Ch 632

The terrifying coercion shrouded in the sky finally dissipated, but there is still a crack that spans thousands of miles across each other.

A monstrous gray fog rushed out from there, accompanied by chaotic energy, overflowing into the sky, covering all directions.

The scene was barren, and the surrounding area became full of sores. The originally prosperous Shu sect land was turned into ashes and children's powder.

It was exploded here, incomparable chaos, screams everywhere, flames spreading, withered bones and blood scattered.

When Gu Changge and Heavenly Dao will fight each other, the aftermath is terrifying. Even the Land Sword Fairy can only run away with their heads, let alone the rest.

The mountain guarding formation of the Shu Zong collapsed and exploded in the first instant, turning into a mass of smoke and ashes, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

Countless Shu sect disciples, like weeds, exploded one after another under the supernatural power of the aftermath, turned into blood mist, and disappeared.

This is a scene called a human tragedy.

The many land sword immortals who came afterwards all watched all this in silence. They were speechless for a long time. They stood in the Great Jianxuan World for hundreds of thousands of years. The Immortal Shu Sect suddenly turned into ruins today and was removed from the world.

Many of the surviving Shuzong Elders and disciples looked at all this with sorrow. Many people were wailing up to the sky and could not bear the huge blow.

Sect Leader Yi Jianxian of Shuzong was also pale, his fists clenched, and his body trembling.

"Everything is gone, and it doesn't exist anymore."

He murmured, with endless sadness in his eyes.

Xue Jianxian and others stood in the distance, silent.

The fluctuation just now was really terrifying. Neither Gu Changge nor the manifested Heavenly Dao's will were a force they could resist.

They were lucky enough to survive it, and they were already lucky.

"Is this the hope we pinned on, but why does it kill us?"

Princess Xuandie had some lingering fears.

In their view, Heavenly Dao's will is the last hope for sheltering the great world of Jian Xuan.

But just now, those bloody eyes were extremely indifferent and hopeless, and the moment they swept across, all the creatures disappeared and turned into ashes.

This shakes many of their thoughts, and even feels that they are too dreamy and incredible.

Soon, more divine rainbows came here, all of them were the peak powerhouses of various forces in the Great Sword Profound World.

Looking at the scene here, they were shocked and unspeakable, and their hearts couldn't calm down for a long time.

Especially looking at it, Gu Changge, who seemed to be thinking about it, was even more frightened.

Such a terrifying Heavenly Dao's will manifested, and in the end he was no match for this young man. I am afraid that he wanted to destroy the Great Sword Profound World, and it would be easy.

Countless people looked at Gu Changge's eyes with fear and anxiety.

"Since today, I am afraid that no one in the Jian Xuan world will dare to question Young Master Gu anymore."

Xue Jianxian recovered and sighed softly in his heart.

Fortunately, Gu Changge was not malicious to them, otherwise it would be the most terrifying catastrophe for everyone.

"It seems that he was entrusted by Heavenly Dao's will, and thus escaped."

At this time, Gu Changge, who had been thinking about it for a long time, finally came back to his senses, looking at the incomplete gap in the world, a little thoughtful.

Although the Heavenly Sword is in his hand, he is a person who likes to cut grass and roots.

Although Tuoba Xiaoyao will not pose any threat to him, Gu Changge still doesn't want to let him escape like this.

"Follow this crack to chase, find where he is, and then kill him."

Gu Changge spoke at will and ordered Ah Da to go and kill Tuoba Xiaoyao.

"Yes, Lord."

Ah Da ordered and did not stay, his figure turned into a black light, stepped forward, went straight to the crack, and soon disappeared in it.

Many cultivators around watched this scene, their hearts trembled, and they didn't dare to say anything.

"Gu Gongzi"

Shuzong Sect Leader Yi Jianxian and others came with a bit of grief on their faces. Although the Shuzong would turn into a ruin and have something to do with Gu Changge, they did not dare to blame Gu Changge.

"Today's matter is that Gu was negligent, and Shu Zong turned into a ruin, which is not what I wanted." Gu Changge's eyes moved slightly, and then he expressed a somewhat regretful tone.

Yi Jianxian smiled bitterly, "I will understand that if the man didn't act suddenly, it would not have caused such a disaster.

Speaking of this, the rest of the Shu Sect also showed hatred, and hated Tuoba Dao who had escaped.

Shuzong will become a ruin, and it is all related to Tuoba Xiaoyao. Almost all Elder disciples can't wait to cramp it and tear it to pieces.

"Although that person has escaped, as long as he is still in the territory of my Shuzong, I will definitely catch him.

Yi Jianxian's eyes were cold, and a terrible Sword intent appeared in his eyes, like a mountain cracking rock.

"Why Heavenly Dao will act on the creatures of our world?"

Doubts appeared in the hearts of Xue Jianxian and the others, and couldn't help but step forward to ask.

"There seems to be something wrong with the Heavenly Dao will of your world, and there is a lot of gap between the Heavenly Dao will that I know.

