Ch 633

Just when the entire Jianxuan Great World was raging and was searching for the will of Heavenly Dao.

Lynn, who was far beyond the boundless valley, was wandering into it with frown.

The Boundless Valley is just like its name. From a distance, you can see the vastness of the valley, without the slightest border, as if you are in a sea of ​​smoke.

A kind of misty and dense white mist is shrouded, scattered with many foothills sporadically, and there are strange winds blowing through it, as if it is blowing from the distant shore.

Except for the peaks of some mountains where the sea of ​​clouds is exposed, the rest is filled with vast fog, and there is no way to find the entrance.

Lin En walked all the way and saw too many bones buried outside the valley. Bai Sensen was shining brightly. There were fierce beasts and cultivators. I don't know how many years he died here.

Rumor has it that the Boundless Valley hides the deepest secret of the Jianxuan Great World.

Therefore, many powerful cultivators, when their longevity is not much, always come here to try their luck and see if they can find a way to extend their life.

However, the end result was a tragic death outside the boundless valley, and even the entrance deep into it could not be found.

Lynn was able to go deep so much, thanks to a page of fragments he had once read, understanding how to go the route ahead, in addition to being a powerful Cultivation Base, which avoided many disasters.

"The Shuzong was destroyed, and the life and death of the master is unknown. I must count this enmity.

Lin En closed his eyes slightly, his ears closed slightly, and he could know many things happening outside the boundless valley through his eyes and ears.

He also didn't expect such a big event to happen in these days when he left Shuzong.

Not only his master, the old Jianxian, was handed over by the Shuzong, even the Shuzong was removed from this world and turned into a ruin, no longer glorious.

And the reason for everything is only due to the fluctuation of the will of Gu Changge and Heavenly Dao.

"The Boundless Valley contains the method of detachment. As long as I succeed in detachment, I can take the head of the person surnamed Gu to avenge the master's grievances."

Lin En's eyes looked a little cold, and the figure gradually disappeared and disappeared in it.

A few days later, Lynn found a path according to the fragmented records, the fog on both sides dispersed, and a stone forest appeared.

He walked along the stone forest for more than thirty miles, and finally saw a magnificent place.

The aura is misty, the cranes are flying, all kinds of rare beasts are hidden, and the weather is very diverse.

It can be said that the scene here is completely different from what the outside world sees. There is no smell of fireworks in the world, and it even looks like a fairyland.

This made Lynn's eyes widened in surprise, hard to imagine.

"Could it be that this is the real scene in the Boundless Valley, these are all the fairy birds that have only been recorded in the ancient books, and there are so many." Linn walked slowly, and his mood gradually calmed down.

The valley is like a fairyland, surrounded by colorful clouds. The valley mouth is connected with this stone forest, and there are various spiritual trees, old medicines and other things growing in it.

There is also a stone stele in Taniguchi with four ancient characters inscribed on it: Wuyinxiangu.

This is a peaceful and quiet place, Ruiguang Road, Medicinal herbs are floating, and the creatures will not be surprised when they meet people.

Can't afford the waves, quiet and peaceful.

After coming here, Lynn felt that his murderous aura had disappeared, and was no longer as annoyed and uneasy as before.

It seems that all the worries in the world can be resolved here.

"There is even a large piece of Jianxin ancient trees that have long disappeared in the classics."

Lin En looked forward with some surprise. In this fairy valley, there was a thin fairy mist.

There is a piece of ancient trees, and the fragrance is spreading out there. Each plant is like a horned dragon, with its branches coiled around, like a carefully cultivated strange tree.

Moreover, the most special thing is that the flowers produced by the ancient trees are wonderful, crystal clear and dripping, shaped like a small excalibur, brilliantly shining, very special.

"It seems that you are the destined person the old man is waiting for."

But when Lin En was puzzled and looked around, an old and peaceful voice suddenly sounded in the depths of the fog.

He looked very surprised, but saw the fog in front of him actively separated, revealing a path that seemed to lead to an unknown place.

"I don't know who the senior is?"

The vigilance in the heart didn't make Lynn walk directly there, but asked aloud.

"The old man is exactly the person you are looking for." The old and peaceful voice sounded again.

"The person I'm looking for?"

Lin En's heart was shocked. Although he was puzzled, he was no longer cautious and vigilant, and stepped forward.

At the end of the path, he saw a thatched house, which was extremely simple. Flashed by.

Harmony and tranquility, Lingquan mimi, clear water flowing under a small stone arch bridge, very poetic and picturesque.

Such a peaceful and peaceful scene eliminated many worries in Linn's heart.

The whole person has become dusty and detached, as if he could evolve into an immortal at any time, detaching himself from this realm.

"Are you here? Someone?"

An old man with white beard and hair, dressed in a white robe, and immortal, walked out of the thatched hut with a smile and greeted Lynn.

"Senior is?"

Lin En's heart stunned. With his Cultivation Base, he couldn't even feel the presence of the old man in front of him, and he felt that the other party had become one with the world.

He exists everywhere, but not everywhere.

This is a very mysterious Realm, which embodies the world and all things.

"The old man is just an unknown person. Waiting for the destined person here, it seems that you are the destined person waiting for the old man."

The white-robed old man waved his hand and smiled authentically, looking at Lynn's gaze with peace and approval.

Seeing that Lin En was extremely puzzled, he didn't talk nonsense at the moment, and explained to Lin En that he was the guardian of the Great Sword Profound World, waiting for the arrival of the destined person in the boundless immortal valley.

