Ch 646

This day is definitely a catastrophic dark day for the cultivator creatures of the entire Jianxuan Great World.

The thirteen states were full of despair and wailing, and countless cultivators were crying.

Blood and fire spread, the earth cracked, mountains and rivers rolled down, and the sun and the moon lost their light.

The vast and terrifying fluctuations came from the end of heaven and earth.

There was a blur, and only the sound of anger and the collapsing chaotic light could be heard from a distance.


Finally there collapsed, the sky collapsed and a large piece of the sky collapsed, and the five-color sacred fire flowed, like the legendary fire of Jingliu, which can burn all the heavens and everything.

In this catastrophe, a terrifying big hand, with an iron-blue color, circumvents the rules of destruction, poking down from the end of the heavens and the earth, grabbing hundreds of millions of sentient beings.

Such as the millstone of annihilating the world, it traverses between the heaven and the earth, slowly rotating, pushing all the rules and order to the end.

Countless cultivator creatures were obliterated into nothingness, disappeared in Samsara, and ceased to exist ever since.

Even the Land Sword Fairy is fragile like a firefly, and instantly flies into ashes and annihilates.

Heavenly Dao in the Great Sword Profound World has resurrected his will, and takes over the power of Heavenly Dao, trying to destroy all living beings, sacrifice living beings, and detach himself.

But such a terrifying millstone was also cut off by a halberd light, and it was torn apart, with black blood flowing out of it, which was extremely terrifying.

The cultivator of hundreds of millions of creatures looked at this scene tremblingly, as if facing a miracle.

Gu Changge's Dharma body is displayed between the heaven and the earth, surpassing tens of thousands of miles, even the hair is bigger than Star, and it is entwined with the boundless chaos, just like the god of creation that splits the chaos in the myth.

He reached out his hand and tore through the gap, breaking through the endless Restrictions and space in an instant, and plunged into the void of another latitude.

"I found you, when do you plan to hide." He stepped forward calmly.

In Gu Changge's opinion, this battle will soon come to an end.

Heavenly Dao will hide his chase and kill from the bottom of the earth to another space.

But in the end it was he who discovered his true body.

The power disparity is not great, but facing him, all this resistance will be futile.

"We have no grudges! Why do you keep chasing me?"

Heavenly Dao will stand at the end of the dim world, manifesting his true body, he is an extremely burly and tall black-haired man.

A pair of bloody eyes were cold and merciless, surrounded by the light of merit, surrounded by colorful auspicious clouds, and then turned into a colorful battle armor covering the body.

Surrounded by golden light of endless merit, he is like a lord of heaven and earth, respected by all races.

The fuzzy world phantom rises and falls, as if standing above the endless divine light.

"It's really ironic that you still enjoy the light of merit."

"I'm killing you? You seem to be saying the opposite. Didn't you shoot me first?

Footsteps sounded in this dimly dim space. Gu Changge chuckled and said, killing him step by step.

The Eight Desolate Demon Halberd pointed diagonally at the south of the sky, and all the places it passed were broken, and all the rules and orders were shattering.

His breath is too terrifying, and even this space can't carry it, and it begins to collapse, and all the rules and orders are in disillusionment.

"Who are you on earth?"

Heavenly Dao will speak indifferently, and there is a trace of great fear in his indifferent eyes.

Gu Changge's strength is beyond his imagination.

Even though he is the strength of Canxian now, when he contends, he also falls into a disadvantage.

Then Gu Changge found his true body and killed him.

He thought that when he regained consciousness, he could reopen this world, reshape the body, and take the final step.

But I didn't expect Gu Changge to come out suddenly.

Even the other enlightened people in the upper realm are not worth mentioning in his eyes, and they are insignificant.

Only Gu Changge is extremely difficult to entangle, no matter its origin or strength, it is unfathomable.

"It doesn't matter who I am. If you hand over the origin of the world, you may be easily obliterated by me.

Gu Changge smiled on his face, spoke lightly, and walked forward, intending to refine and swallow Heavenly Dao's will.


As his words fell, the space shuddered and ripples continued.

Then it seemed like a terrifying hurricane blew, covering all directions.

At the same time, the overwhelming black fog was like a field, instantly covering it.

It is full of messy and chaotic chaos, like a universe black hole, swallowing everything.

"Who the hell are you "?"

Heavenly Dao's face changed again, feeling a strong threat.

