Ch 649

Dark and deep mist surged in this space, filled with a breath of despair and silence.

Above the head, you can see the sky and stars flowing, and the chaos is boundless, like Tathagata to the end of the legendary Universe.

Many dark prisons are forged with unknown dark god gold, extremely solid, suspended in the surrounding void, up and down, and the gods are surging.

From time to time, purple thunder slammed down, causing the struggling cultivator creatures to groan and tremble.

Not to mention the land sword fairy, even if the enlightened person is imprisoned here, he would never want to break free.

This space is extremely vast, and the surroundings are endless, as if in an unknown latitude.

Everyone looked desperately at the fuzzy white figure in the distance, with extreme fear.

They had never imagined that the person who caused the final catastrophe of the Great Sword Profound World with one hand would be such a young man.

This is simply something that I dare not imagine, no matter who it is, anyone who understands the truth will tremble and fear, and the whole body will be cold.

In the center, a dark throne is suspended, and Gu Changge sits on it, his face is vague and ancient, revealing the indifference and majesty of a god.

His eyes fell, and he slowly swept across all the land sword immortals held here, and finally nodded gently.

In the past few days, the only remaining land sword immortal in the Great Jian Profound World was captured by Heavenly Dao's will and was detained here.

Except for some fish that missed the net that couldn't perceive the breath, there was almost nothing left out.

"Dare to ask your lord, when will this sacrifice begin?"

The black-haired middle-aged man transformed by Heavenly Dao's will is still his original burly and tall appearance.

However, in front of Gu Changge, he was still very respectful and fearful. After all, his life was held by him, and he could disperse it at any time.

Regarding Gu Changge's orders and arrangements, he also did not hesitate to refuse.

"Wait one more "six seven three", there are still some people who haven't arrived."

Gu Changge shook his head lightly. Although his eyes were calm and waveless, the depths of his eyes were completely indifferent, without the slightest mood swing.

"I see.

Heavenly Dao's will incarnation was silent and nodded.

At this moment, he even felt that Gu Changge was more like Heavenly Dao than him, indifferent and ruthless, and regarded everything as black dog ants.


As Gu Changge's sleeves flicked, the void in front of him became blurred, and then a picture emerged from it.

Everything that happened in the entire Jianxuan Great World was reflected and manifested here. Disasters swept everywhere, the sky fell apart, the sea dried up and the river dried up, and the eyes were full of sores.

Star fell from the sky, surrounded by red flames, smashing the ground continuously, and horrible pits and cracks appeared.

Many cultivator creatures didn't have time to escape. When they were hit by these Stars, they instantly turned into ashes and sludge, their form and spirit disappeared.

Hundreds of millions of sentient beings were wailing, watching the whole world continue to collapse and shrink, as if being held tightly by an invisible giant hand, and then slowly closed.

The sky was fragmented, the big pieces collapsed and fell off, the sacred fire surging, spreading to all parts of the earth, everything along the way was burned and turned into ashes.

This is a desperate and dark scene.

Even if it is a strong generation of Cultivation Base, at this juncture, he is still terrified and can only constantly think of ways to escape to the central area.

But when the collapsed area swept into the central area, this world was not far from destruction.

At that time everyone will die, no one is an exception.

In addition to the local cultivator creatures in the Jianxuan Great World who are fleeing for their lives, there are also the upper bound army who have descended on this world are fleeing.

The ancient warships turned into streamers, galloping through the universe at the speed of the universe, avoiding the turbulent flow of the void and the falling Star.

Heaven and earth collapsed, order and rules were broken, and there was an aura of destruction everywhere.

The most insecure area is Tianwai, and now the Universe tunnel that returns to the upper boundary is closed.

The only way for everyone to escape was to escape to the central area of ​​the Great Jianxuan World.

In other words, rescue the ancestors of various races trapped somewhere to see if there is a ray of hope for survival.

The black mist drifting from the unknown place spreads and envelopes, and many cultivators are swallowed by this black mist.

Soon, blood spurted from the mouth and nose, and quickly dried up, as if all the vitality and energy were swallowed, and turned into black mist nourishment.

This kind of black fog now covers every corner of Jianxuan's great world.

It is still surging towards the most central area at a terrifying speed, and there is almost no way to stop it.

"It seems that the only way now is to rescue the ancestors first, otherwise they will definitely be trapped in this realm and cannot return to the upper realm."

On the ancient warship, many figures stood tall, looking at it all with solemn expressions.

They still don't know Yu Feiya's purpose, but just want to take advantage of the chaos in this world to help the ancestors trapped in a certain place.

After all, only the power of an enlightened person has the opportunity to find the coordinates of the upper bound, reopen the Universe tunnel, and return to the upper bound safely.