When the Great World of Jianxuan is in great disasters, there will be a son of luck born, shouldering the responsibility of turning the building into the general, and saving all beings from water and fire.

In his opinion, Lynn is the one he has been waiting for, because only those who are predestined can find this place.

"The old man is the third thousandth heir of the Guardian line, responsible for guarding the Heavenly Dao sword!

Speaking of the end, the white-robed old man's expression became serious, "The Heavenly Dao sword is the gathering of the fortune of the sword and profound world. It can represent the power of Heavenly Dao and contains supreme power."

"Heavenly Dao sword? Is this the greatest secret of the Immortal Valley?

Lin En was astonished. After listening to this, the only thought left in his mind was to get the so-called Heavenly Dao sword.

Holding the authority of Heavenly Dao, doesn't that mean having supreme power in this world.

Even if it is to contend with Gu Changge, is it easy?

"Senior, do you have any requirements to get the Heavenly Dao sword? Now that the outside world has turned upside down, the name is not enough, the extraterritorial Heavenly Demon has invaded, and the thirteen states have begun to fall. I am afraid that it will not be long before the sword profound world will be completely occupied. ."

"I must get the Heavenly Dao sword to solve this crisis and return the world to peace and tranquility." Lin En asked solemnly, feeling that the burden on his shoulders was heavier.

"At the time of the chaos in the world, we really need the Heavenly Dao sword to come out of the world to calm the chaos.

The white-robed old man said with a look of approval, "As expected, the old man has been waiting for a long time. This courage is indeed very much."

As he spoke, the brilliance appeared in his palm, and the rules and order were intertwined and dropped, turning into the shape of a key.

"This is the key to unlock the Heavenly Dao Sword. You can go to the depths of Jinghu Lake to search for it with this thing. The Heavenly Dao Sword was originally sealed in it. Only holding the key can unlock its seal.

The old man explained to Lynn and gave him the key.

"Jinghu, isn't that the lake where it is said that Jiancheng was buried? After Jiancheng was buried, Jinghu also disappeared. How can I find it?"

…For flowers…

Lin En was extremely surprised that Jinghu was a mysterious place in the Great World of Jianxuan.

The lake surface there once reflected the world like a mirror surface, and many powerful people went to search for it, trying to use the substance in it to make swords.

For this reason, around the Jinghu Lake, a city named Jiancheng appeared. At the time of glory, all the world's famous swords appeared.

But then somehow, Jiancheng collapsed overnight and was burnt down by the fire, and then sank into the depths of Jinghu Lake, where it was never seen again.

This rumor has been thousands of years old.

The Thirteenth State of Jianxuan has never lacked people to find Jinghu, but they have found nothing. Over time, Jinghu and Jiancheng have been reduced to legends, and the true and false are unknown.

"Reassure, Jinghu has always been there, but few people can find it. You have the key to unlock the Heavenly Dao sword, and you will find Jinghu." The white-robed old man smiled slightly, his expression peaceful and peaceful.

"I understand."

Lin En nodded, knowing that this matter is very important, there is no room for loss, the Great Sword Profound World originally still has such divine swords, but it has been sealed in the depths of Jinghu Lake.

"Does senior have anything to explain?"


He asked, looking at everything around him, the environment here looked extremely peaceful and peaceful, not mortal at all, but for some reason there was always a feeling that made him feel illusory.

The white-robed old man shook his head slightly, "The old man's duty is to wait for the predestined person here and give him the key. There is nothing left to explain. After this matter is completed, the old man can go without worry."

"What? Senior you?"

Lynn couldn't believe his own ears, could it be that the mysterious old man in front of him was about to pass away?

"If you are destined in the future, you will meet each other, so you can leave.

However, the white-robed old man didn't answer his words, he just smiled, and then unfolded his sleeves and sent Linn directly out of the Immortal Valley.

"Senior" Lynn's many words disappeared in the world at this moment, and there was no trace in the blink of an eye.

When he came back to his senses again, he was already outside the stone forest when he came.

Such mysterious and unpredictable strength shocked Lin En's heart.

The strength of this white-robed old man definitely far surpasses Land Sword Immortal, but it's a pity that he can't be invited out.

"It's a pity, otherwise, I might be able to deal with Gu Changge, but the top priority now is to find the Heavenly Dao sword first." Lynn stepped forward, and a Flying Sword appeared under his feet, quickly disappearing here.

In the boundless fairy valley, after Lin disappeared, the peaceful expression on the face of the white-robed old man also disappeared, becoming indifferent, as if there was no emotion.

He just flicked his sleeves, the many scenes in front of him began to disappear, the hut disappeared and collapsed, the water on the small bridge turned into childish powder, the smoke disappeared, and everything exploded with a bang and turned into ashes.

In just an instant, this place became a barren valley, with only some broken bones, crystal clear and white, full of ancient atmosphere.

"It combines the breath of the two worlds, what a good body."

The white-robed old man turned his eyes slowly, and there was blood in his eyes. Looking at the unconscious Tuoba Xiaoyao under his feet, he seemed to be talking to himself.

But at The next moment, his brow furrowed and his complexion changed a little.

The void in front of him suddenly collapsed, and a big hand came over, surrounded by chaotic energy and colorful divine light, and there were stars condensing in the palm, as if they were shooting at him across a distant space.

"How did you find this place?"

The white-robed old man's eyes were deep, and he saw the burly figure disappearing in the void, and then he realized that he was being followed.

But he didn't have time to act on that burly figure, because the extremely difficult master of the other party was killing him in the air. superior,