Ch 645

This palm traversed countless mountains and rivers, as if the sky and the earth had collapsed in a large piece, and moved towards the blood-colored eyes, making it shiver non-stop, and many terrible blood-colored cracks appeared.

The aftermath rushed out, spreading to all directions, and the world barriers of the Jianxuan Great World began to shatter.

"It seems that it was just awakening. The strength is not enough in the heyday, at best it can only be compared to the Canxian."

"Even if I can't find the origin of the world, swallowing it will be of great benefit to my Cultivation Base.

Gu Changge looked at the eyes transformed by Heavenly Dao's will, and walked forward. The void under his feet was fading and quickly appeared above the sky.

He shot again, and the Eight Desolate Demon Halberds swept across, as if sweeping the entire universe, breaking all the order.

The light here exploded, and it was as brilliant as countless suns bursting together, venting endless energy.

At this moment, the majestic vision instantly enveloped the world, there are stars converging from the sky, hundreds of millions of stars are circulating, and the chaos is hanging down.


All of a sudden, the heaven and the earth seemed to have fallen, where there were invisible cracks, and world-destroying chains pierced through them, piercing through everything, as fast as light and shadow.


Gu Changge kept making moves, all kinds of fairy lights extinguished, the chains collapsed, the white clothes stretched, and the sleeves hunted, like a young immortal emperor, proud of the ancient and modern, with unparalleled elegance.

"Those who disobey, cut it!

The eyes formed by Heavenly Dao's will are still indifferent and ruthless.

The pounding and vast Heavenly Dao breath is intertwined, and the light of the avenue reflects the world, which manifests the common people of the world, the sun and the moon Samsara, and the sea of ​​all beings.

In an instant, many terrifying sights appeared here, one after another ancient tombstones were evolving, and there were copper coffins across the sky, as if countless supreme beings were buried and slumbered.

There was also the World Extinguishing Millstone falling, constantly crushing it, wrapped in a thick black fog, and slowly pushing it over, causing the entire world to sway and tremble, and constantly crack.

This is a catastrophe-like scene. Not only did the sky collapse, it also turned into a horror of 24 pans. With a destructive aura, it swallowed all sentient beings and crushed it into the sky.

Heavenly Dao's will has escaped from the seal, showing unprecedented power and incomparability.

The majesty of vastness blooms, life and death are disillusioned, Samsara alternates, the heavens collapse, order dies.

For it with self-will, Gu Changge's existence and shots are tantamount to the greatest challenge to its majesty.

Its severity is even comparable to that of the original battle to destroy the sky.

But the results of the two are diametrically opposite.

In the original battle to destroy the sky, endless cultivators and creatures, such as moths fighting the fire, rushed toward it fiercely.

But in the end, they all turned into ashes in the air, their souls died, and disappeared forever in this world.

Those who disobey, should always suffer from Samsara's bone erosion, and never live beyond life. Samsara kneels on the road and chants, so as to eliminate his sins.

But Gu Changge is completely different from those who rebel.

His strength surpassed the limit that the world can accommodate, and even broke the rules of order between the world, so he really hurt it.

The countless cultivator creatures in the Great Jianxuan World, knelt down on the ground, trembling non-stop, their faces full of fear.

This was a battle that shocked and shook the entire Jianxuan Great World, where it became chaotic, and endless chaotic energy rushed out and filled the edge of the Universe.

All the emptiness was pierced through, and the eyes were devastated and blurred. Large stars fell and fell from outside the sky.

"Is this a miracle or a catastrophe?"

Countless cultivators and creatures knelt on the ground, bowing to the direction of fluctuations here.

It is not only fearful, but also worship Pi Cheng.

Even the Land Sword Fairy who stood on the peak of the Great Jian Profound World Realm had the urge to kneel down in his heart.

In their view, this kind of fighting is beyond their own cognition.

If you can see a hint of mystery from it, it is enough to make them break through now, Cultivation Base will go further.

The ancient Xuan ruins collapsed at this instant, and a terrible big rift emerged, spreading in all directions, endless black mist surged, overwhelming the sky, swallowing all the surrounding creatures and cultivators.

In just an instant, this place became a dead place, and cultivators that couldn't respond were swallowed into it and turned into ashes.

"It seems that this is the Heavenly Dao will we have been pursuing…"

Yi Jianxian, Xue Jianxian and others quickly rushed out of the collapsed Minor World, looking at the terrifying aftermath in that direction, with lingering fears.

