Ch 617

Nanming Huangdu is also an ancient city with a very long existence in the entire Nanhuang Prefecture.

It is said that in the ancient times, it has experienced a terrible turmoil and Immortal.

Because of the invasion of Heavenly Demon from outside the territory, there was a solemn sight of grass and trees in the Nanming imperial capital. Soldiers could be seen patrolling everywhere. Above the sky, there were strong men with long swords running back and forth, guarding against all disturbances.

After returning to the imperial capital, Princess Xuandie took Gu Changge and others into a rainbow, and went straight to the palace.

The current emperor of Nanming is waiting for Gu Changge in the palace. On the way, Chen Zhufeng and others have already informed the emperor of Nanming about what happened, making the emperor of Nanming be extremely cautious and dare not slack off.

Gu Changge's identity is not trivial, and from the message from Princess Butterfly, it can be seen that Gu Changge's status in the world where Heavenly Demon is located outside the territory is extremely respected and indescribable.

"I just don't know if this person is an enemy or a friend. I heard that he saved Chen Aqingyi."

Emperor Nanming wears a pale golden dragon robe and a purple gold crown on his head. He is extremely heroic and powerful. He walks warmly back and forth in the hall, whispering to himself.

In addition to him, there are several Elders and Cultivation Bases from Jianya in the temple today, all entering the eighth level.

In the entire southern barren state, he is also a well-known powerhouse. A single step on the foot can change the colors of mountains and rivers and possess enormous power.

They also learned the news from Princess Xuandie, and then hurriedly rushed from Jianya to see the visitor from outside the sky.

Jianya attaches great importance to this matter, and even Xue Jianxian, who has rushed back from the altar since ancient times, has a sudden change in expression.

"If he shows hostility, I will take it down as soon as possible." An Elder eyes reveal from Jianya said cruelly.

Emperor Nanming looked worried and waved his hand.

"I hope it is a friend but not an enemy. Then I can't imagine that the subordinates next to the young man Chen Zongfeng said are at least the Cultivation Base of the Ninth Realm.

"Unless Land Sword Immortal makes a move, no one can stop him."

Having said that, he couldn't help sighing, there was no way at all.

Even in the huge Nanming Dynasty, there are only a handful of existences who have entered the ninth state, and even he must be respected.

But beside the young man, he could only become a subordinate, not to mention the young man's Cultivation Base, which was unfathomable.

If such a character shows hostility, can the Nanming Dynasty stop it?

"A subordinate of the Ninth Realm?"

The complexions of several Elders in Jianya suddenly changed, and they took a breath and looked at each other, making their scalp numb.

The brutal Elder with eyes reveal just now was a little pale, his lips trembled slightly, and he didn't dare to speak any more.

Nine realms, one realm First Stage, and even more to say is the gap between these realms behind.

To put it bluntly, the existence of the Ninth Realm is almost invincible except for the Land Sword Fairy. If you want to kill a cultivator in the 8th Realm, you only need to blow a breath to disperse its soul.

"Since Chen Aqing's life was saved, it seems that it is not a villain, right?"


"I can only hope that he has no other intentions." Several Elders sighed.

"Chen Aqing's father stepped into the rift in the sky at the time. Unfortunately, until now, there has been no news. Life and death are unknown. Our world has completely lost the existence of four land swords in the fairyland. The hope of this battle is even slimmer."

When talking about Chen Aqing, an Elder in Jianya couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, with a very regretful tone.

After all, that is the existence of a land sword fairyland, which is comparable to their cliff master.

Even in the superpower like Jianya, there are only two or three, and lack of one is a huge loss.

"By the way, what did Lord Ya say about the ancient altar?"

At this time, Emperor Nanming's expression suddenly became solemn.

He knows a lot about the secrets of the ancient altar, where it is said that it can predict the future of the occupation, speculate on the evolution of the sword and the world, and even have records of the ancient ancestors resisting the Heavenly Demon from outside the territory.

It's just that the place where the ancient altar is located is extremely mysterious, and it requires the combined efforts of several land sword immortals to open it.

In the eyes of many creatures, that ancient altar is the last hope.

"Lord Cliff just nodded and shook her head, and did not answer our question." Several Elders looked extremely regretful and didn't know what the result would be.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the palace. Princess Xuandie walked in front, followed by Gu Changge, young girl A Qing and others, walking in.


