Ch 623

Princess Xuandie did not doubt that Gu Changge's words of indisputable inconsistency had other meanings.

She just thought that Gu Changge was warning them not to provoke him by saying this, but this made her relieve her last worry.

"The son can rest assured, our Jianya will not do anything to provoke the son."

"This time the Sword Immortal Order has nothing to do with my Jianya." Xuejian Xianru promised to say.

"That's great Master, Gu Gongzi is really not a villain. If he really had any malice against us, he would have done something to us long ago."

"With his strength, no conspiracy is needed at all.

Princess Xuan Die eyes reveal joy, but also Tao, no matter what world you are in, you always look at your face.

What's more, Gu Changge still has a life-saving grace for her. As the second beauty in the Southern Wild State, it is hard to avoid the vulgarity.

When she played the piano these days, Gu Changge was able to give her some advice. She was surprised by Deva, which was of great benefit.

Xue Jianxian sighed softly, but he didn't expect that his apprentice was already so leaning towards Gu Changge.

In the past, Princess Xuandie always had eyes higher than the top. Normal Tianjiao didn't want to see her. Even though she was the other four great masters of Jianxuan Great World, she didn't bother to look straight.

But after just getting along with Gu Changge for a few days, he said this.

"Although your Jianya doesn't provoke me, but this sword profound world is not only your Jianya.

Hearing this, Gu Changge smiled softly. Amidst the shocked gazes of everyone in the city lord's mansion, he took a step forward, and the next moment had already appeared on the city wall.

"not good "

Xue Jianxian's face changed slightly, and then he felt the terrifying Sword Qi coming from the sky, and judging from the aura, there were still a lot of them.

She understood that this was the other land sword fairy who had come here and wanted to capture Gu Changge.

"It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable for a while."

Xue Jianxian frowned, and his figure quickly flicked out and appeared above the sky.

She stood proudly in the air, with blue silk flying, and snow glittering.

The Sword Domain of ice and snow formed around her, and the void seemed to condense, and the terrifying cold air permeated, turning into a vast snow, covering the sky and the sun.

She is respected by the world as the Snow Sword Immortal and it is not without reason, just because of the accomplishments of this ice and snow road, no one can match it on Realm.

As far as the eyes can be, the world is the realm of ice and snow.

The appearance of the Snow Sword Immortal shocked the entire ancient sang city. A land sword immortal suddenly appeared here, and the sensation it caused was absolutely shocking.

All the creatures and cultivator looked up in shock, completely unknown.

"It seems that the time has come."

"You can choose to do it."

Feeling the fluctuations of this energy, in the several big clans in Gusang City, the patriarchs are all eyes reveal elites. They faintly guessed what they are, and dispatched the strong in the clan for the first time.

If the sword immortals of the various continents want to take action against Gu Changge, they will naturally also get involved, after all, this is a golden opportunity.

"Are you that son Gu?"

A chilly voice came from far away, and above the sky, a figure like a meteor was approaching quickly.

He has no white beard on his face, dressed in a Star robe, holding a seven-star sword in his hand, and awe-inspiring coercion exudes from his body.

There is no doubt that this is the existence of a land sword fairyland, and the breath of pound and phosphorus is like a supreme sacred mountain, pressing on the heart of every creature in the ancient sang city.

On the ancient Sang city wall, Gu Changge stood above, behind Ada standing like an iron tower, with a horrible power like a god or devil, making the entire ancient sang city cultivator a little trembling, and breathing was suffocated.

"The peak powerhouse of this world is at this level?" Gu Changge's expression did not change much, and he chuckled lightly.

"You don't want to be rampant, everyone outside the territory of Heavenly Demon will be condemned. If you are smart, the old man will persuade you to get rid of it. It will be futile to resist."

This figure fell outside the ancient sang city, and his eyes were as bright as a star, revealing the sword light that caused the void to burst.


Hearing these words, the entire Gusang City was in an uproar. Everyone stared in disbelief, wondering if they had heard it wrong.

Heavenly Demon?

The young man who came back with Miss Aqing is actually Heavenly Demon from outside the territory?

Many people's expressions became frightened.

The expressions of A Qing and Princess Xuandie in the city lord's mansion all changed, and they felt that things had become a bit unpleasant.

This land sword immortal obviously wanted to expose Gu Changge's identity, thus arousing group anger, but in this way he completely pushed Gu Changge to the opposite of the sword profound world.

It seemed to them that he was extremely stupid to do so.

Although Gu Changge has never shown his strength, since he dared to come to the Great Sword Profound World in such a fair manner, why would he worry about this?

"Just relying on you, how dare you say this to me?"

Above the city wall, Gu Changge raised his eyebrows lightly, seemingly surprised.

"It's so courageous, the old man wants to see, in our world, what else do you have?" The old man in Dao Robe Star said coldly, his eyes flashing over the killing intent.

His most optimistic descendants were buried in the hands of Heavenly Demon outside the territory.

Therefore, he hated every Heavenly Demon outside the territory, and he wanted to wipe it out and wipe it out.

Although the old sword immortal of the Shuzong called everyone to capture Gu Changge with the sword immortal order, he was anxious to besiege Gu Changge here.