Seeing that everyone was still puzzled, he couldn't help but smile, and continued, "If you want to find out this problem, it seems that you can only find a place to sleep and sleep first.

"A place to sleep and sleep?" Yi Jianxian, Xue Jianxian and others were all surprised.

It was the first time they heard that Heavenly Dao's will has a place to sleep and sleep.Could it be that the Heavenly Dao will that was awakened just now is not the real Heavenly Dao will?

"I also hope that Young Master Gu will solve his doubts." Yi Jianxian said with a solemn expression.

Gu Changge smiled softly, "I don't know the place where Heavenly Dao's will sleeps, but I occasionally understand it in the classics. In addition, my purpose of coming to this realm has actually been achieved, and it is time to return to the upper realm. "

"What? Gu Gongzi, you are leaving?"

Hearing this, not only Yi Jianxian, (cedh) Xue Jianxian, A Qing and others were surprised, but even the many land sword immortals who came around were incredible, and they had to wonder if they were listening. wrong.

Gu Changge really has no thoughts about the Great Sword Profound World? Is he planning to leave now?

"Could it be that Young Master Gu came to this world for that sword?"

Xue Jianxian thought of the cyan fairy sword that contained the meaning of immortality just now, and his heart was stunned.

If you explain this way, you can explain it, but suddenly I heard that Gu Changge was leaving, and I was caught off guard.

Even Yi Jianxian was extremely surprised.

If Gu Changge left in this way, it was actually not a bad thing for the Great Sword Profound World.

After all, his strength is extremely terrifying, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as invincible. If he stays in this world, who knows what accidents will happen.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, Gu Changge has no malice against the Great Sword Profound World, and is not like the other Heavenly Demon, who will aggressively kill.

"My son, are you going back to the upper realm?"

Relatively speaking, Ah Qing, who has been with Gu Changge for a long time, couldn't help but ask, a feeling of reluctance emerged in his heart.

In fact, she should have expected this day, but she did not expect it to come so quickly.

Gu Changge will come to this world, in fact, it has a lot of connections with her. If it were not to send her home, Gu Changge would not set foot here.

She never doubted Gu Changge's intentions from beginning to end.

"It doesn't make much sense for me to stay in this world." Gu Changge shook his head lightly, and a different color passed by in his eyes.

A Qing said with a sad expression, "Well, son, you belong to a character in the sky after all, and you will leave here sooner or later.

She actually wanted to ask Gu Changge to stay and help them solve this disaster.

But she also knew that Gu Changge had no obligation to help Jianxuan Great World.

Princess Xuandie and others wanted to say something when they saw it, but they didn't know how to speak when the words came to their lips.

On the contrary, Xue Jianxian was silent for a moment, and the eyes under the mask suddenly fell, and said, "Can Master Gu give me some pointers, we are willing to pay any price."

She knew that the Heavenly Dao Will Rest Place mentioned by Gu Changge just now must be hiding something, and she didn't want to tell them.

"The price?" Gu Changge chuckled lightly, with a slightly dismissive expression.

Yi Jianxian and the others also looked over, with expectations in their eyes.

In their opinion, Gu Changge must understand something, after all, even the bloody eyes that Heavenly Dao's will turned into were torn apart by his bare hands.

What else is worthy of his attention in this sword profound world?

They basically had no doubt about what Gu Changge said.

"No matter, the price is not necessary. Looking at Ah Qing's Face, I will just mention you. The only way to break the game is above the will of Heavenly Dao. You can only find where it is sleeping as soon as possible." Gu Changge He sighed slightly, seemingly helpless.

"Sure enough to find its place?"

Many land sword immortals had guessed in their hearts for a long time, and they were shocked at this moment. At the moment, many people did not hesitate to take out the jade talisman and order the matter.

Although Jianxuan Thirteen Prefecture has a vast territory, as long as enough people are dispatched, clues can be found.

"Thank you, Master Gu for the suggestion." Xue Jianxian and the others, with a solemn expression, did not hesitate, and quickly ordered.

Gu Changge nodded lightly, but then looked thoughtfully at the crack in the sky.

Although he fudged the people of the Sword Profound World to find Heavenly Dao's will, there should be no results in a short period of time.

After all, being injured by him, Heavenly Dao's will is unlikely to manifest at this time.

In the next few days, the Great Sword Profound World became a sensation. Many forces gave up their plans to fight the Heavenly Demon outside the territory and began to explore the ruins everywhere, especially the steep forbidden areas, trying to find the last line of life.

During this period, Gu Changge also instructed people to send the seven heavenly palm artifacts in his hands to the upper realm, to Yuemingkong.

The integration of the seven weapons into one still needs a process, and it is difficult for him to gather all the materials in a short time, so Yue Mingkong can only help.

Just after the completion of the sacrifice, the secret key of the fairy palace can also be kept by her. After the matter of the sword and the world is solved, Gu Changge can just go to open the secret palace of the fairy palace.