Ch 647

On this day, endless blood and fire swept across the entire Jianxuan world.

There is despair and wailing everywhere, and the world is dim, as if the end is coming, bringing catastrophes and disasters.

The original territories of the thirteen states have been knocked down and sunk, and the terrible Great Rift Valley has spread out for thousands of miles.

The volcano erupted, and the red flames were densely packed, like meteors falling from the sky, smashing down from the sky, destroying large areas of territory.

At the other end of the distance, the ocean burst its banks and flooded frantically, submerging the earth.

Countless terrifying beasts crawled out of the deep sea and slew to the land.

This world has been shattered, and all the forces and Sect are flooded in a thick cloud and bleak, extremely desperate.

"Heaven is going to perish me Jian Xuan!"

Many senior elders at Cultivation Base were lamenting, kneeling at the foot of the mountain, praying to the ancestors, hoping to see a ray of light.

Under the former Sword God Mountain, countless cultivator creatures knelt down, praying to the sculpture on the top of the mountain.

A terrible disaster occurred in the Great Jianxuan World, almost destroying all ethnic groups.

However, at that time, a great man turned out to be born, dominating the world, and was respected as the sword god by the world. With his own power, he turned the mansion and solved the catastrophe.

Later generations of cultivator cast the sword god mountain here, sculpted sculptures for it, and prayed day and night.

But to this day, many people have found desperately that the original golden sculpture of the sword god has faded away, and too many cracks have emerged.


At the back, in the eyes of many people with horror and disbelief, the sculpture collapsed suddenly.

Even the Sword God Mountain was struck down by a terrifying thunder above the sky.

The gravel fell in the sky, cracking cracks, and quickly falling apart.

"There is really no hope, even the Sword God Mountain has collapsed."

The countless cultivator creatures kneeling at the foot of the Sword God Mountain were roaring, extremely sad and desperate, and could not believe what was happening in front of them.

Scenes such as this scene are still being staged around the world at Jianxuan University.

The catastrophe came, and the heavens descended on vastness, boundless and boundless.

The chain of red law runs through the sky, like a dragon, crossing everything.

The existence of land sword immortals hidden in various parts of the world of Jianxuan Da was terrified to the extreme at this moment.

These red chains, coming from outside the sky, with the scorching and terrifying aura of 670 destruction, cracked the void, and came straight to the place where they were hiding.


The splendid brilliance exploded, and under this vast majesty, everyone was as weak as an ant.

"what "

All the land sword immortals were roaring, desperate, and tried their best to break free of these chains.

But in the end, it was in vain, and the spirit, including the spirit, was bound together and could not move.

This is the power of Heavenly Dao, it is vast and endless, as long as it is a cultivator born in the great world of Jianxuan, it is difficult to escape.

But this kind of power is only aimed at the existence of reaching the land sword fairyland.

Many cultivators who have reached the ninth step are afraid of fear and lingering fears.

Many people even saw their ancestors who had been living in seclusion in the deepest part of the family land were tied up by a chain, dragged them away, and disappeared at the end of the world.

This kind of power is desperate, and the gap is too big to be able to compete.

On this day, many land sword immortals who had never been present in the world were all caught by the scarlet chain and disappeared without a trace.

No one knows where these land sword immortals are taken, and what will happen to their lives and deaths.

Whether it is for them or for the common people, this is a desperate and dark day.

Outside the world of Jianxuan, the world barrier is cracked.

Many ancient warships are suspended, the surrounding stars are ups and downs, and the nebula is enveloped. It is extremely vast and profound.

Many orthodox forces that came to capture this world are now stationed here.

The Jianxuan Great World had undergone such an abnormal change, even though they felt heart palpitations and frightened, they did not dare to approach at will.

Some quasi-emperor beings tried to go to the lower realm to find out what happened.

But he was quickly rejected by the power of that world, and it was almost impossible to get out and come back.

So they gave up and planned to stay here to watch the changes. Since the ancient Xuan site retreated, the powerful of various forces have been stationed here.

After all, the purpose of capturing the Great Sword Profound World has not yet been completed, so naturally they would not choose to return to the upper realm.


There was a sudden tremor in the void outside the sky, and then after a series of Yi spreads, Gu Changge's figure stepped out of it.

His speed was very fast, and it was almost as soon as Seta came to the ancient battleship of Dayu Xianchao.

"Young Master Changge?"

Many cedh soldiers who were in charge of patrolling the building recognized Gu Changge at first sight. They were so surprised that they all met.