Not only Gu Changge's methods, but also Gu Changge's breath that makes his heart palpitations at this moment.

"I have said that it doesn't matter who I am, and I surrender the origin of the world in a wise and interesting way."

Gu Changge said lightly.

With a hum, the black light fell down, and the boundlessness covered this place.

The aquarium on the avenue emerged, although it was only the size of a palm.

But among them, there are countless gods that are ups and downs, interweaving, and finally turn into a black hole swallowing the sky, condensed by the heavens and stars.

The real body of Heavenly Dao's will felt a great threat. The palm-sized bottle seemed to contain the most terrifying thing in the world, and it could swallow him into it.

He didn't dare to neglect, a pool of laws emerged beside him, and the silver thunder was boiling, turning into real dragons, divine phoenixes, Black Tortoise, and White Tigers that pierced through the sky, killing Gu Changge.


However, Gu Changge just held the Eight Desolate Demon Loads horizontally, as if trying to destroy a big world.

All the laws are cracking, as if an egg touches a stone, it splits in an instant, exploding into nothingness.

Even the pool of laws collapsed instantly, unable to counter this power.

"Roar" Heavenly Dao will really roar, the colorful Jiaxiao glows, and his head is full of black hair and dancing angrily.

He took the initiative and launched an attack, otherwise sooner or later he would be swallowed by this mysterious bottle, and there would be no place to die.


The breath here is even more terrifying, it is almost necessary to turn the world over and reopen it.

Gu Changge's expression has not changed. There is a vague outline of the world emerging around his body. Around every world, there is a silver god flame boiling.

As Heavenly Dao's will body killed him, the silver divine flame beside him became more and more dazzling, burning the void, and facing the shocking attack, let the big black hand slap it, and he couldn't even hide. hide.


In the next instant, a terrifying void trill sounded, and a big hand of Heavenly Dao's will can crush an enlightened person.

However, when hitting Gu Changge, only the sound of the drama sounded and failed to kill the enemy, but his palm fingers flowed with blood, his bones broke, and he almost broke.

"Your physical body"

Heavenly Dao's face changed again and again, he quickly pulled away, retreated back, and noticed something was wrong.

Gu Changge's physical strength is even beyond what this world can carry.

"It seems that you still can't see the situation clearly?" Gu Changge chuckled, his eyes didn't fluctuate, and he was still indifferent and emotional.

Heavenly Dao's will has changed. It is the first time since the birth of the will that he feels such anxiousness and his life is greatly threatened.

He shouted again, horrible rules and chains appeared all over his body, the road roared, and the universe was shattered.

Each of them seems to be entwined with an ancient world, extracting the original laws of it, and surging surgingly, trying to submerge Gu Changge.

"Tell me where the world originated.

Gu Changge has an indifferent expression, wins snow in white clothes, hair is shining bright and handsome, and he walks through this shabby world.

All the attacking methods were swallowed by layers of black light when they fell in front of him.

This is different from Wanfa's non-invasion, which is swallowing everything, and even immune to everything.

After all, the law that connects to the realm near Sendo is also useless.

"Hehe, if you want to know the origin of the world, you have to destroy this world. Can you do it?"

"The origin of this realm is contained in countless sentient beings. Only sacrifices to all people can be condensed. If you want to get the origin of the world, it is very simple. It is to destroy this realm."

Heavenly Dao's true body of will manifested in the distance, his body was tattered, and thick black blood was permeated in many places, and he sneered.

He suffered a serious injury, and the power permeating from the Aquarius of the Great Avenue was really terrifying.

Even if he absorbed the laws of various places to repair his injuries, it seemed futile.

Seeing that Gu Changge was so determined to get the origin of the world, he simply told all this and made Gu Changge give up.

Sacrifice one world?

In addition to him, who else can do it? After all, this sounds incredibly crazy.

What's more, doing so will not only cause endless karma fire, but will also lack merits, and it will not be easy to practice later.

"You have to destroy this world?" Gu Changge frowned slightly, and quickly relaxed again.

He didn't doubt Heavenly Dao's words. Judging from his last act of destroying the world, it was obvious that offering sacrifices to all living creatures was his only chance to detach himself.

And this time, after his recovery, the first thing he did was to try to destroy this world and use all living beings as nourishment to make sacrifices.

