Ch 618

Everyone in the Great Hall paid attention. Princess Xuandie and Ah Qing also looked at Gu Changge in a little surprise, but he didn't expect him to say this suddenly.

Princess Xuandie was thinking about it in secret, carefully recalling these few words Gu Changge said?

Not all powers like to invade and contend for hegemony.

Is he talking about the Daoist forces behind him? That's why he has no ill will towards the Great Sword Profound World?

And what does he mean by this?

The cultivator of the Great Sword Profound World thinks things too complicated and terrifying, and Heavenly Demon outside the territory is just a group of ordinary cultivators?

The Elders of Jianya were also lost in thought, always feeling that there was something in Gu Changge's words, as if they were reminding them of the way to break the game.

"Please also let the young master make it clear!"

At the moment, Emperor Nanming's expression became extremely solemn, and he respectfully bowed to Gu Changge~a great courtesy.

The rest of Jianya Elder's expression has also become more serious than ever, his ears pricked up, for fear of mistakes-a word.

Gu Changge was not surprised by everyone's reaction. He just smiled faintly and said, "You have resisted the so-called extraterritorial Heavenly Demon during this time, haven't you noticed-one thing?'

"What did the son say?"

Emperor Nanming was taken aback for a while, and the rest of Jianya Elder was also confused. He looked at each other and was puzzled by the other's eyes.

For them, the strength of this group of Heavenly Demon outside the territory is terrifying, and the methods are endless.

Not only the terrible magical item, but also a variety of powerful and fierce mounts.

The number is even more endless, resisting one wave, the next wave will come soon, and the actual force is even more terrifying than before.

That's why they fell into despair and couldn't find the slightest solution.

But Ah Qing suddenly felt a little thoughtful, because when he was in the upper realm, Gu Changge mentioned to her that Karma Samsara was unhappy with retribution.

Could it be that the invasion of Heavenly Demon outside the territories will lead to any consequences, and that consequence is the turning point of the Great Sword Profound World?

"God has the virtue of good life, and everything will always leave a ray of life. Although there are many Heavenly Demons outside the territory, there are no real strong people coming, because they are afraid of the will of this world.

"I don't know this, have you found out about this?" Gu Changge smiled faintly.

"The will of this world?"

The hearts of Emperor Nanming and others were shocked, and eyes reveal were a bit shocked.

In fact, at their level, they have more or less come into contact with the existence of the land sword fairy level.

Therefore, the words related to the will of heaven and earth, I have heard a little bit from his mouth, but I don't know much about it.

At first they were still wondering why there was an aura that was so terrible as if it could shatter the world, but in the end they didn't come to the Great Sword Profound World.

So there is this reason?

"So what does Young Master Gu mean? The will of heaven and earth in our world is the key to resisting Heavenly Demon from outside the territories?"

Princess Xuandie's eyes flashed and couldn't help asking.

Emperor Nanming and the others also looked thoughtful. Is this what Gu Changge wants to point out? What does he mean by saying this?

"In fact, you can say the same. You can also ask the strong in your field about this. They should have some contact." Gu Changge eyes reveal said differently.

"Heaven and Earth Will?" The girl A Qing frowned, and suddenly thought of what her father had mentioned before.

There is indeed an unpredictable mysterious power in the Great Jianxuan World, protecting the cultivator of the creatures in this world.

Although her father didn't mention what kind of power it was, from the current situation, it should be the will of heaven and earth as Gu Changge said.

"Thank you Gu Gongzi for reminding us that we will report this matter to Master Ya." Several Jian Ya Elder said with solemn expressions.

"Your Cliff Lord should know this matter better than you, but as far as I know, although the heaven and the earth have the will, they will not manifest easily, unless it really reaches a certain point, or you can find the manifestation of the will of the heaven and the earth."

Gu Changge smiled faintly and mentioned this secret to them more intentionally or unintentionally.

Generally, the ancient world with the origin of the world will give birth to part of the will.

However, a clear will of heaven and earth like Jianxuan Great World is still extremely rare.

There are only two possibilities. One is that the origin of the world is extremely huge.

Second, the birth time of the will of heaven and earth is extremely old, which can be traced back to a very long time.

So he can borrow the hands of these people to find the origin of the world, thus saving some time.

In addition, if the cultivator of the Great Jianxuan World awakens the will of heaven and earth and comes to this world, it will inevitably have war with it.

Gu Changge can take this opportunity to make a profit.

The Elders in Jianya were extremely serious and did not dare to stay, and then turned into divine rainbows and left, planning to return to Jianya to report the matter.

Emperor Nanming didn't dare to neglect, and ordered to go down and send more troops to resist Heavenly Demon outside the territory. Because of Gu Changge's words, hope once again rose in his heart.

This battle is not without the slightest chance, after all, they still have the final trump card, which is the will of heaven and earth.

"This matter should be told to the other thirteen states. Only by uniting can we stick to the past and wait until the day when the will of the world is manifested." Princess Xuandie also said, and a hopeful light appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"So this is the first line of life the benefactor said before?" Ah Qing finally reacted at this moment.