The fact that the old emperor's breath disappeared in Dayu Xianchao didn't spread, for fear of causing panic, so many people still don't know.

They also didn't know that today's Dayu Xianchao was actually extremely wary of Gu Changge.

"Where is your eldest princess now?"

Gu Changge's figure fell onto the ancient warship, walking slowly, and asked softly.

"Return to Young Master Changge, the eldest princess has been in the main hall since she returned to the lower realm and has never left."

A soldier respectfully reported.

"The main hall?"

Gu Changge nodded lightly, then his figure disappeared from the same place and suddenly appeared thousands of miles away.

"What do you think Young Master Changge is looking for the princess?"

Seeing Gu Changge left, the soldiers on patrol couldn't help looking at each other, always feeling something was wrong.

The main hall is located in the depths of the ancient warship, with vast clouds and mists falling down, mountains and pavilions standing tall, silver waterfalls swirling, and colorful mist lingering.

Yu Feiya is dressed in white, has a graceful figure, a dignified and elegant face, and her hair is like clouds.

She looked calm and was standing quietly in the main hall.

At this moment, hearing the sound of footsteps coming from outside the hall, she turned her head and looked at the figure walking slowly, her expression seemed to be no surprise, it was more like waiting here for Gu Changge for a long time.

"I have seen Young Master Changge.

Afterwards, Yu Feiya gave a gentle salute, showing a dignified and elegant manner, revealing the atmosphere of a royal disciple, and appearing neither humble nor overbearing.

Gu Changge nodded slowly, "Have you been waiting for me for a long time here?"

"Yes." Yu Feiya nodded and admitted frankly.

She had known that Gu Changge would return here, and Heavenly Dao's will in the Great Sword Profound World could not stop him.

Moreover, she understands that Gu Changge dared to kill many enlightened people without fear.

That obviously has the purpose of ruining everyone here.

So he will definitely do it. Everyone can't escape death. Even the enlightened ones are not against him, let alone others.

"Oh, you are waiting for me, it seems that you know the purpose of my return here?"

Gu Changge smiled faintly, looking a little interested.

Yu Feiya looked complicated and said, "Young Master Changge must be planning to bury all of us here, so as to swallow the world origin of the Great Sword Profound World?"

She is very clever. In fact, she guessed it after Gu Changge killed Lao Huangzu and many other enlightened people.

Things like the origin of the world are enough to make enlightened people go crazy. Gu Changge is now in this Realm, how can he not be moved?

"Since you know this, are you still waiting for me here, are you planning to wait for death?" Gu Changge smiled and asked.

Feiya Yu shook her head, her expression gradually becoming solemn, "Young Master Changge can actually change the way. If you kill everyone in this place, and then return to the upper realm, it will inevitably arouse suspicion."

She understands that if she resists at this time, she will only die faster, so the only way is to let Gu Changge understand the value of her life.

"I know what you mean, you want me to let Da Yu Xianchao and his party go? But how do you ensure that the rest of the forces will not cause me trouble?" Gu Changge said slightly differently.

Although he intends to destroy everyone here, but considering the condensing of the origin of the world, he needs to sacrifice with common people.

If there are not enough sacrifices at that time, the many upper realm orthodox forces here are a good choice.

"Young Master Changge probably has a plan already in his heart, because the dead will not cause trouble." Yu Feiya said with a calm expression.

Gu Changge smiled, then smiled and said," "It seems that you dare to wait for me here, you are sure of your heart, you want me to let Da Yu Xianchao, in fact, it is also possible. But I want you to try to bring the armies of the various Daoist forces into the great world of Jianxuan.

"Introduced to the Great World of Jianxuan?" Yu Feiya had a look on her face, and she suddenly guessed Gu Changge's purpose.

"Why, can't it be done?" Gu Changge glanced at her and asked.

Feiya Yu felt her mouth a little dry, but she nodded and said, "I will try my best, but because of the existence of Heavenly Dao's will, I am afraid that many people will be forced to retreat before they get close to the great world of Jianxuan."

Gu Changge gently shook his head when he heard the words, "You don't have to worry about this problem, Heavenly Dao will not embarrass them."

"Aren't you embarrassing them?" Yu Feiya was taken aback, but she still didn't realize what Gu Changge meant.

But soon, she couldn't help but shook her face. She was extremely frightened and thought of a possibility.

