Ch 644

This is an ancient city sleeping in the deepest part of the lake, extremely silent.

The whole body is forged in bronze, condensed into one body, without any brilliance, and without any vitality.

Jingyou doctor, forever silent in the depths of the lake, if it weren't for the lake to dry up today, I'm afraid it would never be revealed in the world.

The entire ancient city is full of broken instruments and broken stone tablets suspended in the air.

The inscriptions are surrounded by red and black intertwined rays, as if formed after the rich blood dries up.

These inscriptions are also carved with many complicated and profound patterns, as well as some ancient characters, which seem to contain a certain special meaning, which is not interpreted by the world.

In addition to the ancient monuments, there are too many sword casting pools, which are filled with dried molten iron, solidified into a ball, and many unformed long swords.

Once known as the Sword City, this place is the Sacred Land in the eyes of countless cultivator creatures in the Great Sword Profound World. It has the supreme meaning.

Every divine sword that shocked the world came from here. It was made by the legendary swordsman who used it for thousands of years and after countless hard work.

Now in this city, in addition to the broken ancient swords, there are many humanoid creatures that seem to be frozen and solidified in time and space.

They can no longer see their faces and genders, and can only vaguely judge them as humanoids.

Perhaps tens of millions of years ago, they were also the swordsmiths here, but an unknown catastrophe came and destroyed the city.

Before everyone had time to escape, they were swept by the supreme unknown power and condensed into mud. The secrets of the city forever were buried here.

Now, as Lynn once again set foot here, the whole ancient city has once again become iron blue.

A long sigh of "six seven zeros" seems to come from an unknown place, with sorrow and sorrow, reverberating here, enough to affect the mood of the creatures stepping into this place.

"Why was this ancient city buried in the first place? What happened in the past?"

Although Lynn was also affected by his mood, his Cultivation Base was strong and his mood was even more unmovable, and he quickly recovered.

He tried to use the key in his hand to open the seal on the altar and take out the bronze divine sword.

Although he had never seen the Heavenly Dao sword before, Lynn was extremely convinced that this bronze divine sword was exactly what he was looking for.

There is a vast Heavenly Dao breath surging above, so that people who walk here can't help but worship and worship.

"No no no no

And just as Lynn tried to step forward, there was a slow and ancient voice around him again.

Even the surrounding pillars trembled, and the withered figure bound on it was changing the direction of kneeling. In the depths of the originally dry eye sockets, blood and tears flowed out, containing the ultimate sadness.

It seemed that they had done something wrong, so they knelt here after they died, asking for forgiveness and atonement for their sins.

Lin En was infected by this mood, and the hand that was going to open the seal, trembling as if not at his disposal for a while, could hardly continue to let it go.

"What exactly is going on?"

Lynn looked shocked and couldn't believe all of this. Then he bit the tip of his tongue and spouted a mouthful of blood.

In this way, he felt his own mind was a little clearer, no longer as vague as before.

Then he didn't hesitate anymore, and put the key in his hand on the groove in front.

And at this moment, Lynn suddenly felt a pain in the palm of his hand, as if a hot flame was burning, instantly piercing his palm, burning flesh and bones.

He snorted and hurried back, his eyes widened, only to realize that the key was melting.

And his blood, glowing with some golden meaning, was gathering drop by drop, falling into the groove above the altar.

"Why is this? How can there be an unclear feeling?'

Lynn's complexion changed drastically, feeling that his own life force was losing rapidly, flowing out from the split palms, to penetrate into the altar ahead and become the nourishment there.

He couldn't believe it, it was too fast, and he couldn't react to it soon.

And he had always regarded it as the Heavenly Dao sword that saved the great world of Jian Xuan.

"How is this possible? What happened to this?" Lynn couldn't believe what he saw.

However, he had no time to react. As the bronze divine sword collapsed and dissipated, the altar in front suddenly collapsed. All the surrounding bronze pillars were also shaking and collapsing, and all the chains were breaking.

A terrifying rift valley has been spreading from this square, extending into the invisible darkness.

In it, a monstrous wind rushed out, accompanied by a terrible Killing intent, as if it could swallow the world without losing all darkness.