Heavenly Dao saw him go silent, thinking that Gu Changge was jealous, and couldn't help laughing, and said, "I am not the same as you cultivators. I launched a battle to destroy the world, which is in accordance with the cycle of heaven, Karma Samsara. Not only will it not cause karma, but will also gain merit."

"And once you do this, you are bound to be entangled in karmic fires, leaving infinite disasters, can you figure it out clearly?"

Gu Changge shook his head lightly and sighed, "You just reminded me, otherwise it will really cause trouble, so it seems that I can't kill you now."

"What do you mean by this?" The black-haired man turned into by Heavenly Dao's will has cold eyes and stared at Gu Changge.

He has a bad feeling in his heart.

"You have to start this world-destroying catastrophe." Gu Changge's face was calm and unwavering, and the depths of his eyes were even more indifferent.


With the ups and downs of the aquarium on the main road, and the wisps of black light, this space suddenly became stagnant.

The vast and terrifying demonic energy surging surgingly, covering everything, rushed towards the incarnation of Heavenly Dao's will.

At the same time, Gu Changge's sleeves stretched out and his hands reached out. There were hundreds of millions of red brilliance blooming, like a cage of heaven and earth, making the sound of a great road to suppress and take it down.

This is a powerful blow, unpredictable and vast, hard to describe in words.

All kinds of avenues and early sounds are blooming, and even evolve into an open-sky scene.

For a time, this place became blurred, and various rules and orders were intertwined.

Heavenly Dao will show the strongest strength after the recovery, to resist Gu Changge's suppression.

However, after a few hundred moves, the Heavenly Demon Qi penetrated, corroding the light of merit all over his body, turning it into a star-like chain, and restraining him.

No matter how much he contends, it is difficult to break free and become fish on the chopping board.

w~ Although Heavenly Dao's will is transformed, but the real body is no different from the living beings, so it is better to control. Gu Changge whispered, black and white blooming in his eyes.

He fell from the void, and the darkness behind him spread like a tide, and he swallowed Heavenly Dao's will at once.

The avenue runes flicker and interweave, penetrate along the chain, and then slowly fall into its body, like a brand, which can control its life and death in a single thought.

"If you don't want to be wiped out now, then you'd better listen to me obediently." Gu Changge looked cold.

After all, Heavenly Dao's will to control the power of Heavenly Dao in this world is an invincible representative in this world.

Land Sword Fairy is no different from Junyi.

As long as he doesn't stop him, it is only a matter of time before offering sacrifices to the common people and condensing the origin of the world.


"you "

After listening to what Gu Changge was about to explain, Heavenly Dao's Will True Body suddenly felt a little bit shy. Looking at Gu Changge's gaze, he was frightened.

He thought that Gu Changge would abandon the world (Wang Zhao's) world origin, but he did not expect that Gu Changge actually planned to use his hand to destroy this world and obtain the world origin.

In the eyes of Gu Changge, the survival of the Great Jianxuan World is really irrelevant, and Gu Changge's methods are much more ruthless than him. The root is to use everyone as a tool.

After controlling Heavenly Dao's will, Gu Changge had no plans to talk nonsense with him.

Then this space split, and he took a step forward and quickly disappeared.

This place is actually still in the Great World of Jianxuan, but it exists in another latitude, and the ordinary cultivator can't perceive it at all.

Now, no matter how inevitable the catastrophe will come, Gu Changge only needs to wait quietly.

"There are so many enlightened people who died in the upper realm. I'm afraid I had already guessed that I did it. Now I dare not say much. After returning to the upper realm, it will inevitably cause trouble."

Gu Changge's figure left this space and appeared above the sky outside, with some thoughts, intending to take this opportunity to solve these scourges.

He looked at the sore ground below and shook his head gently.

This battle between Heavenly Dao's will body and him almost destroyed a small half of the sword profound world.

The territories of the thirteen prefectures have been sunk and the entire five prefectures have been sunk, not to mention the overseas territories, which have been dried up, leaving only the horrible riverbed.

But there are still many cultivators left in this world, and it should not have much impact on the sacrifice.


The void was blurred, Gu Changge stepped away and disappeared, rushing to the place where the ancient warship hovered outside the sky.

When he was in the ancient Xuan ruins, Yi Jianxian and others were deliberately let go, just to have an excuse now, so that they can act on the various Daoist forces that have come to this world.

What's more, even if he killed Yi Jianxian and others at that time, the various Taoist traditions still have a way to speculate that he was the killer to many enlightened people.