After this incident, the Southern Ming Dynasty reconstituted its beliefs, and the emperor personally ordered the mobilization of troops from various places to support the various factions in the border land against the Heavenly Demon outside the territory.

Suddenly, a mighty army rushed out of the cities, controlled the flying boat and the divine sword, and went to fight the Heavenly Demon outside the territory.

A tragic war that spread to the entire southern barren state broke out at the ruins of the southern barren city.

All the forces and lines that came from the upper realm were shocked to discover that the creatures in the Great Sword Profound World that had been in despair at this moment were as if they had been beaten with blood, and they wanted to fight with them desperately.

This is a kind of brutality and courage to live on.

"I heard that the supreme from the Silver Feather Clan said that when he was attacking the southern desert city and was about to take down the princess, he met Gu Changge and was startled by him."

"It is impossible for Gu Changge to come to this world for no reason. He definitely has what purpose. It's just what his purpose is, and why does he bring that girl with him?"

Yu Feiya, the eldest princess of the Dayu Xian Dynasty, is leading many young Tianjiao to rest in an ancient city in the southern barren state.

She frowned and her heart was filled with puzzlement.

When she was in Dayu Xianchao, she hadn't thought about this matter carefully, but it was not until she heard that the supreme of the silver feather tribe was startled by Gu Changge.

Gu Changge must have some purpose, but no one knew it.

After all, this Fang Jianxuan Great World was not too difficult for them to chew, it would take a little time at most.

The ancient city in front of them has been captured by them, and there are troops from the upper realm everywhere.

Even if the cultivator of the Great World of Jianxuan resisted desperately, it collapsed quickly in the end. It would not last long to compete. The gap between the two sides lay there, there were still troops coming from the sky, and it was only a matter of time before the Southern Desolate State fell completely.

...For flowers…

"The guy Tuoba Xiaoyao has disappeared since he came into this world, and he has nowhere to go."

Yu Feiya's younger brother, Yu Ming, was full of upset and authentic.

He himself had no affection for Tuoba Daoyao, and as a result, during the battle with the Great World of Jianxuan, the guy disappeared and disappeared.

This made him even more angry.

"He should have been there." Yu Feiya gently shook her head and couldn't help but guess.

On the other side, Tuoba Xiaoyao is now dressed in disguise. He left the southern barren state and went straight to the boundary of the Shuzong. He had to go to the sword pavilion of the Shuzong before the agreed time to find a way to crack it.

In his previous life, he was originally the core disciple of the Shu sect. Now that he has changed his face, it is extremely easy to get involved in it.

In addition, he is very familiar with the Great World of Jianxuan, understands the environment and terrain of various places, and can find a way to resolve any crisis.

So this journey is full of surprises, and Tuoba Xiaoyao also inquired that it has been five hundred years since the death of his former master Transcends Tribulation.

In other words, I am afraid that there are not many old acquaintances of him in the Shu Sect.

This made him quite regretful. Although he experienced the reincarnation of Samsara and changed his body, his original soul was still a disciple of the Shu Sect.

"This time the Great Sword Profound World is in a catastrophe, I may be able to do something in it."

Tuoba Xiaoyao looked at the vast territory in the distance, and he felt extremely unbearable when he thought that after the flames of war stretched over, it would become devastated.

For a while, he felt that the responsibilities on his shoulders became heavier, not only related to the fate of his relatives in this life, but also the survival of his hometown in the previous life.

"Return to Lord Ya, this is what the Gu Gongzi himself said at the time."

Where Jianya was, two figures stood standing on top of a steep peak in the cold wind.

Dressed in a Taoist robe and a bun, they looked extremely old, but their eyes were extremely clear and energetic, like a divine sword that has been tempered for countless years.

The figure next to him is extremely graceful, dressed in simple plain clothes, with a moon-white mask, his skin is crystal clear and snowy, and the white zhe is transparent, only a pair of clear eyes, green silks dancing, like thousands of Sword Qi in the void Space interweaving.

It is the cliff lord of Jianya, who is called the first beauty of the southern barren state of Xuejianxian by the world.

The old man is an old sword immortal of the Shu Sect, with superb strength and unfathomable depth.

"Heaven and Earth Will?"

Listening to Jianya Elder's report, Xue Jianxian frowned slightly, thinking about paying these four words.

"It seems that the world already knows us very well. It is not a good sign to know that the will is born in our world." Old Jianxian gently shook his head and stroked his beard. "That son of Gu, I guess. No good intentions.

"But what he said is unreasonable. Judging from the signs on the ancient altar, the will of heaven and earth is indeed our last hope." The eyes under the mask of Xue Jianxian revealed Sifu.

"Do you believe in such a guy?" Old Jianxian frowned.

Xue Jianxian shook his head and said, "I just think what he said has a certain truth, and I caught an outside Heavenly Demon, searched his soul and learned that in their world, the son of Gu, the origin. Monstrous, unimaginable.

"Even unceremoniously, if he wants to destroy our world, it doesn't take much effort at all." On,