Ch 650

"Whose order are you obeying, so that you can lead me to wait here?"

On the ancient battleship, all the powerhouses in the upper realm were full of cold, their faces were terrified, and they were killing Feiya, with murderous aura and anger.

At this time, the stupid people also reacted. It was a fake to rescue the ancestors of all races, and it was true to draw all of them here to prevent them from returning to the upper realm before the tunnel tunnel of the Universe was closed.

At this point, I am afraid that everyone will be buried here, following the creatures of this world and turning them into the nourishment of sacrifices.

Yu Feiya has an elegant face and a slender figure, standing on top of an ancient warship.

At this moment, there was an exceptional tranquility, his hair danced lightly, his face was like jade, and he was so beautiful.

She looked into the deep dark place, and then smiled softly, "As of now, you still can't see, who is behind the scenes leading all this?"

"Do you mean Gu Changge?"

"It's him!"

"It's definitely him. Apart from him, no one has the courage to bear such a big karmic fire and sin."

Hearing this, many ancient quasi-emperors were taken aback for a moment, and then reacted, their complexions changed drastically, with fear and disbelief.

They concluded almost instantly that Feiya Yu was working for Gu Changge.

Even if this sword profound world had counted against Deva, they didn't dare to count everyone like that, so after thinking about it, they thought of Gu Changge.

Since the Guxuan site disappeared, Gu Changge has never appeared again, and no one knows whether he has returned to the upper realm.

No one can do all this except Gu Changge!

"Why does he want to do this? Isn't he afraid of this big Karma?"

"How dare he!"

On the ancient warship, the expressions of the many young princes who have not left this world are also full of horror.

They don't want to die here. There is a great future and a glorious future waiting for them. They will be enlightened in the future, overlooking the ages, and invincible.

Now this world will be destroyed and catastrophe will come. Even if they have great talents, they will die here and turn into dust.

Yu Feiya gently shook her head, looking at the group of young supreme, with a little pity.

Now they still don't understand, this is not a question of dare to dare.

But the level of the two is different now. In the eyes of Gu Changge, everyone is no different from the ants.

It's just that he has become a further tool on the road.

Originally, when he was in the upper realm, Gu Changge didn't dare to show it like this, but in this sword profound world, is there anything he dared not do?

"In that case, the ancestors of the various races who disappeared before were actually killed by Gu Changge?

"The old emperor ancestor of your Dayu Immortal Dynasty was also killed by him, so why do you want to be a tiger?"

Many people were furious, their words were filled with fear and despair 24, completely unable to understand Yu Feiya's actions.

In spite of such a big hatred, she helped to listen to Gu Changge's words and draw the various orthodox troops here.

What is this intention?

However, Yu Feiya had no intention of answering everyone's words.

She lifted Xiugu and looked at the sky, the terrifying and vast aura of extinction was slowly falling.

Even if countless bright runes rushed up from the many ancient warships around here, they turned into surging energy, trying to resist, it was futile.

Everything is rapidly collapsing and disintegrating, and countless runes are wiped out.

The terrifying world-destroying millstones are so big that they lie across the sky and the earth, entwined with hundreds of millions of red glow, slowly rolling down.

The void burst, the skyfire meteors, falling constantly, burning everything into ashes.

Ancient warships tried to flee, but were quickly swept by the fluctuations.

In the panic and desperation of everyone, their bodies continued to crack, swept by the fire, and then burned out, including the spirits, turned into ashes.

Even the Great World of Jianxuan is collapsing, all the void is shattering every inch, the earth is overturned, and the volcano erupts.

Cultivator creatures don't even want to survive in this one.

In all directions of the world, the ancient sacrificial texts are lit, and there are ancient gods and demons sitting in the end of the world in a trance, chanting the death of all living beings.

These scenes were too horrified, and the thick dark fog came and blocked all the light.

"Light the sacrificial text, sacrifice everyone, and then condense the origin of this world.

"It seems that this is his ultimate goal."

Yu Feiya sighed softly and watched the ancient warships collapsed rapidly beside her, the masks were torn apart, and then shattered like broken eggs.

This kind of power cannot be prevented by manpower.