The entire Jiancheng sleeping in the depths of Jinghu Lake is beginning to collapse, and the originally strong and indestructible bronze pillars have also collapsed one after another, turning into wild animal powder, and dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

All the water in Jinghu Lake was swallowed by this crack and disappeared quickly.

The entire sky seemed to be shattered, and the silver tower that could not stand on the side was also accompanied by the rumbling sound, and it suddenly fell and sank into this big rift valley.

Not far from the fluctuations that have gradually subsided, there is still the old emperor of the Dayu Xian Dynasty stubbornly resisting.

But he was dying of breath, covered in blood, like a candle in the wind, coughing up blood constantly, there was no complete place on his body, and some parts of his body even saw thick bones.

He looked at this shocking scene, his complexion also changed drastically, a little unbelievable.

"This place is definitely not as simple as the land abandoned by the sky, this is the altar of the closed town!!

He had a very broad vision, and he recognized the altar in the collapsed ruins, scattered in the void, shining with the ancient demon-breaking aura.

"What has happened here, why is there a closed town altar? Is it this way to close the heavenly Dao consciousness?

Even when it was a matter of life and death, the ancestor of the Dayu Immortal Dynasty felt that the water in the world of Jian Xuan was far more muddy than he had imagined.

"This is the Heavenly Dao will you have been looking for." Gu Changge chuckled softly, even if he had killed several enlightened persons, it would not affect him in the slightest.

He knows that the battle to destroy the sky once took place here, Heavenly Dao will try to sacrifice all living beings and achieve transcendence.

But in the end it failed and was sealed here, leaving only part of the Heavenly Dao consciousness to escape.

And Lynn happened to be the descendant who had sealed the will of Heavenly Dao at the time, and his blood could just unlock the seal here, that is, the incarnation of Heavenly Dao in Boundless Immortal Valley, it was the reason why he would be brought here.

"You always know all this?"

The old emperor of Dayu Xianchao was horrified, cold all over, feeling an invisible big hand strangling own throat, almost out of breath.

However, he realized that it was too late. Gu Changge raised his hand and the halberd light fell off, breaking the rules and order, and directly struck him.

At this moment, all the enlightened people who rushed to this place lost their lives and none escaped.

The people like Yi Jianxian, Xue Jianxian and others who had been watching this battle from a distance were also trembling and terrified to the extreme. Here.

They have witnessed all this with their own eyes, and Gu Changge will never let them go.

"What exactly is this?"

Outside of the collapsed Rift Valley, Lynn stared blankly at everything he had caused, and still didn't react.

He always felt that he had stepped into a round and did something he regretted very much.

"Thanks to you, otherwise I won't be able to let go of this Heavenly Dao consciousness, and I won't get the origin of the world." Gu Changge's figure emerged behind him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Thanks to me?"

Lin En was shivering all over, looking back at Gu Changge in disbelief, his words trembled.

He doesn't know when Gu Changge came here, but from the current situation, Gu Changge killed the rest of the people here.

"It's a poor fellow, your ancestors finally sealed Heavenly Dao's will, but you released it so easily." Gu Changge shook his head and chuckled. Although regretful, the depths of his eyes were still indifferent. Mood swings.

"My ancestor?" Lin En was stunned, and suddenly felt that there was a strong sense of sadness in his surroundings. In the collapsed Sword City, there were light spots in the sky converging towards him, as if it were from the ancestors in the ancient times. Heroic spirit.

In just a moment, he understood the cause and effect, the expression on his face was dull, and he muttered, "How is this possible?

He was really taken advantage of by Heavenly Dao's will, and borrowed his blood to break the seal of this place, making all the efforts of the ancestors to a halt.

"I'm a sinner." Lynn laughed miserably and fell to his knees, full of guilt and sorrow.

"No, you are not a sinner, you are a hero who saves the great world of Jian Xuan."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't find this guy's hiding place." Gu Changge smiled and patted him on the shoulder, then took a step forward and appeared on the rift valley.

