power of Heavenly Demon outside the domain was far beyond what they could resist and resist.

Even the land sword fairy who is known as invincible, it is difficult to move in such a place.

However, the Heavenly Demon outside the territory is able to walk on the ground, control all kinds of terrifying weapons, and destroy the world.

How can they resist such a group of terrible enemies?

Faced with the group of Heavenly Demon outside the domain, she was caught before she escaped very far. She was handcuffed with heavy mirror cuffs on her hands and feet, unable to use the slightest Cultivation Base, and she became no different from ordinary people.

Then she was imprisoned in a cold and damp prison, where she spent a period of darkness and fear.

Fortunately, she discovered that a senior who had come with her father to destroy the source was imprisoned next to her.

The senior was seriously injured and almost unable to survive, but he still dragged his body and told her some useful news.

The good news is that her father was not caught by that group of Heavenly Demon outside the territory. At the critical moment, the Cultivation Base suddenly broke through, escaped into the chaotic spatial turbulence, and then disappeared.

But the bad news is that the Heavenly Demon outside the group is just a certain force in the huge world they are currently in, not all races, and its level of terrifying power is far beyond their ability to contend.

What annihilated the source, it was just a joke.

What a desperate news, the real peak powerhouse has not yet appeared, and everything is still in the process of temptation.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to repel the Heavenly Demon from outside the domain.

Later, the senior burned the remains with a secret method, creating chaos and helping her escape.

However, the escape was not successful, and she was caught halfway.

The only fortunate thing is that her aboriginal identity has not been revealed, and she was detained with another group of local prisoners who tried to escape.

From the mouths of the captives, she gradually learned some news about the world.

"The vast expanse of this world is the center of the heavens. The strong are like forests, countless, bordering all worlds, so there will often be invasions and occupations of the rest of the world.

The girl's eyes were extremely calm, no longer recalling the events of these days, and she began to concentrate on fleeing for her life.

She knew very well that those so-called extraterritorial Heavenly Demons were actually dispatched by the forces that detain her now.

Dayu Xianchao, even in this mysterious world of declining vastness, is also a super-giant-level terrorist force. It has been passed down for thousands of years and spanned many epochs.

In the world of Life before her, the forces with the longest heritage were only a few hundred thousand years old.

In the face of such a giant, it is as small as a butterfly ant, and there is no possibility that the two can be compared.


Suddenly, the sound of wind breaking through the air came from behind, causing the girl's expression to change, and she hurriedly hid in the bluestone corner on the side.

Although she does not have a Cultivation Base now, her five senses are still extremely amazing, and she can hear movement not far away.

Someone chased her in this direction, and there were still a lot of them!

She quickly lowered her own breath and didn't move. Now she was no different from a mortal, facing a group of cultivators, she had no chance of survival at all.

Now she can only pray that the group did not find her.

"Hey, why did someone who clearly sensed prey in this direction just now disappeared?"

"Is it my perception wrong?"

A group of gorgeously dressed young men and women came here riding on the beasts, surrounded by Baohui, which was extraordinary.

The speaker is a man with good facial features but a slightly gloomy face.

With a treasure bow in his hand, he seems to be about to bend the bow and shoot arrows to kill the prey.

At this moment, he seemed to see the prey escape, with a surprised expression on his face, looking around.

"Maybe we have a wrong perception, should we look for it in a different direction?"

Next to the man in Jin Yi, another cold-looking man asked with a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth.

The others also laughed when they saw it, with a cat-and-mouse smile on their faces, and agreed, "It seems that the prey has escaped. It's a pity. If we come here earlier, we might be able to catch it."

"It's a pity, forget it, let's look for it in another direction."

The man in Jinyi also had a helpless look, as if he sighed, and then everyone rode the fierce beast and turned and left, going to the rest of the area to look for it.

The girl had been hiding behind the blue stone, her body was tight, extremely nervous, holding her breath, her whole body was wet with cold sweat, she didn't dare to move at all.

Hearing the movement of everyone leaving at this moment, I couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

However, she was very cautious and did not show up directly, but continued to hide, planning to wait until the time was finally safe before leaving.

After a few quarters, the girl finally felt that the crisis had disappeared. The group of young men and women went in another direction and did not find her trace.