I am afraid that only real immortals can contend?

"This this "

"What the hell is this place?"

At the same time, in that deep and dark space, the mighty Sword Profound World Army descended, broke through all obstacles, and finally saw here.

But when everyone saw those horrible dark cages, they were all stunned. They couldn't help trembling, they were chilling, and they were frightened to the extreme.

Looking around, the dark cages seem to be suspended in the deepest The Underworld, surrounded by the aura of destruction, the black mist is surging, and the edge is invisible, which makes the heart tremble.

"That's a master of my Kongshan, he was arrested here."

"Master, I'm here to save you!"

In the army, a middle-aged man in a Taoist robe trembled and recognized the figure held in the cage not far away.

That was the master who was taken away by the scarlet chain that fell from the sky a few days ago. Cultivation Base has been in the land sword fairy for many years, and has not been able to get out of Closed Door Training.

But now, that figure was as thin as a wood, surrounded by a black sacred fire, let out a silent howl, and his eyes were extremely desperate and fearful.

In addition, in the surrounding cages, everyone gradually saw their familiar figure.

Even Yi Jianxian, Xue Jianxian and others have changed their expressions. They have seen many old acquaintances who were once tortured and unconscious.

This place is like the legendary Jiuyou The Underworld, with despair and destruction, everyone is shuddering.

"These cages can't be broken, they have terrible Restrictions on them."

Someone saw this and tried to rescue the many land sword celestial being held in the cage, but before they could get close, they were chopped into ashes by the silver lightning that fell from the depths of the darkness, and even screamed. Too late to issue.

Yi Jianxian and the others were all awe-inspiring, and hurriedly asked everyone to stop, not daring to touch them again.

Even the Land Sword Immortal who was imprisoned in it had no way to get out of the trap, and those who came from the outside world, I am afraid, even more so.

"Then what to do, do you just watch the seniors being trapped in it and tortured?"

Princess Xuandie saw her old emperor in a dark prison, who also looked miserable and unhuman. She couldn't bear it and couldn't help but ask.

"It's definitely impossible to open it hard. Since they were caught here by Heavenly Dao's will, there must be a way to save them."

"The top priority now is to find Heavenly Dao's will and destroy or seal it."

Xue Jianxian gently shook his head, and signaled Princess Xuandie, A Qing and others not to worry.

Seeing that her master had said so, Princess Xuandie did not continue to ask, but for some reason, she was always a little disturbed.

Although this place has gathered all the power and strong people that the Great Sword Profound World can gather.

But the feeling of danger and uneasiness is always lingering in my heart.

"I heard that you are looking for where I am?"

And at this moment, in the depths of this deep space, there suddenly rang out terrifying indifferent words with majestic majesty.

The void shuddered, and the mighty silver thunder fell from the sky, like a dragon that would destroy the world, sweeping the world.

A tall and indifferent figure emerged, with thick black hair and deep eyes, surrounded by a vague world light, like the god of all worlds.

He stepped out of the silver thunder sea, and his terrifying aura made everyone in this place look distorted, almost suffocating.

"Heavenly Dao's will ontology?"

During this period of time, Yi Jianxian looked through many classics, so he concluded at first glance that the figure in front of him was definitely the Heavenly Dao will that they had been struggling to pursue.

At the beginning, they would also contend against the hope of Heavenly Demon outside the territory and put it on him.

But never thought that Heavenly Dao's will is more indifferent and terrifying than Heavenly Demon outside the realm, and even intends to destroy the world and destroy this world.

"This person is trying to destroy this world, the world that once gave birth to countless cultivator creatures.

The rest of the land Sword Fairy also looked solemn, staring at the manifested figure.

"As long as he is obliterated or sealed, all of this can be restored to its original state." Someone snarled, with a strong hatred in his eyes.

There is hatred and anger in everyone's eyes, murderous, and want to shatter this world.

They don't know why Heavenly Dao will destroy all this, and they don't want to know.

For them, this is the person in front of them who wants to destroy their homes and their relatives and friends.

Today's Jianxuan Great World will become like this, and the talent in front of him is the culprit.

"The humble ants have become the nourishment offerings of this world. It is your last honour. You still want to resist."