They were lucky, because the fluctuation of Gu Changge's shot directly smashed the barrier of Minor World.

So even if the entrance to Minor World was destroyed, they rushed out to avoid the consequences of being buried in it.

Lynn escaped with them.

However, compared with the guilt and sadness before, he has now recovered, and his expression is calm, suppressing his anger and killing intent.

Lynn knew that this was not what he wanted.

Heavenly Dao's will is so cunning that he will wait for him in the endless fairy valley to set up this game and release his true body.

He also didn't want things to go to this point.

The only solution now is to imitate the ancestors and seal the will of heaven and earth again.

Although this method is very slim, it is their last chance.

Otherwise, Heavenly Dao will regain his will, and he will definitely learn the same as before, sacrifice the entire sword profound world, thereby achieving his own detachment.

At that time, everyone, including him, will not be able to survive.

"What the hell is going on?"

Yi Jianxian looked at Lin En and couldn't help but ask.

They have no idea what happened and why Tucson changed so much here.

Heavenly Dao's will is obviously the last hope that everyone in the sword profound world prayed for, but after the recovery, it showed the meaning of destruction, which was even more terrifying than those outside Heavenly Demon.

"Heavenly Dao's will is not what we think, it wants to sacrifice all of us."

Lin En's face was heavy, and he began to tell the truth about what he had learned to Yi Jianxian, Xue Jianxian and others.

Including the origins of Jinghu and Jiancheng, as well as the reason for the destruction of the ancient Xuan Dynasty, and the battle of the will of Heavenly Dao when the town was sealed.

In fact, he didn't know much, and it was only through the many ancestral heroic spirits in the sword city that he knew all of this.

Looking back in time, it can be traced back to tens of millions of years ago, when there were no such forces as Shuzong and Kongshan.

The only overlord in the Great Jianxuan World is the Ancient Profound God Dynasty, almost dominating the thirteen states.

It is a pity that due to a catastrophe, the Ancient Profound God Dynasty fell apart overnight, and has since disappeared in the long history of Jianxuan Great World.

And Lynn knew that he was a descendant of the ancient Xuan Dynasty.

The reason why the Ancient Profound God Dynasty was destroyed was because it touched the taboo Realm and spied the purpose of Heavenly Dao's will, and thus encountered Heavenly Wrath.

"So there is such a secret?"

After listening to everything that Lin En said, both Yi Jianxian and Xue Jianxian were stunned in place, shocked, and a huge wave was set off in their hearts.

They even feel that their own worldview is broken, unbelievable.

The Heavenly Dao will that they have been looking for, actually intends to sacrifice everyone?

And a long, long time ago, there was a battle to destroy the sky on this land?

This battle caused Jiancheng to sink into Jinghu Lake, and the Ancient Profound God Dynasty was destroyed overnight?

"It's incredible

Both Yi Jianxian and Xue Jianxian felt horrified in their hearts, and it took a long time to calm down.

At this moment, looking at the terrifying blood eyes that lay between the sky and the earth, they no longer had the intention of worshipping the pilgrimage before, and some were just endless anger and killing intent.

It's not just that Heavenly Demon wants to break through and occupy this realm.

Even the Heavenly Dao will conceived in this world is actually trying to destroy all of this.

"Take them, the ancestors and their aura disappeared, and they actually came out of it alive."

"The revival of Heavenly Dao's will is absolutely inseparable from them, take all of them down, and kill anyone who dares to escape!"

At this time, an angry voice sounded from the ancient warship not far away.

Many tyrannical knights rushed out, armed with various heavenly soldiers and heavenly swords, and killed Yi Jianxian and others.

The headed person looked cold and murderous, ready to take down Yi Jianxian and others.

In addition to these people, in other ancient warships, there are also many horror atmospheres.

Although the enlightened people of various forces have penetrated into the ruins, there are many quasi emperors who stayed here.

Because Heavenly Dao's will is revived, the rules of this world are disordered, the suppression of them has been greatly reduced, and most of their strength can be exerted.

Facing the emperor's existence, even if Yi Jianxian and others resisted with all their might, it was in vain and was quickly taken down.

"What happened in it? Why did the breath of our ancestor disappear? But you can come out alive?"

The creatures of Shenling Mountain stepped forward, looking murderous, and asked with anger.

The powerhouses of the other races also came forward and forced, even Yu Feiya was no exception. Dai's eyebrows frowned and her heart was uneasy.

