Ch 622

Outside Ancient Sang City, Xue Jianxian walked, dressed in plain blue robes, wrapped in blue silk curls in the cold wind.

Only in the blink of an eye, they swooped into the city, and no one of the soldiers patrolling the city wall could spot her.

As one of the strongest people in the world of Jianxuan, she has been in the land of sword fairy many years ago.

Unless she wants to, it is impossible for an ordinary cultivator to find her.

"The breath of this place"

Walking on the street, the eyebrows of the Snow Sword Immortal's mask lightly frowned, sensing the strange aura in Ancient Sang City, which was not like a simple city.

However, her purpose of coming here was to meet Gu Changge, not to explore the special nature of Gu Sang City, so she quickly left it behind.

From the emperor of the Southern Ming Dynasty, she learned that Gu Changge had accompanied Ah Qing back to the family, so it was expected that they would come to Gusang City.

It is about the life and death of Jianxuan Great World, she must take great risks to come to see the truth.

"Qi told the city lord, a woman outside the mansion who claimed to be Xuejianxian asked to see her."

In the city lord's mansion, the old city lord, who was looking at a page of letters in his hand, was frowning. Hearing the report from the next person, a moment of uncertainty passed across his face.

"Xue Jianxian? How could she come here at this time, is it because of the Sword Immortal Order?"

He naturally also learned about the sword immortal order.

However, Gu Changge has a life-saving grace for Ah Qing, and he can't do anything to avenge revenge.

Xuejianxian is the lord of Jianya, with superb strength and unfathomable depth. He once sealed 30,000 miles of cold pool with a sword, slaying Demonic Beasts of the same realm, and shocked the world.

When she came to Gusang City at this time, it was inevitable that the Old City Lord would think of Jian Xian Ling to go up.

Shuzong and Jianya are actually from the same origin. Today, Xue Jianxian even practiced in Shuzong. Shuzong issued the Sword Immortal Order and ordered the sword immortal to try to capture 660 Gu Changge.

Xue Jianxian had no reason to ignore it, but she suddenly came over? Is it because she wanted to do something with Gu Changge?

"You have to inform Master Gu about this matter. He has a life-saving grace to Ah Qing and cannot be ungrateful."

The Old City Lord looked at him, and then ordered Lin En, the housekeeper at the door, to tell Gu Changge about the matter.

And he also got up and walked outside the mansion. After all, the other party was a land sword fairy, and he didn't dare to be disrespectful.

"How could Senior Sister Xue come here alone? She is too reckless. With her alone, it is difficult to capture that person."

Lin En naturally heard what was reported by the next person and couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

Although he was worried about Xue Jianxian's safety in his heart, he still went to inform Gu Changge to be on the safe side.

After all, his current identity is just the steward of the City Lord's Mansion. At this juncture, he cannot easily reveal his true identity.

In terms of generation, Xue Jianxian and him are the same generation, but Xue Jianxian is much older than him, so he has to be called Senior Sister.

Xue Jianxian is known as the first genius in the sword profound world in three thousand years, but he is still much inferior and bleak in front of him.

Only because he was extremely low-key and never exposed to the outside world, this was not known to the world.

"Lord, those who are stalking outside the city, do you want me to solve it?"

In the courtyard, Gu Changge looked special and very leisurely.

There was steam in the teacup on the stone table, and he blew the tea lightly and drank it unhurriedly.

A big attendant stood aside, wearing a black gold battle armor, with a lot of flashing lights on it, giving people a powerful and terrible sense of oppression, and asked respectfully.

"It's okay, since they want to stare, let them stare. This so-called sword fairy order is a bit interesting.

Gu Changge smiled lightly, not paying attention.

What a Cultivation Base he is now, not to mention that his spiritual consciousness covers the entire Jianxuan world, but in fact it is almost the same.

How could it be possible to hide the wind and grass in an ancient city of Sang.

But since the group of people wanted to bring the emperor to make the princes, then just come, Gu Changge just happened to let them understand what despair is.

Only after experiencing despair, those people will learn to be smart and obediently find Heavenly Dao's will for him, and find the origin of the world.

"Gu Gongzi, there is a woman called Xuejianxian outside the mansion. Would you like to avoid it?"

At this moment, outside the courtyard, Lynn knocked on the door, and the voice came.

"Xue Jianxian, is that the woman who claims to be the No. 1 Beauty in the Southern Desolate Prefecture?" Gu Changge smiled faintly, and the different colors flashed across his eyes.

"Since she came to find me, why should I avoid it again?"

Lin En was a little dumb for a while, not knowing what he was going to return, but he just came to inform him, see or not, that was Gu Changge's choice.

Xue Jianxian suddenly came to visit, and both A Qing and Princess Xuandie were alarmed. For the latter, Xue Jianxian was her master.

In the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, everyone gathered together, and the old City Lord's expression was a little questioning and respectful, and he didn't understand Xue Jianxian's intention.

If she was hostile, she didn't perceive it, she just said she wanted to see Gu Changge.

