Ch 659

"From today, Dayu is about to change ownership."

Yu Huang's face changed drastically, his whole body was cold, only his limbs were cold, and his hands and feet were cold.

Standing in the heavy fog, the whole person didn't dare to move at all.

He looked at Gu Changge who was walking slowly, his soul seemed to be frozen, his breathing was about to breathe, his hair was almost horrified.

Before that, he had never doubted Gu Changge, and even intended to let his daughter Yu Feiya approach him.

But he never expected that Gu Changge would show up at this moment and say such things.

Did he arrange for the men in black who just assaulted Gu Changge?

Even the serious injury is actually just a disguise, in order to cover people's eyes and ears?

Thinking of these things, Yu Huang really felt his scalp numb, and couldn't help but Yan Li.

Even though he was the lord of Immortal Immortal Dynasty, he was terrified. What kind of horrible means was this to control all this in secret.

"I didn't expect Gu Changge to be behind you."

"It seems that this recent chaos was all driven by you?"

"You are the black hand behind the scenes? You hide so deeply, I really can't think of it, I can't think of it

"Gu Changge, you are the greatest disaster in the upper realms of the heavens!"

After all, Huang Yu was not an ordinary person. After the miserable laugh, he quickly calmed himself down, looked at Yu Tianzheng and Gu Changge, and said in a deep "six seven seven".

He knew that with Gu Changge's character, since he dared to show up so openly, he must be confident and not worried about his escape.

He guessed that the battle tonight was more ill-informed.

Gu Changge's strength is so strong that he can even fight the will of Heavenly Dao, who is close to the immortal. It is easy to kill him if he wants to kill him.

Unless he can fully resuscitate the state-suppressing device in his hand, he won't want to contend with Gu Changge.

"It seems that you are not stupid. Da Yu should have been handed over to me long ago."

Yu Tianzheng quickly swallowed a few magical medicines to restore his injuries, and his body was shining brightly, his breath quickly recovered, and he couldn't help but sneer.

Gu Changge appeared here, in his opinion, everything will be a foregone conclusion, there will be no surprises.

Even if Emperor Yu still has great means, he will also hate it and splash the sky with blood.

"Sure enough, you have already taken refuge in Gu Changge, are you planning to give Dayu's territory, cupped hands to him?"

Hearing this, Yu Huang's face was extremely angry, and the words were a little bit incontrovertible, and more still unwilling.

If Gu Changge hadn't interfered with this battle, he had now killed Yu Tianzheng, so why did so many things happen?

In the final analysis, he was too stupid for all this.

Gu Changge's eyes were deep and indifferent. He just shook his head slightly and said, "Do you want to commit suicide, or do you want me to do it?"

"I believed Feiya's words a long time ago."

Yu Huang's face was ugly, and he was very regretful, thinking of what Yu Feiya had reminded him to be careful of Gu Changge.

Since Gu Changge pretended to be severely injured, then what happened in the Great Sword Profound World might also be quite secretive.

It is also a mystery how the enlightened people of various races were destroyed.

"It is useless to say more, I will kill you today. No one can save you."

Yu Tianzheng screamed angrily, and the blood all over his body burned and boiled again, endless runes emerged, and he was about to kill Yu Huang again.


The place exploded again, and the vast fluctuations seemed to repeat the universe.

"Kill! I'll fight you today!"

Yu Huang knew that he couldn't escape death today, so he roared, and the endless blood rushed out, planning to do his best to revive the Zhen Guo Dao Sword.

The endless Sword Ray seemed to split the darkness, diffused out here, and slashed directly into the sky.

In the depths of the sky, the chaos and dragon aura permeated, and the swords and Taoism beamed out infinite light.

The edge is looming, the ups and downs, like the suppression of the emperor's spirit in the beginning of the opening of the world, to protect the emperor Yu.

This is a treasure of the kingdom belonging to the Dayu Immortal Dynasty. The sacrifice is very special, and it is not much better than the immortal implement.

Now the deity among them was awakened with blood by Emperor Yu, shining brilliantly, covering the Eight Wastes, wanting to recover and step out, kill all enemies, and suppress the world.


However, the next moment, a simple and mysterious rune flew out of the void, and the power of the great avenue permeated it, like a black hole swallowing the sky, directly causing the sword of the town to tremble.

The movement of the deity that is about to recover is gradually sinking.

"What exactly is this "

Huang Yu was horrified, and his voice contained fear. No matter what method he used, it was futile to awaken the gods who contacted him.

This method is simply unpredictable and unimaginable.

"It seems that death is approaching. Are you still thinking about resisting?

Gu Changge's voice was indifferent, he lifted his palm up, and his eyes were deep, as if it contained a vast sea star field, which was not bottomed out.

The void in front suddenly burst, the endless wind rushed out, the chaotic light exploded, shattering all tangible things.

Yu Tianzheng was full of cold, feeling insignificant and humble.

Is this the true strength of Gu Changge?

He was extremely horrified, and he deeply understood what despair was.


Yu Huang was desperate to split his heart, roared out loud, there were billions of dragon energy hovering around him, the sea of ​​law was boiling, and the patterns on the sleeves of his robe were all about to revive. Come out and fight this strike.