She almost collapsed from behind the bluestone, sweating all over her body.

But just as she was about to show her figure from behind the bluestone and continue to run for her life, a burst of laughter suddenly came from the other side.

It was extremely abrupt, like thunder blasting in place.

Hearing this voice, the girl became stiff, and her face suddenly turned pale.

Although it was covered by dirt, she still could see her anxiety and disbelief.

However, she was also very human, and soon recovered herself, her eyes were extremely calm and composed, and she looked back at the group of young men and women riding on the fierce beast.

The little hand under the sleeves tightly grasped the short sword that was not long enough, like a little tabby cat about to pounce on the enemy.

"Hahaha, this guy really managed to prevent us from finding her."

"It's ridiculous. I like to watch their look change from hope to despair. The last moment I thought I had escaped, but the next moment fell into The Underworld. Didn't you expect it?"

"It's really interesting."

...…For flowers…

"The more desperate you are, the happier we will be. This kind of struggle to watch the prey on the verge of death is simply a great joy in life."

The man in Jinyi and others appeared on the other side of the girl riding a fierce beast, with a playful smile on his face.

They didn't leave, they just circled in another direction, and then returned to the original place.

So they have been watching the many changes in the girl's expressions, from the first sigh of relief to consternation and disbelief. This is their favorite thing to do before hunting their prey.

After all, how can they not find the girl's trace with their strength?

But in the face of the merciless mockery and teasing of the man in Jinyi and others.

At this moment, the young girl showed extraordinary calmness and fierceness, her eyes with her dazzling colors could not be turbulent, as if she was outside the world, and she did not have the fear, fear, and despair that men in Jinyi and others wanted to see.

This expression made the smiles on their faces gradually disappear, and the man in Jin Yi frowned, very unhappy.

"What a boring guy, he is calm when he died?"

The cold-faced man murmured a word, and was extremely upset.

Because the girl did not show any panic or despair as they wished, let alone begging for mercy.

This makes them suddenly feel that things become boring.

"If you want to survive, maybe you can kneel down and beg us, we might let you go."

The man in Jinyi spoke lightly, with a high expression, with a compassionate attitude of charity.

If the girl kneels down to intercede with them at this time, crying bitterly and want to survive, then they can show a little thought of letting her go, and then kill her again when she is full of hope.

They know how to torture people.

However, the Jinyi man was still disappointed. The girl's expression was still so indifferent, calm and fierce, as if she would fight them hard at any time.

"Stop this kind of boring guy, it's boring."

"Give you three breaths time to escape. Once the three breaths pass, whether you can escape my arrow depends on your fate."

The man in Jinyi spoke lightly, and as the words fell, he began to bend his bow and shoot arrows. The entourage on the side took out a few arrows stained with a light blue color and handed them to him. Obviously, these arrows were stained with poison.

Even if it just scratches the layer of skin, it can kill a cultivator in a short time.

And on the way to escape, there will be fear and pain, nothing can be done, only waiting for Death to come.

Upon hearing the man in Jinyi's words, the girl's expression changed a little, and she turned around and fled to the swamp behind her.

The miasma there is full of silt and poisonous insects. These gorgeously dressed young men and women will definitely not chase there.

"one three "

Whoosh whoosh!

The corners of the Jinyi man's mouth had a mocking arc. When he had just finished counting one, he didn't continue to count, but directly shot his bow in the direction of the girl's escape.

The arrow pierced the air, with a terrifying howling sound, like a rainbow, directly splitting the large sludge above the swamp, exposing the dry riverbed below.

Many ancient trees on both sides exploded under this breath, let alone people without Cultivation Base, even if it is a powerful beast, at this time, it will be exploded by an arrow, and its appearance and spirit will be destroyed.

The others watched this scene with mocking and compassion, waiting quietly for the moment the girl was shot.

In their opinion, there will be no surprises.

"Am I going to die here?"

The girl had never thought that the man in Jinyi would credit her as a prisoner, so she started to run for her life in the first place, but the speed was still far behind the arrow behind her.

There was only one thought left in her mind now, and she stumbled under her feet, and she fell directly into the dregs. superior,