The terrible wind is sweeping, and it contains a chain of destruction rules that cannot be clearly described in words, which is enough to penetrate the flesh of any cultivator creature.

But Gu Changge stood tall, his figure immovable like a prison, looking into the bottomless darkness.


All the cultivators in the 13 states of Jianxuan Great World coughed, shuddering, and their whole body was cold. When they saw the depths of the sky and the earth, they cracked a crack, like a broken mirror.

It is like a cracked egg, which does not break open at this moment, lies in the sky, and then begins to collapse!

There was venting vast and endless anger and killing intent, cold and ruthless, almost destroying everything. The cultivators who saw this scene were all palpitating and chilling.

what is that?

In the depths of the collapsed world, a light fell.

That is an eye pupil.

Those eyes were too scary, they seemed to be composed of broken universes, extremely large.

Deep and vast, dark and ruthless, showing the color of black and red, densely packed, and constantly oozing black blood, it makes the hair creepy and cold from head to toe.

And there is not the slightest emotion, the indifference to the extreme!

At this moment, even their souls were frozen.

This is also true of some Quasi-Emperor Realm existences that have appeared from the upper realm. They don't even dare to move, as if they are being targeted by an indescribable existence. Even the ants are not as good as the dust.

Outside the ancient mysterious site, countless cultivator creatures also saw this horrible scene.

"It seems that it should be what we are looking for." The sword fairy was trembling in his voice.

This is no longer a kind of latitude. They simply can't understand what it is. If they look directly at it, they even feel that their heads are about to explode.

"Heavenly Dao is ruthless, regards everything as a dog"

"It is not easy to remember your birth consciousness. If you hand over the origin of the world, I might spare you your life."

Gu Changge glanced at the eye that emerged at the end of the sky and the earth, but the figure did not move, but still stood in front of the Great Rift Valley, and said lightly.

He knew that that eye was just a manifestation of Heavenly Dao's will.

Its real eyes are actually hidden in this deep darkness.

As Gu Changge's voice fell, there was a riot at his feet, and chaotic energy rushed out to drown him.

The terrifying blood red,-the next son is reflected, driving away the deep darkness, breaking through the thick black fog, and staring at Gu Changge firmly.

One eye opened slowly in the depths of darkness, and the projection of the eye at the end of the sky and the earth also looked in this direction together.


These two gazes seem to pierce through the ages, the present and the past, and the future, shattering everything.

But obviously its origin is more terrifying, not only in the depths of heaven and earth, but in the depths of darkness.

No creature or cultivator can describe all of this, because at the moment of looking at this gaze, it seems that you have lost your soul, and 3.7 is frozen in the world.

The same is true for the land sword fairy, the soul is weakened, and time and space have become absolutely static!

At this moment, only the enlightened person can break free from this restraint.

The existence of other levels can only be imprisoned in place, waiting for catastrophe and death.

"Those who are disrespectful, punish!"

The indifferent and ruthless words, like the wheel of annihilating the world, are turning, containing destructive power, slowly spreading from the dark underground.

The entire sword profound world is trembling, countless cultivator creatures are horrified, and their souls will fly out with these words and be wiped out.

Regarding this, Gu Changge smiled softly, with no extra words.


At this moment, he suddenly stepped forward from the same place, his robes unfolded, and the dharmakaya was horrified to the extreme. The huge body stood in the world and broke through this world.

Immediately after the sleeves shook slightly, the chaos shattered, as if the order of hundreds of millions of heavens had collapsed!

He reached out a big hand, thinking it was going to shatter the darkness!

That big hand, covering the sky, crossing the boundless territory, covering the thirteen states, hit the eyes and trembles.

Suddenly, there are hundreds of thousands of chaotic lights, as if it can tear through the heavens!

"this "

Countless cultivator creatures watched this scene, as if facing a miracle, shuddering, kneeling directly on the ground and worshiping in that direction.

This is a force beyond their imagination and cannot be guessed at all.

Gu Changge shot, trying to destroy the will of Heavenly Dao in this realm. At this moment, the majesty of the world swept across the universe, and the pair of terrifying eyes suddenly penetrated the dark ground with a palm of the hand. .