Heavenly Dao's will body swept over everyone, his face was very cold, completely different from the look of fear when he was in front of Gu Changge.

Even if it is an enlightened person, it seems to him that it is nothing more than that, let alone such a group of land sword fairies in front of him, it is no different from ants.

"Since the ancestors can seal you, I can wait too!"

"You should underestimate us, evil will conquer righteousness, man will conquer heaven!"

An old-fashioned Land Sword Fairy shouted, shining brightly all over, Sword Qi screamed, tens of thousands of Dao, cut towards Heavenly Dao's will body, wanting to fight him desperately.


The rest of the land sword immortals here were also angry, turning into streamers, and killing them forward.

The mighty murderous aura swept across this space, like a swooping sea.

"There is a special power in our body. As long as we work together, we can definitely defeat Heavenly Dao.

Yi Jianxian was also glowing, and the heavenly spirit was shining brightly. Sword Qi was bitter, a blue Taoist sword bloomed endless brilliance in his hand, and it seemed that a sword could calm the sky and destroy all things.

For a time, the immeasurable army was killed, the number was hundreds of billions, the terrible light was blooming, and the massive runes were intertwined, permeating the strong breath.

The blood and bones of everyone are shining brightly, and the spirit and spirit contained in the deepest part of the soul are all aroused, and they are going to fight the Heavenly Dao will body to the death.

This is a torrent of water bursting its dyke, the breath of mountains and rivers rewinding, overwhelming the world, breaking all rules.

The dark prisons suspended here are also shivering constantly, as if they are about to fall.

"It's this damn ancestor symbol again

Seeing this scene, Heavenly Dao's will body's complexion finally changed a little, not as casual as just now.

He actually suffered such a loss a long, long time ago.

The creatures in the Great World of Sword and Profound Realm contain innate spirit swords.

This talented spirit sword is actually a Xiantian ancestor symbol from an extremely ancient period.

That Xiantian Ancestral Talisman is extremely mysterious in the world, and some people say it is the gate of all wonders, the image of sentient beings, which can evolve everything, but no one knows exactly what it is.

However, that ancestral charm later did not know why, it shattered in a day, turned into countless pieces, flew to all directions, and merged into the blood of the heaven and the earth.

The ancestor of the Ancient Profound God Dynasty also discovered this secret, and only then did the power of all beings gather together to destroy the sky and seal him.

"Even if we can seal me again, but what's the use?"

"When you discover the truth, you will only be more desperate. All this is already doomed, and there will be no possibility of any change."

"Even I am just a pawn, and in the end I just make a wedding dress.

Heavenly Dao said indifferently, the big black hand was in the air, and a terrifying big grinding disc appeared behind him. Among them, six portals shone with brilliance and infinite mystery emerged.

This is the manifestation of Heavenly Dao's authority.

The extinction millstone was crushed, and all the rules and orders that rushed in were quickly shattered.

Among them, six portals opened, like six ancient fierce demons who opened their huge mouths, which can swallow the universe and destroy all the Sword Rays that have been killed.

Although it feels strange that Heavenly Dao's words of will, at this time, everyone can no longer take care of that much, and they are supported by a killing intent in their hearts!

Yi Jianxian, Xue Jianxian and others were all killed in madness, with hatred in their eyes. Regardless of them, it is bound to die with Heavenly Dao's will today.

This is an absolutely overwhelming power gap. When the big black hand falls, it is like a huge wave shot from the deep ocean.

The blockbuster cultivator bursts into pieces when it can't even hum, turns into a blood mist, disappears in appearance, and turns into majestic energy, blending into this space.

This battle was extremely fierce and lasted for too long and too long.

Everyone was slaying in fear of death, but he couldn't even touch the robe of Heavenly Dao's will body.

At the back, many people are even desperate and can't see the slightest vitality.

"Kill!" Yi Jianxian and others had already red eyes, and their bodies were covered with scars and blood.

They roared away, putting life and death aside. At this moment, their spirits and spirits faintly made resonance sounds, as if there was a mountain torrent flowing and the sea roaring.