However, facing Gu Changge's palm, he still looked feeble and pale, but Shi then collapsed and turned into dust in the sky.

This is an absolute suppression and a chasm, just like the separation between the immortal and common.


The blood in the sky diffused here, and was quickly swallowed by the surrounding fog, and annihilated in it.

Yu Huang's incomparable despair, under this palm, even if he tried all means, it was broken and exploded.

Including the spirit, it was turned into ashes and ceased to exist.

As the lord of the Dayu Immortal Dynasty, he has a lot of life-saving things, especially with the bodyguard of the Zhen Guodao sword, Xiantian is invincible.

It's a pity that he met Gu Changge. This battle was doomed long ago, and there will be no surprises.

"Thank you, Master Gu for the shot."

Yu Tian's front was flushed. It was because of excitement that his whole body was trembling constantly.

Although he didn't kill Yu Huang personally, it was enough for him to watch Yu Huang fall in front of him with his own eyes.

The hatred for so many years has finally come to an end.

Gu Changge's expression hasn't been very disturbed.

Killing Yu Huang casually will not have any impact on him. Except for the influence of his identity, it is no different from squeezing an ant to death.

Although Huang Yu had the sword of the national road, he was only in the realm of quasi-emperor, and he had never entered the ranks of enlightened people.

"For the rest, don't let me down."

Gu Changge glanced at Yu Tianzheng lightly, and his figure disappeared quickly, as if he had never appeared before.

Dayu's chaos is now the beginning, he just pushes everything secretly.

With the fall of Emperor Yu, disasters in various places will be endless. It is also the opportunity for Yu Tianzheng to stand up and take the opportunity to control all directions.

Except Yu Tianzheng, no one knows what happened tonight, let alone that Huang Yu died tragically at his hands.

For the outside world, Gu Changge is now wounded on his body, and he has also been attacked and killed by an unknown man in black.

How could it be related to the killing of Emperor Yu?

No one will connect this matter to him to speculate.

"Gu Gongzi, please don't worry, leave the rest to me." Yu Tianzheng nodded very cautiously, and said in the direction of Gu Changge's departure.

Afterwards, his eyes swept across the many things left in front of him feverishly.

Yu Huang's body fell, and the Zhen Guo Dao sword and other things left behind naturally fell into his hands. After all, he and Yu Huang Suxiu's Cultivation Technique are of the same origin, and naturally can control this sword.

Therefore, other cultivators, even those who are enlightened, would never want to take away the treasure of the Dayu Xianchao.

Gu Changge will definitely not take these things away.

On the one hand, he is not lacking, and on the other hand, taking away these things may expose his actions, which will do more harm than good.

"That's the best. It seems that those in black clothes were arranged by Young Master Gu."

"In this way, it also fulfilled me. Many people will definitely guess that it was arranged by Emperor Yu and there is no proof." Yu Tianzheng looked through the fog, slowly sweeping below, with a sneer on his face.

The fluctuations in the battle here have long been wiped out by Gu Changge, so even if the enlightened person personally traces back with the secret method, it is impossible to detect anything.

In this way, it can give everyone an illusion that he used some terror method to kill Yu Huang.

Chick chick…

In all directions, the fog is still filling and rolling turbulently.

It came from nowhere, covering the sky of the imperial capital and the five senses of the cultivator.

At this time, even those who are enlightened can hardly see the scene clearly, and are inexplicably horrified.

The rest of the cultivator had long felt that they were plunged into darkness. They couldn't see their fingers. They only wanted to escape far away, without knowing what was going on.

However, after the fall of Emperor Yu Huang, there was a vision after all, and a rain of blood sprinkled from the depths of the sky.

Many terrifying sights were reflected in the sky above Dayu, the gods and demons cried together, the fairy Buddha kowtows, the stars ruined and the moon sinks.

As the emperor of Dayu's generation, his own life is closely related to the belief in the luck of the hundreds of millions of cultivator creatures in Dayu's immortal dynasty.

At this moment, countless cultivator creatures in the imperial capital were all stunned, even wondering if what they saw was an illusion.

All the emperor's 3.7 sons and princesses were also dumbfounded, their heads buzzing.

"How is this possible

"Your Majesty, has he fallen?"

Some ministers who had reacted were dull, their voices filled with fear and sadness, and they couldn't believe that all this was true.

In their opinion, there will be no suspense in this battle. Even Emperor Yu can easily kill Yu Tianzheng.

What's more, Huang Yu also arranged for him to come back.

How could he fall?

For a moment, there was a sorrowful voice in Dayu's imperial capital. Everyone couldn't believe that their invincible emperor had fallen into this battle and was killed by competitors for hundreds of years. Both form and spirit are destroyed.

Many people were yelling, regretting it to the extreme, and even almost fainted.

The cultivator creatures of the various orthodox forces are also shocked, and their moods are extremely complex.

Who would have thought that the outcome of this battle would be like this?

"How did the father fall? It's impossible…"

Yu Feiya's face turned pale, her fingers clenched tightly, and she made a crisp sound because of too much force.

Although Emperor Yu was extremely selfish, he only valued the interests of the royal family and regarded her as a bargaining chip.

But he is still her father, and the courtyard is now so dizzy, she almost can't stand steady. .