Princess Xuandie saluted Emperor Nanming and was about to introduce Gu Changge to them.

However, the Emperor Nanming had already waved his hand first, his gaze fell on the young man in front of him, and he arched his cupped hands and said, "In the Lord of the Nanming Dynasty, I have seen this young man.

The attitude is very low, extremely humble, not like the king of a country at all.

Elder, the other Jianya, was also looking at Gu Changge, his eyes were prudent and cautious.

In terms of appearance, it does not look like a wicked person, on the contrary, it has a transcendent meaning, just like a banished immortal who accidentally left the world.

This makes them slightly relieved, sometimes the first sense is like this.

"The Lord does not need to be polite, there is no malice here."

"You don't have to be so careful either." Gu Changge smiled slightly, his expression on his face looked easy-going and gentle.

"Let the son laugh, it is because you put too much pressure on others.

Seeing Gu Changge's attitude like this, the Emperor Nanming also breathed a sigh of relief and squeezed out a little smile.

When he was standing in front of Gu Changge just now, he couldn't breathe a bit. When he was unconscious, his back was already wet with cold sweat.

This has nothing to do with the strength of Cultivation Base, but a gap between different levels, which naturally arises.

It's like standing in front of a real dragon, ants can't help shuddering.

Although Gu Changge looks gentle and gentle now, Emperor Nanming has been in charge of the dynasty for thousands of years, so he still has the vision he should have.

This is just not caring about them and overlooking, just like looking at a stone on the street, there will be no fluctuations in the heart.

So he knew very well that Gu Changge couldn't put them in the same position. The only thing he could do was to lower his attitude and be as humble as possible.

"they are?"

Gu Changge ignored the change of Emperor Nanming's expression and looked at the Elders on the other side of Jianya.

The Southern Ming Dynasty was not the master of the Southern Wild State. Gu Changge knew very well that he was looking for the real master of the Southern Wild State, not a Nanming emperor.

"I'm waiting for Elder of Jianya. I have seen the son." Several Jianya Elders didn't dare to be slack, and hurriedly cupped hands.

"Elder of Sword Cliff?"

Gu Changge nodded suddenly, and then smiled, "I heard that the cliff lord of Jianya is the first beauty in the southern barren state, and an existence who has entered the land sword fairyland. I wonder if you can see it today?"

Hearing Gu Changge's instructions to meet their cliff lord, the Elders of Jianya had a heartbeat, and they could only bite the bullet and said, "Return to the son, lord cliff, she has good things in her body. I am afraid that she will not be able to make the Nanming Dynasty come today. NS."

"Oh, since I can't see it today, then forget it, I think there will be a chance in the future." Gu Changge smiled lightly, not very concerned.

However, Emperor Nanming kept his eyes open.What is Gu Changge's intention to see Xue Jianxian?

Although he looks really different from other Heavenly Demon outside the realm, how could he come from outside the sky for no reason?

It's just that he didn't dare to ask Gu Changge's coming, because that would only lead to Gu Changge's displeasure.

"Thank you, son, for saving Xuandie's life. If son has any instructions, just speak up. Whatever my Nanming dynasty can do, I will definitely do it for son."

Emperor Nanming then glanced at Princess Xuandie on the side, then arched his cupped hands, his attitude was extremely sincere and sincere.

In any case, Gu Changge has a life-saving grace for Princess Xuandie. This is a fact that cannot be changed.

Princess Xuandie stood quietly beside Emperor Nanming.

She is slender, slim, with bright cherry lips, beautiful Qiong nose, black and white eyes, very beautiful, and long hair fluttering, just like Lingbo Fairy. She is the second beauty in the Southern Wild State, second only to her master Xue. Sword fairy.

Gu Changge smiled faintly when he heard the words, "It's just a matter of raising your hand, you don't need to order anything.

"In fact, you don't have to be so cautious with me. You just need to know that in the upper realm, not all forces like to fight for hegemony and aggression, and there are also many Taoist families who pay attention to longevity and have no fight with the world."

"The extraterritorial Heavenly Demon in your eyes looks terrifying, but in our world, they are just ordinary cultivators. You think things are too complicated and terrible."

Seeing Gu Changge suddenly said this, everyone in the hall was stunned.

A light flashed in the eyes of Emperor Nanming, and he felt that Gu Changge seemed to be pointing them. .