She also felt that the breath of the old emperor's ancestor in her family had disappeared, and it was likely that she had fallen into the ruins.

"They were all killed by Gu Changge.

Lynn looked around at the many powerful people around him, took a deep breath, and then slowly spoke.

He understands that Gu Changge's identity is very important in the upper realm, and even these powerhouses in front of him are extremely jealous.

But no matter what, it is an indisputable fact that Gu Changge killed the enlightened group.

Lin En didn't want to carry this scapegoat for Gu Changge, and he didn't have this ability.

And if these people go to find Gu Changge for revenge, they can also relieve some of his pressure and find a way to get out of trouble.


The complexions of Yi Jianxian, Xue Jianxian and others changed drastically. It was completely unexpected that Lin En was so decisive and bold, directly in front of everyone, telling the fact that Gu Changge had killed the enlightened group.

Although they have witnessed everything with their own eyes, who dares to say such words easily?

Gu Changge is a terrifying existence that can fight Heavenly Dao's will!

If he wants to kill everyone, he doesn't even need to take the shot himself, just relying on his subordinate, he can sweep everything.

Lin En's words changed the expressions of everyone in the upper realm.

Many people are even more murderous, stepping forward and shouting directly,

"Don't talk nonsense! How dare you frame Young Master Changge and die!"

Although Yu Feiya felt that this was not realistic, she still couldn't help but shudder slightly, thinking that Gu Changge could really do this kind of thing.

After he admitted that he had killed Tuoba Xiaoyao, Yu Feiya knew that Gu Changge had no scruples.

Therefore, it is not impossible to kill those who are enlightened.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask the rest of the people. But what we saw with our own eyes at the time, do you think we can kill them?" Lynn said with a calm face, without the slightest panic.

After all, it was a 670 iron fact, and he didn't frame Gu Changge, he would know if it was true or not.

"I think you just want to frame Young Master Changge, why would he act against my clan ancestor?"

The powerhouse of Shenling Mountain has a cold face, contains killing intent, and is crushed by the terrifying coercion, and he does not believe in Lynn's words at all.

In his opinion, his ancestors had to please Gu Changge before, and he was optimistic about it, how could he be killed by him?

Lynn's words are nothing more than an attempt to provoke the hatred between them and Gu Changge, so as to benefit from it.

"I'm dying, and I want to provoke my relationship with Young Master Changge. It's ridiculous.

The strong man of the other clan stepped forward, spoke indifferently, and the quasi-emperor's breath fell, making Yi Jianxian and others unable to breathe.

The rules of heaven and earth disappeared, and the quasi-emperor's aura was so vast that it couldn't bear it at all.

The eyes of the other strong men are equally terrifying, when they fall here, they will almost tear the sky.

Although the disappearance of the ancestors' breath is of great importance, offending Gu Changge is also no small trouble.

And if their ancestors were really killed by Gu Changge, then once they find out the truth, Gu Changge will definitely not leave them alive.

So the best way is to pretend to be ignorant for the time being.

After An Ran returns to the upper realm, he will find a solution to revenge.

Lin En didn't know the thoughts in the hearts of the people in the upper realm, and still shook his head, "If you still don't believe it, you can search your soul to check it. These people have witnessed all that with their own eyes at the time."

As he pointed his finger at Yi Jianxian and the others behind him, the Land Sword Fairy who escaped from Minor World were not only Yi Jianxian, but also some others.

Those people were not relatives to him, so Lynn naturally threw them out without hesitation.

"Soul search?"

Hearing this, Yi Jianxian and the others' complexions all changed. Divine Soul is the place where the cultivator lives. The slightest accident will endanger life and death.

Stupid at light, death at the worst.

Lin En's words are really vicious, and he is not afraid of other land sword immortals as human beings.

"you "

Many land sword immortals also glared at Lin En, extremely angry.

However, Lin En's expression was flat and turned a blind eye to all of this. If he wanted to save this sword profound world, the necessary sacrifices were necessary.

"I think this person is deliberately backtesting, how could Young Master Changge do such a thing, nothing more than falsehood. Put him in custody, wait for Young Master Changge to return, and then solve it.

However, the expression on Lynn's face quickly froze, feeling extremely surprised and unbelievable.

The people here didn't even care about what he said, and they were directly imprisoned. They were so afraid of Gu Changge that they didn't even dare to doubt it.