Everyone's blood seems to be connected together, running through Xiaohan, like the legendary Galaxy Cluster, it is extremely magnificent.


A vague ancient god, wearing an animal skin dress and holding an ancient stone tool, was condensed and emerged at this moment, extremely tall, as if eating and standing on the top of a dark cloud, trying to kill him with Heavenly Dao's will.

"The ancestor talisman is re-transformed?" Heavenly Dao's volition changed, and he once again saw the scene that once suppressed him.

Yi Jianxian and the others were also stunned. Unexpectedly, at this time, they would be able to summon such a world-famous figure. The breath that swallowed forever is really heartbreaking.

However, they didn't have time to think too much. The world-famous figure that appeared in front of them had already fought with Heavenly Dao's will.

In just an instant, even more terrifying fluctuations swept across, directly penetrating this space, allowing them to see the tragic scene of the outside world of Sword Profound Realm.

Countless rituals ignited everywhere, and all the dead cultivators turned 673 into surging energy and became sacrifices to this world.

"The power that sealed Heavenly Dao's will originally came from this. It seems that this is the key to the origin of the world.

"The so-called sacrifices are just an introduction."

Gu Changge stood in the deepest part of this space, watching all this from a distance, his expression did not fluctuate.

In his opinion, this condensed and world-class figure is obviously the origin that permeates this world.

The next moment, he raised his palm and fell, and suddenly there was a huge world sound reverberating, covering thousands of miles.


Roots of terrifying and stout chains traverse the world, passing through this universe, and seem to be rooted in the deepest part of this world.

At the back, on these chains, dazzling and bright runes began to appear.

Groups of rules and orders, turned into brilliance, are wrapped by it, and are drawn from all sides of the world.

Above all the chains, there is a group of shining radiance, only the size of a fist, but there is a world-like atmosphere of pound and phosphorus surging up and down, which can collapse forever.

"The origin of the world is in its rudimentary form, but it's still not good enough. Maybe it's so right.

Gu Changge looked at the radiant light on the top of these chains, shook his head lightly, and then took a step from this space.

As he walked, a deep and dark avenue stretched, engulfing many dark prisons on both sides.

Many of the detained persons were swallowed up in an instant, and there was nothing left.

The vast energy, guided by the sacrificial text, gathered here.

In the depths of the space, the world-famous figure who was fighting with Heavenly Dao's will, was also affected by this dark atmosphere at this moment, the figure became blurred, and it was difficult to continue to condense.

"Do not "

And at the moment when he sensed this breath approaching, Heavenly Dao's expression of will suddenly changed, a little angry and unwilling.

"You promised me that as long as I do things for you, you won't erase my spirit and wisdom."

He understood Gu Changge's intentions for the first time, staring at the dark depths with almost distorted expression, showing fear and anger.

Everyone in the Great Jianxuan World, including Yi Jianxian and Xue Jianxian, watched this scene in shock, completely wondering what happened.

Why did Heavenly Dao, who happened to kill this worldly figure, make such a desperate and unwilling voice?

Such a voice really made them horrified and shuddered. This is how much unwillingness and deep despair it contains.

"I never said that I would let you go. You seem to think too much, not to mention that you have to bear the Karma that you should bear.

"You don't let me continue to retain your value now."

Gu Changge shook his head lightly, with a look of regret, and his figure walked out of the darkness slowly.

He spoke lightly, as if he was only expounding a simple fact.

But the information contained in the words made everyone cold and terrified to the extreme, and even the soul seemed to be frozen.

Yi Jianxian, Xue Jianxian, Princess Xuandie and others were even more sluggish, and they couldn't believe what was in front of them.

"I'll catch everyone for you, and bear all Karma for you. After everything is done, you cross the river and demolish the bridge like this. You are so cruel."

Seeing that Gu Changge didn't let go of own meaning, Heavenly Dao laughed sorrowfully, full of resentment and unwillingness, and his body was constantly collapsing, turning into a rain of light and dissipating.

Originally, his life and death were controlled by Gu Changge.

Now Gu Changge only needs a thought to destroy his will and return to the dust.

Even if he controls the Heavenly Dao authority, has the magic power and mighty power, it is useless.