Will the Heavenly Dao in this world have been controlled by Gu Changge, so he intends to cause the armies of the various Daoist forces to be destroyed in one fell swoop?

After leaving the main hall, Gu Changge headed towards the dungeon based on the news he received from Yu Feiya.

Yi Jianxian, Xue Jianxian, Lin En and others are all being held in that place now, waiting for him to return before handling them.

This is the unanimous decision of the strong people of all orthodox forces.

Enlightened people of all races are now faintly traced, and their auras have disappeared.

After all, they are not stupid, and they will not offend Gu Changge even knowing that they are not Gu Changge opponents.

If you have any issues, at least you have to go back to the upper bound before proceeding with the negotiation.

"Young Master Changge, this person has been framing you all the time, what do you think should be dealt with?"

Inside the dungeon, a supreme realm powerhouse from Shenling Mountain led the way and said respectfully, pointing to Lin En, who was imprisoned on the side.

In addition to him, the people who accompany here, as well as the powers of the other forces, are all extraordinary Cultivation Bases, amazing blood, like a terrible melting pot.

"I see.

Gu Changge nodded when he heard the words, and stared at Lin En's gaze with a slightly different color.

Originally, he wanted to see how big storms this son of luck could bring.

But it kind of disappointed him. Not only was he bewitched by Heavenly Dao's will, but even now he couldn't even tell the situation.

Apart from being an experience baby, swiping the Heavenly Dao treasure chest, I am afraid there is no other use.

To be honest, in his current Realm, there is no son of luck that can greatly affect him, or even play a role.

Gu Changge can only think about whether there will be surprises when the fairy gate opens and after entering the fairyland.

"Why are you here?"

Lynn stared at Gu Changge, his originally calm face caused waves, and his Cultivation Base was blocked and kept in the dungeon.

He really didn't expect that Gu Changge would return here so calmly after killing the enlightened people of all races.

Moreover, he was treated with such fear and respect by the powerful of all races.

However, Gu Changge ignored him and swept around at will.

Yi Jianxian, Xue Jianxian and others were detained on the other side. The Cultivation Base was also blocked and reduced to ordinary people.

In this large dungeon, they are actually the group of land sword fairies that are imprisoned.

The figure who used to stand at the pinnacle of the Jianxuan Great World can only be reduced to a prisoner, and he cannot control his life or death.

Their complexion is extremely complex, a little disturbed, but more frustrated.

"Now that the Great Sword Profound World is facing a catastrophe, perhaps you have already known that Heavenly Dao will slaughter the creatures in this realm, so as to realize its detachment plan."

"When it transcends, it is this world that collapses. On the day when all beings die, all of you will die. The creatures that were born and conceived in this world will be destroyed and buried."

Gu Changge looked around the dungeon for a week, and then slowly opened his mouth and told the secret.

He didn't want to kill this group of land sword immortals for the time being, after all, this group of people had already been tainted with the breath and rules of this world in their cultivation until now.

In other words, the land sword fairy is the most suitable nourishment for sacrifice.

But the existence of this stage of cultivation is really too few.

Gu Changge asked Heavenly Dao to take away all the land sword immortals hidden in the great world of Jianxuan today, which actually had this purpose.

Yi Jianxian, Xue Jianxian and others are all top powerhouses in the Great Sword Profound World. If they were killed like this, wouldn't it be a waste?

And when I heard Gu Changge's words, the powerhouses of all the Daoist forces were all moved, somewhat horrified, and unbelievable.

They didn't even know that there was such a secret.

The Heavenly Dao will of the Great Sword Profound World, has such a big ambition?

"I am afraid that when he is detached, he is entering the fairyland. After all, this kind of Heavenly Dao-like existence is different from our cultivator.

A strong man with an extremely old generation speaks very heavy, even worried.

After all, in the upper realm today, I have not heard of the existence of immortal Dao, and this matter may also threaten the upper realm.

"It seems that the disappearance of enlightened people of our races may be related to this matter."

"It seems that this sword profound world needs to be explored again."

Yu Feiya, the eldest princess of Dayu Xianchao, frowned at this moment, as if thinking of something, she couldn't help but sigh.

As soon as she said this, the powers of the various daoist forces immediately moved in their hearts, and they looked at each other one after another, feeling very likely.

In fact, they are not willing to believe that it was Gu Changge who killed their ancestors.

On the contrary, I would rather believe that their ancestors were trapped in the great world of Jianxuan for some reason and could not get out of the trap for the time being. .