Yu Feiya felt a little awe-inspiring, she seemed to turn a blind eye to the many conversations around her.

She looked at the horrible scene below, and felt lingering in her heart. This is the process of an ancient big world going to the extinction and collapse, like a terrifying black hole spreading and swallowing everything.

All the creature cultivators were buried in it.

Even though it was the ancient and fierce life in the deep sea, he could only let out a scream of unwillingness, and was swallowed by the turbulent flow of the void.

That kind of majestic power that belongs to the world rumbling down, even Star is as small as dust, let alone being a creature.

"I just hope that he can keep his promise and let us go, otherwise everyone will not be able to leave alive.

Yu Feiya sighed softly in her heart.

She is not sure whether Gu Changge can let them go, but following Gu Changge's orders is indeed the only way to survive.

"The place where the old emperor was trapped should be right in front. I hope you will work together to make a shot."

Soon, Yu Feiya rectified her mood, recovered her calm, and spoke to the powerful people of all races behind her.

The front is the central area of ​​Jianxuan Great World, and it is also the area that has not collapsed now.

Countless cultivators and creatures, like crazy, are swarming there, trying to find a ray of life.

Yu Feiya obeyed Gu Changge's arrangement and attracted the army of various orthodox forces here.

She had already guessed in her heart, foreseeing what would happen next, so she felt heart palpitations and fears.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe that such a harsh method would be the leader of the younger generation in the upper realm, the first person revered by countless young Tianjiao.

At the same time, in the central area of ​​Jianxuan Great World, in a magnificent and tall palace.

The Yi Jianxian, Xue Jianxian and others who were released back are also discussing matters with the only strong people in this world today.

In this palace, there is a square cast sword stand, surrounded by a variety of colorful sacrificial stones piled up, exuding a misty splendor.

A path was reflected in the dark, seeming to be pointing somewhere.

"It seems that the rest of the land sword immortals are being held there, and you can find them by following this path." A land sword immortal said with some excitement.

When Yi Jianxian and the others heard the words, they nodded and let out a long sigh of relief.

Before deducing that piece of space, they had made all preparations long ago, so after finding the path, the mighty army outside the palace rushed to follow everyone there to kill.

This is almost the most powerful force that can be assembled in the Great Sword Profound World today.

Everyone has the determination to fight Heavenly Dao's will.

"At that time, after seeing Master Gu from a distance outside the Guxuan site, I never saw him again."

"It seems that he should have returned to the upper realm. Maybe he will never see him again."

In the army, Princess Xuandie and A Qing were also there.

She looked into the shattered sky in the distance, and couldn't help but sigh lightly, seemingly regretful.

Three days ago, an old emperor who had lived in seclusion for a long time in the Nanming Dynasty was also arrested.

Before this, they didn't even know that there was such an old emperor ancestor who had entered the land sword fairyland in the Nanming Dynasty.

So this time to rescue the ancestor of the old emperor, the Nanming Dynasty mobilized almost all of its power, and even her princess could not be spared.

"This time the rescue of many land sword immortals, I am afraid that ten deaths will not be alive. Perhaps it was the last side on the ancient Xuan site at that time.

A touch of regret also appeared on A Qing's face, shook his head and said, hiding the emotion in his heart.

Which girl doesn't cherish spring?

She is no exception.

It's just that this admiration has never been revealed, and she also understands that this is impossible.

As far as Gu Changge is concerned, the original move was nothing more than a simple concealment.

The two are not in the same world at all, and if it weren't for that occasion, there would be no intersection.


The sound of the ancient trumpet sounded, and everyone's heart was surging and morale was uplifted.

The Great World Army of Jianxuan assembled, opened a way, and followed the path deduced to rescue the land sword fairy who was captured by Heavenly Dao's will.

Yi Jianxian, Xue Jianxian and others were the first to bear the brunt and set the way forward.

This is a terrifying force that cannot be underestimated. The sky is trembling, and the vast army covers the sky and the sun, sweeping everything.

The quantity is not said to be trillions, but there are definitely hundreds of billions.


The endless roaring sound, coming from far away, contains endless murderous aura, which seems to run through the past and the present, washing everything.

The mighty army finally came here, breaking through all the sights, and seeing the depth and darkness of this place.

Dark prisons are suspended, densely packed, and rules are intertwined, trapping all the land sword immortals that have been captured.

Around this space, clusters of dark and divine fire burned, extremely terrifying, refining the figure in the cage.


Everyone was stunned and stood there, unable to believe all this.

Xue Jianxian, Yi Jianxian and others were even more pale, covered with cold air, shaking constantly, feeling as if they had fallen into a terrifying layout.

"Is it finally here?"