This made him a little confused, or said that the sword immortal order was useless to Xue Jianxian at all.

At this moment, Xue Jianxian stood in it, plain and elegant, like a Luoshen, with a peerless appearance, ice muscle and jade bones, and the revealed jade hand, the cardamom was delicate and flawless, which fascinated people's imagination.

She looked at Gu Changge quietly, without saying a word, there seemed to be many thoughts flashing in her eyes.


Princess Xuandie came and saluted her respectfully.

Xue Jianxian glanced at her, lightly forehead.

Gu Changge, who came into the hall, said with interest, "Are you here to see me?"

Xue Jianxian nodded and said in a cold voice, "It is, I learned from the mouth of Emperor Nanming what you said. I want to know if you are trustworthy."

She and Lao Jianxian had different plans. Taking the emperor to make the princes' fruit is too big.

If Gu Changge, who had no malicious intent on the Great Sword Profound World, be malicious in this world because of this, then they would be the biggest sinners.

From the words of Heavenly Demon who lived outside the territory of Cedh (cedh), she knew something about the upper realm, and she knew how terrifying the energy Gu Changge possessed.

"Whether I am trustworthy, this does not seem to be something I should consider."

Gu Changge smiled lightly, his eyes fell on her face, "And wearing a mask to show others, is this your attitude?"

Dai's eyebrows under the Snow Sword Fairy's mask frowned. Although she was called the number one beauty in the Southern Barren State by the philanthropist, not many people had seen her true appearance.

After her Cultivation Base reached the land of the sword fairy realm, no one dared to speak so frivolously to her.

Princess Xuandie and others were also stunned, feeling that Gu Changge's attitude towards Xuejianxian was not as gentle as they were.

Could it be that Xue Jianxian's intention is unknown? Hostile?

"Master, Gu Gongzi is different from those outside Heavenly Demon." Princess Xuandie was a little worried, worried that her Master and Gu Changge would be in conflict.

Xue Jianxian nodded when he heard the words, and was about to say something.

But Gu Changge interrupted her and smiled faintly.

"Do you know about the sword immortal order?"

Hearing these three words, not only Xue Jianxian's face changed slightly, but the old city lord and others trembled in their backs, feeling a chill swept across.

He is about to tell Gu Changge about this, but he hasn't had time to tell, and how did Gu Changge learn about it?

A hint of doubt appeared on Ah Qing's face, "Sword Immortal Order, what is that?"

Princess Xuandie on the side said in a deep voice, "The Sword Immortal Order is a secret order of the Shuzong. It can summon the sword immortals in the world, only when something great happens.

She didn't continue to explain, but Ah Qing also understood, and his face also became heavy.

At this time, the purpose of Shuzong's use of the sword immortal order is simply self-evident.

In her eyes, Gu Changge had no ill will towards Jianxuan Great World. Not only did she save her life, but she also sent her home.

If the Shu Sect chose to act on Gu Changge at this time, wouldn't it be pushing Gu Changge to the opposite side of the Great Sword Profound World?

Who can bear such terrible consequences?

"The sword immortal of Shuzong made me not participate, but the rest of the land sword immortals who have received the news are estimated to be on their way to Gusang City." Xue Jianxian said, not wanting Gu Changge to misunderstand that she was also involved.

"Do they want to kill me?" Gu Changge smiled faintly.

Xue Jianxian shook his head and said, "They just want to catch you, and then order Heavenly Demon outside the domain to let them withdraw from our world."

"It's a good one to catch me? Do you think they can do it?" Gu Changge's expression remained unchanged.

A Qing, Princess Xuandie and others on the side were surprised that such a big thing happened when they didn't know it.

The Sword Immortal Order of the Shu Sect can call on the sword immortals in the world. Although there are not many land sword immortals left in the Great Sword Profound World today, they are not many.

Although they haven't been with Gu Changge for a long time, they can feel that Gu Changge's strength can only be described as unfathomable.

Land Sword Fairy is definitely not Gu Changge's opponent.

"Although your strength is very strong, you may not be able to display your true strength in this world, in case there is any accident." Xue Jianxian's eyes fell on Gu Changge's face, and his voice was cold.

Gu Changge smiled and said nothing more.

"If this is your purpose for coming to see me, then your purpose has also been achieved."

He waved his hand casually, "I am not interested in your world, but if it provokes me, I think you should understand what regret is."

"Don't you have any purpose? I think we can reach a consensus." Xue Jianxian didn't expect that Gu Changge would even intentionally open his mouth to see him off.

Her voice was like a ray of spring breeze. It was really cool and beautiful, but there was also an unshakable will in it, like a fairy phoenix whistling.

But she still made sure of one thing. Gu Changge really didn't plan to do anything. Otherwise, she came alone. Gu Changge wanted to take her down. It was actually very simple.


"As long as you don't mess with me, if there is no grudge, I personally like to be innocent," Gu Changge eyes revealed a different color, and then smiled faintly.

It seems that this Xue Jianxian is not as smart as the rumors.