At the step of Land Sword Immortal, he also had an understanding of the heaven and earth rules of the Great Sword Profound World, knowing that although Gu Changge was terrifying and terrifying, he would definitely not be able to exert his original strength in this world.

What's more, the land sword fairy who came to sack Gu Changge this time was not the only one.

Not to mention that it was the strong power of the entire Jianxuan Great World that came out, but it was not much worse, it was called a net of heaven and earth.

"Star Sword Immortal, don't let yourself be wrong, Young Master Gu has no malice towards the Great Sword Profound World. If you do so, it will only cause disaster."

Xue Jianxian stepped into the air step by step, and the bright eyes under the mask looked coldly at the old man in Star Robe.

Her voice was cold and cold, although it was not loud, but it contained a terrible will, which enveloped the entire ancient city of Sang.

Everyone who was in panic was even more unclear at this moment. Therefore, I didn't understand that Xue Jianxian's reputation in the Great Sword Profound World was far above this old man.

But at this time, she actually intended to protect the Heavenly Demon from outside the territories?

"Xue Jianxian, do you insist on protecting this person and be our enemy?"

Star Sword Fairy's eyes were also very cold. He didn't expect Xue Jianxian to stand up at this time, which exceeded his expectations.

"I am saving you.

Snow Sword Immortal said coldly, the Ice and Snow God Realm spread under his feet, turning into a vast snow, sweeping away, freezing the void into a terrible gray rift.

"Unexpectedly, you would favor an outside Heavenly Demon. I think you are controlled by him." Star Sword Immortal said coldly.

In the city lord's mansion, Lin, dressed as a housekeeper, frowned at this moment.

He stepped on the mysterious step, disappeared suddenly, appeared in another area, did not reveal his real body.

"Why did Senior Sister help that Young Master Gu?"

He couldn't figure it out a bit, originally he thought that Xue Jianxian came here because of the sword immortal order.

...For flowers…


At this time, the old man in Star Dao Robe had a cold face, he had already started his hand, and he raised his big hand to show a powerful sword move.

Immediately, the twelve Star divine swords slashed over, each of which was terrifying, carrying the roar of the gods and demons.

One sword, one world!

The twelve-star sacred formation, the power of swordsmanship issued is shocking to the world, one sword opens up a world, and Earth Fire Feng Shui rotates inside.

This is the power of the land sword immortal. The cultivator in the entire ancient sang city is stunned under this terrible aura.

"Star Sword Immortal, six hundred years ago, I realized the Star from outside the Territory, and took this to take the final step. Now Star Swordsmanship has reached the level of transformation. These twelve Star Divine Arrays contain the power of gods and ghosts, which can wipe out all enemies!"

The Old City Lord has a solemn expression. Although his strength is not weak, he is still no different from the ants at the level of Land Sword Fairy.

A Qing and Princess Xuandie also frowned.

"Are you really doing it?"

Snow Sword Immortal's face became cold, a large swath of ice and snow was condensing, turning into an ice shield, and threw forward from the front, trying to block the sword formation.

However, it was obvious that the Star Sword Fairy had been prepared for a long time, instead of using such a method. There was a star-like brilliance flowing between the sleeves, breaking into the surrounding void.


"Hehe, the old man wants to see what you can do?" Star Jianxian sneered, his eyes full of killing intent.

At the same time, an aura that horrified everyone in Ancient Sang City emanated.

There is transpiration of brilliance in the four fields, like an eternal sacred furnace burning.

"This person is really a good way to refine us here alive?!" The Old City Lord stunned.

In the four voids, there are ancient altars hanging one after another, like stars, all engraved with mysterious patterns, emitting strands of terrible brilliance, intertwined.

"Blood Sacrifice of Sealing Stars!" Xue Jianxian also changed slightly. This is a terrifying formation pattern. When trapped in it, it can be used to make a living sacrifice, unable to resist.

She didn't expect the Star Sword Immortal to use this method, which was simply cruel, and she didn't consider everyone in Gusang City at all.

At this time, everyone in Ancient Sang City was also suddenly frightened, feeling that their flesh and blood seemed to be burning, and their souls and Magic power were gushing out uncontrollably.

Many people burst directly apart, being affected by the power of this blood sacrifice, and their form and spirit are destroyed.

"what "

However, the next moment a scream suddenly sounded, and the rich blood filled the air, and there was a trembling breath between the heavens and the earth, and the skin would be cracked intertwined.

The terrifying fist mark seemed to run through eternity, mixed with the black magic energy, directly tore all the god patterns and the Star God sword in front of him, and blasted on the Star Sword Fairy.

"impossible "

His eyes were horrified and unbelievable, and before he even reacted, he found a tower-like tall magic shadow in front of him.

The opponent fell with a punch, everything in front of him fell apart, collapsed and exploded!

This was a horrifying but terrifying scene. The very powerful Star Sword Fairy just now turned into a blood mist, mixed with bone scum, and filled the void.

You must know that this is the land sword fairy! Eat the existence that stands at the pinnacle of the Great Sword Profound World!

"It's definitely not the ninth state, just physical strength, it surpasses the land sword

The Old City Lord and the others looked at Ah Da in astonishment. They didn't expect that this subordinate who followed Gu Changge in silence would be so terrifying in strength.

Just relying on the power of the flesh to smash the land sword fairy with a punch?