In the dark and secluded space, Gu Changge sat on the throne, watching the scene in front of him, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth

And as his voice fell, from the depths of this space, a heavy click sounded, and a series of terrifying chains pierced through everything directly.

Then, these chains spread and spread, and each one is as thick as a mountain, as if cast with supreme immortal gold, with different colors, faintly gleaming Immortal brilliance, winding toward the heavens and the earth, as if to absorb the origin of this world. .

"My lord, did I do it too?"

Upon seeing this, Heavenly Dao's will is really stunned, and he hurriedly cupped hands.

He understands that Gu Changge is beginning to extract the origin of this world, and intends to sacrifice this world, and all living beings will become nourishment.

How difficult is the maturity of the origin of the world.

Even though he was struggling, he also found such a first-line opportunity, planning to take advantage of this time to break the seal, condense the origin of the world, and thus take the final step.

But I don't want all of this to be a wedding dress for Gu Changge.

"Do it."

Gu Changge said lightly, there was no mood swing deep in his eyes.

He is only condensing the origin of the world, as for the sacrifice of this world, it has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, even if there is a great reason, it will only fall on the Heavenly Dao will body.

Waiting for the origin of the world to get rid of Heavenly Dao's will is just a small matter for him.

The catastrophe came, Samsara from heaven and earth went back and forth, only to comply with the rules and order.

After countless years, this world will reopen in chaos, and everything will be bred again. After all, this is Samsara.

"If this is the case, then it will begin. I have waited for this day. I have also waited for too long.

Hearing that, Heavenly Dao's will body has a sense of sorrow, looking at everything that is full of despair and destruction, he begins to hold the power of Heavenly Dao, pushes the millstone of annihilation, and rolls down and crushes it down.

The endless black fog diffused out from here, covering thousands of miles of territory in an instant.

At this moment, the Great World of Jian Xuan finally came to an end.

The world-destroying millstone is infinitely large, without seeing the edge, it rumbling down from the horizon, pushing slowly, obliterating all traces and rules.

All cultivators and creatures are wailing, shattering and decayed, and they want to return to the ruins to become everything. The black blood is all over the sky, like a fierce hell on earth.

"What exactly is this?"

Among the upper realm army, there was panic at this time, and everyone was shocked.

Even the quasi emperor exists, is crushed by this kind of aura, and then immersed in the black mist, after wailing, he chooses to blew himself up, wanting to get rid of it.

This is a terrifying scene of extinction.

Suddenly, ancient sacrificial texts lighted up in all directions.

With blood rushing into the sky, screams and despair filled the sky, large-scale movies of cultivators and creatures, too late to escape, all turned into energy into the earth.

The bizarre sacrificial texts were ignited, turned into lines, and spread to all directions.

The mountain peaks collapsed, the earth collapsed, and the sky ruptured. This is an astonishing sight.

At the same time, there were texts flickering in the pitch-black virtual space, like immortal gold imprints, even more dazzling than Star.

This is an ancient sacrificial text.

In ancient times, the ancestors used sacrifices to sacrifice the words recited when they went to heaven. 3.7

At this time, everyone heard the sound of chanting between the heavens and the earth, vicissitudes and ancient times, as if they had crossed the epoch, with gods and demons sitting on the edge of the sky, huge and boundless, compassionate all beings.

"Rescuing the ancestors of all races is completely decoy, attracting us all, taking advantage of the closure of the two realms, and using everyone's lives to ignite the sacrifice."

"With the help of the sacrificial text, sacrifice one party's strongest world to nourish this place.

"This is too cruel, taking everyone as the nourishment to nourish other things! What is this for?"

On the ancient warships, all the cultivators in the upper realm looked dull, their faces pale and horrified, and they were extremely shocked and desperate.

Even the quasi emperor was trembling with fear and fear to the extreme.

"You…" Ding Yu Feiya, who looked calm, the hearts of many strong people were furious, full of anger and hatred after being deceived.

"I'm only following orders. Don't blame me, you guys."

Looking at the extinct milling pan that gradually descended towards this place, Yu Feiya stood on the ancient battleship, her expression particularly calm.

Many people suddenly understood Yu Feiya's actions, this is completely set up to attract everyone!

Until now, it is truly not working for the earth and the earth every day, and no one can save them!

Even if the upper world knew what was going on here, he couldn't come to rescue him.

They were cold and sacrificed to a big world in order to nourish something. This kind of thing actually happened before the ancient era.

But it was the Immortal Lord who fell into the darkness to do this kind of damaging thing, because it would be backlashed by the heavens and the earth.

Especially in the ancient world of Jianxuan Great World where luck is terrifying, backlash is even more terrifying.

Zhenxian probably couldn't bear it, it was hard to imagine.

No one thought that this trip to the Lower Realm would turn out to be a dead end, and everyone would turn into nourishment. .